海外TECH |
Engadget |
Instagram head Adam Mosseri says sorry for all those trashy Threads recommendations |
Whether or not you ve actively been using Threads you may have noticed ーthanks to its integration into the Instagram feed ーan off putting shift in the kinds of posts the platform has been recommending over the last few weeks At best you might be seeing tons of content that is of no interest to you whatsoever or copypasta style engagement bait At worst A whole lot of hate speech In a short video shared on Friday responding to an Ask Me Anything question Instagram head Adam Mosseri apologized for the low quality recommendations proliferating on Threads and said the team is working on a fix We want people to have a positive experience on Threads and we ve actually had some issues over the last few weeks with low quality recommendations Mosseri said things that don t quite violate our Community Guidelines ーwhich is where we take content down entirely ーbut kind of go right up to that line We re working on improving it A lot of it should be fixed at this point He goes on to say that while there s a lot more work to do users can expect it to get much better over the next few weeks Again apologies While Threads already felt cluttered with posts meant to milk engagement as new users try to generate followings on the budding social site things have taken a palpably darker turn recently Suddenly ragebait seems to be front and center Users have complained that they re being suggested an alarming amount of hateful content particularly posts that are outright transphobic It s crept into my own feeds enough so that it feels like I ve muted more accounts in the last two or so weeks than I previously had in six months on Threads Engadget asked Meta for clarification on whether the improvements Mosseri mentioned will specifically address transphobia and other forms of hate speech In response a spokesperson reiterated Mosseri s comments and said In addition to removing content that violates our community guidelines we re aware that some users are seeing this type of repetitive low quality content they may not be interested in and we re taking steps to address it This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2024-01-06 19:30:01 |
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