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IT 気になる、記になる… HUAWEIのイヤーカフ型ワイヤレスイヤホン「HUAWEI FreeClip」、イヤホン単体での音量調節が可能に https://taisy0.com/2024/05/31/198858.html huawei,huaweifreeclip,アップデート 2024-05-31 14:46:49
IT 気になる、記になる… DMM Bitcoinから約482億円相当のビットコインが不正流出 https://taisy0.com/2024/05/31/198855.html dmmbitcoin,ビットコイン,被害状況 2024-05-31 14:34:47
AWS AWS DevOps Blog Using Single Sign On (SSO) to manage project teams for Amazon CodeCatalyst https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/using-single-sign-on-sso-to-manage-project-teams-for-amazon-codecatalyst/ Amazon CodeCatalyst is a modern software development service that empowers teams to deliver software on AWS easily and quickly Amazon CodeCatalyst provides one place where you can plan code and build test and deploy your container applications with continuous integration continuous delivery CI CD tools CodeCatalyst recently announced the teams feature which simplifies management of space and 2024-05-31 14:30:48
Program lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Lambda]Pythonライブラリをアップロードする https://qiita.com/akitika/items/1da11c118909d906d177 lambda,mkdirhogecdhodepipinstall,perplexityapi 2024-05-31 23:25:51
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Converse APIの登場によりBedrockに新モデルが登場したらいち早く試せる画面が完成しました https://qiita.com/moritalous/items/cde191320abcfffacaca converseapi,amazonbedrock,bedrock 2024-05-31 23:58:15
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO AWS入門ブログリレー2024〜AWS CloudTrail編〜 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/introduction-2024-aws-cloudtrail/ awscloudtrail,エントリ,サービス 2024-05-31 14:43:21
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [アップデート]Amazon GuardDutyのMalware Protectionが2TiBまでのEBSボリュームをスキャン出来るようになりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/update-guardduty-malware-scan-to-2tib/ アップデート,amazonguardduty,becominn 2024-05-31 14:36:34
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple loses to Samsung in Q1 global smartphone shipments https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/05/31/apple-loses-to-samsung-in-q1-global-smartphone-shipments?utm_medium=rss Apple isn t on top of the worldwide smartphone market in so far though the iPhone did benefit from customers buying more premium models iPhone Pro MaxThe holiday shopping season is an important one for many companies including Apple However the following quarter is when launch and holiday sales start to slip which research from Counterpoint seemingly indicates According to the firm s latest Mobile Market Monitor report covering the first quarter of Apple was second in terms of global smartphone shipments Apple reportedly secured a market share beaten only by Samsung with Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-05-31 14:29:49
海外TECH Engadget Spain blocks Facebook and Instagram from deploying election features https://www.engadget.com/spain-blocks-facebook-and-instagram-from-deploying-election-features-145013368.html?src=rss Spain has blocked Meta from rolling out election focused features on Facebook and Instagram in the country Data protection agency AEPD used emergency powers stipulated in the European Union s General Data Protection Regulation GDPR to ban the Election Day Information and Voter Information Unit tools for up to three months as a precautionary measure Meta planned to deploy these tools ahead of the European Parliament election The company said it designed them to respect users privacy and comply with the GDPR and while it disagrees with the AEPD s stance Meta told TechCrunch it will comply with the order The agency took aim at how Meta planned to process data via the tools It said there was no justification for the collection of age data due to an inability to verify the ages users have on their profiles and it criticized Meta s intent to retain the data after the June election It claimed this plan quot reveals an additional purpose for the processing operation Other data that Meta planned to process via the election tools included user interactions with those features as well as gender information The agency considers that the collection and conservation of data planned by the company would seriously put at risk the rights and freedoms of Instagram and Facebook users who would see an increase in the volume of information that it collects about them allowing the creation of more complex detailed and exhaustive profiles generating more intrusive treatments the AEPD said in a statement translated from Spanish It also cited concerns about such data being made available to third parties for non explicit purposes The AEPD asserts that Meta plans to use the tools to remind eligible Facebook and Instagram users in the EU to vote The watchdog claims that Meta will identify users as eligible voters based on IP addresses and profile data about where they live However to vote in the election the only requirement is to be an adult national of any EU member state According to the AEPD Meta s approach targets non EU citizens who live in member countries while leaving out EU citizens who don t reside in the bloc It called the company s treatment of user data quot unnecessary disproportionate and excessive according to Reuters nbsp The European Commission has raised concerns about Meta s approach to elections as well In April the bloc opened an investigation into the company over its election policies This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-31 14:50:13
海外TECH Engadget Marvel's "What If...?" for Apple Vision Pro looks incredible, but plays terribly https://www.engadget.com/marvels-what-if-for-apple-vision-pro-looks-incredible-but-plays-terribly-143028639.html?src=rss The Watcher stood tall in my family room bald and berobed nestled amongst my kids toys sleeping cats and TV I was being asked to help save the multiverse So began Marvel and ILM Interactive s What If on the Apple Vision Pro Like the Disney series and comics of the same name this interactive experience recontextualizes Marvel s characters in a variety of intriguing ways ーwhat if the Allies never won World War and the Captain America experiment was a failure for example What If has always been a fun concept but can it actually be transformed into a worthwhile augmented reality showpiece Well yes and no ーat least based on the hour I spent with it on the Apple Vision Pro Before I dive into major criticisms I ll say up front that What If is clearly an experiment so rough edges are to be expected I give Marvel and ILM Interactive credit for making it completely free for Vision Pro users and for taking a sizable swing at a platform without many users The entire experience also looks wonderfully detailed thanks to the combination of Marvel and ILM s immersive environments and character animation as well as the sheer power of the Vision Pro s M processor It s the closest you ll get to living inside of a comic Marvel has already dabbled in virtual reality with Iron Man for the PSVR and Quest as well as Marvel Powers United VR but What If is an attempt to accomplish something even more immersive What if you could interact with superheroes right in your home Mostly though I found myself asking quot What if this experience was actually fun to play quot MarvelYou re placed in the role of a mystical apprentice wielding powers similar to Doctor Strange Initially you can hold up a fist to manifest a shield or look towards objects to use telekinesis But you eventually gain the ability to shoot mystical blasts and trap enemies It all sounds incredibly cool in theory but in practice it felt worse than the first gen VR games I played a decade ago Mostly that s because What If relies on your hands for everything The Vision Pro doesn t have a dedicated VR controller like the Oculus Quest or HTC Vive which offer instant button inputs and could be tracked through IR sensors Instead you have to wait a fraction of a second for Apple s headset to recognize your hands and determine what you re trying to do Consequently What If feels more like you re sitting through a Marvel theme park ride moving from one scenario to the next without much active participation It s a poor way to make you feel like a multiverse hopping adventurer At the very least What If shows off what Marvel could do if it focused more on the Vision Pro and whatever Oculus has cooking next Like a campy D film the game wastes no time trying to blow you away with its core gimmick It kicks off with a remixed Marvel intro montage in D floating in front of you in augmented reality As Michael Giacchino s iconic score crescendoes you re suddenly surrounded by clips of the series drifting in from outside your field of view It s a brief moment but it s the sort of thing that wouldn t be as impactful in a traditional VR headset where you re immersed in an alternate reality from the start MarvelThe experience truly begins with the aforementioned Watcher ーone of Marvel s cosmic beings who observe its many universes ーroping you in for an adventure You know the drill Find all of the Infinity Stones and stop whoever is trying to destroy all known creation Kids stuff Along the way you ll run into alternate universe versions of familiar characters Thor s sister Hela who only wants to save her beloved giant wolf Fenris a version of Steve Rogers who looks eerily like the Red Skull and a more sympathetic Thanos nbsp What If moves between virtual environments that fully immerse you in the action and augmented reality scenarios where The Watcher and a few companions putter around your room You can do the same sometimes but within the VR segments the game expects you to stay still You ll also have to click through Vision Pro pop ups about being mindful of your surroundings before every VR scene ーa necessary evil for people unfamiliar with VR but also something that kills immersion since it s not integrated into the game MarvelDespite my issues with the gameplay I ultimately had a decently entertaining hour with What If It was a quick Marvel fix in a time where I ve grown tired of the onslaught of Disney MCU shows I just can t help but wish it were more fun to play I m hoping this release helps Marvel and ILM Interactive get better at building AR and VR experiences And for Apple it s a clear sign that some sort of Vision Pro controller would be helpful down the line nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-31 14:30:28
海外TECH Engadget The IRS is making its free Turbo Tax alternative permanent https://www.engadget.com/the-irs-is-making-its-free-turbo-tax-alternative-permanent-142055378.html?src=rss The United States notoriously makes tax filing stressful and expensive thanks to greed the tax lobby and the idea that basically nothing should be free fun stuff However there s a little glimmer of hope as the IRS is making Direct File its free digital tool announced in late permanent According to the US Department of the Treasury a Direct File pilot program saved individuals an estimated million in filing costs for the tax session nbsp Not only is the program here to stay with the current government at least but its access is expanding Taxpayers in states could use Direct File this year but the tool will be available in all states and Washington DC starting with the filing season The Treasury reports that Direct File users approved of the tool with percent of the taxpayers surveyed rating the system quot excellent quot or quot above average quot nbsp nbsp Right now the free TurboTax alternative only works for taxpayers with simple filings like a W or standard deduction However the Treasury plans to quot expand the reach and tax scope quot it offers in the coming years Despite this expansion it will be up to states whether they want to participate in the program nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-31 14:20:55
海外TECH Engadget The best robot vacuum for 2024 https://www.engadget.com/best-robot-vacuums-130010426.html?src=rss Whether you have kids tracking in dirt on a daily basis or a few fur shedding pets or both a robot vacuum can help keep your home clean Vacuuming doesn t have to be a daily chore for which you alone are responsible ーrobot vacuum cleaners have gotten even better in recent years to the point where they re better at navigating around your home and some of them can even mop hard floors in addition to sucking up debris Yes they are on the expensive side of the smart home gadget spectrum but there are more midrange and affordable options today than ever before But if you re unclear where to start in your search for the best robot vacuum we re here to help We ve tested dozens of these machines over the years to find our top picks mentioned below and lay out some advice that will hopefully help you decide which robo vac is right for you What to look for in a robot vacuumWi Fi connectivityAs we explained in our budget guide Wi Fi connectivity is a key feature for most robot vacuums Some of the affordable devices aren t Wi Fi connected though so it s best to double check before you buy cheap Wi Fi lets a robot vacuum cleaner do things like communicate with a mobile app which then allows you to control the device from your phone Vacuum suctionSuction power is another important factor to consider Unfortunately there isn t a standard power scale that all robo vacs adhere to so it s difficult to compare among a bunch of devices Some companies provide Pascal Pa levels and generally the higher the Pa the stronger the vacuum cleaner will be But other companies don t rely on Pa and simply say their robots have X times more suction than other robots Floor typeUltimately we recommend thinking first about the floors in your home Do you have carpet throughout or tile and hardwood floors or a mix Robots with stronger suction power will do a better job cleaning carpets as they can get into the nooks and crannies more easily Some machines have max modes as well which ups the suction power but also typically eats at battery life faster than the normal cleaning mode Mapping features and object detectionPast a certain price threshold you ll find advanced perks like home mapping features improved object detection and automatic dustbin disposal Home mapping is exactly what it sounds like The vacuum uses sensors to map your home s layout as it cleans allowing you to send it to particular rooms or areas Most robo vacs have object detection but some will be better than others at actually avoiding things like chair legs and children s toys Higher end models like iRobot s j series even go so far as to promise obstacle avoidance to steer clear of things like pet poop that can potentially ruin your machine Robot vacuums with mopping capabilitiesWe re also now starting to see more robot vacuums with mopping capabilities Machines with this feature have a water reservoir either built into the robot s chassis or as a separate piece that you swap in for the dustbin when you want to mop your floors It makes the robo vac more useful if you have hard floors in your home that you like to keep squeaky clean but it does require more work on your part Filling and emptying the reservoir remains a human s job Auto empty stationFinally for peak convenience consider a robot vacuum that comes with a self cleaning base These are basically garbage bins attached to the machine s docking station At the end of each job the robo vac automatically empties its small dustbin into the large clean base that means you won t have to empty the dustbin yourself and you ll only have to tend to the base once every few weeks Just keep in mind that most self emptying bins require proprietary garbage bags another long term expense you ll have to factor in Also any vac and mop robot with a water tank will not dump its dirty water into the clean base so you ll still have to clean up that yourself Best robot vacuums Are robot vacuums worth it We tackled this question when we reviewed budget robot vacuums and the answer is yes especially if vacuuming is one of your least favorite chores Robots take the hard work out of cleaning your floors just turn the thing on and watch it go Any robot vacuum cleaner worth buying is semi autonomous in that it will suck up dirt around your home until its battery is low and then make its way back to its charging dock Unlike a regular vacuum you should only have to interact with it to turn it on empty its dustbin and untangle it if it were to get stuck somewhere That s not to say robot vacuums are perfect They re almost always less powerful and less flexible than traditional vacuums Since most robo vacs are much smaller than traditional models they often don t have the same level of suction you ll get in an upright machine Plus their dustbins are smaller so they will need to be emptied more frequently While Wi Fi connected robot vacuums give you the flexibility to start a cleaning job from anywhere using an app targeting a small area of your home can be more complicated Some robo vacs have spot cleaning features that focus the machine s attention on a specific area which almost but not quite mimics the spot cleaning you d be able to do yourself with a regular or cordless vacuum Robot vacuum maintenance tipsFirst and foremost always empty your robot vacuum s dustbin after every cleaning job If you have a model with a self emptying base there s less work for you to do yourself If not simply detach and empty the dustbin as soon as the robot is done cleaning It s also a good idea to take a dry cloth to the inside of the dustbin every once in a while to remove any small dust and dirt particles clinging to its insides In addition you ll want to regularly examine the machine s brushes to see if any hair has wrapped around them or if any large debris is preventing them from working properly Some brushes are better than others at not succumbing to tangled hair but it s a good idea to check your robot s brushes regardless ーboth their main brush and any smaller corner brushes they have These parts are often easy to pop off of the machine because they do require replacements eventually so we recommend removing each brush entirely getting rid of any tangled hair or other debris attached to them and reinstalling them afterwards Robot vacuums also have filters that need replacing every couple of months Check your machine s user manual or the manufacturer s website to see how long they recommend going in between filter replacements Most of the time these filters cannot be washed so you will need to buy new ones either directly from the manufacturer or from other retailers like Amazon or Walmart This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-05-31 14:01:26
科学 NYT > Science Alzheimer’s Takes a Financial Toll Long Before Diagnosis, Study Finds https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/business/economy/alzheimers-disease-personal-finance.html New research shows that people who develop dementia often begin falling behind on bills years earlier 2024-05-31 15:00:13
科学 NYT > Science Scientists Find the Largest Known Genome Inside a Small Plant https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/science/largest-genome-fern-plant.html A fern from a Pacific island carries times as much DNA as humans do 2024-05-31 15:00:12
YouTube Channels TED Why the World Needs More Builders — and Less “Us vs. Them” | Daniel Lubetzky | TED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTau-xHsz80 We re programmed to think every issue is binary us vs them But Daniel Lubetzky the founder of KIND Snacks says the real enemy isn t a person but a mindset He introduces a new initiative that aims to bring together builders from around the world to replace extremism with practical problem solving ーand shows how you can join the movement If you love watching TED Talks like this one become a TED Member to support our mission of spreading ideas Follow TED X Instagram Facebook LinkedIn TikTok tedtoksThe TED Talks channel features talks performances and original series from the world s leading thinkers and doers Subscribe to our channel for videos on Technology Entertainment and Design ーplus science business global issues the arts and more Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks transcripts translations personalized talk recommendations and more Watch more TED s videos may be used for non commercial purposes under a Creative Commons License Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives or the CC BY NC ND International and in accordance with our TED Talks Usage Policy For more information on using TED for commercial purposes e g employee learning in a film or online course please submit a Media Request at TED TEDTalks builders 2024-05-31 14:21:14



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