投稿時間:2024-05-23 04:09:17 RSSフィード2024-05-23 04:00分まとめ(10件)

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AWS AWS Networking and Content Delivery How to use Amazon Athena queries to analyze AWS WAF logs and provide the visibility needed for threat detection https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/how-to-use-amazon-athena-queries-to-analyze-aws-waf-logs-and-provide-the-visibility-needed-for-threat-detection/ Web application security is an ongoing process AWS WAF enables real time monitoring and blocking of potentially harmful web requests Bot Control and Fraud Control use machine learning ML to detect and prevent sophisticated threats Bot traffic can make up anywhere from to or even more of total web traffic After enabling AWS WAF 2024-05-22 18:16:24
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [アップデート] Amazon SES に新機能 Mail Manager が追加されました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/ses-mail-manager/ アップデート,amazonses,ictwittercomwiyvinuibmdas 2024-05-22 18:26:32
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO Figmaのマルチ編集機能の注意点とどこで使ってるかを紹介 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/figma_mulch_edit/ figma,デザイナー,リリース 2024-05-22 18:11:53
海外TECH Engadget There’s a new Vision show coming to Disney+ with Paul Bettany https://www.engadget.com/theres-a-new-vision-show-coming-to-disney-with-paul-bettany-185730521.html?src=rss Disney has greenlit a standalone show for Marvel s Vision as reported by Variety Paul Bettany will return to portray everyone s favorite android synthezoid and reporting indicates that the story will pick up after the events of WandaVision We have a long time to wait however as it won t air on the streaming platform until This tracks with Disney CEO Bob Iger s recent announcement that it would start being much more picky when it comes to Marvel content The current plan is to reduce the number of shows from four per year to two nbsp As for Vision it s not being helmed by Jacqueline Schaeffer who created WandaVision Showrunning duties fall to Terry Matalas He created the criminally underrated Monkeys TV show and acted as showrunner for the final season of Star Trek Picard which was miles better than those early seasons Schaeffer was working on an earlier version of the concept before moving to the forthcoming spinoff Agatha All Along While the presence of Matalas may be good news for Marvel fans it s bad news for Star Trek fans Ever since the breakout success of Picard s final season fans have been pushing Paramount to greenlight a show they have been calling Star Trek Legacy with Matalas at the helm This would be a continuation that follows the events of Picard season three spotlighting Star Trek Voyager s Seven of Nine and other returning characters from the s era of the franchise Now that Matalas has been snatched up by Marvel this is unlikely to happen Between that and the recent cancellation of Star Trek Lower Decks it looks like s Trek is just about over and done with nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-22 18:57:30
海外TECH Engadget New research places the sun's magnetic field close to the surface, upending decades of theories https://www.engadget.com/new-research-places-the-suns-magnetic-field-close-to-the-surface-upending-decades-of-theories-182059055.html?src=rss New research indicates the sun s magnetic field originates close to the surface and not deep within the star according to findings published in the journal Nature This upends decades of prevailing scientific thought that placed the field more than miles below the surface of the sun It also brings us closer to understanding the nature of the sun s magnetic field which has been on scientist s minds since Galileo The study led by Northwestern University and a team of international researchers suggests that the magnetic field actually generates miles below the surface This was discovered after the team ran a series of complex calculations on a NASA supercomputer It s worth noting that these are just initial findings and more research is required to confirm the data The sun s magnetic field fluctuates in a cycle that lasts years During the strongest part of this cycle powerful winds and sunspots form at the solar equator along with plumes of material that cause the aurora borealis here on Earth Previous theories that place the magnetic field deeper within the sun have had a difficult time connecting these various solar phenomena Scientists hope that given further study they ll be able to use this theory to not only explain the creation of solar events but more accurately predict when they will occur Each second million tons of solar material traveling at miles per second shoot off the sun Earth s magnetic field deflects most of it but not all The solar wind a stream of charged particles flows at km s million mph and while the magnetic field protects pic twitter com CSNZYesUーHistoric Vids historyinmemes January This could lead to more than just earlier predictions of the next aurora borealis event The sun s intense magnetic energy is also the source of solar flares and eruptions of plasma called coronal mass ejections When these ejections travel toward Earth all kinds of bad things happen This famously occurred back in when a giant geomagnetic storm created the largest solar storm in recorded history This is called the Carrington Event attributed to British astronomer Richard Christopher Carrington The solar flare which was actually a magnetic explosion on the sun s surface briefly outshone the sun and caused colored lights to erupt all over the planet similar to the aurora borealis It also supercharged telegraph cables shocking operators and set telegraph paper on fire It was pretty nasty Now this was before the modern use of electricity and before computers and all related technologies If something like the Carrington Event were to occur today we d have it much worse The emitted X rays and ultraviolet light would interfere with electronics radio and satellite signals The event would cause a solar radiation storm which would be deadly to astronauts not fully equipped with protective gear It would also lead a coronal mass ejection to bump up against Earth s magnetic field which would shut down power grids cell phone satellites modern cars and even airplanes The resulting global power outages could last for months Last month s smallish relatively speaking storm messed with electronics and that was no Carrington sized event Even worse We are absolutely due for this to happen It s basically a ticking time bomb So these findings could in theory be used to prepare new early warning methods for large scale solar flares hitting Earth Someday we might have solar flare warnings alongside hurricane warnings and the like The research has already demonstrated some interesting links between sunspots and the sun s magnetic activity We still don t understand the sun well enough to make accurate predictions of solar weather lead study author Geoffrey Vasil of the University of Edinburgh told The Hill These new findings will be an important step toward finally resolving this mysterious process added co author Daniel Lecoanet of Northwestern University This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-22 18:20:59
海外TECH Engadget INDIKA weaves a mature tale of absurdity, hypocrisy and sexual violence https://www.engadget.com/indika-weaves-a-mature-tale-of-absurdity-hypocrisy-and-sexual-violence-182019378.html?src=rss This story contains discussions of sexual violence Multiple scenes from INDIKA are seared into my brain A palm sized person crawls out of a nun s mouth and runs down her arm frenzied in the middle of a Catholic ritual A man is suspended in the air his torso impaled on a strip of curling rebar while a guitarist gently encourages him to die Dozens of bus sized fish dangle on rotating spits above a blazing silo The mangled head of a feral dog flops repeatedly against the gears of a mill neck limp and tongue lolling The sudden glimpse of a demon gray skin too many arms and joints bent the wrong way bug like and hulking When I move it moves Back at home in front of my PC my skin prickles with goosebumps INDIKA generates visceral reactions effortlessly and always with a tinge of surprise It s a mostly third person narrative adventure set in an alternative th century Russia and it stars an ostracized nun Indika who has the devil s voice in her head From this foundation the game offers a flurry of whimsical absurdity and raw human suffering and even as its visual and mechanical styles shift from scene to scene everything comes together in a cohesive package INDIKA is a masterful example of maturity in video games Odd MeterThe devil is Indika s constant companion As she travels from her convent to deliver a letter in another village the voice in her head gleefully vocalizes her cruelest thoughts and points out the hypocrisies built into Catholicism her chosen religion The devil speaks like he s narrating a children s book a Rumpelstiltskin glee dripping from every syllable as he tells Indika how weak unloved and naive she is Indika debates him and at a few points he splinters reality around her opening deep cracks in the scenery revealing new pathways and filling the world with a red glow Players can hold down a button to pray keeping his machinations at bay To progress in these scenes Indika has to shift between the devil s reality and her own inviting him in at specific moments to make use of his hellish platforms Indika becomes more comfortable with the devil in her mind as the game progresses and the press X to pray moments are just the first examples of their uneasy alliance As a piece of religious criticism INDIKA plays all the hits Its jokes about the manipulation hypocrisy and rigid inhumanity of Catholicism are clear and sharp though not particularly revelatory The devil s laughing tone makes every line sound like a lullaby and to my ears ーan atheist who grew up Catholic and was extremely confused by the gaudy culty exclusion being preached every Sunday ーINDIKA is soul soothing The game never fully explains whether Indika is experiencing a psychotic break or is truly possessed by the devil in this world everything exists in the gray area where both of these states meet Psychosis or Satan it s all incredibly real to Indika INDIKA is underpinned by a delirious tension between levity and agony and the developers at Odd Meter got the rhythm just right Indika s reality is a frozen hellscape filled with pain betrayal and isolation but it also has laugh out loud moments that feel more like a rom com than a psychodrama about a sad nun The game also slips into a lighter visual style as it delves into her past mining memories out of pixelated platformers in sun drenched environments These contrast sharply against the D brutalism of the main scenes and they re incredibly engaging offering smooth jumps with tricky timings Odd MeterThis is a game that requires an escape every now and then and moments of reprieve are built into its progression perfectly positioned to ease the anxiety as it reaches a fever pitch About a quarter of the way through the game Indika encounters a blood chilling scene Through the crack of a doorway she sees and hears a man attempting to rape a woman scuffles and screams spilling into the hallway Indika freezes accidentally makes a noise and then hides in a closet as the assaulter turns his attention toward the interruption The devil taunts Indika ー quot Did you see the size of that thing quot and quot Maybe you wanted to join them quot ーas the man searches for her The danger of the situation bursts through the screen heavy and white hot This is horror Minutes later Indika is driving a steampunk motorcycle with a trailer full of corpses down a winding path an unexpected friend perched on the bodies behind her throwing out cheeky one liners Suddenly it feels like the beginning of a buddy cop movie The shift in tone is a huge relief and this balance of extremes is something that INDIKA does with incredible deftness time and time again The first sexual assault scene is quick and powerful showing enough to drive home the depravity of the situation without becoming gratuitous After I played through it I took a deep breath collected myself and then dove back into the game eager to uncover more of its commentary The handling of this topic increased my trust in the developers artistic instincts and their ability to reveal the nature of true terror it made me more invested in the rest of the game Odd MeterOf all the memorable visuals in INDIKA one remains particularly vibrant in my mind s eye Indika is kneeling in a prison cell and a guard enters alone his intentions clear He puts his hand on the back of Indika s head and reality breaks like it often does in this game ーbut this time it s softer slower and all encompassing The screen becomes a red pool and in the center Indika and the devil float around each other like amoebae in a petri dish quietly discussing the injustices of human existence Indika dissociates while her body experiences violence and the scene lingers on the red womb providing space for players to absorb the situation from an artistic and philosophical distance It s authentic and powerful It s oddly calming INDIKA stands out for these moments of sexual violence each so delicately handled The video game industry in particular is built on a foundation of physical violence ーguns war blood and murder ーbut there aren t many games that broach the subject of sexual abuse This is largely for the best as sexual violence is a topic that we re still learning how to talk about on a cultural scale It s the ugliest side of humanity the most uncomfortable to address yet it s pervasive Sexual abuse is as worthy of compassionate discussion as gun violence but for a multitude of societal and individual reasons it s much harder to look at directly Interactive media in particular can be a powerful vessel for immersion and revelatory storytelling Sexual violence demands empathy if it s going to be included in any piece of entertainment media and this is particularly true in video games where players are acting out the events placing themselves in the character s shoes getting lost in their second to second actions There s high risk in telling a story about sexual abuse in a video game and it s not only about alienating or offending a portion of the audience The risk lies in the potential to literally retraumatize players Mishandling a topic like rape can be damaging and perpetuate harmful messages about power autonomy and self worth in the real world Odd MeterThe best outcome for creators who don t know how to approach the topic is to leave it alone and for the most part video game developers have The alternative ーadding sexual violence to a game without understanding the cruelty of the act using it for shock value or lazily turning it into a point of motivation for a separate character ーwill always be much more upsetting For example Immortality This is one of the few contemporary games that uses sexual violence as a plot point and to me its lens feels lecherous rather than poignant Immortality employs real life actors and puts the abuse itself center screen using the guise of edgy commentary to let the camera linger on extended scenes of softly lit molestation the woman s body in greater focus than her pain The sexual abuse in Immortality feels like voyeuristic fantasy INDIKA on the other hand nbsp centers the person receiving the violence and reveals the true horror of the act INDIKA demonstrates how a video game can tell a strange and beautiful story that involves sexual abuse and proves it can be done without overwhelming the narrative or flow These scenes add layers of insight and emotional heft to Indika s journey revealing truths about her psyche and her world It s encouraging to see these themes explored so deftly in a piece of interactive art INDIKA is not solely about sexual violence The bulk of the game is filled with puzzles platforming and witty wordplay from the devil and most of it plays out in engaging and ridiculous ways Plenty of segments in INDIKA are downright jovial with a warped sense of humor that reminds me of Alice in Wonderland or more appropriately American McGee s Alice However it doesn t shy away from the dark realities of Indika s world where rape is as pervasive as gun violence war and religious oppression The assault scenes ーpresented alongside running themes of death manipulation isolation shame guilt and cruelty ーsolidify one of INDIKA s core messages With a world like this how much worse can Hell really be This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-22 18:20:19
科学 NYT > Science Some Wind Turbines in Iowa Crumpled by Tornadoes https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/22/climate/tornado-wind-turbines-iowa.html The damage was unusual experts say because turbines are built to withstand extreme weather Iowa is a wind powerhouse with thousands of turbines 2024-05-22 18:55:28
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「自分から初対面の人に話しかけられない…」雑談が苦手な人がまず最初にすべき“意外な”こと【『独学大全』著者がアドバイス】 - 独学大全 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/344055 アドバイス 2024-05-23 03:54:00
YouTube Channels google Meet Re:Dish | Single-Use Plastic Challenge Participant #SingleUsePlastics #Challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LxF_SIrPyg dish,single,challenge 2024-05-22 18:50:40
YouTube Channels google Google Keynote (Google I/O ‘24) - Audio Described https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHUPd_gEG8w It s time to I O Tune in to learn the latest news announcements and AI updates from Google To watch this keynote without audio descriptions please click here To watch this keynote with American Sign Language ASL interpretation please click here Opening Film Introduction DeepMind Search Workspace Gemini Android Developer Updates Responsible AI Closing GoogleIOSubscribe to our Channel Find us on X Watch us on TikTok googleFollow us on Instagram Join us on Facebook Google I O 2024-05-22 18:17:05



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