投稿時間:2025-01-17 06:18:59 RSSフィード2025-01-17 06:00分まとめ(20件)

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AWS AWS Game Tech Blog The Gang readies to scale its games catalog with LootLocker and AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/gametech/the-gang-readies-to-scale-its-games-catalog-with-lootlocker-and-aws/ In the last two decades platforms like Steam and Roblox have made it easier to break into video game publishing However with so many titles to choose from it can be difficult for publishers to break through the competitive noise To boost visibility and engagement for its growing library of titles international game development studio 2025-01-16 20:10:10
海外TECH Ars Technica Google is about to make Gemini a core part of Workspaces—with price changes https://arstechnica.com/ai/2025/01/google-increases-workspace-plan-base-prices-while-adding-gemini-features/ New plans will be cheaper for those who want Gemini pricier for those who don t 2025-01-16 20:15:19
海外TECH Ars Technica GM patents a dual-port charging system for EVs with vehicle-to-load https://arstechnica.com/cars/2025/01/gm-patents-ev-that-can-charge-and-power-stuff-simultaneously/ I m not sure why you d want to do both at the same time but this EV could 2025-01-16 20:00:51
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Third-party iPad smart connector accessories working again with latest iPadOS 18.3 beta https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/01/16/third-party-ipad-smart-connector-accessories-working-again-with-latest-ipados-183-beta?utm_medium=rss Magnetic charging stands that utilize iPad Smart Connectors are working again with the latest iPadOS beta proving it was just a beta bug and not a larger move from Apple Kuxiu charging stands work again with latest iPadOS betaApple doesn t officially offer the Smart Connector through the MFi program but manufacturers have figured out ways to use it with unofficial workarounds So far Apple seems like it doesn t care about the use but a beta bug caused some concern After the third iPadOS beta was released users reported that the charging capability of their Kuxiu charging stands had returned Kuxiu had previously confirmed that they believed it was a beta issue and not a move from Apple and this seems to be the case Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-01-16 20:54:49
海外TECH Engadget Google decides it won't comply with EU fact-checking law https://www.engadget.com/big-tech/google-decides-it-wont-comply-with-eu-fact-checking-law-201514781.html?src=rss Google has told the EU it will not comply with a forthcoming fact checking law according to a copy of a letter obtained by Axios The company states that it will not be adding fact checks to search results or YouTube videos and will not use fact checking data when ranking or removing content It s important to note that Google has never really participated in fact checking as part of its content moderation policies The company did however invest in a European fact checking database ahead of recent EU elections The upcoming fact checking requirement was originally implemented by the European Commission s new Code of Practice on Disinformation It started as a voluntary set of self regulatory standards to fight disinformation but will soon become mandatory Google s global affairs president Kent Walker said the fact checking integration quot simply isn t appropriate or effective for our services quot in a letter to the European Commission The company also touted its current approach to content moderation suggesting it did a bang up job during last year s unprecedented cycle of global elections Google also points to a new feature added to YouTube last year that enables certain users to add contextual notes to videos saying that it has significant potential This program is similar to X s Community Notes and likely whatever fresh hell Meta is cooking up Walker went on to say that Google will continue to invest in current content moderation technologies like Synth ID watermarking and AI disclosures on YouTube We have no idea what the EU will do in response to Google once digital fact checking practices become law This is happening just after Meta announced it would be ending its fact checking program in the US so who knows if Mark Zuckerberg will comply with EU laws X scaled back its professional fact checkers a while ago Big tech certainly seems to have a big problem with um facts This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-01-16 20:15:14
科学 NYT > Science A Meteorite Is Caught on Camera as It Crashes Outside a Front Door https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/16/science/meteorite-debris-security-camera-canada.html Home security camera footage shows a puff of smoke with the sound of an explosion included as the space rock lands in Canada A geologist said it was a rare recording 2025-01-16 20:54:17
科学 NYT > Science Biden Administration Withdraws Protections for Endangered Whales https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/16/us/biden-administration-slow-ships-whales-proposal-withdraw.html The proposed rules would have slowed more ships to prevent collisions with rare North Atlantic right whales 2025-01-16 20:17:03
科学 NYT > Science Lee Zeldin, Trump’s E.P.A. Nominee, Is Short on Environmental Experience https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/16/climate/lee-zeldin-epa-confirmation.html Mr Zeldin a Trump loyalist would be charged with dismantling climate rules and perhaps the agency itself He faced questions from the Senate Thursday 2025-01-16 20:05:40
科学 NYT > Science Fake Meat Is Processed. What Does That Mean for Its Health Benefits. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/16/climate/plant-based-meat-processed-foods.html After being targeted by the meat industry swept up in the culture wars and pummeled in sales two plant based meat companies are reinventing themselves 2025-01-16 20:41:07
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 シリア暫定政権の正体…トランプが「シリアは友人ではない」と言い切る深い理由【佐藤優】 - 佐藤優「次世代リーダーの教養」 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357655 アサド政権,シナリオ,トランプ 2025-01-17 05:55:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「原子力の母」と呼ばれる副総理秘書官。そんな“政界の高嶺の花”を口説いた経営者の肝っ玉 - 小説・昭和の女帝 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357506 あらすじ,ビジネス,日本人女性 2025-01-17 05:50:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 米銀大手の好調続く、融資の長期的シフトが影 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357678 wsjpickup,メインストリート 2025-01-17 05:45:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 FRBが今年、利上げに転じたら? - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357679 wsjpickupfrb,シナリオ 2025-01-17 05:40:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 中国が金融セクターの統制強化、大物幹部も追放 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357680 wsjpickup,セクター,行き過ぎ 2025-01-17 05:35:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【無料公開】「新NISA」と「保険」のどちらを選ぶ?お金のプロが“賢い選択”の仕方を指南【対談】 - Diamond Premiumセレクション https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357681 diamond,nisa,premium 2025-01-17 05:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「答えのある仕事」は時給1000円止まり!元BCGマネジャーが解説する“稼ぐ人材”に生まれ変わるための思考法【動画】 - ポンコツにならないための17の掟 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357355 グループ,コンサルティング,シリーズ 2025-01-17 05:25:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【地震防災2025】大阪万博の地震対策に「死角」あり、阪神・淡路大震災から30年目の教訓とは? - 総予測2025 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/355734 南海トラフ地震,大阪万博,巨大地震 2025-01-17 05:20:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 石油化学コンビナート再生の「ウルトラC」3つの道筋、原子力発電がカギを握る理由 - 化学サバイバル! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357557 石油化学,ものづくり,ウルトラc 2025-01-17 05:10:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日産、みずほ、伊藤忠が出資する会社も上場廃止の危機に!「流通株式比率基準」を巡り対アクティビスト“攻防戦”が勃発 - 上場廃止ラッシュ2025 東証の淘汰がついに始まる! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357496 アクティビスト,メガバンク,ラッシュ 2025-01-17 05:05:00
ビジネス 電通報 | 広告業界動向とマーケティングのコラム・ニュース 【参加者募集】場と編集(電通)×未来創造研究所(乃村工藝社)オープンリサーチプログラム「BA?」第2回1月27日開催 https://dentsu-ho.com/articles/9170 参加者募集,オープン,プログラム 2025-01-17 06:00:00



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