投稿時間:2024-06-11 08:13:38 RSSフィード2024-06-11 08:00分まとめ(16件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エグゼクティブ] 東京の美しい紫陽花スポット、ベスト3 https://mag.executive.itmedia.co.jp/executive/articles/2406/11/news061.html itmedia,イベント,エキスパート 2024-06-11 07:09:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エグゼクティブ] データ活用により「成果」を生み出すために必要なのは組織づくりとビジネス力――バンダイナムコネクサス 西田幸平氏 https://mag.executive.itmedia.co.jp/executive/articles/2406/11/news029.html itmedia,エグゼクティブ,デジタル 2024-06-11 07:02:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] Apple Intelligenceでオリジナル絵文字を生成する「Genmoji」、「メッセージ」で利用可能に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2406/11/news110.html itmedia,apple,genmoji 2024-06-11 07:01:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エグゼクティブ] ビジネスに変革をもたらすビジネスアナリシス、その知識体系とBA人材に必要なものとは https://mag.executive.itmedia.co.jp/executive/articles/2406/11/news030.html itmedia,アナリシス,エグゼクティブ 2024-06-11 07:01:00
AWS AWS Best Practices for GenAI applications on AWS - RAG pipeline Eval - Part 4 | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNY06JM6m8U This multi part series takes a practical approach working backwards from customer use cases and what made them successful in building a robust GenAI application Since the technology is so nascent customers often get lost in the vast content available and lack direction on execution This includes starting with as simple as not knowing how to choose a model for their use case all the way through deploying and monitoring a production ready model In this part we walk you though a notebook and outline how to build and test an application which evaluation tools and metics to use and finally encapsulate all results in visuals to help you arrive at the right model for your use case Here is the link to the demo git code Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2024-06-10 22:22:47
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon Bedrock Converse API と Tool use を知識ゼロから学び,発展的なチャットアプリを実装する https://qiita.com/ren8k/items/64c4a3de56b886942251 amazonbedrockconverseapi,amazonbedrock,converseapi 2024-06-11 07:16:22
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO CloudFormation으로 AWS WAF 생성 시 발생하는 Resource handler returned message: Error reason: The scope is not valid 문제 해결 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/jw-troubleshooting-aws-waf-creation-resource-handler-returned-message-error-reason-the-scope-is-not-valid-with-cloudformation/ 안녕하세요클래스메소드김재욱 Kim Jaewook 입니다 이번에는CloudFormation으로AWS WAF 생성시발생하는Resource handler returned message Error reason The scope is not valid 문제를해결하는방법에대해서정리해봤습니다 문제발생Error reason The scope is not valid field SCOPE VALUE parameter CLOUDFRONT AWS WAF를생성하는CloudFormation 스택을생성시다음과같은에러가발생했습니다 문제해결CloudFormation 스택생성시에러가발생하는이유는리소스타입에있습니다 API Gateway Application Load Balancer는리전을선택할수있지마느CloudFront의경우리전은글로벌로고정됩니다 그렇기때문에미국동부 버지니아북부 us east 에CloudFormation 스택을생성할필요가있습니다 그외리전에서CloudFormation 스택을생성하면에러가발생합니다 CloudFront에WAF를사용하기위해Scope CLOUDFRONT을지정했다면반드시us east 에CloudFormation 스택을 2024-06-10 22:35:58
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO 【アップデート】AWS IoT Device Management にデバイス接続メトリクスの監視ダッシュボードが追加されました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-iot-device-management-unified-metrics-monitoring-dashboard/ アップデート,access,alive 2024-06-10 22:00:44
海外TECH Ars Technica Hackers steal “significant volume” of data from hundreds of Snowflake customers https://arstechnica.com/?p=2030619 Give shortcomings of Snowflake and its customers there s plenty of blame to go around 2024-06-10 22:08:42
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Craig Federighi & John Giannandrea talk Apple Intelligence at WWDC https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/10/craig-federighi-john-giannandrea-talk-apple-intelligence-at-wwdc?utm_medium=rss After the WWDC keynote Apple s Craig Federighi and John Giannandrea sat down to talk more in depth about its AI efforts with Apple Intelligence ーincluding about how the company trained the models iJustine John Giannandrea and Craig Federighi from left to right During its kickoff event of WWDC nearly minutes were devoted to Apple Intelligence the iPhone maker s big push into AI or what it is calling personal intelligence It was no surprise that its execs spent more time talking on the record about why their approach is different and how it plans to balance useful features with privacy AppleInsider was in attendance at the discussion which was hosted by iJustine Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-10 22:40:25
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Intelligence brings live recording and transcription to the Phone app in iOS 18 https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/10/apple-intelligence-brings-live-recording-and-transcription-to-the-phone-app-in-ios-18?utm_medium=rss Apple is bringing live transcription to the iPhone this fall letting you easily keep a searchable text log of your phone calls complete with summary sections Recording and transcription coming to iPhone Pro and laterWWDC kicked off on Monday with Apple showcasing a slew of features it plans to bring to its devices later this fall Among those features was a hefty section about Apple s new foray into artificial intelligence which it calls Apple Intelligence Apple says that Apple Intelligence is personal intelligence designed to be helpful and relevant to the user This includes new writing tools image generation and editing Siri improvements and the ability to record and transcribe phone calls while they happen Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-10 22:31:59
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Elon Musk's latest anti-Apple tirade is about a ChatGPT feature that doesn't exist https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/10/elon-musks-latest-anti-apple-tirade-is-about-a-chatgpt-feature-that-doesnt-exist?utm_medium=rss Elon Musk has a fundamental misunderstanding of Apple s partnership with ChatGPT and believes that it s the gateway to automatically sharing all user data on iPhone with OpenAI Apple and OpenAI partnered to bring ChatGPT to SiriOpenAI is one of several partners Apple will enable to communicate with Apple Intelligence in iOS and other operating systems later in The partnership allows for private and secure queries to third party LLMs with complete control over what is sent and when Apple was clear in its announcement of ChatGPT integration with iOS that every query would be user approved and only available in select use cases It appears that Elon Musk hasn t seen the keynote ーor is willingly misinterpreting what was said ーbecause he has shared a series of increasingly deranged posts on X speculating on data theft and nuclear warfare Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-10 22:07:05
海外TECH Engadget Apple may integrate Google's Gemini AI into iOS in the future https://www.engadget.com/apple-may-integrate-googles-gemini-ai-into-ios-in-the-future-220240081.html?src=rss Apple is integrating GPT o the large language model that powers ChatGPT into iOS iPadOS and MacOS Sequioa thanks to a partnership with OpenAI announced at WWDC the company s annual developer conference on Monday But shortly after the keynote ended Craig Federighi Apple s senior vice president of software engineering said that the company might also bake in Gemini Google s family of large language model into its operating systems We want to enable users ultimately to choose the models they want maybe Google Gemini in the future Federighi said in a conversation with reporters after the keynote Nothing to announce right now The news is notable because even though Apple did mention plans to add more AI models into its operating system in the keynote it didn t mention Gemini specifically Letting people choose the AI model they want on their devices instead of simply foisting one on them would give Apple devices a level of customization that none of its competitors like Google or Samsung have Catch up here for all the news out of Apple s WWDC This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-10 22:02:40
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 美術家・横尾忠則が87歳になり死を意識…「終活して逝くってしんどい」と語る理由 - ニュースな本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/339279 シロクロ,ニュース,日本社会 2024-06-11 07:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「最強ITツール2024」ランキング50!4位はAIブームの火付け役ChatGPT、1位は?【独占先行公開】 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345171 chatgpt,itreview,newsampampanalysisdx 2024-06-11 07:15:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 パラマウント親会社、業界元幹部が買収検討=関係者 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345214 パラマウント 2024-06-11 07:10:00



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