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海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News iOS 18 isn't any more of a cheater's operating system than Android has been https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/14/ios-18-isnt-any-more-of-a-cheaters-operating-system-than-android-has-been?utm_medium=rss Social media influencers are inventing scenarios and features for iOS that they re screaming makes it the prime operating systems for cheaters This is more ignorant than normal TikTokers have turned on Apple over iOS s app hiding feature Following the introduction of Apple s operating system updates at the keynotes people started to offer their opinions on Apple s feature changes Many are balanced opinions from tech YouTubers specialist publications like AppleInsider our friends at other Apple centric publications analysts and other industry observers However there are also unhinged and uninformed hot takes on social media Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-14 18:40:33
海外TECH Engadget Metaphor: ReFantazio feels like a JRPG free from restraint and sanity https://www.engadget.com/metaphor-refantazio-feels-like-a-jrpg-free-from-restraint-and-sanity-185129361.html?src=rss Metaphor ReFantazio has been a long time in the making It was announced in as Project re Fantasy through a weird long video that said very little Since then Atlus has swapped the Project for Metaphor and scoured Google Translate to find a cool way to say fantasy It s also made a giant fantasy JRPG ーand after rolling through a demo at Summer Game Fest last weekend I m dying to play it ReFantazio is the first original title by Studio Zero a relatively new Atlus division headed up by Katsura Hashino As the director of the third fourth and fifth Persona game Hashino is responsible for the Persona series pivot towards social simulation elements After finishing up Persona Hashino left P Studio to work on all new titles unrelated to Atlus Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series Atlus and Hashino are both known more for semi grounded urban fantasy than wizards and elves and ReFantazio in that sense represents a big departure This is an epic sprawling story covering a whole nation the United Kingdom of Euchronia The Euchronian king has been assassinated and the people of the land must elect a new one nbsp Euchronia is home to eight tribes fantasy races and our hero is trying to reunite them There s also a cursed prince who everyone thinks is dead a royal tournament for the throne in six months and monsters everywhere To make matters worse Euchronia is being invaded by hideous Hieronymus Bosch inspired creatures called humans which function as the game s bosses Humans huh Wonder if it s a metaphor Given Atlus storytelling history the broad strokes of ReFantazio will probably make more sense than the moment to moment beats Best to just let it wash over you The game takes place over the course of six months and you ll be traveling across Euchronia in a Gauntlet Runner a cool ship designed by the Evangelion mech guy trying to rally support for your entry into the royal tournament Each town in the game has a tavern where you can grab a bite and gather information a recruitment center where you can accept quests various shops and an inn where you can rest Completing quests and making friends along the way will gain you supporters among the various tribes which is key to both the overarching story and the combat AtlusAtlus Summer Game Fest demo was segmented into three minute chunks The first was a training sequence of sorts story heavy and light on combat This felt mostly like a showcase for ReFantazio s cinematics which were gorgeous despite the TVs in the demo area being set to interpolate frames Atlus has a tradition of showcasing top quality anime in its games and the demo clips were among the best I ve seen What I appreciated more than the quality of the animation was how closely the character designs and vibe of the game matched the cinematics Also memorable is the voice acting For the English speaking cast Atlus is taking the United Kingdom of Euchronia very seriously as everyone I ran into had a totally over the top British accent As the owner of an English accent I found the characters beyond theatrical but nonetheless enjoyable At one point in the demo I met a hyper cockney cat girl that could ve been auditioning for Oliver AtlusIn another segment I fought alongside an adorable floppy eared fellow from fantasy Liverpool who sounded like he was analyzing a soccer game If none of this excites you the Japanese voice cast seems to be shooting for a typical fantasy vibe Personally I can t imagine playing this game in anything other than English at this point Not everything is voiced ーas in a lot of JRPGs key lines and conversations play out in full but many interactions will be confined to text with the voice actors emoting a little along the way for flavor As a speed reader this is absolutely fine by me AtlusSegment two was all about dungeon crawling combat ーtime for the Persona comparisons The setup here will be familiar to fans of Atlus games It s a turn based JRPG with various types of physical and magical attacks status effects and ailments ReFantazio s version of the classic JRPG class system is Archetypes ーthere are lineages containing over unique Archetypes including some familiar roles like Mage Thief Knight and Healer nbsp There s also a tactical element to party composition with a front and back row playing a part in combat and Synthesis moves that allow you to combine your party s Archetypes for stronger attacks Everything has a little Persona and SMT to it ーyou manage Archetypes in an Akademeia similar to a Velvet Room they can evolve through experience and their proficiency in battle is linked to your bond with your supporters AtlusA twist on the classic turn based formula ーand one I m very pleased about ーis the Fast battle system When you come across an enemy you ll be able to gauge their strength before initiating combat The Fast system lets you target a particular enemy and strike them this can insta kill underpowered foes which allows you to avoid turn based battling entirely when grinding low level enemies For stronger foes you can use Fast to butter them up and start a squad battle with advantage but if you mess up this engagement you could start the turn based combat on your ass Other Atlus games have a similar risk reward system to allow players to gain an advantage but this is more nuanced and satisfying The interface for all of this is a typically gorgeous menu system and UI that feels more refined than ever Simple actions are assigned a face button on the controller which means less time spent in menus It s all pretty intuitive and towards the end of my short demo I was already speeding through the turn based combat without wondering what button did what Taken as a whole the combat system feels like a natural evolution to the classic formula Atlus is known for AtlusThe final demo section starts inside the Gauntlet Runner It s a claustrophobic space more submarine than super yacht but filled with things to do There are people to talk to activities to partake in and routes to choose Similar to Persona the game occuring over a fixed period means you likely won t be able to do everything you want to and instead need to decide how best to spend your time each day You might try to level up one of the main character s five traits ーcourage wisdom tolerance eloquence and imagination ーor perhaps focus on fighting monsters or earning cash I played to type and read a book which was sadly not enough to raise my courage from craven My cozy book session led immediately into the main show a face off against a giant human This began with an anime sequence which gave way to classic four on one combat The human designs in this game are buckwild This one was called Sea Horror Homo Sabara and here are the Cliff s Notes Long violet beard and eyebrows One yellow eye one white eye both glowing ears arranged in two rows Edgy piercings Crown of thorns Actually make that two crowns of thorns Top half of head has been scalped There seems to be a human heart sticking out Also eight giant bejeweled tentacles as weapons It s not like I haven t seen crazy bosses in a JRPG before but this octodad was a lot of fun to fight There was no major challenge Take out the tentacles wail on the body tentacles regenerate repeat But he hit hard and the demo clearly set me up for success It s easy to see this guy wiping your team if you don t come properly prepared Of all the things Atlus squeezed into the short Summer Game Fest the human battle was the most memorable From the lore being drip fed to fans it seems like the humans are actually from our world and are being Isekai d into Euchronia as these messed up monsters Here s hoping a lot of them made it over AtlusAt first blush ReFantazio feels like a real auteur moment for Hashino ーas if after the worldwide success of Persona he s basically been given a blank check Hashino s Persona titles bend over backwards to show you how cool and edgy they are but the only concern for ReFantazio is how loud confident and unique it can be Yes there are elements borrowed from almost every Atlus RPG you can think of but it s all been remixed and refined I left my brief time with ReFantazio filled with this wonderful milieu of nostalgia and surprise a warm familiarity from something unlike anything I d played before Metaphor ReFantazio comes to PC PlayStation and and Xbox Series consoles on October Catch up on all of the news from Summer Game Fest right here This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-14 18:51:29
海外TECH Engadget Neva hands-on: A grand achievement in emotional game design https://www.engadget.com/neva-hands-on-a-grand-achievement-in-emotional-game-design-180516649.html?src=rss Neva is going to make me cry It very nearly did at Summer Game Fest as the game s introductory cinematics faded to black literally just one minute into my time with the demo I won t divulge what happens in those initial frames but it shattered my soul It also perfectly primed me for the heart pounding danger and devastating beauty that I would get lost in for the next minutes alongside my new best friend Neva the wolf Nomada StudioEvery aspect of Neva is breathtaking It plays like a living watercolor illustration Alba the protagonist has long slender limbs a cloud of silver hair and a flowing red cloak that drapes behind her elegantly with each leap and fall Neva is a young white wolf fluffy and energetic and the two share an intense bond that s repeatedly reinforced and tested in the demo The world of Neva feels slightly more grounded than that of Gris the game that put Nomada Studio on the map in but it s still filled with layers of magic The landscapes beyond the D plane that Alba and Neva traverse have incredible depth ーdense forests hiding secrets and mountain ranges towering above wide valleys sharp peaks piercing the sky in the far distance The demo has lush glades draped in vines and weeping branches sunlight streaming through the gaps in the leaves as well as cave systems with dark tight corridors At times Neva takes the Frank Lloyd Wright approach to design squeezing players through claustrophobic thickets that suddenly burst onto fields of thick green grass the camera pulling back to show how small Alba and Neva really are in this space Nomada StudioTrees leaves rocks and roots compose the game s sidescrolling playground with sloping platforms and floating islands built mainly out of stone Touches of fantastical alien technology appear with increasing frequency as the demo progresses as do hordes of inky black enemies with round white faces mouths open in silent screams Platforming in Neva is intuitive There s minimal on screen text in the game and instead direction comes from the environment soft highlights and sunkissed glows marking the proper paths in a way that feels completely natural I flowed through most areas of the demo leaping onto ledges with almost subconscious impulses knowing that I could trust the game s subtle instructions There are areas of spiky blackness that Alba has to clear for Neva to be able to progress and at times it s necessary to leave the little wolf behind for a moment generating instant separation anxiety Neva yelps and squeaks as she learns how to traverse the world and they re heart wrenching sounds I was keenly aware of Neva with each jump making sure she could follow my path lingering to watch her complete big leaps petting her after each success and consistently calling out her name Alba s voice is fairy like and the way she says Neva Neva Nevaaa has become an earworm I can t shake In the days since coming home from Summer Game Fest and reuniting with my two small dogs I ve been walking around the house saying Neva as if it were their names It s been a very confusing time for them but they ve gotten a few extra treats so all s well Combat in Neva feels as intuitive as platforming with simple inputs that land satisfying hits of Alba s sword The enemies long limbed creatures that appear out of dark pools in the ground slash at Alba with their spiky fingers and throw lethal blobs at her but one on one they re fairly easy to dispatch Alba is able to get incredibly close to each creature before she takes damage and this generous proximity makes the fight scenes feel like dance with constant action and minimal interruptions I didn t die until I reached the boss fight at the end of the demo where Neva and I had to fight off a giant creature double jumping around it to slash at its legs and back avoiding its attacks I defeated the boss after three deaths and the scene felt like an appropriate escalation of everything I d learned so far Nomada StudioI m convinced that every preview of Neva including this one will mention how quickly and easily the game will make players cry and I want to take a moment to recognize the magnitude of this achievement The bond that Nomada Studio have built between Neva and Alba is incredibly powerful and this type of emotional connection doesn t just happen when you put an animal and a human in the same scene Neva is a constant source of anxiety and joy The cub must be protected at all costs and she feels like a physical part of Alba s being necessary to the protagonist s survival Neva establishes their shared trauma and every following mechanic reinforces their partnership ーprotect pet repeat Neva and Alba need each other and their shared love resonates from each frame of the game Guaranteed Neva is going to make me cry Neva is due out on PC and PlayStation this year developed by Nomada Studio and published by Devolver Digital Catch up on all of the news from Summer Game Fest right here This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-14 18:05:17
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詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【コンサルの傾聴力】三流はとにかく相槌を打つ、二流はまとめようとする、では一流は? - 頭のいい人が話す前に考えていること https://diamond.jp/articles/-/344960 コンサル,トーハン,ビジネス書 2024-06-15 03:53:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【「日曜日の初耳学」出演で話題】MEGUMIが教える あなたの「舌の位置」まちがっています! 気をつけないと怖い人に見えて損をします - キレイはこれでつくれます https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345117 megumi,ほうれい,ほうれい線 2024-06-15 03:50:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【カリスマトレーナーが教える!】トップアスリートも実践する「最強のメンタルの整え方」とは? - 世界最高のフィジカル・マネジメント https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345136 カリスマ,アスリート,シャラポワネリー 2024-06-15 03:47:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【精神科医が指南】アナタの隣の「面倒くさい人」への対処法・ベスト1 - 精神科医Tomyが教える 30代を悩まず生きる言葉 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/343609 精神科医,tomy,カミングアウト 2024-06-15 03:44:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 韓国語で「1、2、3」って何て言う?【すぐ覚えられる韓国語】 - ゼロからわかる!楽しく続けられる! 韓国語1年生 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345477 フレーズ,ブロガー,韓流アイドル 2024-06-15 03:41:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「パラオってどんな国?」2分で学ぶ国際社会 - 読むだけで世界地図が頭に入る本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345222 エネルギー,オリンピック,ガイドブック 2024-06-15 03:35:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【中学受験「社会」】「マニフェスト」と「公約」はどう違うか説明できる?【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - 今さら聞けない!政治のキホン https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345311 中学受験,おさらい,オンライン 2024-06-15 03:32:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【ケース面接、GD対策】知ってると通過率が上がるフレームワーク5選 - 問題解決力を高める 外資系コンサルの入社試験 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345202 コンサル,コンサルタント,コンサルティング 2024-06-15 03:29:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 書くことは生き方の問題である - 読みたいことを、書けばいい。 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345399 あなたに,売れ行き 2024-06-15 03:26:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【頭のいいリーダー】ギスギス度100%の会議を一瞬で変えるリフレーミング術 - 一流ファシリテーターの 空気を変えるすごいひと言 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/345420 リーダー,ギスギス,ケンカ腰 2024-06-15 03:23:00
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