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海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Automating Talend Jobs Using Apache Airflow . |
Automating Talend Jobs Using Apache Airflow Table Of ContentsIntroduction to Talend and Apache Airflow Prerequisite for Setting up a Talend and creating an ETL pipeline Exporting Talend job as a bash script for automation in AirflowApache airflow introduction dags tasks and operatorsScheduling of ETL jobs Conclusion IntroductionWelcome to our new article on the automation of Tasks Talend is an open source data integration platform that helps connect data from various sources virtually and perform ETL or ELT pipelines to your destination such as Data warehouses Talend provides a wide range of capabilities such as data integration data quality data management and data governance Apache Airflow on the other hand is an open source platform developed by Airbnb for authoring scheduling and monitoring data workflows Airflow helps us automate tasks easily by defining complex workflows as DAGS Direct Acyclic Graphs with a defined schedule without manually triggering them as we do in Talend Prerequisites of Setting up Talend and creating an ETL pipeline In order to follow easily and get to know how we migrate data from databases to a Data warehouse it is important to check out Part of setting up Talend Open Studio here completes the full ETL we did and sets you up with the following on this project Without getting into the nitty gritty of the task we will start showing you how to export your ETL workflow as a standalone executable Bash Script Exporting Jobs in Talend Steps In Talend Studio Right click on the job and navigate to “Export Items Select “Archive file then check the button on “Export dependencies Click on “Finish as shown below and navigate to the Talend workspace to locate the file We now locate our files in the folder we will use only the bash file labeled by “ sh See the below snapshot Our Talend part is now complete We move our bash file to the airflow folder Airflow IntroductionWithout getting into the nitty gritty of the airflow let s get our hands dirty In order to set up understand more about Apache Airflow and work on Big data projects use this link which helps set up everything A DAG is a workflow representation where tasks are represented as nodes and directed edges define the dependencies between tasks Each node corresponds to a specific task and may be associated with operators that dictate how the task is executed The DAG helps visualize the task relationships and their execution order during workflow design However during task execution a workflow management system interprets the DAG and automatically orchestrates the tasks based on their dependencies ensuring They are executed correctly DAGs are widely used for workflow automation and task scheduling in Python Now let s dive into the scripts to automate our tasks In our case we will be using a bash operator since our file is a “ sh bash file In your dags folder create a python file named datamigrate py Import the following libraries as we ll use them Dag id We name what the dag does Schedule interval in this case we set our tasks to migrate and run every Wednesday at PM Start date set to be th July We now need to set task to execute our script BashOperator in airflow we use it because we are using a bash file Task id since we can define multiple tasks we need to document each so that we can refer to them in our execution Bash command absolute path to the bash file Once we run our dag we get our data ingestion into a target data warehouse in Postgres For the execution of airflow kindly use this article as it explains it in detail We have successfully automated our tasks You can also use this to do more automation in different domains ConclusionIn conclusion we have gone through how we can use Talend as our ETL tool to extract data from Microsoft SQL Server to a Postgres data warehouse We later automated the data lineage using airflow so that we didn t have to check on it manually while considering auditing and logging In a nutshell you are now able to automate manual tasks in Python Happy Learning |
2023-08-03 23:36:56 |
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