AWS Database Blog |
Analyze Amazon DocumentDB workloads with Performance Insights |
Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility is a fast reliable and fully managed database service Amazon DocumentDB makes it easy to set up operate and scale MongoDB API compatible databases in the cloud With Amazon DocumentDB you can run the same application code and use the same drivers and tools that you use with MongoDB API Performance Insights adds to the existing Amazon DocumentDB monitoring features to illustrate your cluster performance and help you analyze any issues that affect it With the Performance Insights dashboard you can visualize the database load and filter the load by waits query statements hosts or application Performance Insights is included with Amazon DocumentDB instances and stores seven days of performance history in a rolling window at no additional cost |
2023-09-07 18:43:46 |
AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Optimize equipment performance with historical data, Ray, and Amazon SageMaker |
In this post we will build an end to end solution to find optimal control policies using only historical data on Amazon SageMaker using Ray s RLlib library To learn more about reinforcement learning see Use Reinforcement Learning with Amazon SageMaker |
2023-09-07 18:31:07 |
AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Enable pod-based GPU metrics in Amazon CloudWatch |
This post details how to set up container based GPU metrics and provides an example of collecting these metrics from EKS pods |
2023-09-07 18:14:26 |
AWS Media Blog |
AWS for Media & Entertainment launches new Monetization solution area |
Today ahead of and aligned with our presence at IBC Amazon Web Services AWS is launching an AWS for Media amp Entertainment AWS for M amp E solution area focused on monetization Through a combination of purpose built AWS services and Partner offerings AWS monetization solutions for M amp E enable customers to simplify and modernize their advertising licensing |
2023-09-07 18:57:25 |
Program |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】【CodeCatalyst】ブループリントのAWS Glue ETLをやってみた+α |
awscodecatalyst,athena,awsglueetl |
2023-09-08 03:26:40 |
海外TECH |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's Entrepreneur Camp application window is now open |
Apple has opened applications for its annual Entrepreneur Camp and has expanded its outreach to include Indigenous developers Apple s Entrepreneur Camp offers an advanced technology lab for underrepresented founders and developers with mobile app based businesses The program aims to promote diversity inclusivity and innovative ideas in the tech industry Research shows that founders from underrepresented communities face unique challenges especially when starting and leading technology companies Apple s Entrepreneur Camp page reads Read more |
2023-09-07 18:56:27 |
海外TECH |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
China's iPhones ban seen as effort to restrict Apple's access to market |
A Congressman has commented that he is not surprised by China s new ban on iPhones for state employees but it does not believe that this measure is linked to security concerns iPhone Pro MaxChina has recently imposed a new policy for the safety of its central government office workers As part of this policy employees cannot use their iPhones for work or even bring them into the building Read more |
2023-09-07 18:29:22 |
科学 |
NYT > Science |
81st Street Studio, a Garden of Artful Delight |
The to year old crowd can sample music rest on scented pillows make digital woodblock prints and study Met museum objects at this new drop in center |
2023-09-07 18:02:07 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
3分でわかる! フッサール『現象学の理念』 - 読破できない難解な本がわかる本 |
フッサール,おすすめ,エッセンス |
2023-09-08 03:57:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【マンガ】「もう下火?」と思った人は乗り遅れる!? メタバースで上がる株!『恋する株式相場!』からホイチョイ流解説を紹介 - マンガ 恋する株式相場! 今から始める! 新時代の投資術 |
インターネット,ダイヤモンドzai,ダイヤモンド社 |
2023-09-08 03:54:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「子どもの国語力」を高めるために最初にやるべきこと・ベスト1 - 中学受験を目指す保護者からよく質問される「子育てQ&A」 |
qampampa,vamos,エリート |
2023-09-08 03:51:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【マンション保有者、必読】耐震調査は受けないほうがいい? 不動産のリアルをぶっちゃけます! - 大量に覚えて絶対忘れない「紙1枚」勉強法 |
マンション,ぶっちゃけ,耐震調査 |
2023-09-08 03:48:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
タクシー運転手はインボイス登録すべき? メリット・デメリットを解説! - 【インボイス対応版】ひとり社長の経理の基本 |
タクシー運転手,インボイス,デメリット |
2023-09-08 03:45:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ダイエットを阻む「糖質依存」医師が解説する痩せるための秘訣 - 医者が教えるダイエット 最強の教科書 |
ダイエット,思い込み,糖質制限 |
2023-09-08 03:42:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
直木賞作家が拝み倒して連れて行ってもらった歴史小説の舞台 - 教養としての歴史小説 |
おすすめ,インストラクター,ジャンル |
2023-09-08 03:39:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
SONYのウォークマンは「エフェクチュエーション」で創造され、「コーゼーション」で進化した - エフェクチュエーション |
sony,インパクト,ウォークマン |
2023-09-08 03:36:00 |