投稿時間:2024-08-01 07:08:13 RSSフィード2024-08-01 07:00分まとめ(11件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Google、検索結果からディープフェイク画像を排除する複数の対策 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2408/01/news083.html itmedia,google,google検索 2024-08-01 06:19:00
海外TECH Ars Technica Microsoft strips ads from Skype in a move toward “user-centric design” https://arstechnica.com/?p=2040411 Update also improves AI image features adds OneAuth support on iOS 2024-07-31 21:48:31
海外TECH Ars Technica Blocking AI bots from Microsoft, others has been “pain in the a**”: Reddit CEO https://arstechnica.com/?p=2040398 Steve Huffman says companies must pay to scrape Reddit data 2024-07-31 21:19:27
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to get started using Apple Open Directory https://appleinsider.com/inside/macos/tips/how-to-get-started-using-apple-open-directory?utm_medium=rss Directory Services provides a central place to store users and passwords for corporate and enterprise users Here s how to use it on macOS Apple Directory Utility Many enterprises today have a need for a central place to store information about users passwords groups computers and other networked entities In most organizations this need is filled by the use of either Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDAP servers or in the case of Windows Server Microsoft s directory services built on LDAP Active Directory Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-07-31 21:49:59
海外TECH Engadget US Copyright Office calls for better legal protections against AI-generated deepfakes https://www.engadget.com/us-copyright-office-calls-for-better-legal-protections-against-ai-generated-deepfakes-215259727.html?src=rss The US Copyright Office has published a report recommending new and improved protections against digital replicas We have concluded that a new law is needed the department s report states The speed precision and scale of AI created digital replicas calls for prompt federal action Without a robust nationwide remedy their unauthorized publication and distribution threaten substantial harm not only in the entertainment and political arenas but also for private individuals The Copyright Office s assessment reveals several areas where current laws fall short of addressing digital replicas It describes the state level as a patchwork of protections with the availability of a remedy dependent on where the affected individual lives or where the unauthorized use occurred Likewise existing federal laws are too narrowly drawn to fully address the harm from today s sophisticated digital replicas Among the report s recommendations are safe harbor provisions to encourage online service providers to quickly remove unauthorized digital replicas It also notes that everyone has a legitimate interest in controlling the use of their likenesses and harms such as blackmail bullying defamation and use in pornography are not suffered only by celebrities meaning laws should cover all individuals and not just the famous ones The timing of this publication is fitting considering that the Senate has been making notable moves this month to enact new legal structures around the use of digital replications and AI generated copycats Last week the legislators passed the DEFIANCE Act to offer recourse for victims of sexual deepfakes Today saw the introduction of the NO FAKES Act to more broadly allow any individual to sue for damages for unauthorized use of their voice or likeness Today s analysis is the first in several parts of the Copyright Office s investigation into AI With plenty more questions to explore around the use of AI in art and communication the agency s ongoing findings should prove insightful Hopefully legislators and courts alike will continue to take them seriously This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-07-31 21:52:59
海外TECH Engadget Reddit CEO wants Microsoft to pay for its content https://www.engadget.com/reddit-ceo-wants-microsoft-to-pay-for-its-content-212320245.html?src=rss Reddit s chief executive officer Steve Huffman didn t pull any punches with Microsoft in an interview with The Verge He called out Microsoft and other AI search engines like Anthropic and Perplexity for not paying for the information they take from Reddit some of which have already been blocked from Huffman s website Reddit has deals in places with companies like Google and OpenAI to receive compensation for using its posts and information Huffman says Microsoft however hasn t even stepped up to the table to discuss its use of Reddit s content in its AI searches Without these agreements we don t have any say or knowledge of how our data is displayed and what it s used for which has put us in a position now of blocking folks who haven t been willing to come to terms with how we d like our data to be used or not used Huffman told The Verge s deputy editor Alex Heath Huffman says if Microsoft and other AI search sites continue to use Reddit s information without proper compensation they ll have to be blocked He doesn t want to do that because it s a real pain in the ass to block these companies Reddit has started cracking down on search engines that expunge information from its various forms and communities The website vowed to block unauthorized data scraping in June by updating its Robots Exclusion Protocol robots txt and it s already prevented Bing from accessing data from Reddit a fact confirmed by Microsoft s head of search Jordi Ribas on X Earlier this month a source confirmed to Engadget s Will Shanklin that Microsoft s refusal to work with Reddit s terms of service led to the blocking of Bing A spokesperson from Reddit also said Anyone accessing Reddit content must abide by our policies including those in place to protect redditors We are selective about who we work with and trust with large scale access to Reddit content This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-07-31 21:23:21
科学 NYT > Science Why Are So Many Americans Choosing to Not Have Children? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/31/health/fertility-births-vance.html It s probably not selfishness experts say Even young adults who want children see an increasing number of obstacles 2024-07-31 21:31:21
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 質の高いユーザー体験を実現するデザイン経営で、欠かせないデザイナーの力とは - デザイン経営の輪郭 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347672 ユーザー,オフィサー,カルチャー 2024-08-01 06:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ガソリン車かEVか 中国メーカーが見いだす勝機 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347988 ガソリン車,メーカー 2024-08-01 06:09:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 頭のいい人はエアコンの風量「弱」を使わない?電気代を月4000円も下げる冷房節約術〈再配信〉 - Lifestyle Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347986 エアコン,lifestyleanalysis 2024-08-01 06:05:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「鰻の成瀬」脅威の出店ラッシュ、「安くてうまいだけ」の牛丼チェーンが絶対に真似できない独自戦略 - 情報戦の裏側 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347984 ラッシュ,牛丼チェーン 2024-08-01 06:05:00



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