投稿時間:2024-12-29 10:05:09 RSSフィード2024-12-29 10:00分まとめ(2件)

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海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Flexbar review: Could be the heir-apparent to the Touch Bar, someday https://appleinsider.com/articles/24/12/28/flexbar-review-could-be-the-heir-apparent-to-the-touch-bar-someday?utm_medium=rss The Flexbar is a replacement for Apple s Touch Bar that could give the Stream Deck a run for its money ーassuming the software is fully hammered into shape at some point Flexbar review Designed to be near the keyboard and your fingersThe Touch Bar was an element of the MacBook Pro keyboard that offered the promise of productivity By giving users the ability to touch a row of context aware buttons that performed shortcuts or changed settings they could potentially do more without needing to navigate menus or remember key combinations While the component had potential it was often derided and was eventually replaced by a row of physical function keys following the death of the inch MacBook Pro Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2024-12-29 00:02:45
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【身内に不幸】感じのいい人は「ご愁傷様」ではなく、何と声をかける?[見逃し配信・12月第5週] - 書籍オンライン編集部から https://diamond.jp/articles/-/356895 best,ご愁傷様,オンライン 2024-12-29 10:00:00



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