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海外TECH Ars Technica Report details how Russia obtains Starlink terminals for war in Ukraine https://arstechnica.com/?p=2015840 Russians buy from middlemen and deliver SpaceX hardware to the front line 2024-04-09 18:24:53
海外TECH Engadget Apple Vision Pro two months later: A telepresence dream https://www.engadget.com/apple-vision-pro-two-months-later-a-telepresence-dream-181550906.html?src=rss Two months after I started using the Apple Vision Pro it hasn t transformed the way I live It hasn t replaced my TV and it doesn t make me want to give up my powerful desktop or slim laptops It s just another tool in my gadget arsenal ーone I can don to catch up on X Men in bed or to help me dive deep into research while I m away from my office The Vision Pro becomes normal so quickly it s almost easy to forget how groundbreaking it actually is Its screens are still absolutely stunning and the combination of eye tracking and Apple s gesture controls makes for the most intuitive AR VR interface I ve seen yet While the Vision Pro still isn t something most people should consider buying Apple has thrown out a few bones to early adopters There are more games popping up on the App Store and Arcade every week and there are also a handful of D films being offered to Apple TV subscribers The addition of Spatial Personas also goes a long way towards making the Vision Pro more of a telepresence machine more on that below But we re still waiting for the company to make good on the promise of degree Immersive Video as well as to let users create higher quality Spatial Videos on iPhones Photo by Devindra Hardawar EngadgetHow I use the Apple Vision ProOnce the pressure of reviewing every aspect of the Vision Pro was over I started incorporating it into my life like a typical user Full disclosure I returned the unit I originally bought but Apple sent along a sample for further testing Mostly that means not forcing myself to use the headset for large chunks of the day Instead my Vision Pro time is more purpose driven I slip it on in the morning and project my MacBook s screen to clear out emails and catch up on Slack conversations all while a YouTube video is virtually projected on my wall In the middle of a work session or sometimes right before diving into a busy workday I run through a five or ten minute meditation session with the Mindfulness app I can easily meditate without any headgear but I ve found the app s calm narration and the immersive environment it creates since it completely blocks out the real world to be incredibly helpful It s like having your own yoga teacher on staff ready to help calm your brain whenever you have a free moment I ve also learned to appreciate the Vision Pro as a way to expand where I can get work done As someone who s been primarily working from home since I learned early on that changing locations was an easy way to keep myself engaged I try not to write in the same place where I ve been checking email in the morning for example I normally hop between a PC desktop and large monitor currently it s Alienware s inch K OLED in my office and a MacBook Air or Pro for writing around the house Sometimes I ll go to a nearby park or cafe when I need to zone into a writing assignment for several hours Photo by Devindra Hardawar EngadgetWith the Vision Pro I can actually handle some serious multitasking from my deck or kitchen without being tied to a desktop computer I ve found that useful for covering events to avoid getting stuck inside my basement office I can have a video streaming on a virtual window as well as Slack and web browsers open via a projected MacBook I ve juggled conference calls while being sick in bed with the Vision Pro because it felt more comfortable than staring down at a tiny laptop display I still haven t traveled much with the headset but I can foresee it being useful the next time I take a weekend trip with my family Tested s Norman Chan told me he s used the Vision Pro during long flights where it makes the hours just disappear I m still working myself up to that ーI d much rather use a small laptop and headphones on planes but I can imagine the beauty of watching big screen movies on the Vision Pro while everyone else is staring at tablets or cramped seat back displays The Vision Pro remains a fantastic way to watch movies or TV shows at home as well When I m too tired to head downstairs after putting my kids to sleep I sometimes just veg in bed while projecting YouTube videos or anime on the ceiling That s where I experienced a trippy temporal shift while watching X Men As soon as its remastered theme song spun up I was immediately transported back to watching the original show on a inch TV in my childhood bedroom If I could somehow jump back into the past Bishop style it would be impossible to convince my year old self that I d eventually be watching a sequel series in a futuristic headset projected in a inch window How far we ve come Photo by Devindra Hardawar EngadgetSpatial Personas are a telepresence dreamWhen Apple first announced the Vision Pro last year I couldn t help but be creeped out by its Persona avatars They looked cold and inhuman the exact sort of thing you d imagine from soulless digital clones The visionOS update made them a bit less disturbing but I didn t truly like the avatars until Apple unveiled Spatial Personas last week Instead of being confined to a window Spatial Personas hover in your virtual space allowing you to collaborate with friends as if they were right beside you The concept isn t entirely new I tested Microsoft Mesh a few years ago with a HoloLens headset which also brought digital avatars right into my home office But they looked more like basic Miis from the Nintendo Wii than anything realistic Meta s Horizon Workrooms did something similar in completely virtual spaces but that s not nearly as impressive as collaborating digitally atop a view of the real world Apple s Spatial Personas are far more compelling than Microsoft s and Meta s efforts because they re seamless to set up ーyou just have to flip on Spatial mode during a FaceTime chat ーand they feel effortlessly organic During a Spatial Persona call with Norm from Tested we were conversing as if he was sitting right in front of me in my home theater We were able to draw and write together in the Freeform app easily ーwhen I stood up and reached out to the drawing board it was almost as if we were standing beside each other at a real white board Photo by Devindra Hardawar EngadgetSharePlay with Spatial PersonasWe were also able to customize our viewing experiences while watching a bit of Star Trek Beyond together using SharePlay in the Vision Pro Norm chose to watch it in D I watched in D and our progress was synchronized The experience felt more engrossing than a typical SharePlay experience since I could just lean over and chat with him instead of typing out a message or saying something over a FaceTime call I also couldn t help but imagine how easy it would be to record movie commentaries for podcasts using Spatial Personas We d have to use separate microphones and computers in addition to Vision Pros but it would make for a more comfortable recording session than following movies on a monitor or TV Our attempts to play games together failed unfortunately because we were running slightly different versions of Game Room We also didn t have enough time during our session to sync our apps up I eventually was able to try out Chess and Battleship with other Vision Pro equipped friends and once again it felt like they were actually playing right beside me Norm and CNET s Scott Stein also looked like they were having a ball with virtual chess The main stumbling block for Spatial Personas of course is that they require a headset Apple is laying the groundwork for truly great telepresence experiences but it won t matter for most people until they can actually afford a Vision Pro or a cheaper Apple headset down the line With Horizon Workrooms Meta allowed non VR users to join virtual meetings using Messenger on phones and computers so that they weren t left out Standard FaceTime users can also join Vision Pro chats alongside spatial personas but they ll be stuck in a window And unlike Meta s offering regular users won t be able to see any virtual environments though you could still collaborate on specific apps like FreeForm Meta s big advantage over Apple was with capacity Horizon Workrooms supports up to people in VR as well as more calling in from other devices Spatial Persona chats on the other hand are limited to five participants AppleNo momentum for Immersive VideoApple s degree Immersive Video format was one of the most impressive aspects of the Vision Pro when I previewed it last year and the handful of experiences at launch were pretty compelling But the Immersive Video well has been dry since launch ーthe only new experience was a five minute short showing off the MLS Playoffs which was mostly disappointing While that short had such great resolution and depth that it felt like I was actually on the pitch the MLS experience is disorienting because it cuts far too often and with no sense of rhythm Once you get settled into a scene perhaps watching someone gear up for a well placed goal the camera view changes and you have no idea where you are It s almost like a five minute lesson in what not to do with Immersive Video Hopefully the MLS has a longer experience in the works I m not expecting a tsunami of Immersive Video content since the Vision Pro is still an obscenely expensive device meant for developers and professionals but it would be nice to see more of a push from Apple The company is teasing another six minute episode of Prehistoric Planet for later this month but again that isn t really much Where are the creators pushing Immersive Video to new heights While the content is likely hard to work with since it s shot in D and K the format could be a perfect way for Apple to extol the virtues of its new chips In lieu of more Immersive Videos I ve been spending more time re watching Spatial Videos captured with my iPhone Pro They still look more realistic than D clips but I ve grown to dislike the p fps limitation It s just hard to accept that resolution when I know my phone can also produce crisp K and fps footage The app Spatialify helps somewhat by unlocking p fps and k fps spatial video capture but its footage is also more shaky and buggy than the iPhone s built in camera At this point I ll consider using Spatialify if my phone is on a tripod or gimbal but otherwise I ll stick with the native camera app Photo by Devindra Hardawar EngadgetWhat s next for the Apple Vision ProWe ll likely have to wait until Apple s WWDC event in June before we hear about any more major upgrades for Vision Pro or visionOS That would be appropriate since last year s WWDC was the headset s big debut and a hellish day for us trying to cover all the news Now that the hardware is in the wild Apple has to convince developers that it s worth building Vision Pro apps alongside their usual iOS iPadOS and macOS wares It s not just some mythical spatial computing platform anymore after all This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-04-09 18:15:50
科学 NYT > Science Peter Higgs, Physicist Who Discovered the ‘God Particle,’ Dies at 94 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/science/peter-higgs-dead.html The Higgs boson was named for him It was a key element of the Standard Model which encapsulated all human knowledge so far about elementary particles 2024-04-09 18:51:19
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詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 <知らないと恥ずかしい>【会食マナーチェック】話すことがなくなっても絶対に使ってはいけない話題ワースト1 - ビジネス会食 完全攻略マニュアル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/341713 アルコール,クライアント,チェック 2024-04-10 03:49:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【写真でひと言】「このノート、どんなことを思っていそう?」で出てきた回答・ベスト3 - 大喜利の考え方 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/341271 twitter,世界で初めて 2024-04-10 03:46:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「傷ついた!」すぐ被害者ぶる“超めんどくさい人”の心理 - もし私が人生をやり直せたら https://diamond.jp/articles/-/341920 どくさい,精神科医 2024-04-10 03:43:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 まるで「借金じゃない借金」?? ソフトBや楽天Gが発行する「社債型種類株」を社債投資家が解説 - 社債投資のケーススタディ 〜『入門 社債のすべて』応用編〜 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/341859 ケーススタディ,ソフトb,ソフトバンク 2024-04-10 03:40:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【「ノンストップ!」で話題】子どもが自ら宿題をし始める簡単習慣とは? - ずるい子育て https://diamond.jp/articles/-/341600 ノンストップ,きれいごと,アドバイザー 2024-04-10 03:37:00
YouTube Channels TED Ideas Change Everything — and What’s Next for TED | Chris Anderson and Monique Ruff-Bell | TED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uUskajC1Ps TED is on a mission to discover and champion the ideas that will shape tomorrow Reflecting on the evolution of that mission TED s Chris Anderson and Monique Ruff Bell cast a visionary gaze on the organization s future ーincluding a revamped tagline a renewed emphasis on debate and the launch of an exciting new conference ーand explore the indispensable role of ideas in navigating societal challenges and fostering global innovation Learn more about TED s enduring legacy its path forward for the decades ahead and how you can join us in sparking a brighter future If you love watching TED Talks like this one become a TED Member to support our mission of spreading ideas Follow TED X Instagram Facebook LinkedIn TikTok tedtoksThe TED Talks channel features talks performances and original series from the world s leading thinkers and doers Subscribe to our channel for videos on Technology Entertainment and Design ーplus science business global issues the arts and more Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks transcripts translations personalized talk recommendations and more Watch more TED s videos may be used for non commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives or the CC BY NC ND International and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy For more information on using TED for commercial purposes e g employee learning in a film or online course please submit a Media Request at TED TEDTalks 2024-04-09 18:33:22



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