投稿時間:2024-06-30 23:13:56 RSSフィード2024-06-30 23:00分まとめ(12件)

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Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Leafletでマーカーアイコンを回転させたい! https://qiita.com/kottaro123456/items/3be61e8001f840c9f0a9 leaflet,viewer,あいさつ 2024-06-30 22:13:52
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Summit Japan初参加レポート https://qiita.com/bass3523/items/ba4f1c3be6e97236a472 awssummitjapan,summit,レポート 2024-06-30 22:30:11
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CloudWatch Logs Insights を使おう! https://qiita.com/tatsumi_t2/items/acf68f1aa2b20931f333 awscloudwatchlogsinsights,cloudwatch,サービス 2024-06-30 22:28:07
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SSR対応のNext.jsをAWS環境にデプロイするためのサービス https://qiita.com/moko_Swallows/items/d3fc9ebd159e4d97d0df nextjs,アプリケーション,サービス 2024-06-30 22:05:58
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Compute Optimizer が Amazon RDS MySQL および PostgreSQL のリサイズ推奨機能をサポートしました! https://qiita.com/zenden/items/a299228a09e4ac64ee86 awscomputeoptimizer,amazonrdsmysql,computeoptimizer 2024-06-30 22:03:00
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO シェルスクリプトでBigQueryのテーブルのデータをCSVにエクスポートする https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/20240630-bq-ex/ シェルスクリプト,bigquery,bigquey 2024-06-30 13:55:07
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO MediaTailor Ad insertionの基本的な設定をAWS CLIでやってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-elemental-mediatailor-ad-insertion-aws-cli/ mediatailoradinsertion,adinsertion,assembly 2024-06-30 13:09:08
技術系ブログ等 Developers.IO [アップデート]Cost Optimization Hubの推奨事項のエクスポートをコンソールから設定できるようになりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cost-optimization-hub-export/ アップデート,action,bool 2024-06-30 13:06:04
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple is already working on iOS 19, iPadOS 19, macOS 16, and more https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/30/apple-is-already-working-on-ios-19-ipados-19-and-macos-16?utm_medium=rss A new report says that Apple has formally begun work on the OS updates planned for late including macOS iOS watchOS and visionOS Apple s hardware and software plans for are already underwayIn a typical move Apple is wrapping up its foundational work on s forthcoming software releases and focusing on the year ahead Betas for iOS and iPadOS watchOS and macOS Sequoia are already in the hands of developers now Those OS updates already teased during the WWDC conference will be out in the fall of According to a report from Bloomberg Apple s engineers have started turning engineering attention to the releases for late including iOS watchOS macOS and visionOS Rumor Score 🤯Likely Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-30 13:42:49
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News A MacBook Pro design refresh is probably years away https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/30/a-macbook-pro-design-refresh-is-probably-years-away?utm_medium=rss Apple probably won t be changing the design of its MacBook Pro for a few more years as the company continues to increase the longevity of its products An example of a current gen MacBook ProApple s MacBook Pro and MacBook Air are iconic in the world of notebooks But when consumers look for new features and designs to justify upgrades Apple is pretty much sticking to what it already has The MacBook Pro uses a form factor that was introduced by Apple in making it three years old According to Bloomberg estimates on Sunday the next major refresh of the design may not happen until or Rumor Score 🤯Likely Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-30 13:21:43
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Intelligence may be coming to Vision Pro -- but not soon https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/06/30/apple-intelligence-may-be-coming-to-vision-pro----but-not-soon?utm_medium=rss The roll out of Apple Intelligence in the fall is passing over the Apple Vision Pro ーbut a report on Sunday claims that it could arrive on the existing hardware as soon as Apple Vision Pro hardhat optionalApple Intelligence is arriving in test in the next few weeks It will ship to for everybody with a compatible device in the fall with iPadOS macOS Sequoia and iOS Not on that list at present is the Apple Vision Pro But a new report on Sunday from Bloomberg discusses the possibility of it arriving on Apple s headset Rumor Score 🤯Likely Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-06-30 13:21:20
科学 NYT > Science Robots Get a Fleshy Face (and a Smile) in New Research https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/30/science/japan-robots-human-face.html Researchers at the University of Tokyo published findings on a method of attaching artificial skin to robot faces to protect machinery and mimic human expressiveness 2024-06-30 13:10:06



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