投稿時間:2025-01-30 05:20:36 RSSフィード2025-01-30 05:00分まとめ(24件)

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AWS AWS Learn about Amazon DynamoDB integrations | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DpMnDsxMTM This video highlights all of DynamoDB s integrations with other AWS services Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2025-01-29 19:10:24
海外TECH Ars Technica Copying Musk, Trump admin offers federal workers buyouts to resign https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/01/copying-musk-trump-admin-offers-federal-workers-buyouts-to-resign/ Federal workers on Reddit slam Trump s fork in the road email as short sighted 2025-01-29 19:46:45
海外TECH Ars Technica Trump admin rescinds controversial funding freeze after two days of protest https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/01/trump-admin-rescinds-controversial-funding-freeze-after-two-days-of-protest/ Despite reversal billion broadband program could still be paused 2025-01-29 19:01:03
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's AI ethics doubted by scaremongering shareholder proposal https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/01/29/apples-ai-ethics-doubted-by-scaremongering-shareholder-proposal?utm_medium=rss Apple could be forced to detail more of its AI activity after a proposal asks shareholders to expose whether Apple is truly working ethically in the field when training Apple Intelligence Apple Intelligence and SiriAs a company well known for its stance on user privacy and security Apple knows it has to be above board when it comes to hot button topics With the rise of AI and the potential for abuse it could end up being tested by shareholders In a Securities and Exchange Commission filing the National Legal and Policy Center has proposed an item on the Proxy Ballot The proposal is to be voted on by shareholders as part of Apple s Annual Shareholder Meeting taking place on February Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-01-29 19:51:21
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Vision Pro review one year later: time to exit the preview https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/01/29/apple-vision-pro-review-one-year-later-time-to-exit-the-preview?utm_medium=rss It s been a wild year for Apple Vision Pro if slow and it s time for Apple to step up and prove it s the future and drive customers developers and creators to the platform Apple Vision Pro review one year laterApple Vision Pro continues to be one of Apple s most frustrating yet amazing products it has ever released It is simultaneously a preview of the future and a stark reminder of Apple s struggle to juggle multiple platforms in the modern era As it stands today Apple Vision Pro is enough for me to get most of my work done It sits in a similar space to where iPad Pro was a few years ago ーalmost there Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-01-29 19:32:05
海外TECH Engadget Waymo to test its driverless system in ten new cities in 2025 https://www.engadget.com/transportation/waymo-to-test-its-driverless-system-in-ten-new-cities-in-2025-193852446.html?src=rss Waymo is planning on bringing vehicles to ten new cities in according to a report by The Verge This new testing phase starts in Las Vegas and San Diego These won t be pure robotaxis as they ll have a manual operator It s basically a small scale experiment by the company to collect data and see how the self driving system adapts to new locations regional driving habits and unique weather patterns All told the company will be sending around ten vehicles to each new city So what we re looking for is places that are going to challenge our system and look very very different said Nick Rose product manager for Waymo s expansion efforts nbsp On the road again As Waymo prepares for broader scale we re embarking on our largest road trip to date visiting cities in First up Las Vegas and San Diego Read more about how our road trips help advance the Waymo Driver s AI pic twitter com UDCWOCkVOkーWaymo Waymo January To that point Las Vegas is known for dense traffic and plenty of chaos surrounding drop off zones near hotels and casinos San Diego is similar to locations in which the Alphabet owned company already operates like Phoenix but it wants to validate that the system performs well without having a ton of prior driving information It plans on bringing the service to Miami along with Austin and Atlanta Waymo hasn t announced the remaining cities but the system sure could use more testing in some of the colder parts of the country The company has done some winter testing in upstate New York and Michigan but that s about it It also recently announced it would start to test driverless cars in Tokyo but we aren t sure if that counts as one of the ten new cities It s extremely important for the company to test in multiple cities This is to account for unique traffic conditions and weather of course but also for inconsistencies that can trip up driverless systems For instance fire trucks and ambulances tend to look slightly different across cities and states Waymo after all hasn t always had the best track record when it comes to emergency vehicles Freeways are an intrinsic part of the LA experience To better serve our expansive square mile service area we re beginning to provide our employees with access to fully autonomous rides on LA freewaysーa key step toward expanding this capability to all riders pic twitter com oWqVQhlJzーWaymo Waymo January This is just the latest move to ensure that driverless cars are ready for primetime The company recently started bringing its robotaxis onto Los Angeles highways This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-01-29 19:38:52
海外TECH Engadget Gemini can now do more complex data analysis in Google Sheets https://www.engadget.com/ai/gemini-can-now-do-more-complex-data-analysis-in-google-sheets-191218214.html?src=rss If you love nothing more than good data visualization Google s latest Sheets update will be right up your alley The company has begun rolling out an upgrade to the app s Gemini side panel a feature it introduced this past summer to give its AI agent the ability to generate more in depth insights about the data in your spreadsheets Tapping the new Analyze for insights shortcut in Sheets will prompt Gemini to offer insights on contextual trends patterns and correlations between different variables in your data according to Google The agent will also create charts based on your data which you can insert as static images in your document Depending on the complexity of the prompt Gemini will use Python code to complete the request GoogleThere are a few notable limitations to the feature s current implementation For instance Google notes that once you ve inserted a chart it cannot be modified Additionally any charts Gemini generates won t be directly linked to your data so they won t automatically update after you make changes Separately Google recommends users be as specific as possible when prompting Gemini to provide data insights For the most accurate results ensure your data is in a consistent format with clear headers and no missing values the company adds You can use the updated Gemini side panel in Sheets if you pay for Google One AI Premium or if your company is a Business or Enterprise Workspace customer with a Standard or Plus plan Anyone with a Gemini Education Gemini Education Premium Gemini Business or Gemini Enterprise add on will also receive access Google expects to complete the rollout of this feature by February so you might not see in your version of Sheets right away This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-01-29 19:12:18
科学 NYT > Science 66-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Vomit Is Found in Denmark https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/28/science/vomit-fossil-denmark.html In the Cretaceous period a shark or another kind of fish found sea lilies less than digestible What you might expect followed 2025-01-29 19:41:39
科学 NYT > Science Kennedy Was Paid Over $2 Million for Referrals Against Vaccine Makers https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/29/science/rfk-merck-hpv-vaccine-crapo-warren.html kennedy,paid,against 2025-01-29 19:55:51
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日銀の利上げ継続は“他力本願”、利上げの可否を先読みできる米国事情「2つの視点」 - マーケットフォーカス https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358314 インパクト,トランプ,フォーカス 2025-01-30 04:50:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 三菱UFJFG首脳人事「新トップ4」誕生へ、5年前に破られかけた“不文律”が復活《再配信》 - 今だからこそ読みたい!注目特集 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358013 三菱ufj,mufg,グループ 2025-01-30 04:45:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【人気特集】化粧・日用品14社&印刷・紙・事務16社の「3年後の予測年収」ランキング!ユニ・チャーム、花王、資生堂、ライオン、大日本印刷、TOPPAN、王子、コクヨの年収は上がる? - 見逃し厳禁!編集部イチ推し 人気特集 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358203 toppan,ありません,コンサルティング 2025-01-30 04:40:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 学生たちの「長所」を伸ばしていく、埼玉大学の「VSAT」とキャリア支援 - HRオンライン https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357854 さいたま市,アセスメント,オンライン 2025-01-30 04:35:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 大学生がキャデラックを買えたワケ――飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いの上場会社社長が歩んだ驚異のキャリア〈PR〉 - イズム経営――短期上場ベンチャーが急成長を続ける理由 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357831 キャデラック,キャリア,パーパス 2025-01-30 04:33:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【英会話メソッド】ネイティブが使う自然な英語…「answer right」と「answer correctly」の違いに納得! - 中学英語でペラペラになる! 英語の言い換え図鑑 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/353975 answercorrectly,answerright,toeic 2025-01-30 04:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 仕事ができない人は「曖昧な指示」に腹を立てる。では、仕事ができる人はどう対処する? - ベンチャーの作法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358313 きれいごと,たちまち,エージェントキープレイヤーズ 2025-01-30 04:27:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 頭の悪い人に限ってやってしまう「人生の大事な場面」での最悪な行動・ワースト1 - 人生の経営戦略 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357074 コンサルティング,コンセプト,プライベート 2025-01-30 04:24:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【心が疲れたら】メンタルが一瞬で「無敵」になる毎日の習慣・ベスト1 - STOIC人生の教科書ストイシズム https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358142 メンタル,stoic,シリコンバレー 2025-01-30 04:21:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 仕事が全くできない人は「多数決」や「特定の個人の意見」を重視する。じゃあ、仕事ができる人は? - パーフェクトな意思決定 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357471 シリーズ,パーフェクト,ビジネスパーソン 2025-01-30 04:18:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「組織の体質」が腐りかけている企業の職場で共通して見られる「特徴」とは? - 組織の体質を現場から変える100の方法 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358319 時代遅れ,沢渡あまね 2025-01-30 04:15:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 悲しみが深いほど、人は強くなる…精神科医が語る“辛い時期の教訓” - 精神科医Tomyが教える 50代を上手に生きる言葉 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/356779 tomy,カミングアウト,ダイヤモンド社 2025-01-30 04:12:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【神様が味方する人の習慣】「ありがとう」を言い続けると、「ありがとう」を言いたくなるような出来事が起こる - ありがとうの魔法──神様が味方になる習慣 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357666 いちばん,エッセンス,メッセージ 2025-01-30 04:09:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 職場の出世する人は絶対に「サイレント減点」されない。出世しない人の1つの特徴 - 雑用は上司の隣でやりなさい https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358325 アピール,サイレント,バンカー 2025-01-30 04:06:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 気分転換が上手な人が「月1回」やっている“秘密の習慣” - SLOW 仕事の減らし方 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/357849 気分転換,slow 2025-01-30 04:03:00



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