投稿時間:2023-09-14 15:05:05 RSSフィード2023-09-14 15:00分まとめ(5件)

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IT ロボスタ 【連載マンガ ロボクン vol.253】バルーンロボットになるノダ https://robotstart.info/2023/09/14/yascorn-253.html firstappearedon,thepost,yascorn 2023-09-14 05:49:32
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] プラネックス、リピーター機能を搭載した5ポート有線LANハブ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2309/14/news126.html itmediapcuser,fxgrpt,プラネックス 2023-09-14 14:41:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] “ハッカー体験”ボードゲーム、IPAが無料公開 攻撃者視点で防御を学ぶ 手番は「最近怪しいメールが来た人」から https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2309/14/news123.html itmedia,news,サイコロ 2023-09-14 14:04:00
海外TECH Engadget Baldur's Gate III will be fully available for Mac users on September 21 https://www.engadget.com/baldurs-gate-iii-will-be-fully-available-for-mac-users-on-september-21-054650964.html?src=rss Mac users who want to play Baldur s Gate III on their computers only have to wait a few more days Larian Studios has announced that the full version of the game will be available for Mac on September It has been available for the OS for quite some time but as a limited early access version Fans can only play the first act of the game and can t go any further than what the developer previously described as approximately hours of self contained content Soon Mac gamers will be able to continue playing until they reach the Moonrise Towers and until secrets are revealed in the third act nbsp Thank you from the fiery infernal engine we keep in place of our heart ️ 🔥We couldn t have asked for a better response to Baldur s Gate Patch is coming September with full support for BG on Mac Gather your party pic twitter com jyUUpxCKcーLarian Studios larianstudios September Baldur s Gate III was initially released for Windows PCs on August before it came out for the PlayStation earlier this month For consoles it remains a PlayStation exclusive but not because the developer struck a deal with Sony Entertainment What happened was Larian Studios couldn t cross a technical hurdle preventing it from launching the game on Xbox at the same it came out for the PS nbsp Microsoft has rules requiring developers to ensure that games released for the Series S and Series X have the same features In Larian Studios case it couldn t make the game s split screen coop feature work on the less powerful Series S After meeting with Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer though the developer was given permission to release the title for the Series S without the split screen function but with cross save progression between Steam and the two Xbox consoles The Xbox version of Baldur s Gate III doesn t have an exact release date yet but it s expected to come out before the year ends nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-09-14 05:47:11
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 【少子化社会データ詳説】日本の未婚化を正しく解釈する-若者の希望と違った応援議論はなぜおこるのか https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=76059?site=nli nbsp,いまどき,かわいそう 2023-09-14 14:49:18



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