海外TECH |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Amazon closing down law enforcement's easy access to Ring video isn't the whole story |
Amazon is ending the Request for Assistance feature in its Neighbors app ーbut that doesn t mean your footage can t be obtained by law enforcement easily elsewhere without a warrant Amazon sunsets Ring s Request for Assistance feature in Neighbors appIn Amazon owned Ring launched a new feature called Request for Assistance RFA The feature just required law enforcement agencies to make public requests for Ring footage in the Neighbors app regardless of intent and without a warrant Prior to RFA law enforcement agencies were able to directly request footage from users via email Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums |
2024-01-24 19:13:16 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Ring is reportedly walking back its police-friendly stance on data sharing |
It looks like Ring is reversing course on its police friendly stance regarding data sharing according to reporting from Bloomberg Amazon told the publication that Ring s home doorbell unit would stop acquiescing to warrantless police requests for footage from users video doorbells and surveillance cameras This practice has long been derided by privacy advocacy groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation Senator Ed Markey even launched a probe into the policy back in Additionally Ring will disable its Request For Assistance tool next week which is a program that allows law enforcement to ask users for footage on a voluntary basis according to an official blog post From now on police and fire departments will have to seek a warrant to request footage from users though Amazon could provide footage without a warrant if the agency can prove its essential for an ongoing emergency nbsp As a matter of fact the entire Neighbors app which is where the Request For Assistance feature lives is undergoing an overhaul to shift its focus from crime and safety to more of a community hub according to Ring spokesperson Yassi Yarger To that end the Neighbors app is getting a new highlight reel feature for users to peruse the most popular video captures of the week Ring hasn t given a reason given for this sudden shift in priorities Crime is down nationwide sure but it s not like we live in a Star Trek utopia The company has been diversifying its portfolio lately adding new products to the lineup which could be one reason nbsp Ring has been cozying up with law enforcement since inception as the company always stated its primary reason to exist was to improve public safety Our mission to reduce crime in neighborhoods has been at the core of everything we do at Ring founding chief Jamie Siminoff said when Amazon bought the company for million back in Of course we don t exactly know if Amazon and Ring will stick by this decision or if they ll start quietly allowing law enforcement to nab videos six or eight months down the line However this is becoming something of a trend in the tech industry Google just changed its location history feature on Maps to stop police from nabbing data on everyone in the vicinity of a crime Law enforcement had been relying on the feature for years This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2024-01-24 19:15:14 |
科学 |
NYT > Science |
Europe Faces a Measles Outbreak |
When vaccinations begin to lag as they did during the pandemic measles is often the first disease to resurge It s the canary in the coal mine one expert said |
2024-01-24 19:46:42 |
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