投稿時間:2024-07-31 04:05:45 RSSフィード2024-07-31 04:00分まとめ(7件)

カテゴリー サイト名 記事タイトル リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等 登録日
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Configure Amazon Q Business with AWS IAM Identity Center trusted identity propagation https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/configuring-amazon-q-business-with-aws-iam-identity-center-trusted-identity-propagation/ Amazon Q Business comes with rich API support to perform administrative tasks or to build an AI assistant with customized user experience for your enterprise With administrative APIs you can automate creating Q Business applications set up data source connectors build custom document enrichment and configure guardrails With conversation APIs you can chat and manage conversations with Q Business AI assistant Trusted identity propagation provides authorization based on user context nbsp which enhances the privacy controls of Amazon Q Business In this blog post you will learn what trusted identity propagation is and why to use it how to automate configuration of a trusted token issuer in AWS IAM Identity Center with provided AWS CloudFormation templates and what APIs to invoke from your application facilitate calling Amazon Q Business identity aware conversation APIs 2024-07-30 18:42:01
AWS AWS Networking and Content Delivery Integrating AWS Client VPN with AWS Network Firewall https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/networking-and-content-delivery/integrating-aws-client-vpn-with-aws-network-firewall/ Organizations use remote access solutions for secure remote user access to resources hosted on their internal networks This post shows various deployment models to integrate AWS Network Firewall with AWS Client VPN AWS Client VPN is a managed client based VPN service that secures access to your AWS resources and resources in your on premises network over 2024-07-30 18:20:42
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel No More Data Dumps! Easy Amazon Bedrock Setup with New Connectors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSnFZhHuIgg 🌐Link to the blog post 🛠️Code used In this video we dive into the latest advancements in Amazon Bedrock focusing on the four newly released connectors that simplify data integration for your knowledge base Say goodbye to dumping data into S buckets and complex coding Discover how to set up a knowledge base using connectors for web crawlers Confluence SharePoint and Salesforce Watch a step by step guide on configuring these connectors within the Bedrock console setting up a web crawler and integrating data from Confluence Learn how to use the Python SDK for seamless interaction with your knowledge base Whether you re a developer looking to streamline your data integration process or simply interested in the latest updates from Amazon Bedrock this video has something for you Don t forget to check out the links and share your thoughts in the comments Follow AWS Developers 🐦Twitter 💼LinkedIn 👾Twitch 📺Instagram Follow Darko Mesaros 🐦X 💼LinkedIn amazonbedrock confluence RAG 2024-07-30 18:00:34
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use Call recording and transcription in iOS 18.1 https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/07/30/how-to-use-call-recording-and-transcription-in-ios-181?utm_medium=rss Call recording and transcription has become available to try out in the iOS developer beta Here s what it s like and how to use it You can now record calls and get transcripts in iOS Part of the wave of iOS updates call recording and transcription wasn t available as part of the initial developer betas However it did arrive in the iOS developer beta which gives testers the first chance to try it out Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-07-30 18:54:54
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「組織を動かす人」と「組織に潰される人」の決定的な違いとは? ~組織力学への深い洞察に基づく「ディープ・スキル」の有無【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - ディープ・スキル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347556 オンライン,コンサルタント,サポート 2024-07-31 03:54:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 年をとると「鼻が大きくなる」って本当? 老け顔の要因「小鼻の広がり」解消法 - 顔のゆがみがととのうと驚くほどきれいな私が現れる https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347664 きれいな 2024-07-31 03:51:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【今すぐできる】本を速く読んでも内容を忘れない方法 - 10秒間こども瞬読ドリル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347892 イメージ,イラスト,シリーズ 2024-07-31 03:48:00



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