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Engadget |
Court orders Elon Musk to testify in the SEC’s investigation of his Twitter takeover |
In a followup to a tentative ruling made in December a federal judge has ordered Elon Musk to comply with the U S Securities and Exchange Commission s SEC subpoena and testify again in its probe of his Twitter takeover Reuters reports Per the order which was filed Saturday night in a California court Musk and the SEC now have a week to work out a time and place for his appearance or it will be decided for them The SEC has been investigating Musk s purchase of Twitter now X since over concerns about his lateness in disclosing his stake in Twitter The order comes after Musk failed to appear for a testimony in September and later refused to attend a rescheduled interview prompting the SEC to sue US Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler sided with the SEC after Musk tried to challenge its subpoena which he claims is seeking irrelevant information and is harassment as he s already been interviewed twice But the SEC says it has obtained new documents in relation to the probe and has further questions for the X owner Musk also argued that it exceeds the SEC s authority because the subpoena was issued by an SEC staff member appointed by the SEC s Director of Enforcement Beeler struck these arguments down ruling that the subpoena is valid nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2024-02-11 19:33:03 |
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