投稿時間:2024-07-30 09:09:20 RSSフィード2024-07-30 09:00分まとめ(14件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… 「iOS 18.1 beta」では通話の録音や文字起こしが利用可能に https://taisy0.com/2024/07/30/202518.html iosbeta,apple,macrumors 2024-07-29 23:35:56
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、「macOS Sonoma 14.6」をリリース ー M3搭載「MacBook Pro 14インチ」がクラムシェルモード時に2台のディスプレイに出力可能に https://taisy0.com/2024/07/30/202514.html applemacossonoma,apple,macbookpro 2024-07-29 23:22:06
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、重要なバグ修正とセキュリティアップデートを含んだ「watchOS 10.6」をリリース https://taisy0.com/2024/07/30/202512.html apple,watchos,アップデート 2024-07-29 23:09:36
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、「macOS Ventura 13.6.8」と「macOS Monterey 12.7.6」をリリース https://taisy0.com/2024/07/30/202510.html applemacosventura,apple,macosmonterey 2024-07-29 23:01:03
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エンタープライズ] ServiceNowに複数の脆弱性 サイバー攻撃に利用され要注意 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/2407/30/news066.html itmedia,resecurity,servicenow 2024-07-30 08:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 負債2億円の「町の弁当屋」が年商8億円に 23歳で継いだ2代目社長、何をした? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2407/30/news045.html itmedia,このまま,オンライン 2024-07-30 08:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 若手に聞いた「働きがいのある会社」 3位「マネーフォワードグループ」、2位「ディスコ」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2407/30/news051.html itmedia,place,toworkrinstitutejapan 2024-07-30 08:15:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders シニア向け住居の全340居室と共用部に顔認証を導入─三井不動産レジデンシャル | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/26644 シニア向け,itleaders,システム 2024-07-30 09:00:00
AWS AWS News Blog AWS and Multicloud: Existing capabilities & continued enhancements https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-and-multicloud-existing-capabilities-continued-enhancements/ AWS extends existing operational management capabilities to simplify multicloud oversight Learn about their approach recent hybrid multicloud service launches in and helpful resources 2024-07-29 23:28:15
Program lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CDKを用いてRemixアプリケーションをLambdaにデプロイする https://qiita.com/monjara/items/3b16e14179acb4892b31 awscdk,lambda,remix 2024-07-30 08:41:35
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CDKを用いてRemixアプリケーションをLambdaにデプロイする https://qiita.com/monjara/items/3b16e14179acb4892b31 awscdk,lambda,remix 2024-07-30 08:41:35
海外TECH Engadget Mark Zuckerberg says ‘f*ck that’ to closed platforms https://www.engadget.com/mark-zuckerberg-says-fck-that-to-closed-platforms-235700788.html?src=rss In his two decades running the company now known as Meta Mark Zuckerberg has gone through many transformations More recently he s been showing off a seemingly less filtered version of himself But during a live streamed conversation with NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang the Meta CEO seemed to veer a little more off script than he intended The conversation began normally enough with the two billionaire executives congratulating each other on their AI dominance Zuckerberg made sure to talk up the company s recent AI Studio announcement before settling into his usual talking points which recently have included pointed criticism of Apple Zuckerberg then launched into a lengthy rant about his frustrations with closed ecosystems like Apple s App Store None of that is particularly new as the Meta founder has been feuding with Apple for years But then Zuckerberg who is usually quite controlled in his public appearances revealed just how frustrated he is telling Huang that his reaction to being told no is fuck that I mean this is sort of selfish but you know after building this company for awhile one of my things for the next or years is like I just want to make sure that we can build the fundamental technology that we re going to be building social experiences on because there just have been too many things that I ve tried to build and then have just been told nah you can t really build that by the platform provider that at some level I m just like nah fuck that Zuckerberg said There goes our broadcast opportunity Huang said Sorry Zuckerberg said Get me talking about closed platforms and I get angry This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-07-29 23:57:00
科学 NYT > Science Two Meteor Showers Peak This Week. Here’s How and When to Watch. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/29/science/meteor-shower-aquarids-capricornids-perseids.html The Southern Delta Aquarids and the Alpha Capricornids are reaching their peak this week The Perseids one of the best shows of the year are also ramping up 2024-07-29 23:04:30
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 今週のレポート・コラムまとめ【7/23-7/29発行分】 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=79207?site=nli jreit,nbsp,nbspno 2024-07-30 08:57:21



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