AWS Database Blog |
Dynamic data masking in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, and Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL |
There are a variety of different techniques available to support data masking in databases each with their trade offs In this post we explore dynamic data masking a technique that returns anonymized data from a query without modifying the underlying data In this post we discuss a dynamic data masking technique based on dynamic masking views These views mask personally identifiable information PII columns for unauthorized users This post discusses how to implement this technique in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL including Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL |
2024-12-30 18:41:13 |
AWS Database Blog |
Monitoring your Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible and Amazon RDS PostgreSQL from integer sequence overflow |
In this post we discuss integer sequence overflow its causes andーmost importantlyーhow to efficiently set up alerts using Amazon SNS and use AWS Lambda to resolve such issues in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Compatible Edition and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL |
2024-12-30 18:33:49 |
海外TECH |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
B&H has dropped Apple's M3 Pro MacBook Pro to $1,599 for 1 more day |
The M Pro MacBook Pro flash deal reflects the lowest price we ve seen in Q for the closeout laptop Upgraded configurations are up to off too with the deals ending Dec Save up to with blowout MacBook Pro discounts The price drop is available at B amp H with limited supply available at the reduced price This blowout MacBook Pro deal on the last gen M Pro model is valid through Dec or while supplies last Buy for Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums |
2024-12-30 18:35:21 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
In 2024, the camera of the year was a drone |
Aside from the global shutter on Sony s A III and some cool mirrorless options ーthe Fujifilm X VI Panasonic S and Canon EOS R II come to mind ー was a dull year for cameras full of small tweaks and minor improvements Except for DJI s Neo For aerial photography is now finally in reach for just about anyone DJI s very good not so great yearDJI released its product lineup this year with a sword of Damocles hanging over its head the US government was planning to ban sales of the company s products by the end of over potential fears of spying It was only at the last minute that DJI gained a reprieve thanks in large part to lobbying by public safety groups that heavily rely on its drones It now has until the end of to prove that its products don t pose a risk The company s list of camera gear started with the Avata an FPV drone that improved nearly everything from the popular original at a reduced price DJI then announced it the Mini K We also saw the Action Pro DJI s best action cam to date along with the Air S a highly capable drone with a relatively large inch sensor camera and the Mic Mini an affordable wireless mic system Its biggest launch though was the Neo drone announced in September It took the idea of a simple drone for creators first pioneered then dropped by Snap with the Pixy while lowering the price and adding AI technology Steve Dent for EngadgetThe Neo is a very lightweight drone that can be piloted without a license and is people safe thanks to its shrouded propellers It s ready to use for beginners straight out of the box without any training ーsimply place it in your hand and press a button then it ll fly off and capture cool programmed shots like dronies Just because the Neo is approachable doesn t mean it s basic though If you want to pilot the Neo manually it supports DJI s controllers FPV goggles and can even be flown using a smartphone It can hit speeds up to MPH or even faster in manual mode and is highly maneuverable Thanks to the built in AI features it can track you while you walk or bike making it a vlogger s best friend Finally it can capture all your footage at K p with surprisingly good quality considering the price point My main sore point with the Neo is the banshee like noise it generates which can be tricky in public places Overall though it s a highly useful product at a great price point and managed to capture the zeitgeist like no other camera product this year Canon and Fujifilm were the best of the restMy favorite mirrorless camera this year was Canon s EOS R II That s not because of any spectacular new tech but the fact that it s nearly a perfect hybrid camera Steve Dent for EngadgetThat starts with the new megapixel stacked sensor that offers a blend of speed and resolution we ve only ever seen on the Sony s A or the Nikon Z ーboth considerably more expensive It also has the company s most advanced AI autofocus system All that allows ultra fast shooting speeds up to fps in RAW mode Its advanced AF system makes blurry photos a rarity even at those speeds At the same time the megapixel photos deliver exceptional detail and relatively high dynamic range with accurate pleasing colors At the same time it offers incredible video powers with K RAW shooting at up to fps and K p As with photos video quality is exceptional thanks to the new CLog capture that allows for higher dynamic range Beyond all that the EOS R II is just a great camera to use with near perfect ergonomics The other camera I really enjoyed using was Fujifilm s X VI compact The camera deserved the large amount of press it received this year because its stripped down nature vintage looks film simulations and great handling really bring fun back to photography At the same time it s a technological marvel with a higher resolution megapixel sensor decently fast shooting speeds stabilization and solid video specs Finally I think Panasonic s S deserves a shoutout for trying something new It s one of the smallest full frame cameras I ve ever seen yet offers features like K video and in body stabilization But the primary new trick is built in LUT simulationsーkind of like Fujifilm s X VI but for video That combined with the large sensor makes it an interesting camera What to expect in the camera world for Steve Dent for EngadgetDespite a potential US ban DJI is likely to continue its ambitious product release schedule in According to rumors it s working on a foldable model called the DJI Flip and is also likely to release a successor to the Mavic Pro sometime next year according to recent FCC filings Apart from that it tends to have rapid upgrade cadence for most of its drones and cameras so expect to see successors for its Action Pro cam Mini Pro drone and other models Elsewhere one intriguing rumor has Fujifilm releasing a one inch half sensor compact that would be like a digital version of the popular Pentax film camera and may even allow for diptych side by side photos Otherwise Sony is due to release an update for its popular A IV launched in with higher shooting speeds and other specs to better line up with the competition Canon is very likely to release a new camera in that same price category the R III also with improved specs We could see a new Nikon Z III model with improved performance And Panasonic is due to refresh its S and SR models Manufacturers may jump on the compact train now that Fujifilm has proved its a viable category ーsomething that would be good news for all photographers This article originally appeared on Engadget at |
2024-12-30 18:51:08 |
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