投稿時間:2023-09-26 04:10:48 RSSフィード2023-09-26 04:00分まとめ(11件)

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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Set up fine-grained permissions for your data pipeline using MWAA and EKS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/set-up-fine-grained-permissions-for-your-data-pipeline-using-mwaa-and-eks/ This blog post shows how to improve security in a data pipeline architecture based on Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow Amazon MWAA and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Amazon EKS by setting up fine grained permissions using HashiCorp Terraform for infrastructure as code 2023-09-25 18:15:23
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Innovation for Inclusion: Hack.The.Bias with Amazon SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/innovation-for-inclusion-hack-the-bias-with-amazon-sagemaker/ This post was co authored with Daniele Chiappalupi participant of the AWS student Hackathon team at ETH Z rich Everyone can easily get started with machine learning ML using Amazon SageMaker JumpStart In this post we show you how a university Hackathon team used SageMaker JumpStart to quickly build an application that helps users identify and remove 2023-09-25 18:20:11
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Improve throughput performance of Llama 2 models using Amazon SageMaker https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/improve-throughput-performance-of-llama-2-models-using-amazon-sagemaker/ We re at an exciting inflection point in the widespread adoption of machine learning ML and we believe most customer experiences and applications will be reinvented with generative AI Generative AI can create new content and ideas including conversations stories images videos and music Like most AI generative AI is powered by ML modelsーvery large models 2023-09-25 18:10:40
Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Sotable かつ片方向 DragDrop な 2つのリスト https://qiita.com/kumasystem_jp/items/b4322dee72cb36f12257 drag,dragdrop,tmlgtlthtmllangjagtlthead 2023-09-26 03:26:45
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [アップデート] Cloudflare のインシデント アラートの通知が可能になりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudflare-incident-notification-is-now-available/ アップデート,birthdayweek,cloudflare 2023-09-25 18:07:04
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Initial display orders for iPhone 15 Pro far exceeded iPhone 14 Pro mix https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/09/25/initial-display-orders-for-iphone-15-pro-far-exceeded-iphone-14-pro-mix?utm_medium=rss In preparation for the launch of the iPhone Apple s shipments of display panels for the series was higher in August than the iPhone versions the previous year with the Pro models also having a much higher proportion of units than one year prior iPhone ProAhead of the September introduction of new iPhones Apple has to arrange for its supply chain to send shipments of displays to its assembly partners In the months ahead of the release the proportion of shipments Apple orders can change over time depending on demand Read more 2023-09-25 18:49:57
海外TECH Engadget Amazon will start charging for formerly free Alexa Guard smoke and security alerts https://www.engadget.com/amazon-will-start-charging-for-formerly-free-alexa-guard-smoke-and-security-alerts-184602106.html?src=rss Amazon is paywalling more formerly free features on its smart home devices Several months after it moved some basic Ring alarm system features behind a subscription plan Amazon is doing something similar for several Alexa Guard functions Alexa Guard is a free security feature that came as standard on Echo devices It listens out for things like alarms and intruders when you aren t at home However the company is shutting down Alexa Guard as The Verge nbsp reports Some Alexa Guard features will remain available to everyone at no extra cost as part of the core Alexa experience These include the Home and Away modes for arming and disarming a Ring Alarm system and Away Lighting which turns on smart lights to make it seem like you re en casa However you ll need to pay for the new Emergency Assist service to keep using several features Amazon is paywalling Alexa Guard s smoke and CO alarm detection functions You ll also soon have to pony up for a subscription if you want Alexa to keep an ear out for the sound of breaking glass signifying a possible intruder There s at least some good news for Ring Protect Pro members who linked their Ring and Alexa accounts as of September Those folks will get an Alexa Emergency Assist membership at no extra cost until October next year Guard Plus which added some extra features to Alexa Guard for a monthly or annual fee is no longer available for purchase It was included with a Ring Protect Pro plan Alexa Emergency Assist currently costs per month or per year However that s listed as an introductory price that will only remain valid for everyone until January After that time non Prime subscribers will have to pay extra for Emergency Assist Much like Guard Plus Alexa Emergency Assist enables users to call emergency services via the voice assistant on an Echo device This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-09-25 18:46:02
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「がむしゃらに貯金し続けた人」が定年後に陥る残念な末路 - DIE WITH ZERO https://diamond.jp/articles/-/329619 がむしゃら,diewithzero,ベストセラー 2023-09-26 03:51:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【受験生の親、必読】「自宅浪人は落ちる?」3つの罠に要注意! - 逆転合格90日プログラム https://diamond.jp/articles/-/328986 プログラム 2023-09-26 03:48:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【精神科医が教える】 嫌な思いをしたときにやってみるといいこと - 精神科医Tomyが教える 40代を後悔せず生きる言葉 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/328016 精神科医,tomy,voicy 2023-09-26 03:45:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 “推し”銘柄が当たって公務員を卒業! 稼いだ資産で起業に踏み切った三児のママの投資方法 - 女子株 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/327722 夢に向かって 2023-09-26 03:42:00



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