投稿時間:2023-10-07 09:03:39 RSSフィード2023-10-07 09:00分まとめ(5件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大手証券会社に強い大学ランク 早慶に次ぐ私大強豪は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2310/07/news038.html itmedia,smbc日興証券,アンケート 2023-10-07 08:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] SUVの新型「クラウン スポーツ」登場 「ロングセラーのブランドに育てたい」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2310/07/news046.html itmedia,オンライン,クラウン 2023-10-07 08:10:00
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [アップデート] Amazon QuickSight でピボットテーブルの小計ラベルにグループ名を表示できるようになりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/quicksight-contextual-row-subtotals-pivot-tables/ アップデート,amazonquicksight,オプション 2023-10-06 23:41:47
海外TECH Engadget 23andMe user data breached in credential-stuffing attack https://www.engadget.com/23andme-user-data-breached-in-credential-stuffing-attack-231757254.html?src=rss Biotech company andMe known for its DNA testing kits confirmed to BleepingComputer that its user data is circulating on hacker forums The company said the leak occurred through a credential stuffing attack A credential stuffing attack involves user information that has already been compromised usernames and passwords for example from one organization which a hacker obtains and attempts to reuse with a second organization ーin this case andMe Because of the nature of credential stuffing it does not appear this was a breach of the company s internal systems Rather accounts were broken into piecemeal The perpetrators of this attack appear to have obtained quite sensitive information from the compromised accounts genetic testing results photos full names and geographical location among other things The initial leak comprised million lines of data for Ashkenazi people according to BleepingComputer By October data was being offered for sale in bulk in increments of or profiles The scale of the attack is as yet unknown but the scope of its impact has likely been exacerbated by andMe s DNA Relatives feature Relatives are identified by comparing your DNA with the DNA of other andMe members who are participating in the DNA Relatives feature the company states After accessing an unknown number of profiles via credential stuffing the threat actor behind this breach apparently scraped the DNA Relatives results for those profiles netting much more sensitive data According to the same FAQ page The number of relatives listed grows over time as more people join andMe For the fiscal year the company reported it genotyped around million customers Ever since andMe went public in the company has faced extra scrutiny for its data protection practices ーrightly so since it deals with sensitive medical data derived from saliva sampling including predispositions for diseases like Alzheimer s Type diabetes and even cancer On its website the company claims it exceeds data protection standards for its industry This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2023-10-06 23:17:57
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 うつ病のリスクが高い人は、なぜクッキーやポテトチップスが大好きなのか? - ヘルスデーニュース https://diamond.jp/articles/-/330342 クッキー,ヘルスデーニュース,ポテトチップス 2023-10-07 09:00:00



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