AWS Networking and Content Delivery |
How to monitor internet traffic to CloudFront edge in one click with Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor |
Amazon Web Services AWS offers a streamlined solution for you to monitor internet traffic to your CloudFront distribution with simple integration for Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudFront console Ensuring optimal performance and availability is paramount for internet applications With this integration you can easily gain more insights into internet health and your users experience for an application that you ve set up with a CloudFront distribution |
2024-05-17 19:42:20 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
New SEC requirements give institutions 30 days to disclose security incidents |
Amendments contain loopholes that may blunt their effectiveness |
2024-05-17 19:27:45 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Using vague language about scientific facts misleads readers |
Using subjective phrasing like scientists believe makes facts seem like opinions |
2024-05-17 19:00:57 |
海外TECH |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Delta Emulator changes logo after Adobe legal threat |
The developer behind Delta has been threatened with legal action by Adobe forcing the game emulator to change its icon Adobe s logo left Delta s new icon middle Delta s old icon right On Friday the Delta game emulator updated its icon to something a bit unusual Instead of an incomplete triangle that represents its namesake the fourth Greek letter delta the icon s top section appears to have been broken off and shifted to one side In a Mastodon post the change is explained by the threat of legal action Rather than a competing app marketplace or an app developer the challenge instead came from Creative Cloud maker Adobe Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums |
2024-05-17 19:59:57 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The OpenAI team tasked with protecting humanity is no more |
In the summer of OpenAI created a Superalignment team whose goal was to steer and control future AI systems that could be so powerful they could lead to human extinction Less than a year later that team is dead OpenAI told Bloomberg that the company was integrating the group more deeply across its research efforts to help the company achieve its safety goals But a series of tweets from Jan Leike one of the team s leaders who recently quit revealed internal tensions between the safety team and the larger company In a statement posted on X on Friday Leike said that the Superalignment team had been fighting for resources to get research done Building smarter than human machines is an inherently dangerous endeavor Leike wrote OpenAI is shouldering an enormous responsibility on behalf of all of humanity But over the past years safety culture and processes have taken a backseat to shiny products OpenAI did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Engadget XLeike s departure earlier this week came hours after OpenAI chief scientist Sutskevar announced that he was leaving the company Sutskevar was not only one of the leads on the Superalignment team but helped co found the company as well Sutskevar s move came six months after he was involved in a decision to fire CEO Sam Altman over concerns that Altman hadn t been consistently candid with the board Altman s all too brief ouster sparked an internal revolt within the company with nearly employees signing a letter in which they threatened to quit if Altman wasn t reinstated Five days later Altman was back as OpenAI s CEO after Sutskevar had signed a letter stating that he regretted his actions When it announced the creation of the Superalignment team OpenAI said that it would dedicate percent of its computer power over the next four years to solving the problem of controlling powerful AI systems of the future Getting this right is critical to achieve our mission the company wrote at the time On X Leike wrote that the Superalignment team was struggling for compute and it was getting harder and harder to get crucial research around AI safety done Over the past few months my team has been sailing against the wind he wrote and added that he had reached a breaking point with OpenAI s leadership over disagreements about the company s core priorities Over the last few months there have been more departures from the Superalignment team In April OpenAI reportedly fired two researchers Leopold Aschenbrenner and Pavel Izmailov for allegedly leaking information OpenAI told Bloomberg that its future safety efforts will be led by John Schulman another co founder whose research focuses on large language models Jakub Pachocki a director who led the development of GPT ーone of OpenAI s flagship large language models ーwould replace Sutskevar as chief scientist Superalignment wasn t the only team at OpenAI focused on AI safety In October the company started a brand new preparedness team to stem potential catastrophic risks from AI systems including cybersecurity issues and chemical nuclear and biological threats Update May PM ET In response to a request for comment on Leike s allegations an OpenAI PR person directed Engadget to Sam Altman s tweet saying that he d say something in the next couple of days This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2024-05-17 19:28:11 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【会社員必見】社内起業すると得られる「大きなリターン」ベスト1 - 14歳のときに教えてほしかった 起業家という冒険 |
きっかけ,ノウハウ,ビジネス |
2024-05-18 04:52:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【問題】A1人だと15日、B1人だと10日かかる仕事がある。この仕事を2人で始めたが、途中Aが何日か休んだため、仕上げるまで8日かかった。Aは何日休んだか? - 小学生がたった1日で19×19までかんぺきに暗算できる本 計算の達人編 |
おみやげ,マスター |
2024-05-18 04:49:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【投資のギモンQ&A】新NISAの1800万円の非課税保有限度額は、早めに埋めたほうがいいでしょうか。それとも時間をかけて埋めたほうがいいですか? - 新NISAはこの9本から選びなさい |
nisa,qampampa,アセットマネジメント |
2024-05-18 04:46:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【賃貸or持ち家】「持ち家は無駄なランニングコストがかかる」は本当か - 本当に家を買っても大丈夫か?と思ったら読む 住宅購入の思考法 |
オリジナル,コンテンツ,タイミング |
2024-05-18 04:43:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「目上の人に使っちゃいけない言葉は?」で出てきた秀逸な回答が「アタマ(散髪)行かれたんですね」である理由とは? - 大喜利の考え方 |
twitter,世界で初めて |
2024-05-18 04:40:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【思考力チェック!】大切なケーキを誰かに食べられてしまったあなたは、7人の容疑者を呼び出して3つの質問をした。7人の正体は正直者か嘘つきである。7人の回答をもとに、犯人を見抜けるだろうか? - 頭のいい人だけが解ける論理的思考問題 |
googleapplemicrosoft,いっさい,チェック |
2024-05-18 04:37:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【元SBIコリア社長・生告白】社長より社員の給料が高い理由 - スタートアップ芸人 |
fidia,sbiホールディングス,お笑い芸人 |
2024-05-18 04:34:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【わかる?】ビッグバンで「無から有が生まれた」とはどういうこと? - 早回し全歴史 |
ビッグバン,ベストセラー,特別公開 |
2024-05-18 04:31:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【小3が算数オリンピックで解いている問題に挑戦!】同じ文字は同じ数、ちがう文字はちがう数。Eにあてはまる数は? - 「算数力」は小3までに育てなさい |
オリンピック,ダイヤモンド社,ノウハウ |
2024-05-18 04:28:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【週末ランチに】予約のとれないイタリア料理店シェフが教える「必食まかない」ベスト1 - プロの味が最速でつくれる! 落合式イタリアン |
イタリアン,イタリア料理,イタリア料理店 |
2024-05-18 04:25:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【精神科医が指南】「心が強い人、弱い人」考え方の決定的な違い - 精神科医Tomyが教える 30代を悩まず生きる言葉 |
精神科医,tomy,カミングアウト |
2024-05-18 04:22:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【好きなことでお金を稼ぐ】知識・経験ゼロからの「のんびり副業」「ゆる起業」…ECサイトで儲ける人が絶対見逃さない「1つの商品」 - 「おウチ起業」で4畳半から7億円 ネットショップで「好き」を売ってお金を稼ぐ! |
ecサイト,ある人生,ネットショップ |
2024-05-18 04:19:00 |
詳細記事 |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「実は口だけだよね」と言われる人が働くときにやってしまっている1つの悪習慣 - 会社を変えるということ |
意識改革,順風満帆,食品メーカー |
2024-05-18 04:16:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
なぜスタートアップは、計画思考×網羅思考では、うまくいかないのか? - 起業参謀の戦略書 |
キーマン,フレームワーク,ベストセラー |
2024-05-18 04:13:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【過去に執着】する人はすぐ読んで! 過ぎ去ったことで悩み続ける自分を許せるようになる魔法の言葉<予約の取れないカウンセラーが教える> - がんばるのをやめたらうまくいった |
カウンセラー,魔法の言葉 |
2024-05-18 04:10:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【世界のトップアスリートが日々実践!】たった3分でカラダが整う「最強のストレッチ」とは? - 世界最高のフィジカル・マネジメント |
アスリート,シャラポワネリー,ストレッチ |
2024-05-18 04:07:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【整体プロが指南】夜中、目覚めてしまう人はやってみて。朝まで熟睡「3つの習慣」 - すぐできる自力整体 |
ダイエット,メソッド,久しぶり |
2024-05-18 04:01:00 |
YouTube Channels |
google |
Google I/O 2024 Keynote: Responsible AI |
Responsible AI updates from Google I O on May Join James Manyika SVP Research Technology Society to learn about SynthID LearnLM and more Read more about responsible AI announcements at I O Watch the full Google I O keynote For a quick recap of Google I O check out this video To watch this keynote with American Sign Language ASL interpretation please click here GoogleIO GoogleIOSubscribe to our Channel Find us on X Watch us on TikTok googleFollow us on Instagram Join us on Facebook |
2024-05-17 19:50:36 |