投稿時間:2024-06-22 23:06:07 RSSフィード2024-06-22 23:00分まとめ(6件)

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Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Uncaught ReferenceError: x(変数) is not defined https://qiita.com/mitu1935/items/74a27ba2e515db250281 uncaughtreferenceerrorx,error,isnotdefined 2024-06-22 22:44:10
Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Node.js】入力されたキーが何かを音声で返すプログラムを作ってみる: Readline と Mac の Sayコマンドの組み合わせ https://qiita.com/youtoy/items/a9efe31249760a4a3022 nodejs,qiitahttpsqii,readline 2024-06-22 22:22:57
Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita スマホでペット用監視カメラを作ってみた その2 https://qiita.com/noji505/items/cad6546b5ca27b39ed0a スマートフォン,ワンちゃん,作ってみた 2024-06-22 22:22:39
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amplify(Gen2)でマルチテナントを実装する https://qiita.com/Fujimon_fn/items/ab560b1b30d041bc913d amplifygen,カスタムリゾルバー,テナント 2024-06-22 22:33:11
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS認定セキュリティ・スペシャリティ受験談&学習法 https://qiita.com/takahiro_fukushima/items/cdd830fd0a5c3977ac7a したこと,スペシャリティ,セキュリティ 2024-06-22 22:17:03
海外TECH Engadget AI companies are reportedly still scraping websites despite protocols meant to block them https://www.engadget.com/ai-companies-are-reportedly-still-scraping-websites-despite-protocols-meant-to-block-them-132308524.html?src=rss Perplexity a company that describes its product as quot a free AI search engine quot has been under fire over the past few days Shortly after Forbes accused it of stealing its story and republishing it across multiple platforms Wired reported that Perplexity has been ignoring the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots txt and has been scraping its website and other Cond Nast publications Technology website The Shortcut also accused the company of scraping its articles Now Reuters has reported that Perplexity isn t the only AI company that s bypassing robots txt files and scraping websites to get content that s then used to train their technologies nbsp Reuters said it saw a letter addressed to publishers from TollBit a startup that pairs them up with AI firms so they can reach licensing deals warning them that quot AI agents from multiple sources not just one company are opting to bypass the robots txt protocol to retrieve content from sites quot The robots txt file contains instructions for web crawlers on which pages they can and can t access Web developers have been using the protocol since but compliance is completely voluntary nbsp TollBit s letter didn t name any company but Business Insider says it has learned that OpenAI and Anthropic ーthe creators of the ChatGPT and Claude chatbots respectively ーare also bypassing robots txt signals Both companies previously proclaimed that they respect quot do not crawl quot instructions websites put in their robots txt files nbsp During its investigation Wired discovered that a machine on an Amazon server quot certainly operated by Perplexity quot was bypassing its website s robots txt instructions To confirm whether Perplexity was scraping its content Wired provided the company s tool with headlines from its articles or short prompts describing its stories The tool reportedly came up with results that closely paraphrased its articles quot with minimal attribution quot And at times it even generated inaccurate summaries for its stories ーWired says the chatbot falsely claimed that it reported about a specific California cop committing a crime in one instance nbsp In an interview with Fast Company Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas told the publication that his company quot is not ignoring the Robot Exclusions Protocol and then lying about it quot That doesn t mean however that it isn t benefiting from crawlers that do ignore the protocol Srinivas explained that the company uses third party web crawlers on top of its own and that the crawler Wired identified was one of them When Fast Company asked if Perplexity told the crawler provider to stop scraping Wired s website he only replied that quot it s complicated quot nbsp Srinivas defended his company s practices telling the publication that the Robots Exclusion Protocol is quot not a legal framework quot and suggesting that publishers and companies like his may have to establish a new kind of relationship He also reportedly insinuated that Wired deliberately used prompts to make Perplexity s chatbot behave the way it did so ordinary users will not get the same results As for the inaccurate summaries that the tool had generated Srinivas said quot We have never said that we have never hallucinated quot This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-22 13:23:08



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