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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ガイナックス破産で、庵野氏が代表務めるカラーがコメント発表 「残念でなりません」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2406/07/news192.html itmedia,news,アニメーション 2024-06-07 20:20:00
IT Techable(テッカブル) GoogleやAppleで働くメンターと求職者をつなぐ。米Pathriseの“IT人材向け就活支援プログラム” https://techable.jp/archives/235311 google,apple,pathrise 2024-06-07 11:00:40
AWS AWS DevOps Blog Five troubleshooting examples with Amazon Q https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/five-troubleshooting-examples-with-amazon-q/ Operators administrators developers and many other personas leveraging AWS come across multiple common issues when it comes to troubleshooting in the AWS Console To help alleviate this burden AWS released Amazon Q Amazon Q is AWS s generative AI powered assistant that helps make your organizational data more accessible write code answer questions generate content solve problems 2024-06-07 11:05:29
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AppSync + RDSで複雑なクエリを実行する https://qiita.com/y_horikiri/items/a501ec900185c03e6653 appsyncrds,appsync,appsyncgraphql 2024-06-07 20:14:49
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海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Vision Pro will get a polish, not an overhaul at WWDC https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/07/apple-vision-pro-will-get-a-polish-not-an-overhaul-at-wwdc?utm_medium=rss The forthcoming visionOS for Apple Vision Pro at WWDC will not be as significant an update as expected but will address issues and bring new environments WWDC will see enhancements rather than an overhaul to visionOSApple has been testing visionOS since at least January but a new report suggests that its version number won t bring the changes that a whole number update implies It will though offer more than the minor updates that the latest visionOS has seen According to Bloomberg visionOS ーcodenamed Constellation ーis chiefly concerned with making the Apple Vision Pro software smoother and more polished There won t be dramatically new features or revisions to existing ones Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-07 11:58:23
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News iOS 18 AI boost could be called 'Apple Intelligence' https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/07/ios-18-ai-boost-could-be-called-apple-intelligence?utm_medium=rss Apple s name for its big AI push at WWDC could be quite simple with it reportedly called Apple Intelligence AI updates to Siri could be on the way soonAI updates to Siri could be on the way soonApple is widely thought to be making more of an effort to introduce AI into customer lives Monday s WWDC could end up being the first real opportunity for Apple to demonstrate what is coming to users in the future possibly this fall As part of the ongoing AI frenzy Bloomberg reported on Friday that Apple will be deeply integrating AI into its main apps and OS features It will do so while maintaining privacy and security for user data Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-07 11:52:44
海外TECH Engadget Engadget Podcast: How AI will shape Apple's WWDC 2024 https://www.engadget.com/engadget-podcast-how-ai-will-shape-apples-wwdc-2024-113005804.html?src=rss We re gearing up to cover Apple s Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC next week In this episode Cherlynn and Devindra dive into everything they expect at WWDC Tons of AI announcements more on iOS iPadOS and macOS and hopefully some improvements for Vision Pro and visionOS In addition we chat about what we expect to see at Summer Game Fest and demonstrate how we used an AI editing tool to clear up some awful podcast audio Devindra also talks with Justin Samuels the founder of Render ATL about why he started a massive tech conference in Atlanta Listen below or subscribe on your podcast app of choice If you ve got suggestions or topics you d like covered on the show be sure to email us or drop a note in the comments And be sure to check out our other podcast Engadget News TopicsWWDC Preview Apple gets serious about generative AI NVIDIA overtakes Apple to be the nd most valuable company in the US Humane AI warns users its battery case may pose a fire risk AI workers demand stronger whistleblower protections Boeing s Starliner has successfully launched astronauts to the ISS AI audio cleanup has gotten really good and we have podcast clips to prove it Working on Pop culture picks Interview with Render ATL founder Justin Samuels Subscribe iTunesSpotifyPocket CastsStitcherGoogle PodcastsLivestreamCredits nbsp Hosts Devindra Hardawar and Cherlynn LowProducer Ben Ellman Music Dale North and Terrence O BrienTranscriptEngadget Podcast WWDC previewDevindra What s up internet Welcome back to the Engadget podcast I m senior editor Devindra Hardawar Cherlynn I m deputy editor Cherlynn Low Devindra Hello welcome back Cherlynn This week we are getting ready for WWDC happening in a couple of days Cherlynn and I are going to be going down there to do it just like we did last year But I don t know maybe it may be not as momentous as last year s WWDC where we got a whole new device right And a whole new platform for Apple but we re expecting a lot of AI stuff We ll dive into all of that And we ve got a bunch of news this week too but as always folks if you re enjoying the show Please be sure to subscribe to us on iTunes or your podcatcher of choice Leave us a review on iTunes drop us an email at podcast engadget com And I m sure you guys will have a lot of questions after this episode So be sure to do that And also you can typically join us Thursday mornings on our YouTube channel for our live stream around AM Eastern It s a fun time Join the crowd and you can see us on video and see us do very silly things Cause we ll be doing some demos too which may not show up as well in the in the audio version of the show Stay tuned to the end of this episode for my chat with Justin Samuels He s the founder and CEO of RenderATL which is a huge tech conference happening in Atlanta from June th to the th All right Let s talk about WWDC Cherlynnn I feel like we are dead with events because we have come through Google and Microsoft and everything just back to back And of course we knew WWDC was coming but Apple only sent us invites like maybe a week ago It s typically like a two week lead time that we get to actually jump into it How are you feeling What are you looking forward to at DubDub I Cherlynn I like going to DubDub I like visiting Apple s campus It s one of the nicest I ve been to All three that I ve been to are nice right Google Microsoft and Apple but something about Apple s campus just really resonates in my chestal region It sDevindra very it is the nicest one I haven t been to the main Google campus And also you didn t see the new Microsoft campus Oh yeah we saw it build and They these companies they express their style in their campuses in their environments right Cherlynn Yes but as for the actual news we re expecting out of WWDC I don t know how hype I might be yet We ll dig into kind of what we re expecting but it just sounds like from all the reporting and rumors and leaks and whatnot AI is going to be a big deal And I m just like Oh God Like I always we reYeah we re so inundated with all of it Devindra Also because that s what IO was about Was Google saying Hey this is how we re AI ing everything And Microsoft was also like Yeah here s a whole new AI platform for all PCs So does the dream of AI stuff feel more real this year At least for you Shirlene because last year it didn t feel real ICherlynn don t know about more real right I don t know if I what do you what do we mean by real But I will say that Google s been banging on about AI forever and Google has had and also the word AI itself has been around for so long decades Yeah What are we really talking about this year is that generative AI is making its way into a lot of devices and whatnot With Google it still felt a little bit like a mix of what we saw with the duplex announcement years ago with the restaurant reservation AI slash whatever you would want to call that But Apple Actually coming out and using and uttering the word AI would be a big deal I think I don t think Apple would say it as many times as Microsoft or Google did in their respective developer conference keynotes but So if they say it at all I would be like wow this is entering mainstream consciousness I would bet a table that Apple finds a way to rename it or say it in some way that s not the same as everyone else But it s also a very classic Apple to enter the game extremely late but maybe make the most waves even if nothing they do is groundbreaking Devindra We can t we talked about that around the vision part right That was definitely almost a decade late after all the VR headsets came out and Apple sat back and looked at AR and VR and everything But I don t know if we can say that here because based on the reporting we ve seen and by the way we have a great preview piece by Chris Holtz So go check that out for all our stuff We are expecting Apple to AI all the things but the Inner story here is almost one of failure by Apple There was a report in the wall street journal last night detailing what went down here And specifically it was that Apple just didn t really seem to have focus around AI stuff They they in they had hired A former Google engineer John Gianandrea to head all of their AI stuff And according to that reporting they that team which also included more Google people that he brought into Apple never quite gelled with the rest of Apple right Because Google s like timeline and the way they develop things may take a long time And they don t like normally have to build products around Hey we got to release a new iPhone next year Or a new iPad in a couple of years or something So it seems like that team never fully gelled within Apple And then most recently like some of Apple s other executives like when ChatGPT launched got really enamored with that stuff and was like Oh crap we got to be doing this So this year almost seems like Apple s proving that they are not totally behind because the story at least since last year is that Apple is behind Even though you could argue that they ve been doing neural engine stuff since like they ve been doing computer vision stuff but they haven t done generative AI stuff And that s what we re expecting to see at DubDub next next week Stuff that Apple itself has been doing Cause there has been reporting about An internal engine that they re working on for Siri to maybe do more things locally but also partnerships most likely with open AI according to reporting from Mark Gurman at Bloomberg it seems like Apple has formed a partnership with them to do similar to what Microsoft is doing with open AI although not to the same degree like Microsoft is like half invested In open AI at this point But basically being able to trigger open AI from Siri or maybe within iOS and macOS it seems like something like that is happening It does feel like Apple s behind right They have something to prove and they don t normally They re not normally in the weak position as a company Sherlin Cherlynn Look I wanna point out that in the livestream video chat deep mindset I a I right Are they gonna add an I I A I I A I That s quite funny And that aI reality Apple and all according to DeepRow Apple always follows never innovates I don t know I don t know if we can necessarily say that Devindra That s not absolutely not true because Vision Pro is so different you you could argue Apple follows but they follow with innovation that typically like fixes a lot of the mistakes endemic to an industry Yeah Usually like aCherlynn thoughtful implementation of something that s been trendy and hyped up for a bit which makes sense And this oneDevindra seems like they re following the trend And this Cherlynn it feels a little early I can t say right Like we haven t seen what Apple is announcing We haven t seen what Apple exactly is It s exactly going to say or bring to Siri or iPhones or whatever But yeah it seems early for Apple to be jumping into this too Like you said like it s only two years of Gen AI has been that much of a hype term For Apple this is they haven t waited five years before jumping in Wow Like that s Devindra wow Cherlynn Kind of what I think Yeah Devindra part of the problem is that there s also been a lot of reporting like Google has been working at this stuff for a long time Like I think the initial paper around the transformer model came out of Google s own AI research work Microsoft has been working with open AI for several years Copilot launched for what is their programming thing called Their programming system I keep forgetting the name of that CopilotCherlynn thing Oh I know what you re talking about Yeah Devindra Yeah I m sure somebody in chat will bring it up but they even Microsoft like a company that is typically Oh a company that s bad with timing Seems like they were right on schedule for taking advantage of this stuff Now I think we could still argue like Cherlynn do you think Apple really needs to compete with generative AI Because I think at this point I m like I don t what do I do with these images I really don t want things to write for me But I maybe other people will find that more useful Do you think this is actually a problem for Apple or just like a marketing thing Cherlynn I don t think the lack of jumping into Gen AI hype is the problem for Apple I think the problem for Apple is that Siri is dumb Devindra Oh yes Yes Cherlynn And it definitely could benefit from some Gen AI base like large language model learning type thing Like that sort of thing it s more sophisticated Assistant whether it be in what Siri can do which by the way it s a lot I got to say I don t have that many complaints about Siri I think that a lot of these voice based assistants are dumb in some way or another like with my Google ones they re like so bad at responding to me from the correct device And that might be because I have so many Google devices but also like Siri is good at working with third party apps that you can morph iOS has made it so much easier I feelDevindra Like as much as we talk crap about Amazon and the trouble within their whole Alexa division like they haven t been able to make money off of that but that whole the Amazon assistant I think is fun is a little more useful because they did better about integrating with third parties before Apple and before Google did Hey I have one of those devices like almost those are soCherlynn good Yeah Devindra They do more they listen better and Siri I could have my phone on my table and I could be like Hey blank Hey nothing absolutely no response from an iPhone Pro Max Cherlynn I think what I am most impressed by is that like with the jump to iOS that like the hot word for the assistant on iPhone is Siri It s just a name now and it s actually a terrible idea No it s actually worked really well for me I can say the name in conversation and not have my phone respond And yet when I m directly commanding and saying just the name it responds very quickly to what look we re at timesDevindra I have said words like seriously and my phone would be like Hey Cherlynn can I help you What phone is it Not to shame you like IDevindra got I got the biggest and the bestest so there s no shame here Cherlynn Interesting Devindra And The cam the microphone should be good Even while I m like wearing AirPods or something which have the microphones right there and should be better with the with Siri I turned off the plain Siri name thing because it happened so often It was just more frustrating to me So I think for me Cherlynn that s so strange Yeah Devindra I don t know I don t know But I also have to talk to a lot more people I don t know In my daily life I m notCherlynn like yelling at people butDevindra I agree Siri has been good for some things and Siri was the first virtual assistant So that was one of the things that was like one of Steve jobs final products that he was working on It was his dream of having a thing you talk to and it helps you out And I think that dream died especially as Alexa came out and Amazon proved that like having actually a speaker in your room that listens to the entire room is more useful and can do more things Anyway my question for you Sherilyn is what do you want to see Like we ve seen all these AI tools We ve seen things from Microsoft like recall by the way which is getting a lot of flack for being a potential security hazard Actually we ll talk about that later but we ve seen companies try to do Gen AI stuff I think Microsoft with recall and like with some of the the stuff in paint where you can like doodle and also co creator Yeah Type in text and do co creator stuff like that s cool What do you wanna see on iOS or iPad OS or Mac Os Look Cherlynn I will point out that Drew in our chat was one of the first comments there this morning saying that they want Mac Os on iPads And I think that s like definitely interesting and something that we ve all been hoping some sort of desktop software comes to tablets whether on the Android or Apple side We ve been hoping for that forever but I don t know at this point that as a user I have any requests other than obviously better understanding of dictation in messages sometimes Smarter Siri Speaker yeah Cherlynn Better Siri which by the way I just said that and none of my devices responded and I thought that was smart Also the But the thing is I will say this as a reporter as someone who s been covering the space for a while I have different things I am hoping to see I want to hear that RCS announcement I want to know more about that I want to see what this AI announcement pans out to and you know what If Siri improves it ll improve my life too probably Updates on maybe HomeKit Will there be a HomePod update I don t know They re going to talkDevindra about HomeKit they re going to talk about CarPlay but I m specifically wondering what do you want to see in the realm of AI or does it matter to you Do other features matter more at this point Cherlynn I don t use I still don t use generative AI features this much right When I think of generative AI features I think of things like summaries I think of things like better transcription maybe And that I would love to see recorder on the iPhone get transcripts in the way that like voice messages already do in message What else do they do Image clear the background and replace it with something better That s another Gen AI feature that they re alreadyDevindra doing that Like the studio effects stuff or Yeah the camera effects right That sCherlynn When I can contemplate the list of common AI based features that are available on competing devices there s not a lot that I want or use Devindra I m asking think ahead right Like we know what AI can do We know Apple loves to be like Hey they left a yes And everybody in the tech world yes And we do this and therefore we re better There was a reporting from German that Siri could just do anything Basically like it can interact with any app that you re looking at And also maybe interact with apps that are like running in the background or something So if you re checking email and it could be like Hey Siri can you build a playlist for me and Spotify doing yada yada maybe it could do that stuff true multitasking Cause we talked about that during the iPad pro right Cherlynn So I would be really interested to see that whole Rabbit with the R said they would have a large action model where it can use Siri just woke up and started talkingDevindra to me by the way Yeah Oh Cherlynn that s yeah because you used your And I didn t even say hey No you did I didn t even say hey No you did I did Okay You did I remember you said it yeah Because I would just say Siri but So what happens is if they use that sort of implementation that Rabbit is trying to do where like it s AI can actually speak on third parties on behalf of you then that s great I would like to see the limitations right Like the same thing that you encountered with the Rabbit R where like the third party like integration was just limited I assume that Siri s going to run into that as well Devindra Rabbit was working off of websites So if Uber changed its website Rabbit would have to go back and reprogram how their like little integration with Uber worked And apparently Uber didn t work at all for me So I think Uber had done something that screwed them up With with iOS at least apple has power It s like apps Apple has power Apple has like more insight into what how the apps run and things And maybe developers can even put in like little hooks to be like Hey this is how you better work with this smarter Siri or something but to have something like that runs entirely on device I think that would be useful I just want to I just I think we all just want to talk to our computers and that is the goal open AI It s Google and even Microsoft is trying to push right here So we all justCherlynn want to delegate tasks to our assistance We don t want to do things by hand anymore And I understand that right It s a vibe I also by the way want to point out that I saw a either a thread or a tweet or whatever it is somewhere Someone went I want AI to do my laundry and chores so that I have time to do creation creative stuff and art not AI to do my creative stuff and art So I can do my laundry and my chores And I thought that was so accurate Exactly ThatDevindra is the perfect human example and also yeah we ve been testing all this stuff I don t have a huge use of the generative image stuff in AI I will say More recently I ve been looking closer and closer at like how transcription works with AI Cause that s been super helpful for us And also like just Online AI tools for like podcast editing and we ll actually do a little demo later on this episode to show that off to show like what is possible now It is pretty wild A lot of these AI tools can be useful but yeah it remains to be seen like how Apple s going to do it What about other products Truland like iPadOS Here sCherlynn the other thing I m excited to see for no reason whatsoever Devindra Oh I know what you re going to say You know what I m going to say right Cherlynn Let s say it together on the count of three One two three Calculator Devindra Calculator Everybody you were really like hesitant there No Calculator I want to see this calculator Cherlynn I want to see this newfangled calculator What is it going to do Is it going to Do my taxes Okay Calculator do my taxes Get me a refund That s what I want Give me a big refund You shouldn t needDevindra calculator to do that You should need the government to put into it destroy into it as a company which has stopped us from having better tax preparation butCherlynn Different conversation So anyway yeah I think I m excited to see that I think iOS is probably going to bring some changes where by the way according to some of the rumors we saw in our preview we mentioned in our preview post there might be like you may no longer be locked to a grid on your home screens where you re laying when you re laying out the apps Yeah So you could probably potentially drop them anywhere Like you might be able to on like you can on Android I think that s interesting I don t know if that s necessarily going to change my life A messierDevindra home screen Congratulations Exactly I would loveCherlynn to put a widget in the middle and then like apps somewhere else like along the sides flanking I don t know within reach of my fingers You know what I mean The way it s currently built I had to think what apps do I not want to use as often versus the ones I want to use more often So I ll put those nearer down into the sides and the middle ones Do you how doDevindra you or we should do like a phone comparison screen at some point but do you care about anything beyond the home screen trilling Because like for me page two and three and everything beyond it s I don t care I m never going to swipe over there I swiped down I search for app ICherlynn rely on pages one and two That s it But I also rely on the bottom halves of the pages regardless because I cannot for the life of me reach across cause I use a pro max now So the top half for me is for widgets and the bottom half is for the apps that I use That s why it s like page one and two Devindra That actually works out pretty well Cause then you can reach that Yeah It s one swipeCherlynn and tap away As opposed to reach drop your phone crack the glass and then get your app so that s how I design my app So this interesting this is a Interesting potential new iOS thing I don t care so much about iPadOS even ifDevindra Would you care if they were like Hey let s emulate macOS a little bit Yes I would I think To give you moreCherlynn stuff I think on a philosophical and theoretical front yes I care Functionally no because I don t really use iPads a lot But yes as a news person I care in the same way that like do I use the calculator on Apple a lot No but do I care if they put out a graphing calculator on a phone Yes And can I type on it Yes That s all I care about Yeah Devindra yeah yes we yes we love typing that The thing the complaints we had last week or whenever we were talking about the iPad Pro is like how limited it is it can only do certain things like only one app can access your microphone at one time and may not be able to run a background process I don t know if virtualizing macOS will be the thing to solve that and I almost wonder like doing virtualized Mac OS on an inch screen That s not going to be really super helpful to some people It s not touch friendly Cherlynn yeah Devindra It s not super touch friendly I think that s something Apple has totally avoided even thinking about Whereas Microsoft since windows eight has been like we got to make these stupid windows I got to be able to put my fingers on them or something Whereas iPad OS was just like we re never going to deal with we never have to think about mouse and keyboards We re just going to be fingers Then they with the whole keyboard I feel like they started to emulate surfaces after a while and they just never talked about what they said previously about surfaces Yeah That s funny Cherlynn I do want to point out that some of the chatter in our live stream chat has been talking about what is there going to be a new name for the iPhone assistant right And it s some people are like Siri Pro or Siri Plus or I don t know what else other than IAI we shall see Serai Yeah The also want to say that Sir Holmes mentioned that you just search for the app from the home screen which actually this is the other way I use the app So anything beyond page two I just do the search Yeah And search was I think an Android feature at first I cannot remember But that s how I used it before Devindra The iPhone search was very bad for a long time So I think Apple did have to do some work to like make that better And also now search can pull up specific like settings Can I just say Cherlynn kind of nice Devindra Yeah Cherlynn Yes that s true I like the universal search by here I love how my iPhone search right Whenever you search something I will find these random like previous searches on there or suggested searches that just don t make sense One time I saw one of the previous searches cashed on there was like and I was like what the heck is that And then recently by the way like right now if I like scroll down on my Like home screen one of the apparently one of the recent searches is the letters POR on Wikipedia And I m like I never searched that but POR is what I called my grandmotherDevindra Aren t you sure Maybe it maybe pick that up but no like drunken late night No why would I search for myCherlynn grandma on Wikipedia And what on earth is POR if not I thinkDevindra you ve made the new like horror movie Sherilyn The ghost horror movie Cherlynn a love story I would love for my grandma to visit me Oh Devindra that sCherlynn nice Yes Devindra That s lovely Anything else we want to mention I guess in terms of MacOS like it just seems like at this point MacOS gets features that were on iOS and we re on iPadOS it seems like Apple s entire energy is focused on iPhones a little bit less on iPads and then Max are just like whatever man we give you new chips Be happy Cherlynn Vision pro Devindra Yeah How about vision pro I m thinking about that right now because there are a lot of things vision pro can t even do Like you can t rearrange the app icons and vision pro things Just when you install them they just get stack stack And I feel apple it s like somebody who s working on like a major report or something for school I was like Oh crap I didn t really fully format this but nobody s going to install that many apps Who cares So I feel like vision pro like with every update we get from them it was like Oh yeah Oh spatial personas for your FaceTime avatars That should have been there at launch Give us some extra month give us an extra couple of months Okay We really need time to do all this stuff I feel like Apple was just super Vision Pro came out hot out of the gate and it s getting criticized for a lot of things because it s not fully baked and they re baking it in real time What would I like to see Faster performance I think faster finger gesture stuff too which may require some hardware updates maybe not just software updates but I did notice like when I was testing that what if experience on the Vision Pro A lot of it you re doing like hand gestures like like Dr Strange and like the people in the magicians there along with Wong And It s just like really inaccurate because on the vision pro you re doing stuff like okay pinching and scrolling and zooming It s not super It doesn t have to be super timely It s the latency You can have a little bit of a lag But when you re playing a game you want to be able to point at something and throw a fireball or a block of shield And it seems like things were just so wishy washy that they were just like making those interactions sLowr to make up for the fact that they didn t It s not as good as like a game pad or something It s not as instant I don t feel the like visceral thing of throwing a fireball or crafting a spell or something So I think the actual hand recognition stuff They got to get better at I almost wonder like what they could do Cause that thing has an M chip which also has a pretty powerful neural engine I almost wonder like what else Apple s working on to take advantage of that I believe the eye tracking and the hand tracking does like tap into that for some of the underlying stuff with InVision Pro That s something the Oculus headsets can t do very well because they have much less powerful chipsets They re using Snapdragon hardware which have their own like MPU stuff but not it s not the same I think I just want more content Trillian I want more content and I want this thing to get cheaper so that people can actually start to use it And it s still a little buggy Like sometimes when I ve been using it in the morning and I put it on the afternoon And I have the thing over my head I m like are you going to boot up Cherlynn Are you goingDevindra to boot up It s not just like your phone or your computer taking time It s like complete darkness You have to sit there in darkness That s some humane eightCherlynn level BS No not as there s a lot of Devindra there s a lot of that So I feel like they got to iron out all these kinks deliver a lot more content that makes it more useful And I don t know court more developers to it Give us more of a reason give I would actually love better integration with iPhone stuff If I hold up my iPhone give me my iPhone screen in a little window and just show it to me because right now if I didn t like Respond to something on my iPhone that is not within the vision pro It s annoying because then you have to tap in you can t do face ID to log in you have to tap in the pin code and everything So yeah I m thinking of a piece of what I d like to see on vision pro I also don t know if anybody really cares because ultimately it s it s a very limited device at this point and Apple hasn t fully Fully sold it to developers or Or professionals either So it s I like vision pro I just think Apple has to do a lot of work there And the clearly all their attention is on the AI stuff because that s the stuff that looks the worst for them Do you expect any surprises Cherlynn God who knows I think there ll be like Some kind of iterative hardware upgrade to one Mac product Maybe a max studio maybe a Mac mini and that sort of thing Also to your point about the Mac the vision pro being expensive depro nine was saying that let me just go take out a year loan to go buy a vision pro wow that is what we re staring down with the price there I do think though I want to invite people listening or watching the podcast send us an email podcasted and gadget com with your idea of what you Of what the next version of Mac OS is going to be named after Are they finally going to be like Mac OS Napa Mac OS Wine Country Mac OS Yosemite Devindra We ve had Yosemite Cherlynn Have we hadDevindra Venice yet Have we had Venice yet Ooh maybeCherlynn Castro I don t know whatever Mac OS Frisco Everybody will hate it Nope Speaker Everybody will hate it YouCherlynn can t do that Send your guess your best guess It s a podcast that IDevindra think you guys should all come Mac OS Petaluma MacCherlynn OS Los Angeles It s just a city Devindra There s a lot of things I want to briefly shout out that one surprise we could see is that we saw this report from German a while ago saying like Apple is dabbling in home robotics Home robots And there is room like for this company that is certainly thinking hard about home automation and home devices and stuff to be like here s a what if we turn the home pot into a thing that is more of a little home robot that follows you around can sit on your kitchen counter and move the camera around almost like that one of those Google tablets right The one that moves the actual tablet screen I almost wonder I think we had talked about this at the time but I feel like the iRobot acquisition failed And yeah Apple still seems like a good potential If they just wanted IP and cool stuff That would be a smart one Cherlynn The real only thing like that prevents I think Apple from truly just buying over Roomba slash iRobot is the fact that they probably never want to say the word poop or dirt They just don t want to deal with the idea that Life can get messy and dirt is a real thing and stink sometimes happens Michael Timpson says something that I actually wanted to say to Apple car Didn t they like fire all kinds of people or something There sDevindra no Apple car Like the whole thing we talked about was like seems like that project is at least on the back burner They did do a lot of work for it So I almost wonder if if in a couple of years like when EV batteries like cheaper and it s easier for them to like Design something like that Maybe it could be resurrected in some form Maybe a self driving pod but the tech wasn t there over the past decade for them to really do the car it seemed Cherlynn Yeah so that s probably not coming and it will be extremely surprising if it does some funny macOS names in the chat Michael Coley says macOS Alcatraz which I did drop last year Michael Timson says macOS Venice Beach which I was thinking about and Michael Timson adds muscled software which okay You know what I think maybe apple is gonna pull a and be like MacOS Manhattan Devindra No MacOS SoHo Cherlynn Oh MacOS Rodeo Drive Devindra MacOS Rodeo MacOS Hollywood will be full selling out if they ever do that Yeah Cherlynn they did I don t know Anyway MacOS The Hills Lots of ideas lots of potential there Lots of ideas Devindra Alright stay tuned folks yeah we will have some more WWDC coverage coming up stay tuned we ll do the live blog Sherilyn and I will be live blogging together Monday morning and we re going to have a whole bunch of coverage over at Engadget yeah come support us be ready come support us watch us live blog share what you can and yeah we re going to be running around Apple s campus for two whole days Talking with people and demoing things So I m excited but also not looking forward to all the running around That place is very large And also yeah I don t know We re going to have to write a lot Trillian I think it s going to involve a lot of work too So we re going to try to have fun while doing it folks And maybe we ll do a quick podcast from Apple like as soon as they do things or as soon as we get some hands on time For sure All right Let s move on to some other news Surprise news overnight Nvidia has surpassed Apple As the second most valuable U S company it its market cap let me just read here it has it hit a trillion market cap NVIDIA had a market value of trillion Wednesday after I think right after close Apple was at trillion Couldn t do a little better Apple to really take this on Microsoft is currently the most valuable publicly traded company It s market cap is trillion As of Wednesday So I m not too surprised but this is certainly an example of like when there is a gold rush you got to sell the shovels and NVIDIA is selling all of the shovels all the AI power the gold yeah AndCherlynn that s so closely tied to our next like other news item which is that like Apple is slipping because of its inability to like really be at the forefront there Devindra I think we pretty much mentioned like all of this story for one but yeah the story is like Apple slipping because of that Google hire that they brought in The Nvidia thing is still wild to me though Did you five years ago Sean what do you think Nvidia would be Would be so powerful because Hey we knew GPUs were important then because the crypto bros and everybody were like all over GPUs it was being used for GPU mining GPU like the crypto stuff still felt like a flash in the pan There is some like lasting stuff there but Microsoft being the most valuable company that s publicly traded now makes sense because they went all in on the cloud and Azure stuff And then they started combining cloud plus AI So they re like lead is probably going to be pretty strong for a while But NVIDIA just really lucked out because I remember five years ago or even earlier like I had to report on a lot of NVIDIA AI work and they talk about like self driving stuff that they were building and it looked cool but it didn t feel real This was not a product that people could actually use and it didn t feel like it actually existed in our dimension It existed in NVIDIA s dimension Yeah And now I guess it paid out for them Jensen Wong the CEO and founder of NVIDIA is just must be the happiest man on earth right now Cherlynn I just want to say that I think maybe I should have seen the writing on the wall for NVIDIA success when and I don t know if that s the right thing but I think when the during the pandemic they kept selling out they were out of stock I think partly that was because of supply chain issues but partly I ve just I don t think I personally have been aware of the demand for NVIDIA s GPUs being as high as it was during the pandemic with what RTX series Yeah They brought ray tracing five years ago Was that what they did I don t know what it was butDevindra that was like two or three years ago Exactly So like they ve done soCherlynn many different things to bring like new capabilities to their GPUs their graphics cards and I think yeah Devindra And even the ray tracing thing I don t think has ever fully taken off Sure It sCherlynn cool But it s one thing that improved on the graphics cards the way I think people just kept talking about Devindra People yeah like the gamers were certainly all over it And AMD I think was failing to like keep up in the high end GPU market But then AMD is like Hey all our hardware is in Microsoft s console and Sony s console and not Nintendo s console but Their hardware is elsewhere So AMD was like less worried about the high end market but anyway good news for Nvidia I don t know how long it s going to last We should talk about this humane thing Cherlynn because there have been a couple updates and I guess I m happy Cherlynn that your humane AI pin did not go up in flames because that is apparently what they re warning people of they are warning that the battery case Was it the specifically the battery charging case they received a report that could catch fire and they sent out a note to all customers that out of an abundance of caution they re telling people to stop using it That seems bad Cherlynn Yeah funny At PM yesterday I got this email and I immediately was like yo guys we need to like cover this up And our team rightly asked me to ask Humane will they be sending out replacements or will they be refunding people because these cases do cost you money And our podcast producer Ben did point out in the earlier part of this live stream that I am vindicated in a way yes that like I that thing was burning me right The pin itself the booster pack notDevindra just the charging case right So theCherlynn booster pack and the it was running warm the had the like metal edges that would feel like they were burning like hot for me to touch And then when they sat in the carrying case I never had it like on me So it s hard to tell whether it ever burned me but the carrying case and when The pin came out of it after being in there and charging for a bit would just be warm as well I also would like to point out that the carrying case even with the pin inside or without which is loose charge slowly throughout the day just doesn t make sense that it wouldn t hold on to some of the juice to continue charging the pin anyway it would just be dead after a while I m just like why is this not charging Oh because the charging case itself is also dead Basically what Humane s email entailed was that they found like a quality issue with one of their battery vendors and They didn t specifically say that anyone had caught on fire There was just one report that led them to investigate And then they then found out that there was a quality issue that may be a fire safety issue So okay cool Glad I stopped using that thing Glad that youDevindra needed another reason not to spend plus a month This garbage product You should Another reason not to buy And also there was a New York times piece that was like perfectly timed for this about how humane failed And they talked to a bunch of people working there and also the CEO and the founders too And reportedly they have only sold orders But we have talked about the fact that they are also trying to sell themselves to other companies HP s name is up there for a billion dollars I want to I want that live show And I want to sit and build a failed product Fundamentally doesn t solve any problems is a disaster on every level And then be like Hey give me a Billy for this Give me a billion dollars for my failure And I want to point out Cherlynn This brings up brings me back to the conversation of a we have talked about how high this valuation is in previous episodes already but be like when Ben said we were vindicated I want to say that like the industry all of us tech reviewers and journalists and media and influencers including Marquez of MKBHD were criticized On some level MKBHD got a lot of like criticism around Oh my gosh you single handedly would bring down this How can you do that And can you imagine had he not actually fairly addressed and criticized and brought up the fact that this thing runs hotter this thing is And then here we are one month down the road nothing really has caught on fire yet But if these came to light after a row of unfairly positive coverage then our what kind of trust would we have What kind of credibility would we have with our audience Devindra The only people complaining were typically like the Silicon Valley bros and starter people But in that New York times reporting there are several instances of people at humane being like this is not ready We have issues with how it s done and those people were reprimanded for saying anything negative about the product of the company And that is a sort of it is a cult mentality that a lot of these companies operate on It s we re changing the world We have hundreds of millions of dollars of funding Nobody has seen this tech before Who cares if it isn t fully baked or if it s not solving a genuine problem Who cares Cherlynn Remember I remember during the review process where I was like I walked into the Humania office in New York to take my briefing and saw witness firsthand that all of the staff people there were wearing Humania pins and walking around the office And how could not a single one of them have found it And turns out maybe they did And maybe they were just reprimanded and they literallyDevindra just don t want to hear it There s a great quote at the end of that New York times piece which you should all read But Bungiorno the CEO says you don t know everything before you launch Yeah No shit Yeah maybe if you don t want to hear everything before launch and Mr Chowdhury who is he s not the CEO but he s also one of the founders He was the guy who did that whole TED talk said they definitely wish that it were able to resolve some of those things a little bit differently Specifically he has a line I m going to pull this up here but his line is hilarious because it s I just want to build things That s how it ends I m like yeah building things is nice Yeah Build something useful Cherlynn I will say that whenever I m like when I met them and in my interactions with them Bethany born Jonah I m on chowdery They re like this couple They re so nice at least to me And I think that I am aware that there is a privilege in terms of the relationship here that they have to be nice to me Devindra And I don t care how nice they are too It s great that they re nice They could be great people They could be great people but we are I m not talking about their personalities I m not trying to date these people It s is your thing good Is your thing good And it wasn t and it s sad It s sad And also the response from the tech industry of like why are you going to be so mean bro Cherlynn That s not nice Yeah That was just that s not fun Devindra It s pathetic Yeah Cherlynn But what I mean is that yes they seem like nice people to me but it s really not nice to hear that they might have reprimanded some of the people who were trying to raise alarms or trying to be like this is not ready for selling And you should not like they could have been protected from all of this Not even protected They could have just had a bit of product that launched had they listened to some of their own staff if this report turns out to be true While you look for that No we reDevindra done We re done Okay He basically said he just wants to build but I do want to note that New York times piece does have apparently Chowdhury and Buongiorno had like a meeting before the launch being like prepare for bad reviews Like really bracing the staff are like this is not going to go well I wonder why guys it almost seems like they were well aware They knew becauseCherlynn the reviews the process included them asking us what we thought and all of us reviewers were like we re having all of these issues what s going on The moon in our chat says this is a problem in the industry releasing products with future functionality promises is the new hotness It can t be alLowd to continue And yeah we again have said this god episodes past This has beenDevindra done before too This has been done before by other companies Cherlynn It s not humane alone Yeah Like even sometimes when the Surface Duo was launched it was like software updates are coming to make the experience better but buy it now though no that s not gonna happen That s notDevindra how we review things we have to score things This all actually ties into the next thing we want to bring up which is a story about AI workers demanding stronger whistlebLowr protections in an open letter It includes it was signed by current or former workers with ties to Google OpenAI and Anthropic We don t really talk about Anthropic very much but they re also another major AI company And specifically they re asking for here s a good quote from that letter So long as there is no effective government oversight of these corporations current and former employees are among the few people who can hold them accountable to the public Yet broad confidentiality agreements block us from voicing our concerns except to the very companies that may be failing to address these issues This is another example of these companies like people at these companies bringing up problems and then being reprimanded for it And specifically there was another story one of the OpenAI people what s his name Leopold Aschenbrenner Who on the recent Dwarkesh podcast which is the thing I ve never heard about but apparently this guy does four hour long podcasts They re deeply researched So kudos to him But he was saying like he brought up Ashenbrenner brought up issues to the OpenAI board about security and safety and how they re deploying things And by bringing those issues up to the board HR reprimanded him Because of that because OpenAI leadership didn t want the board to see that and they called it a security incident even though he s bringing up stuff that the board should know about and also information that was publicly available like when OpenAI said they wanted to do AGI like a general time frame of to they were calling that confidential information They were saying that out in public So it just seems like they wanted to fire this guy because he told the board something that kind of ruined the rosy image that Sam Altman wanted to build for it That s what it is That s what this letter is pointing to as well What do you think about this Jolyne Cherlynn Honestly I don t know I think the best point that someone in our chat brought up I think it was the moon is that it seems like there s very dark in these AI companies with lots more of these stories surfacing right These things about HR oversight and all of that Coming up I don t know I I the like you said it s tied into that humane situation where reportedly people like they didn t specifically whistleblow or it wasn t about like ethical type of stuff but yeah they re not being listened to And I think this is a result or byproduct of hype of there s a hype train everyone s jumping on board and we re the train has to keep going on And if you try to slow the train down you re not going to be listened to even though There might be like an obstacle in the path There might be like some kind of dangerous issue coming up They re not listening And I think this is all again I ve said this over and over again It s all capitalism s fault Devindra And people are awful It s all hyper capitalism s fault which is like Silicon Valley is all about It s all about we gotta build this thing that will get a ton of VC funding and we sell out we cash out for at least a billion dollars and then we will be successful Yeah A pain That sCherlynn wild to me It s just wild I m so disappointed in humanity AndDevindra this is how we re entering WWDC by the way where Apple is partnering with this company which is shady It almost seems like they re making a deal with the devil just to be so people will stop yelling at them about being behind on generative AI stuff This is going to be an interesting WWDC to see how much Apple Leans in on open AI and how much they want to do their own thing All this is connected It s all we ve been saying right Like I think a lot of these companies can t be trusted I don t trust like how they re handling information like how they re pulling things in or how they re thinking about security Clearly their employees think the same thing That s something to think about the next time you use chat GPT Or any of these services Yeah Some quick updates We did see that Boeing Starliner has finally lifted off and it s headed to the ISS The latest update I saw is it is on track They were dealing with like maybe some sort of helium leak So I m hoping that s not gonna be anything major Hoping they board and are able to return safely but good on Boeing because it seemed like they were having trouble with just planes recently I was on one of those Alaska airline planes I was looking at I was like wait a minute Max that s not good Alaska Airlines Probably where your windowsCherlynn really is the thing right Devindra Boeing has seemed like it s been in trouble The Starliner launch has been scrubbed several times because of weather and other difficulties So it s cool They launched they re headed to the ISS I m hoping that all goes well In other news we re also prepping for the Summer Game Fest which is also happening this weekend Too much stuff happening All at once Summer Game Fest Live is June th at pm Eastern I hate you so much Jeff Keighley pm Eastern on a Friday Cherlynn Is it Eastern Okay I thought it was Pacific pm But no Devindra no it s Eastern We all yelled at him for that There s Day of the Devs on Friday After that which is more like developer oriented devolver has their thing Also in June th Xbox is June th Ubisoft forward is June th We ll be doing all this coverage By the way June th is upCherlynn WDC just FYI Devindra Yeah That s great That s great We re not dying over here We don t know when Nintendo is going to do their thing We haven t talked about Sony s PlayStation Unveiling event that was last week It was not very momentous from what I saw We did a lot of coverage go check that out and gadget but there was nothing that really jumped out at me A weird thing This is basically the sort of E season E is not happening but all these companies are getting together and having major game announcements We ll see We ll see Cherlynn Come back to Wingadget com for all of the updates Our team is we have people on the scene and we are also covering remotely basically quite a lot of people will be writing stories So come check it out Devindra And let s do something a little different folks We want to show off something that we did last week where we actually took advantage of AI I ve been using the online tool Descript quite a bit for some podcasts Editing while on the go just to make life easier That s how I got that build interview out And Descript has a lot of automated tools that can just clean up your audio give you studio like sound We had a problem last week where my cohost Nathan Ingram joined while at Jackhammer was right outside his window Just the entire time ButBen let s be like more accurate Yes He knew that street construction was happening on his street and we were all hoping and praying that it would not occur during when we were recording This isDevindra podcast producer Ben speaking about it How stupid were we then Ben Yes How stupid were we though Because how can we just expect construction workers to burn daylight They re notDevindra gonna We were hoping that it just wasn t gonna be that bad It turned out to be pretty not great during the livestream You could go back and take a look at that And we re like okay what can we do to salvage this Also Nate muted as much as he could It was just that it was a thing that was really constant whenever he was talking And we thought his audio may have been unsalvageable Ben Podcast producer extraordinaire did a couple tweaks of his own to trying to clean up the audio And I spent minutes just I dumped it into audio into Descripts like audio cleanup stuff I think I ran the compressor on it which tightened it up a little I will say like the Descript tool it came out What ended up happening is like almost magical coming out of Descript but let s play the original audio We re going to play a little game over here and we re going to see how this works This is the original audio as we heard it from Nate Nate But nonetheless everybody communicates Everybody sends emails Everybody has thoughts in their head and you put them down and it sounds like you usually at the very least Whereas when you AI it it doesn t sound like anyone Devindra That s bad Not good Pretty bad Pretty bad It didn t sound as bad when on the stream but I also think the stream may have quieted some of that So we have three different versions of what Ben did to fix this Okay Here s version A Nate But nonetheless everybody communicates Everybody sends emails Everybody has thoughts in their head And you put them down and it sounds like you usually at the very least Whereas when you AI it it doesn t sound like anyone Ben Little better Little cleaner Yeah that s pretty good Version A is what I use to clean up All audio that comes into the podcast that s isotope And I think I used the spectral de noise feature This is not AI This is just using trying to figure out where like background noise might be in the whole spectrum of the Hertz values But the problem is that when you run that there must be something about a jackhammer that sits in the same band that the human voice is in So it took a little bit out of Nate s voice So why don t we try version B Devindra Version B let s go Nate But nonetheless everybody communicates everybody sends emails everybody has thoughts in their head and you put them down and it sounds like you usually at the very least Whereas when you AI it it doesn t sound like anyone Ben That s really good Yeah this one sounds a little bit better This one is from Super Tone Clear which is a new plug in that a lot of radio folks I know have used more as a A D reverb than anything because like isotope is one of the industry standard things that you find a lot of podcast engineers using but isotope D reverb is not that great to be quite honest So when can you use it clear came out Everybody was like really excited Everybody was jumping on the beta I m really happy that I got beta pricing on this but you can still tell that there s some jackhammer in the background So let s listen to the last version Devindra Here s the last version folks Speaker But nonetheless Nate everybody communicates everybody sends emails everybody has thoughts in their head and you put them down and it sounds like you usually at the very least Whereas when you AI it itSpeaker doesn t sound like anyone Ben What happened That s the version that ran on the podcast I felt like I had to explain like Hey Nate is going to sound like a little bit weird a little bit robotic but it s entirely him And that Is the D script cleanup That s really good That is D script That s crazy AI enabled clean It s just really good It s insane Devindra Insane Cherlynn No All I m gonna say is it s insane Devindra That s just gone Cherlynn All I m gonna say is this Ben what you re telling me is I can now record my podcast right next to a jackhammer and be okay It ll be totally gone We re going to do all our recordings from the show floor from now onBen if you feel the need To have a hairdryer going on you constantly you can still record a podcast Don t do my like my wind actionCherlynn fan My like we should have just Devindra We should have just stopped Nate Like when we heard Hey maybe there s outside construction Should ve just been like no thanks Nate It s okay We ll just go But we Hey we were brave We thought it may get better This descript tool took me I dumped the audio in I hit the studio effects button I did I didn t put the compressor on but I did the the thing where you limited low pass noise So high pass filter Speaker high pass let s high pass through low pass Let s low pass through ButDevindra then people also call it like low pass cutoff which is different It s a different thing The cutoffs are different Anyway I did those two things It took minutes and I delivered this audio to Ben and I think Ben almost fainted Ben Yeah no I was really surprised I was also really relieved because most of the show was just Devindra and Nate talking And so this pretty distinctly proves that AI noise reduction is a path forward Forward This is something that is genuinely useful for music producers audio engineers people who work in radio You just have to get used to the weird robotic sound and when we were talking about the weird robotic sound we were also talking about showrunner AI Dev Tell us more about that Devindra Showrunner AI is kind of part of this too This was a thing that launched last week I didn t have a chance to write it up But a showrunner AI they got a lot of buzz because they were like Hey you could type in a prompt an AI prompt and produce a TV show and you can produce something that looks like South Park or something And it just all reminds me of this in a way Yeah I don t think that s that product is very good I think it got a lot of flack for this too but it just reminded me of it because it s like Hey I think this cleanup tool is a really good useful form of AI and by AI it is doing a low level process to basically take away every little bit of that jackhammering which is possible by a human but would probably drive you insane because it s doing a lot of like repetitive low level work and that is the sort of thing AIs are good at Whereas Showrunner is trying to sell you hey Let s let s build a whole TV show around this thing Like with no work or anything there are a couple of examples out there And that is the sort of AI stuff where I m like I it s not funny I was actually talking to the to the CEO of this company too Like I heard the demos I got the pitch I was like dude this is not funny This is not good content People will rag on you for even producing this And I got some feedback that was like yes I have been thinking about this too They still went ahead and launched the thing And To me that seems like a failure of like how we think of AI Whereas Hey just giving people giving actual artists the tools to make their art better or to do their things more easily is a better function of these tools rather than Just do the art Ben right Yeah and I want to shout out a comment from our live stream that says sell your shares in high end microphone companies Ai is about to put them out of business That s not true What s going to end up happening is that the high end microphone companies are going to end up Selling you the same microphones and then maybe a little piece of software that either runs inside the microphone itself But also Or that you can use as post processing that makes your directional mics sound even more directional Devindra They re already doing that There s already a lot of mics with processing built in They re not using AI or NPU stuff yet but certainly the door is open for that I also want to point out folks like I used this Descript tool when I did the the Pavin interview at micro with Microsoft I did that build I shot the I did that with the Just the iPhone voice for memo app So using my iPhone s mics and it was like I can hear like how it s not great but that The tool the Descript tool did a good job of making it feel more listenable So I think that s cool Anyway we just want to shout out these examples And ICherlynn also want to point out that we are not doing an ad for a Descript Yeah no we are absolutely not doing anBen ad for Descript or AI period We re just saying Hey here s some tools that actually are useful Devindra Because I think there s a lot of knee jerk reaction right now and certainly aren t among artists and other creators It was like Hey all AI bats Anything people talk about especially during generative AI mostly bad And I tend to agree but also we have to consider like that these tools exist and how they can also make our lives a little better Just putting that out there Let s move on to what we re working on Hey WWDC prep Anything else from your side Cherlynn As we speak I am working through an edit so that s great Check out if people on the live stream see my laptop wobbling is because I m typing Yeah general WWDC prep like you said but also lots of behind the scenes team planning type things and hoping to getting gadget better and better and let us know what you think of all the products that we have like the podcast the live stream The website what you would like to see newsletters columns send me some of your thoughts VeryDevindra cool I m gonna I m gonna talk about my pop culture pick of the week then Yes Finish up this edit trill in but I want to shout out The Acolyte which is the new Star Wars show I reviewed it on the site and it is Frickin fantastic folks And I m happy to report that because I ve suffered through pretty much all the star Wars shows Like I ve watched them all I watched the book of Boba Fett which nobody did I don t know why I watched the book of Boba Fett I watched the Obi Wan show which is cool to see Ewan McGregor back in the role and Hayden Christensen like back as Anakin too like in in certain respects like it was cool to see that there was actually a pretty cool Vader fight in that But It wasn t interesting or additive It didn t really do much with Star Wars Whereas the Acolyte I won t say much about the plot of it but it is essentially Star Wars doing Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon meets so many other things And in fact I love every time the show calls it out to it opens with a fight scene A lone warrior stepping into a bar or a tea house seeking out the strongest warrior there who s a Jedi master played by Carrie Anne Moss Trinity herself And she s a Jedi master The warrior is just like presents herself It was like let s fight I have to kill you At some point carry on Moss says who trained you And I m like that s just gives me chills Cause that is like the Michelle Yeoh conversation with Zhang Ziyi or I think even Chow Yun Fat said that but it s who are you Where do you come from The choreography is so good Like the action is the best I ve ever seen in Star Wars Just want to shout that out but also this is I think a hundred years before the time of the original trilogy I think that s the high Republic time I don t know what the actual timeline is but there are no skywalkers There are no characters you ve ever seen before It s just like a new story set in the star Wars universe with people who have lightsabers and they have force powers And I think this is the first Wookiee we see There s a Wookiee Jedi master slight spoiler but he s in the trailer Cool stuff Just really well done written I like the characters it stars Amandla Stenberg who has been she s been in a lot of things I like actually but she has to do or they have to do a lot of like great action and great choreography Especially there s not a ton of fight scenes in the show but the ones that are there that count also co stars Mr Lee Jung Jae from Squid Games also the Jedi Master also essentially doing Chow Yun Fat in in Crouching Tiger Like there there s a point where like the attacker is like fighting him and he is like effortlessly like just Not even pulling his lightsaber not even doing much just like being chill about it It is a murder mystery It is like a character study to an interrogation of like how the Jedi are like force gatekeepers Like maybe they re not great Maybe they re just like space cops who keep the force to themselves and uphold power And maybe there are other people who should have access to these things Like it is doing really interesting things within the Star Wars universe I dig it Yeah Daphne Keene is also in this Manny Jacinto Charlie Barnett who was also in Russian Doll The show was co created by Leslie Handlin who co created Russian Doll And I love everything she does basically But yeah to see Charlie Barnett who plays just like a nerdy guy In a in Russian doll be like cool badass Jedi master He s a prick He s like a really uptight Jedi is you got to follow the rules He s gonna he s gonna rat out everybody but also he s a powerful dude and he s strong and he looks cool I think that s all kind of fun So Cherlynn I think you will have a lot to enjoy from this show It is good It s good so far The first two episodes are up I ve seen the first four episodes and it is fantastic Anything you want to shout out Cherlynn Cherlynn I finally saw finally I saw Furiosa actually a couple of weeks ago I enjoyed it I think it was really it was like I was very sucked into the story from the very beginning but I was watching it with my boyfriend and he was like the CGI is like atrocious I was like I didn t really notice Devindra No Maybe I don t know It s stylized and I see people doing those complaints too I have seen bad CGI We ve lived in a quantumania and so much of that MCU stuff Cherlynn So that I was just like whatever But so Furiosa was good so seconding your kind of recommendation in that and then I went back and watched the Charlize Theron version of Sofuri Road And then something fresh that we haven t I think hopefully haven t mentioned on the podcast yet but we ve been around for a long time so I don t know now but This last weekend I watched The Trip to Spain It stars Steve Coogan Rob Brydon This is like the third installment in their sort of the trip a series of movies You just missDevindra Mobile World Congress Jerlyn Like you re like I want to take a trip to Spain AndCherlynn Like they I don t think they they so they don t go to Catalonia but they go to Barcelona at some point And they it s basically a story set within this journey to like Spain and so they hit a lot of the scenes are of Eating this beautiful looking food They have such gorgeous b roll of the preparation in the kitchen and then the eating of the food And then they go visit historical and culturally significant places and just a sort of a smorgasbord if you will of like food culture tourism story comedy because every time there is sitting down eating a meal Coogan and Bryden are like doing impressions of this time around they did a lot of impressions of Mick Jagger for example they did Michael Caine one of the olderSpeaker ones Yeah that was a bigCherlynn one Yeah so if you re ready for travel porn basically but with comedy and some sort of story in it I think that s a good one to watch That s it for the episode this week everyone Thank you as always for tuning in Our theme music is by game composer Dale North Our outro music is by our former managing editor Terrence O Brien The podcast is produced by Ben Ellman You can find Devindra onlineDevindra at Devindra on Twitter or Blue Sky or Mastodon all over the place and at TheFilmCast comCherlynn If you want to send me the actual locations of where they shot the trip to Spain or any of those nice food recommendations in Spain for if I ever go again you can send them to me on Twitter I guess I am at Cherlynnlo there or on threads I am at Cherlynnstagram You can always email me also C H E R at Engadget com works Email us your thoughts about the show at podcasts at Engadget com Leave us a review on iTunes or wherever you re listening and subscribe on anything that gets podcasts Devindra Here s my interview with Justin Samuels He founded RenderATL because he wanted to have a more inclusive developer conference that s very different Then other conferences around the world and certainly those in Silicon Valley Render takes place in Atlanta from June th to th And I plan to be there to check out some of the events and here s Justin Justin Samuels Thank you so much for joining us in the Engadget podcast I Justin Samuels appreciate y all for having me Devindra Happy to have you And I m just wondering Can you tell us a bit about who you are and what you re doing with with RenderATL Justin Samuels Yeah so my name is Justin I am the founder and CEO of RenderATL tech conference And that is my Batman job as I call it By a day I am a senior engineer at Intuit Devindra What is RenderATL It s I ve seen many tech conferences I m out of New York too So we have a lot over there What makes render different than what we re seeing in Silicon Valley in New York and elsewhere Justin Samuels So when people ask me is the conference a tech conference I always say no it s actually a continuing education conference for technology professionals Our goal is to be the premier place that people can come Learn grow and advance their skills and also their network too And if you re in the field of technology get that from other enthusiasts that are actually practicing in their field The thing that makes us unique is that we are doing it here in the Silicon South here in ATL and we do it from a very diverse lens where We aren t just catering to one particular demo demographic whether it s like a black people whether it s Asian people whether it s even white people what we cater to is people from all colors all creeds all nationalities because we understand that people have a lot of variety Other pers perspectives that everybody can learn from Devindra Gotcha Gotcha I am I m down here I m outside of Atlanta I m in Peachtree Corners but since I moved here it is fascinating to see like there is a lot of tech stuff happening in Atlanta The yeah the MailChimp acquisition happened while I was down here I think that was the unicorn acquisition Yeah a big deal And I also see like Microsoft has a big presence here and everyone else does too What do you think makes Atlanta as a tech center a little different than elsewhere because this is something I noticed in New York too I stayed in New York for a while And people kept trying to get me to come to San Francisco and Silicon Valley And every time I visit there I m like I it s cool I don t like the way you all think exactly the same And that s a difference when you re in New York or outside of the Valley right Justin Samuels And that brings me to the genesis of the conference was I was constantly going across the country to go to tech conferences to help me learn and help me grow And I came to the revelation one day that if ATL has the busiest Airport in the whole globe we could compete just as good if not better here And we could do it from a lens where everybody here really believes that we are the next cultural melting pot of the entire country Culture begins here Whether you look at outcasts or you look at the punkiness that a military brings in the tech world Everybody that begins a company here brings that particular cultural edge to their company whether it s in a tech or it s in any other space at all The thing about ATL though is that we all understand that it is a group project Everybody here wants to help add advance ATL forward and advance the For a regional forward and we share those commonalities where it allows us to then a balance ideas and a balance of failures and success is off of each other to help a propelled entire regional forward Devindra Can you talk about I don t know how long you were at MailChimp but MailChimp seems like a really interesting example of a tech company because you guys were out here doing cool stuff for around like mail distribution email distribution and then all of a sudden newsletters got hot again Like in the past like five years but you guys were in it for a while What made MailChimp different do you think than other startups And maybe what was specific about Atlanta area stuff that kind of guided MailChimp Justin Samuels Man so I don t publicly talk about it much but I was a part of the acquisition I was a part of like when the employees there when the company got acquired and it s been a great ride And the thing that Made us really unique was that we came from a culture of hustlers and a culture of We will get the job done for the betterment of our clients that we really believed in a medium and small Size of businesses and that we really held them near and dear to our heart The thing that made us also unique was that we didn t mind getting our hands dirty as a company meaning we always took a field trip So we always engaged a locally hands on head on not just a person coming from the corporate office It would be like me as an engineer or it would be a person from like the marketing team or from tech help Would go out and meet the client where they are at to help make our products better I don t think you get that out of silicon valley or out of the like northeast where our Traditional tech clubs are at people here have that southern flair in that Southern hospitality of we want to meet you where you are at And we also want to do it to help you be the best that you could be And that was radiated out of company like a MailChimp even when we were acquired to it continues on now Devindra Gotcha I also think people forget this like CES used to be in Atlanta or there were some CES events in Atlanta E Had expos in Atlanta too like once upon a time So it s not like this is all new for Atlanta too Like when I moved here I live near Norcross and I realized I learned at some point that the inventor of the Hayes modem was based in Norcross Like that whole piece of history I don t think is ever really told And that is the the beginning of home internet that technology Justin Samuels It s not to cut you off but I got an even crazier like one AWS actually began here was a smaller company a black owned company The guy that actually invented it a black man Came to the conference in the pass and he was telling me about how in the early days in like and like three a Bezos came to the office here and was like this is gonna be the a future How can we work to together to also make that happen And that isn t a thing that is told much or if I truly think that everybody thinks Amazon woke up one day and said okay we re going to go into make the web happen It s like a no They acquired this company this small company here It was OTP outside the perimeter here And I forget the name but it is a article on it And I was like and it And I tell people these are the type of stories that I m trying to help highlight here That ATL makes tech happen The entire region does We just haven t had an opportunity like a render come to help aglorify it help amplify it Devindra I just talked to the founder of MoviePass and the real founder of MoviePass And that s a whole story of I ve talked to that guy Stacey Spikes since like since he has been like pushing that he s a black founder You don t really see that too often in the startup world And then MoviePass he was kicked out A CEO MoviePass went over to two basically white leaders who drove it into the ground hyped it up and drove it into the ground And that was such a sad story There s a documentary that s on HBO now about it To me that seems like too often the story of tech in America is like the ideas are co opted and either the original founders are forgotten or the idea is driven into the ground Because you lose the founders Yeah Justin Samuels Oh yeah like I think you could even view that with what s happening at Instacart like Instacart began out great a founder a lead company and then One day they came and said hey You were a great you need to go now and the company has been teetering and tottering ever since then It s a tragedy when the founder gets ousted like that because they are the whole entire reason including their team of course why the company is even a thing Devindra Gotcha Can you tell us more about Render ETL and just I guess the sort of conversation you guys are having I know the event is in a couple of weeks I m hoping to stop by and check it out but I ve been to many conferences and I feel like I ve been to so many I m like they re mostly snooze right People are having panels and It s just the same people talking to each other about like the hype topics of the day It s probably going to be AI at most conferences now Yeah but how are you guys trying to be different in terms of who you re presenting what you re talking about Justin Samuels So We do not do anything at the surface level Let s just be clear about that Anybody that comes And speaks at our conference a day are a true practitioner meaning they re an engineer or they re on the design team or they re on the like a product management team They are going to give you the Rail on what is happening in a I or in engineering or in design We have a total of four attracts engineering design management and also the A I track this year and I m using air quotes over here because the A I doesn t mean artificial intelligence That actually means assessability in AI And our goal is that you could find a track that you could just lean on but also find a track that you might be interested in learning more about a topic that you would like to go deeper in Like I as an engineer I m going to say Oh I m going to be on the engineering track but I really want to be a better manager one day I m going to hop over there And we also give you the opportunity to connect with these speakers to in a intimate setting afterwards so that you get your questions answered and all of the people that are coming for the expo hall Our expo hall exhibitors they come with a dedicated head account making sure that they can make hires like our title partner Zillow They are coming in a huge way because they view ATL as the next wealth economic opportunity where Zillow s whole goal is to drive a more economic impact through closing the home ownership gap And they are like we re coming to your conference to do that twofold We are going to make hires And on top of that we are also going to educate people on how they could be more involved in the home ownership process to create more wealth But beyond that too we also offer your evening events like your net working events all the parties all the glitz all the glamour And at the end of the year We have an entire concert which is headlined by DJ Peewee AKA Anderson Outback So there s a ton happening everywhere all throughout the entire week which is also during ATL tech week or two Devindra Gotcha I m wondering too atlanta is becoming is basically like blowing up because of movies and Hollywood stuff to like all the Marvel stuff is down here I tell people the headquarters of the Avengers is actually it s a Porsche dealership that s all it is but it s a cool looking building You can go there and rent a Porsche It s a cool thing But do you think too much success is at all a problem for like the soul of Atlanta or like what the city represents Justin Samuels I don t think too much success is a problem I think we need to be more highlighted here I feel like we have a true a brain drain problem where people recognize we are talented I recognize that the south is a place you could come make movies is this place that you could come find Cool Tech is a place that you could find opportunity but they don t re invest here They always take it out They always pluck it away And instead of that happening if we re able to highlight our wins i e a military champion getting acquired for and a half a billion it gives other people hope that I could also do that here I could also build things that are going to be wildly successful here I don t think that too much success is going to be a up A burden I think it s going to be the fuel or the igniter that we need to really carve out what the next future is for the entire region as a whole Devindra Gotcha gotcha Yeah I would love to see things blow up more down here Certainly people paying more attention to I guess everything Cause it s not just tech right It s innovation it s ideas but it s art and music and stuff too There s so much happening down here and I feel like yeah it never really got the respect people will they love outcasts They love Donald Glover but and they love the show But I think as a region yeah it s stuff that s exported out It doesn t feel like people really pay attention to what s happening on the ground Justin Samuels yeah and it s like the saying one of my good friends here Bam Joyner he owns a brand called Atlanta Influences Everything and he always talks about how our number one X support is We export the hell out of our culture so that everybody can take a play on it and nobody pours back in We don t import it which is a great thing We just turn to okay cool We re going to now create more We need to also begin to highlight and make a and put a spotlight on those that are also building the culture here too So they could continue to amplify and build more Devindra Gotcha I almost wonder if the idea of the region of Atlanta should be just because it s a metro area right Like I m not in Atlanta but I m minutes away There is a huge population of immigrants and also people coming in with their own technical skills and everything I almost wonder if we can broaden the idea and bring that all into Atlanta proper That would help to enrich the sea That s the sort of importing stuff back in because man that s I used to live in New York right And I m getting better a lot of better like Asian restaurants Asian food Yeah Justin Samuels It s crazy You say that I just got back from Singapore And when I was over there all of the food was amazing And I said I gotta now replicate this here And it has been hard to replicate that here in Atlanta You go to FoodDevindra Terminal is the thing Food Terminal is a Malaysian restaurant And it s very similar If you want that the Hainanese chicken rice which is my favorite thing in the world you go to Food Terminal And that s all over Atlanta It s out here on the suburb side It s crazy Justin Samuels Yep Devindra Awesome You know what Justin Thank you so much for chatting with us And yeah hope to see you at Render okay Justin Samuels Oh yeah absolutely man It s going to be an awesome time Cherlynn Let s say it together on the count of three one two three CalculatorThis article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-07 11:30:02
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