投稿時間:2024-05-24 14:09:20 RSSフィード2024-05-24 14:00分まとめ(10件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… povo2.0、期間限定トッピング「データ追加25GB (30日間/3,180円)」を提供開始 https://taisy0.com/2024/05/24/198649.html povo,トッピング,提供開始 2024-05-24 04:01:13
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] ドコモの「Xperia 1 VI SO-51E」は6月7日に発売 オンラインショップ価格は 20万9440円 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2405/24/news132.html itmediamobile,nttドコモ,xperiavisoe 2024-05-24 13:40:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] デル、スタンダードPC「Inspiron」13製品を法人向けに発売 Windows 11 Proを導入 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2405/24/news134.html itmediapcuser,inspiron,windowspro 2024-05-24 13:30:00
AWS AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog Your AI is Only as Good as Your Data https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/enterprise-strategy/your-ai-is-only-as-good-as-your-data/ Generative AI is undoubtedly one of the most transformative and disruptive technologies of our time These powerful models can generate human like text images code and more in ways that seem almost miraculous However behind the awe inspiring outputs lies an even more incredible foundation the massive datasets and robust data operations required to make generative 2024-05-24 04:24:15
海外TECH Engadget OpenAI scraps controversial nondisparagement agreement with employees https://www.engadget.com/openai-scraps-controversial-nondisparagement-agreement-with-employees-043750040.html?src=rss OpenAI will not enforce any nondisparagement agreement former employees had signed and will remove the language from its exit paperwork altogether the company told Bloomberg Vox recently reported that OpenAI was making exiting employees choose between being able to speak against the company and to keep the vested equity they earned Employees could lose millions if they choose not to sign the agreement or if they violate it Sam Altman OpenAI s CEO said he was quot embarrassed quot and didn t know that the provision existed promising to have the company s paperwork altered nbsp According to Bloomberg the company notified former employees that quot r egardless of whether they executed the agreement OpenAI has not canceled and will not cancel any vested units quot It released them from the agreement altogether quot unless the nondisparagement provision was mutual quot At least one former employee said they had lost their vested equity that was equivalent to multiple times their family s net worth by refusing to sign when they left It s unclear if they re getting it back with this change The company also talked to current employees about this development easing their worries that they will have to be careful with everything they say if they don t want to lose their stocks nbsp quot We are sorry for the distress this has caused great people who have worked hard for us quot Chief Strategy Officer Jason Kwon said in a statement quot We have been working to fix this as quickly as possible We will work even harder to be better quot This wasn t the only controversial situation OpenAI has been involved in as of late The company recently revealed that it was disbanding the team it formed last year to help make sure humanity is protected from future AI systems which could be so powerful they could cause our extinction Before that OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever who was one of the team s leads left the company Another team lead Jan Leike said in a series of tweets that quot safety culture and processes have taken a backseat to shiny products quot within OpenAI In addition Scarlett Johansson accused OpenAI of copying her voice without permission for ChatGPT s Sky voice assistant after she turned down Altman s request to lend her voice to the company OpenAI denied that it copied the actor s voice and said that it hired another actor way before Altman contacted Johansson nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-24 04:37:50
科学 NYT > Science Russia Is Increasingly Blocking Ukraine’s Starlink Service https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/24/technology/ukraine-russia-starlink.html Russia has deployed advanced tech to interfere with Elon Musk s satellite internet service Ukrainian officials said leading to more outages on the northern front battle line 2024-05-24 04:45:33
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 「疾患・状態3」「処置等1」で150点減-医療区分見直しで、日慢協 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20240524134018 定例記者会見,日本慢性期医療協会,診療報酬 2024-05-24 13:50:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 医師偏在対策「インセンティブ+規制」提言-諮問会議・民間議員、ベストミックス求める https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20240524114225 インセンティブ,経済財政諮問会議,診療報酬 2024-05-24 13:15:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 職場におけるストレスチェックの現状~ストレスチェックの効果検証と、小規模事業所の実施や集団分析の実施が議題に https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=78586?site=nli nbsp,そのため,のところ 2024-05-24 13:56:11
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 「名古屋オフィス市場」の現況と見通し(2024年) https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=78585?site=nli aクラス,jr東海,nbsp 2024-05-24 13:02:40



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