投稿時間:2024-06-28 23:13:13 RSSフィード2024-06-28 23:00分まとめ(4件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Figma、プレゼン資料作成ツール「Figma Slides」発表 β版を無料公開 AIアシスト機能も https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2406/28/news212.html itmedianewsfigma,figma,figmaslides 2024-06-28 22:20:00
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSからOCIに接続するハイブリッドクラウド環境を設定する手順 https://qiita.com/kins/items/bd876f5e605cb3444574 raclecloudinfrastructure,クラウド,ハイブリッド 2024-06-28 22:43:51
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Beats Pill, Final Cut Camera, and beta RCS are all out now on the AppleInsider Podcast https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/28/beats-pill-final-cut-camera-and-even-beta-rcs-are-out-now-on-the-appleinsider-podcast?utm_medium=rss The Beats Pill speaker has returned to the delight of its fans Final Cut Camera is out for the first time and winning admirers plus RCS messaging is in beta ーand may just earn Apple a new audience Just as popular as the Beats Pill speaker is the return of Pill PeopleWe re still waiting for the promise of Apple Intelligence but even without it iOS and macOS Sequoia are starting to hit their stride with the second beta which adds iPhone Mirroring Unless you re in the EU anyway Alongside the developments in Apple s operating system betas the company has also released an update to Final Cut Pro for iPad And alongside that it s brought out its first pro video app with the free Final Cut Camera Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-28 13:38:26
海外TECH Engadget Amazon investigating Perplexity AI after accusations it scrapes websites without consent https://www.engadget.com/amazon-investigating-perplexity-ai-after-accusations-it-scrapes-websites-without-consent-133003374.html?src=rss Amazon Web Services has started an investigation to determine whether Perplexity AI is breaking its rules according to Wired To be precise the company s cloud division is looking into allegations that the service is using a crawler which is hosted on its servers that ignores the Robots Exclusion Protocol This protocol is a web standard wherein developers put a robots txt file on a domain containing instructions on whether bots can or can t access a particular page Complying with those instructions is voluntary but crawlers from reputable companies have generally been respecting them since web developers started implementing the standard in the s nbsp In an earlier piece Wired reported that it discovered a virtual machine that was bypassing its website s robots txt instructions That machine was hosted on an Amazon Web Services server using the IP address that s quot certainly operated by Perplexity quot It reportedly visited other Cond Nast properties hundreds of times over the past three months to scrape their content as well The Guardian Forbes and The New York Times had also detected it visiting their publications multiple times Wired said To confirm whether Perplexity truly was scraping its content Wired entered headlines or short descriptions of its articles into the company s chatbot The tool then responded with results that closely paraphrased its articles quot with minimal attribution quot nbsp A recent Reuters report claimed that Perplexity isn t the only AI company that s bypassing robots txt files to gather content used to train large language models However Amazon s investigation seems to be focused on Perplexity AI only An Amazon spokesperson told Wired that its customers have to comply with robots txt instructions when crawling websites quot AWS s terms of service prohibit customers from using our services for any illegal activity and our customers are responsible for complying with our terms and all applicable laws quot they said nbsp Perplexity spokesperson Sara Platnick told Wired that the company has already responded to Amazon s inquiries and denied that its crawlers are bypassing the Robots Exclusion Protocol quot Our PerplexityBot ーwhich runs on AWS ーrespects robots txt and we confirmed that Perplexity controlled services are not crawling in any way that violates AWS Terms of Service quot she said Platnick admitted however that PerplexityBot will ignore robots text when a user includes a specific URL in their chatbot inquiry nbsp Aravind Srinivas the CEO of Perplexity also previously denied that his company is quot ignoring the Robot Exclusions Protocol and then lying about it quot Srinivas did admit to nbsp Fast Company that Perplexity uses third party web crawlers on top of its own and that the bot Wired identified was one of them This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-06-28 13:30:03



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