投稿時間:2024-08-16 07:06:12 RSSフィード2024-08-16 07:00分まとめ(7件)

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Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【React】たにぐちまことさんのReact入門備忘録 https://qiita.com/ramgap/items/837832dc4291e43d8b1e react,たにぐちまこと 2024-08-16 06:13:22
海外TECH Ars Technica Big-name drugs see price drops in first round of Medicare negotiations https://arstechnica.com/?p=2043687 If the prices were set in Medicare would have saved billion 2024-08-15 21:40:06
海外TECH Ars Technica Behold, Diablo is fully playable in your browser https://arstechnica.com/?p=2043640 It controls and looks great though the game was outshined by its sequels 2024-08-15 21:15:42
海外TECH Engadget Two action movie simulators Action Hero and Vendetta Forever are headed to VR https://www.engadget.com/gaming/two-action-movie-simulators-action-hero-and-vendetta-forever-are-headed-to-vr-214608480.html?src=rss The first VR Games Showcase has delivered a deluge of new VR titles like the Arizona Sunshine Remake and Trombone Champ Unflattened but two new and very similar titles caught my eye Action Hero and Vendetta Forever They both appear to be slow motion action games like the brilliant Superhot VR that will let you live out your John Wick firefight fantasies without risking serious bodily injury or your health insurance premiums In Fast Travel Games Action Hero you re an action movie hero starring in a series of five fictional movies including an Indiana Jones esque Nazi killing adventure a high tech heist thriller and a Jurassic Park ripoff Each movie has four different film sequences and you supply all the hot gun flinging boulder dodging raptor punching yes you get to punch velociraptors in the face action The action moves slow so you can add some style to the scene like firing two high caliber machine guns at once pulling off some sweet hand to hand combat and not flinching during powerful explosions Vendetta Forever from Meta Space Interactive also puts you in the middle of slow moving action sequences against waves of anonymous enemies It claims to have an all new lo kill motion mechanic so you can sidle up to the bad guys or dodge incoming fire like an Olympic gymnast The style is a little closer to Superhot s blank canvas scenes but with slightly more detail nbsp Vendetta Forever proclaims itself to be an homage to cult action movies that are highly stylized and full of heart pumping music and moves like a virtual remake of the PC action sandbox Maximum Action A demo of the game is available now on Meta s game store for the Quest and Quest Action Hero will be available sometime later this year on the Meta Quest Meta Quest and Meta Quest Pro Vendetta Forever will be available in October on the PS VR as well as the Meta Quest Meta Quest and Meta Quest Pro This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-08-15 21:46:10
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「とりあえずビール!」「デザートは別腹」って英語で何て言う? - ニュースな本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/347604 とりあえずビール,キャサリン,クラフト 2024-08-16 06:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 半ズボンでオフィス勤務 あり?なし? - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/348866 半ズボン,オフィス 2024-08-16 06:23:00
YouTube Channels google Google #PixelBuds Pro 2 #ASMR #MadebyGoogle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki3yV9etpxg asmr,google,madebygoogle 2024-08-15 21:42:16



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