AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
Building Disaster Recovery Solutions Through Deloitte’s ATADATA Integration with AWS Application Migration Service |
Data protection needs are one of the top priorities when architecting disaster recovery solutions on AWS Cloud first strategies are the new normal now and these decisions are driven by data classification tiers and RTO RPO requirements outlined by business and technical stakeholders Explore the business and technology benefits of adopting a joint disaster recovery solution like the integrated ATADATA and AWS Application Migration Service solution offered by AWS and Deloitte |
2023-09-22 19:46:25 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The FTC may file an antitrust lawsuit against Amazon as soon as next week |
The Federal Trade Commission looks set to drag Amazon into another legal battle between the two sides The agency is preparing to file an antitrust suit against Amazon as soon as next week according to Bloomberg Reuters reports that the FTC has sent a draft complaint to attorneys general in an attempt to get as many states as possible on board with its case The details of the long awaited legal challenge are not known as yet It s anticipated that the FTC will take aim at Amazon Prime as well as claims that Amazon pushes third party sellers to use its logistics and advertising services The FTC is also said to believe that Amazon has rules to prevent products from being sold for less on rival platforms which could be a factor in the suit California has sued Amazon over that alleged practice The FTC has been scrutinizing Amazon for several years If it files suit next week that will mark the fourth action it has taken against the company this year In May the agency sued Amazon over children s privacy concerns related to Alexa and claims that it was snooping on Ring users Amazon paid a total of million to quickly settle charges in both cases The following month the FTC filed another complaint against Amazon this time claiming that the company coerced people into signing up for a Prime subscription then making it difficult for them to cancel That case is still ongoing This week the agency added three Amazon executives as defendants It claims those individuals rebuffed pleas from Amazon employees to stop using deceptive tactics to trick people into signing up for a recurring payment through Prime This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-09-22 19:45:24 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Bowing to pressure, Unity announces the terms of its surrender |
Unity announced significant concessions to its new game developer pricing on Friday After rolling out the widely scorned changes days ago including a per install fee many developers said could upend their entire businesses the company rolled out a walkback today that softens some of the policy s sharper edges Perhaps most notably users on the Unity Personal plan will no longer be subject to the Unity Runtime Fee This broadly disdained charge would have forced smaller developers to pay every time their game was installed including reinstallations from the same user Under the revised policy Unity Personal users can earn up to without changing plans ーup from the previous In addition the company is waiving the requirement to include the Made with Unity splash screen Meanwhile developers on Unity Pro and Enterprise plans won t have to worry about the Unity Runtime Fee until they upgrade to the next LTS long term support version of the engine shipping in Any current games or projects in development based on versions of Unity older than that won t be charged the fee It also only applies to those who switch to the upcoming version We will make sure that you can stay on the terms applicable for the version of Unity editor you are using ーas long as you keep using that version Unity Create leader Marc Whitten wrote today You know what on first glance I think this works It s effectively a revenue share for M p y earners No retroactivity left LTS stability no black box data yeah I think that works for every use case ーRami Ismail tha rami September Devs on Unity Pro or Enterprise plans who qualify for the Unity Runtime Fee will pay either a cut of their revenue or a calculated amount based on the number of new people engaging with your game each month A fee summary webpage clarifies those as initial engagements which sounds like it voids the previous method that would have charged developers twice if the same person uninstalled and reinstalled their game or downloaded it onto a new device In addition Unity clarified that developers will self report the numbers determining the fee and will always pay the lesser amount of the two quelling concerns about the potential for tracking and abuse Unity also said no game with less than million in revenue for the preceding months will pay the fee Whitten sounded a conciliatory tone as the company does damage control over its roundly condemned plans I want to start with simply this I am sorry he wrote We should have spoken with more of you and we should have incorporated more of your feedback before announcing our new Runtime Fee policy Our goal with this policy is to ensure we can continue to support you today and tomorrow and keep deeply investing in our game engine You are what makes Unity great and we know we need to listen and work hard to earn your trust We have heard your concerns and we are making changes in the policy we announced to address them This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2023-09-22 19:34:22 |
科学 |
NYT > Science |
Genetically Modified Pig’s Heart Is Transplanted Into a Second Patient |
The first patient to receive such an organ died after two months At least now I have hope the second recipient said before the surgery |
2023-09-22 19:53:38 |
科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Animals Are Talking. What Does It Mean? |
Language was long understood as a human only affair New research suggests that isn t so |
2023-09-22 19:50:47 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
勉強で結果を残す人が絶対やらないこと - 勉強が一番、簡単でした |
ソウル大学,ロングセラー |
2023-09-23 04:50:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「カッコよく結果を出す人」より「鈍臭くても頑張る人」の方が、長期的に「成功」しやすい“明白な理由” - 影響力の魔法 |
コミュニケーション,ダイヤモンド社,ビジネス |
2023-09-23 04:47:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が教える】 他人のことを考えられない自己中心的な人の末路 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 40代を後悔せず生きる言葉 |
精神科医,tomy,カミングアウト |
2023-09-23 04:44:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「頭がいいのに思考停止してしまう人」の悪いクセ - 発想の回路 |
やみくも,アイデア,クリエイティブディレクター |
2023-09-23 04:41:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
英会話力アップのために絶対必要「見たままを瞬間的に伝える力」 - 見たまま秒で言う英会話 |
イラスト,トレーニング,反射神経 |
2023-09-23 04:38:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「指示」が曖昧で困る…「上司の言いたいこと」がちゃんと”部下に伝わらない”根本的理由 - 注目の1冊 |
コンサルタント,コンサルティング,コンテンツ |
2023-09-23 04:35:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【早慶上智・学部比較】それぞれの法学部の雰囲気はどう違う - 大学図鑑!2024 有名大学82校のすべてがわかる! |
パワーアップ |
2023-09-23 04:32:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
職場にいる「深く考えられる人」がやっているシンプルだけど強い特徴とは - 1秒で答えをつくる力 お笑い芸人が学ぶ「切り返し」のプロになる48の技術 |
お笑い芸人,かまいたち,アレンジ |
2023-09-23 04:29:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【神様は見ている】感謝できない人は運が悪い! 運がいい人、お金持ちの人が23日秋分の日にすること - 旬のカレンダー |
お金持ち,カレンダー,レジャー |
2023-09-23 04:26:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「部下へのイライラが止まらない人」に共通するたった1つの習慣 - 時間最短化、成果最大化の法則 |
あるある,がっちりマンデー,した仕事 |
2023-09-23 04:23:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
9割の人が見逃している「3つの提供価値」とは? - 1位思考 |
アンカー,オンライン,カテゴリー |
2023-09-23 04:20:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「すぐに落ち込む人」と「落ち込まない人」の考え方。その決定的な違い - 奴隷の哲学者エピクテトス 人生の授業 |
エピクテトス |
2023-09-23 04:17:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【元国税専門官が明かす】 なぜ富裕層は海外投資をするのか? - 元国税専門官がこっそり教える あなたの隣の億万長者 |
国税専門官,amazonベストセラー,そのため |
2023-09-23 04:14:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【マンガ】1万人を接客した美容部員が教える「シートパック」使うときの意外な注意点とは? - 続メイクがなんとなく変なので友達の美容部員にコツを全部聞いてみた |
マンガ家,吉川景都,幼なじみ |
2023-09-23 04:11:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
何年たっても、ふいに思い出す「嫌な言葉」の脳内リフレインを止める意外な方法 - 悪いのは、あなたじゃない Poche |
pochesns,カウンセラー,カウンセリング |
2023-09-23 04:08:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【親の影響は大人になっても続く】「人に媚びる」行動をしがちな人。実は心に巣食う「親の呪い」のせいかも - 幸せになるには親を捨てるしかなかった |
サバイバー,大人になっても,心理学者 |
2023-09-23 04:05:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が教える】責任感が強すぎて眠れない!? ストレスをためやすい人の共通点とは - 無意識さんの力でぐっすり眠れる本 |
精神科医,おすすめ,ストレス |
2023-09-23 04:02:00 |