投稿時間:2024-12-05 20:24:47 RSSフィード2024-12-05 20:00分まとめ(25件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「クソアプリアドベントカレンダー」今年も 「へとヘを見分けるゲーム」「ターミナルでYouTube視聴」など https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2412/05/news188.html itmedia,adventcalendar,news 2024-12-05 18:47:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] PayPayが「他社クレジットカード」への対応継続に向けた検討を実施 2025年夏以降の提供を目指す https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2412/05/news186.html itmediamobilepaypay,mastercard,paypay 2024-12-05 18:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] セイコーの「Wi-Fi時計」にエントリーモデル登場 電波時計が苦手な屋内でも正確に時刻を表示 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2412/05/news184.html itmedia,news,wifi 2024-12-05 18:43:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] LINEアルバムで他人の写真が見える不具合、原因はプログラムの不備 影響は推定で約13.5万人に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2412/05/news181.html itmediamobileline,line,アルバム 2024-12-05 18:23:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog 新しい AWS セキュリティ インシデント対応は、組織がセキュリティ イベントに対応し、そこから回復するのに役立ちます https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/new-aws-security-incident-response-helps-organizations-respond-to-and-recover-from-security-events/ securityincidentresponse,イベント,セキュリティ 2024-12-05 09:38:48
Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptで表情認識で操作する花火ゲーム作った(みんなで) https://qiita.com/ogaoga08/items/ac14aba1cad76a6470cb javascript,myjlabadventcalendar,リアルタイム 2024-12-05 18:22:01
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon OpenSearch ServiceのエンジンバージョンのサポートEOLが発表されました! https://qiita.com/Kamibayashi_Mai/items/b588a662714bffbe0505 amazonopensearchservice,エンジン,サポート 2024-12-05 18:44:01
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS re:Invent 2024(3日目)Dr.Swami氏のキーノートセッション https://qiita.com/nttd-kashiwabaray/items/664130d41501c2b2f902 awsreinvent,drswami,nttdkashiwabaray 2024-12-05 18:31:14
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 頭がいたくなりそうなAWS ParallelClusterとEFAをイメージしよう https://qiita.com/haruki2000/items/cdb16eb407662f4ff810 awsparallelcluster,お過ごし,アドベントカレンダー 2024-12-05 18:16:55
海外TECH ReadWriteWeb Netgear launches Nighthawk M3, a fast 5G Wi-Fi for work and play https://readwrite.com/netgear-nighthawk-m3-fast-5g-wi-fi/ Netgear has unveiled the Nighthawk M Mobile Hotspot Router MH its newest fast speed mobile Wi Fi solution Designed to meet the Continue reading Netgear launches Nighthawk M a fast G Wi Fi for work and playThe post Netgear launches Nighthawk M a fast G Wi Fi for work and play appeared first on ReadWrite 2024-12-05 09:47:59
海外TECH Engadget The best cheap fitness trackers for 2024 https://www.engadget.com/wearables/best-cheap-fitness-trackers-140054780.html?src=rss You don t need to spend a fortune to stay on top of your health goals while tracking your fitness These days even cheap fitness trackers come packed with features that help you monitor your heart rate track your steps and even analyze your sleep stages Many budget options now include GPS tracking for those outdoor runs real time heart rate tracking to keep you in the right zone during workouts and thankfully most work with both iPhone and Android devices Some even go beyond basic metrics providing insights on daily readiness to help you decide if you re up for an intense workout or need a lighter day From simple step counters to more advanced running watches affordable fitness trackers offer plenty to support your journey toward better health without breaking the bank What to look for in a cheap fitness tracker All of the best fitness trackers should have at least three features a program to track workouts or movement of some sort the option to monitor and collect sleep stages data and the ability to do things like heart rate tracking and blood oxygen level monitoring though the readings might not be super accurate Don t set your sights too high and expect metrics like blood pressure monitoring for that you d need to invest in a more expensive wearable like a Samsung Galaxy Watch which will set you back over Fitness features A cheap workout tracker can be great for someone looking to keep tabs on small achievable goals like steps before sundown or minutes of a HIIT workout to get your heart rate peaking An experienced long distance runner looking to train for a triathlon might opt for a more expensive device that can measure cadence or ground contact time and can track more customizable workouts offer different sports modes or give deeper insights into performance data At the very least a budget workout tracker should be able to offer fitness tracking features beyond walking and running ーotherwise it would just be a pedometer The number of activities a device will recognize varies Some will get funky with it and consider skateboarding a workout while others won t be able to track a jumping jack At this price you can expect a device to measure a mix of cardio machine workouts and strength training With each you might get a numerical or visual breakdown of heart rate activity overall pace and calories burned per session Although some cheap trackers can offer a really good overview of heart rate zone activity during a workout a more technically advanced device might be able to go a step further and explain what your results mean and coach you on how to keep your heart rate in a specific bracket so that you can burn more fat per workout I found that the more budget friendly the device the more likely it is that a tracker will fall short when it comes to smart counseling or offering predictive insights beyond a given workout If a budget tracker does happen to offer some semblance of a coaching program you can expect it to sit behind a paywall Workout tracking and planning your recovery is just as essential to any fitness journey A sub device should be able to tell you how long you ve slept and provide a breakdown of deep light and REM sleep stages It s not a guarantee that you will get a sleep score or insights on how to get better rest ーthat data is usually found on more expensive wearables Also because these trackers aren t designed for bedtime specifically ーbe mindful of comfort The bands and watch face on a budget fitness tracker may not be ideal for getting some good shut eye Connectivity and practicality Not all activity trackers budget friendly or not are designed to seamlessly integrate with a smartphone The trackers tested for this roundup can t directly make calls or send texts to contacts on a paired iPhone or Android smartphone They can however display and dismiss incoming calls and notifications via a Bluetooth connection You can forget about checking your email or paying for a coffee from your wrist using these more affordable devices Most cheap fitness trackers also won t include built in GPS tracking Instead they usually depend on a paired smartphone to gather location data The drawback of using a fitness tracker without GPS is that it might not provide as precise for tracking distance or pace You also can t use a budget tracker to get turn by turn directions during a walk or while running errands For the more outdoorsy consumers having GPS could be a key safety feature if you want this kind of functionality at your fingertips Design You also might find that an inexpensive fitness tracker is harder to navigate than a more advanced smartwatch Whether it be a screen size issue or simply not having a smart enough interface don t expect every feature to be one that you can engage with directly on your wrist Oftentimes you will need to pull out your smartphone to log information or access more in depth health data The quality and build of displays and bands will also vary in this category Don t expect the highest resolution OLED displays or the fanciest materials in the bands But you can expect some level of sweat and water resistance Best cheap fitness trackers for Other cheap fitness trackers we tested Wyze Watch c I didn t have high expectations of the Wyze Watch c but I was shocked at how little this tracker can do The c can only track walks and runs It has a dedicated widget a small logo of a man running and when you tap it it begins measuring your pace heart rate calories burned and mileage It does not auto detect or auto pause workouts and it doesn t differentiate between a run and walk Most importantly this device can t track any other exercises It s basically a glorified pedometer The c was also my least favorite to sleep with mainly because the square watch face is so large and heavy Even if I did manage to sleep through the night with it on it only gave me a basic sleep report Garmin vivofit The Garmin vivofit has a tiny display that is not a touchscreen and all navigation happens through one button The watch face is impossible to read outdoors and the exercise widget is also very finicky To start tracking a run you have to hold down the main button and flip through some pages until you get to a moving person icon Once there you have to press the bottom right corner of the bar and hold down and if you press for too long or in the wrong spot it ll switch to another page like a stopwatch It s incredibly frustrating Once you start a run though it will start tracking your steps your distance ーand that s pretty much it It does not auto detect or auto pause workouts It doesn t alert you of any mileage or calorie milestones This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-12-05 10:01:26
科学 NYT > Science How the Messy Process of Milking Cows Can Spread Bird Flu https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/05/science/bird-flu-milk-dairy-h5n1.html On America s large dairy farms milking is a vast operation and the potential for disease transmission is worrying health experts say 2024-12-05 10:00:41
医療系 医療介護 CBnews リンゴ病が大流行、定点報告数が過去最多を記録-初めて3.0人超える 東京都 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20241205185018 リンゴ病,伝染性紅斑,医療機関 2024-12-05 19:00:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews オンライン診療の資格確認、マイナ在宅受付Webなどで-疑義解釈資料で周知 厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20241205184208 オンライン,モバイル端末,健康保険証 2024-12-05 18:50:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 なぜ日本では「女性活躍」が進まないのか~“切り札”としての男性育休取得推進~ https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=80366?site=nli ldquo,nbsp,oecd 2024-12-05 19:07:19
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ガスト「1990円フレンチ」で下剋上?勝ち組サイゼやロイホもマネできない巧妙戦略 - 今週もナナメに考えた 鈴木貴博 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/355219 すかいらーく,クオリティ,コース料理 2024-12-05 19:00:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 乗換案内アプリ「NAVITIME Transit」が全世界の地下鉄カバー率100%を達成 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2412/05/news193.html itmedia,navitime,news 2024-12-05 19:48:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ZOZO、Spotifyと初コラボで楽曲ジャケットのTシャツ発売 「Get Wild」「晴る」など https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2412/05/news192.html itmedianewszozospotify,getwild,spotify 2024-12-05 19:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 日本の小4・中2の理数学力 世界トップ級維持も理科は得点低下、小4は6位に 国際調査 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2412/05/news191.html itmedia,news,timss 2024-12-05 19:20:00
Program lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】API Gateway + Lambda(FastAPI) + RDSの構築手順 https://qiita.com/Ryo-0131/items/f1a771570b7dc610a14d apigatewaylambdards,fastapi,igatewaylambdafastapirds 2024-12-05 19:42:55
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】API Gateway + Lambda(FastAPI) + RDSの構築手順 https://qiita.com/Ryo-0131/items/f1a771570b7dc610a14d apigatewaylambdards,fastapi,igatewaylambdafastapirds 2024-12-05 19:42:55
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 芸能事務所Webサイトから学ぶサーバの負荷対策 https://qiita.com/itochun/items/cde4f14fb03d2506df08 芸能事務所,webサイト,wordpress 2024-12-05 19:26:46
海外TECH Engadget The best cheap fitness trackers for 2024 https://www.engadget.com/wearables/best-cheap-fitness-trackers-140054780.html?src=rss You don t need to spend a fortune to stay on top of your health goals while tracking your fitness These days even cheap fitness trackers come packed with features that help you monitor your heart rate track your steps and even analyze your sleep stages Many budget options now include GPS tracking for those outdoor runs real time heart rate tracking to keep you in the right zone during workouts and thankfully most work with both iPhone and Android devices Some even go beyond basic metrics providing insights on daily readiness to help you decide if you re up for an intense workout or need a lighter day From simple step counters to more advanced running watches affordable fitness trackers offer plenty to support your journey toward better health without breaking the bank What to look for in a cheap fitness tracker All of the best fitness trackers should have at least three features a program to track workouts or movement of some sort the option to monitor and collect sleep stages data and the ability to do things like heart rate tracking and blood oxygen level monitoring though the readings might not be super accurate Don t set your sights too high and expect metrics like blood pressure monitoring for that you d need to invest in a more expensive wearable like a Samsung Galaxy Watch which will set you back over Fitness features A cheap workout tracker can be great for someone looking to keep tabs on small achievable goals like steps before sundown or minutes of a HIIT workout to get your heart rate peaking An experienced long distance runner looking to train for a triathlon might opt for a more expensive device that can measure cadence or ground contact time and can track more customizable workouts offer different sports modes or give deeper insights into performance data At the very least a budget workout tracker should be able to offer fitness tracking features beyond walking and running ーotherwise it would just be a pedometer The number of activities a device will recognize varies Some will get funky with it and consider skateboarding a workout while others won t be able to track a jumping jack At this price you can expect a device to measure a mix of cardio machine workouts and strength training With each you might get a numerical or visual breakdown of heart rate activity overall pace and calories burned per session Although some cheap trackers can offer a really good overview of heart rate zone activity during a workout a more technically advanced device might be able to go a step further and explain what your results mean and coach you on how to keep your heart rate in a specific bracket so that you can burn more fat per workout I found that the more budget friendly the device the more likely it is that a tracker will fall short when it comes to smart counseling or offering predictive insights beyond a given workout If a budget tracker does happen to offer some semblance of a coaching program you can expect it to sit behind a paywall Workout tracking and planning your recovery is just as essential to any fitness journey A sub device should be able to tell you how long you ve slept and provide a breakdown of deep light and REM sleep stages It s not a guarantee that you will get a sleep score or insights on how to get better rest ーthat data is usually found on more expensive wearables Also because these trackers aren t designed for bedtime specifically ーbe mindful of comfort The bands and watch face on a budget fitness tracker may not be ideal for getting some good shut eye Connectivity and practicality Not all activity trackers budget friendly or not are designed to seamlessly integrate with a smartphone The trackers tested for this roundup can t directly make calls or send texts to contacts on a paired iPhone or Android smartphone They can however display and dismiss incoming calls and notifications via a Bluetooth connection You can forget about checking your email or paying for a coffee from your wrist using these more affordable devices Most cheap fitness trackers also won t include built in GPS tracking Instead they usually depend on a paired smartphone to gather location data The drawback of using a fitness tracker without GPS is that it might not provide as precise for tracking distance or pace You also can t use a budget tracker to get turn by turn directions during a walk or while running errands For the more outdoorsy consumers having GPS could be a key safety feature if you want this kind of functionality at your fingertips Design You also might find that an inexpensive fitness tracker is harder to navigate than a more advanced smartwatch Whether it be a screen size issue or simply not having a smart enough interface don t expect every feature to be one that you can engage with directly on your wrist Oftentimes you will need to pull out your smartphone to log information or access more in depth health data The quality and build of displays and bands will also vary in this category Don t expect the highest resolution OLED displays or the fanciest materials in the bands But you can expect some level of sweat and water resistance Best cheap fitness trackers for Other cheap fitness trackers we tested Wyze Watch c I didn t have high expectations of the Wyze Watch c but I was shocked at how little this tracker can do The c can only track walks and runs It has a dedicated widget a small logo of a man running and when you tap it it begins measuring your pace heart rate calories burned and mileage It does not auto detect or auto pause workouts and it doesn t differentiate between a run and walk Most importantly this device can t track any other exercises It s basically a glorified pedometer The c was also my least favorite to sleep with mainly because the square watch face is so large and heavy Even if I did manage to sleep through the night with it on it only gave me a basic sleep report Garmin vivofit The Garmin vivofit has a tiny display that is not a touchscreen and all navigation happens through one button The watch face is impossible to read outdoors and the exercise widget is also very finicky To start tracking a run you have to hold down the main button and flip through some pages until you get to a moving person icon Once there you have to press the bottom right corner of the bar and hold down and if you press for too long or in the wrong spot it ll switch to another page like a stopwatch It s incredibly frustrating Once you start a run though it will start tracking your steps your distance ーand that s pretty much it It does not auto detect or auto pause workouts It doesn t alert you of any mileage or calorie milestones This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2024-12-05 10:01:26
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 医師偏在対策取りまとめ案提示へ、厚労省-年内に対策パッケージ https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20241205185414 インセンティブ,パッケージ,医療保険 2024-12-05 19:15:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 なぜ日本では「女性活躍」が進まないのか~“切り札”としての男性育休取得推進~ https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=80366?site=nli ldquo,nbsp,oecd 2024-12-05 19:07:19



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