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IT 気になる、記になる… AppleがM5チップを量産開始との報道 ー 最初に搭載されるのは新型iPad Proか https://taisy0.com/2025/02/05/208335.html apple,etnews,ipadpro 2025-02-05 14:38:51
IT 気になる、記になる… 「Nintendo Switch 2」の詳細を発表する「Nintendo Direct」は4月2日22時より放送へ ー 価格や発売日を発表か https://taisy0.com/2025/02/05/208333.html nintendo,directnintendoswitch,nintendodirect 2025-02-05 14:28:02
Program JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 読書~システムエンジニアはまずJavaScriptを正しく「読める」ようになろう~ https://qiita.com/ryu732/items/fe26e331c31969989f6f amazon,javascript,システムエンジニア 2025-02-05 23:06:27
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 個人的な備忘録:Dockerコンテナの起動コマンド「CMD」と「ENTRYPOINT」の違いを簡単にまとめてみた https://qiita.com/free-honda/items/737b1f22abf32349340c docker,entrypoint,コマンド 2025-02-05 23:43:27
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Crypto wallets at risk as malware sneaks into the App Store https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/02/05/crypto-wallets-at-risk-as-malware-sneaks-into-the-app-store?utm_medium=rss A newly discovered malware campaign is stealing cryptocurrency from iOS by exploiting vulnerabilities in apps available on the App Store iPhone Pro MaxKaspersky researchers have discovered a malicious software development kit SDK called SparkCat hidden inside multiple apps on both iOS and Android SparkCat is designed to steal cryptocurrency wallet recovery phrases using optical character recognition OCR allowing attackers to access and drain funds remotely Kaspersky has shared a list of MD hashes linked to the malicious SparkCat SDK as well as BundleIDs for iOS apps However the company hasn t revealed the full list of infected apps leaving users in the dark about whether they ve installed one Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-02-05 14:59:07
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Everything you need to know about Surfshark One VPN bundle for Apple devices https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/02/05/everything-you-need-to-know-about-surfshark-one-vpn-bundle-for-apple-devices?utm_medium=rss If you re looking for a private and fast VPN for Mac along with an antivirus and leak notification tool Surfshark One has it bundled together to help reduce your digital footprint online Surfshark One Image credit SurfsharkThe internet is a hazardous place these days Users have to go out of their way to avoid unnecessary tracking keep malware off their systems and learn about potentially harmful data breaches Thankfully there s a single service that does it all called Surfshark One You might have heard of Surfshark VPN one AppleInsider has rated the best VPN for iPhone in and it is bundled with other industry leading products Continue Reading on AppleInsider 2025-02-05 14:47:04
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Invites has Sherlocked party organizing app Partiful https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/02/05/apple-invites-has-sherlocked-party-organizing-app-partiful?utm_medium=rss Add another one to Apple s list of third party apps that it has endangered as Apple Invites threatens the livelihood of event planning app Partiful Partiful rear and Apple Invites on the App StoreIt happens so often that there is a name for it based on one of the earliest examples of Apple releasing an app or a feature to compete with a third party rival Developers know it as Sherlocking and they know very well that it can be the end of their business With a glass half full kind of view though there is a way to argue that Apple producing an app to rival yours will actually grow the market There is even some logic to that in two ways Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-02-05 14:34:49
海外TECH ReadWriteWeb Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed: the latest target in League of Legends gacha skin spree https://readwrite.com/quantum-galaxy-slayer-zed-the-latest-target-in-league-of-legends-gacha-skin-spree/ To the dismay of most League of Legends players a new gacha skin is arriving on the Summoner s Rift this Continue reading Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed the latest target in League of Legends gacha skin spreeThe post Quantum Galaxy Slayer Zed the latest target in League of Legends gacha skin spree appeared first on ReadWrite 2025-02-05 14:10:56
海外TECH ReadWriteWeb Bitdeer acquires Bitcoin mining site as part of Canada power project for $21.7M https://readwrite.com/bitdeer-bitcoin-mining-site-canada-alberta-power-project-21-7m/ Bitcoin mining company Bitdeer have acquired a megawatt site and power project in Alberta Canada for million The expansion Continue reading Bitdeer acquires Bitcoin mining site as part of Canada power project for MThe post Bitdeer acquires Bitcoin mining site as part of Canada power project for M appeared first on ReadWrite 2025-02-05 14:08:28
海外TECH Engadget Uber opens waitlist for driverless Waymo rides in Austin https://www.engadget.com/transportation/uber-opens-waitlist-for-driverless-waymo-rides-in-austin-144551425.html?src=rss Uber app users in Austin can now get on an interest list for a chance to match with Waymo autonomous cabs according to The New York Times The rides aren t available yet but they re coming to a square miles area of the city in quot early quot according to Bloomberg Uber once had self driving ambitions of its own but sold off its quot Advanced Technologies Group quot to Aurora in Since then it has slowly deepened its relationship with Waymo Driverless cabs became available through the app to customers in Phoenix starting in and driverless deliveries spun up there in early Waymo on the other hand has kept some markets ーlike San Francisco where driverless rides can only be booked through the Waymo One app ーtightly guarded This makes it somewhat surprising to see Waymo partnering with Uber exclusively in Austin and Atlanta This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-05 14:45:51
海外TECH Engadget The Nintendo Switch 2 has been revealed, here's everything we know so far https://www.engadget.com/gaming/nintendo/the-nintendo-switch-2-has-been-revealed-heres-everything-we-know-so-far-153308308.html?src=rss As the world turns so do the console generations The Nintendo Switch is over seven years old so it s due for a refresh Nintendo Switch rumors have been swirling for years but now we have some signs of life The company officially revealed the sequel to its most successful home console ever in a brief trailer on January The Switch looks functionally very similar to the original system albeit with a larger display magnetic Joy Cons and a sleeker design The company also reaffirmed that the upcoming console will be backwards compatible with Switch games nbsp While the reveal did confirm some rumors and have a few interesting details for those who were paying close attention Nintendo is still largely keeping its cards close to its chest We ll have to wait until a special Nintendo Direct at AM ET on April for all the juicy information Annoyingly that date is a Wednesday and not a Two sday The Nintendo Switch was announced on January The rumor mill had heavily suggested that Nintendo would pull back the curtain on the Switch on January and that turned out to be the case nbsp The company hasn t changed the core form factor It s a portable console with detachable Joy Cons The Switch can be placed in a dock for big screen gaming There are some significant differences from the original console however The most obvious one is that the next gen Joy Cons will no longer slide into place mechanically Instead they ll attach to the main unit magnetically There is a small connector that s likely used to charge the controllers and perhaps remove the need to link them via Bluetooth It s unclear at this point if Joy Cons from the original system will be compatible with the Switch One other big and very welcome change is the addition of a second USB C port on the top of the device That should make it much easier to plug in accessories while the Switch is docked It s great to see that Nintendo has kept the headphone jack as well Let s just hope that Bluetooth headphone support is live from the jump this time and Nintendo doesn t leave everyone waiting four years nbsp for that feature The kickstand is getting an upgrade as well As with the Switch OLED it spans the length of the console But according to the trailer this one looks fully adjustable so you can tweak the viewing angle to one that works for you nbsp However there are still a great many unknowns regarding the upcoming console We don t really know the specs yet or what type of display it uses We also don t know anything about battery life the UI or launch games We ll likely learn a whole lot on April nbsp When will the Nintendo Switch come out That s all we know for sure at this point nbsp It s highly unlikely that Nintendo will release the console before the dedicated Direct on April and not only because that s at the start of Nintendo s next financial year However accessory manufacturer Genki which has been a major source of leaks in recent months claims the console will be released in April Other reports have put the release window sometime in June nbsp In any case we should learn the release date during the April Direct if we haven t already by then nbsp When can I try the Nintendo Switch Nintendo is planning a worldwide roadshow to let gamers go hands on with the console These events start in New York and Paris on April with others taking place throughout the following two months That lends credence to some suggestions that Nintendo will release the Switch in June nbsp Ticket registration for the Switch Experience events in the US in New York Los Angeles and Paris starts on January at PM ET and will remain open until January A Nintendo Account is required to sign up Nintendo will randomly select the recipients of the free tickets The full list of Nintendo Switch Experience events is as follows North America New York April Los Angeles April Dallas April Toronto April Europe Paris April London April Milan April Berlin April Madrid May Amsterdam May Oceania Melbourne May Asia Tokyo Makuhari April Seoul May June Hong Kong To be announcedTaipei To be announcedWill the Nintendo Switch have some weirdness nbsp Everything we ve seen and so far about this console has been fairly well traditional It looks like the original Switch but better That s awesome but will there be any of that unpredictable Nintendo magic Maybe There are two puzzling additions that folks can t make hide nor hair of nbsp Genki the accessories manufacturer just published a landing page for their Nintendo Switch accessories This landing page features a video that includes a very detailed look at a Switch mockup pic twitter com DbRSkYlQーBob Wulff BobWulff January Keen eyes will have noticed a new button on the bottom of the right Joy Con It it not yet clear what this does Could it initiate voice chat during gameplay Could it calibrate the controllers Could it create a room sized hologram of Bowser in your living room We ll have to wait and see Now onto the updated Joy Cons There appears to be a new sensor on the connecting side of each controller It looks a whole lot like an optical sensor which is what a computer mouse uses This has led to speculation that players will be able to flip the Joy Con over and use it like a mouse Of note the trailer shows the Joy Cons moving along a flat surface connector side down and looking suspiciously like a mouse Genki reveal isnt a mockup its straight up just the Switch optical sensor is literally flashing in this shot Stealthk Switch pic twitter com COeLsonqMdーAsh  Ashinarii January But why would anyone even want this I can think of three words New Mario Paint nbsp Is the Nintendo Switch backwards compatible The company confirmed in November that the Nintendo Switch will be backwards compatible It will also feature access to Nintendo Online so users will be able to play all of those old retro titles nbsp In the initial Nintendo Switch press release Nintendo reiterated that physical and digital Switch games will work on the new system However it noted that certain Nintendo Switch games may not be supported on or fully compatible with Nintendo Switch More details about which games those are will be revealed later Will old games be enhanced in any way nbsp The original Switch has to put it mildly struggled to run some of the late generation software that s come down the pike Could these games be enhanced to take advantage of the increased horsepower of the Switch We have no idea We also don t know if any of these releases will receive graphical upgrades perhaps taking advantage of upscaling tech nbsp What will the cartridges taste like You may remember that the original Switch cartridges taste absolutely awful This was on purpose to discourage folks from putting the games in their mouth Will the successor follow suit and continue to dip cartridges in a foul tasting bitter coating Only time will tell nbsp What about specs The rumors regarding specs are all over the place so it s tough to pin down We know one thing for sure It ll be more powerful than the ancient Switch hardware which was already antiquated back in One analyst allegedly got a hold of a spec sheet from the Korean United Daily News that said the Switch would boast an eight core Cortex AAE processor GB of RAM and GB of internal eMMC storage This tracks for me as these specs are about as underpowered in as the original Switch was in However some reports do indicate that the console will include GB of RAM nbsp Another source suggests that the eight core CPU will be packaged inside an NVIDIA produced Tegra SoC system on a chip Given the current Switch runs on an NVIDIA chip that makes a lot of sense The CPU will be more powerful but it s the Switch s new GPU that will be a major differentiator It s all but confirmed that the Switch will support DLSS NVIDIA s deep learning supersampling upscaling tech which would allow the console to render games at a low resolution internally while outputting a high resolution image Fun fact We actually wrote about how perfect DLSS was for the Nintendo Switch when the technology was announced alongside the RTX series back in There are still questions about the Switch and DLSS Will the system support newer DLSS features like frame generation Will existing games be automatically tidied up by NVIDIA s algorithm Regardless of the exact implementation DLSS upscaling will be a huge leap over the rudimentary techniques available to Nintendo Switch developers As for the display there are many conflicting rumors Early reports from solid sources suggested the Switch would have an inch display LCD display The Switch s display certainly looks larger than that of the original Switch in a side by side comparison in the reveal trailer Some folks have worried that the Switch follow up may actually be too big especially for kids nbsp Certain analysts have suggested this would be an OLED screen while others have said it would be a Mini LED display A Mini LED display is basically an LCD display that has a backlight made of surprise mini LEDs rather than edge lighting This allows for local dimming making the blacks more black I m hedging my bets here I think it ll be a standard LCD to cut costs with an OLED or Mini LED model coming later down the line However Mini LED screens are slightly cheaper than OLED displays so that s certainly a possibility at launch As for resolution recent reporting suggests that the console will output p in handheld and K when docked That s much better than the OG Switch nbsp How much will the Nintendo Switch cost We don t have too much information regarding price but we do have plenty of history to work with The original Nintendo Switch launched at which is pretty much the magic number when it comes to Nintendo console releases in recent years The Wii U also came in at nbsp However there are plenty of rumors circulating that Nintendo could be upping the asking price for the Switch Numerous outlets have reported it ll be or potentially even more expensive However the same analysts who say the console will be were also fairly certain it would be out by the end of and well that didn t happen nbsp Dipping back into history there is some precedence for a price uptick The GameCube was and the Wii was The Wii U and Switch increased to and well numbers like to go up A price tag would make it nearly as expensive as a PS and Xbox Series X That would also put it at the same price as the GB LCD Steam Deck nbsp Again we should get confirmation of the price during the April Nintendo Direct Do we know about any launch games Not so much The reveal trailer offered a peek at a new Mario Kart game Nintendo released Mario Kart on the Wii U over a decade ago and it s been milking that cash cow ever since having sold more than million copies of the game across that console and the Switch It s definitely time for a new entry It s certainly been a long time since we ve gotten a proper D Mario adventure as well so a new one could be a launch title That would be one heck of a system seller Other than that your guess is as good as mine Past as prologue we can expect something from Ubisoft and an off the wall title like Switch nbsp If there s a gimmick or hook involved with the console we ll also get a game that takes advantage of that A dual release of Metroid Prime just like Breath of the Wild and Twilight Princess before that is also a possibility nbsp It s all but nailed on that we ll learn much more about the Switch launch lineup during the April Nintendo Direct which starts at AM ET You ll definitely want to set your Alarmo for that one That s everything we know about the Nintendo Switch today We ll update this article with rumors we trust and with information we gather directly from sources Any changes made to the article after its initial publishing will be listed below Update January PM ET This story has been updated to include speculation about price potential game enhancements and the taste of cartridges nbsp Update February AM ET This story has been updated to note the time when the April Nintendo Direct starts This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-05 14:30:28
海外TECH Engadget The Beats Studio Pro headphones are back on sale for $180 https://www.engadget.com/deals/the-beats-studio-pro-headphones-are-back-on-sale-for-180-142729183.html?src=rss There s a reason I didn t pick up my first pair of over ear headphones until last year they re expensive But that s where nice sales come in handy And there s a very nice sale going on right now with the Beats Studio Pro down to from ーa percent discount It s not as low as Black Friday s deal but the sale is available on every model except the Earth color nbsp The Beats Studio Pro came out in mid and got an in our review We were impressed with its improved sound quality over its predecessor good transparency mode and solid voice performance However they re not the most comfortable option and don t have automatic pausing nbsp If you want over ear headphones for even less money then check out the Beats Solo They re currently half off at from We gave them a in our review as they offer a boost in sound quality and up to hours of battery life more than the Beats Studio Pro But they re also not the comfiest fit and again don t offer automatic pausing nbsp Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-05 14:27:29
海外TECH Cisco Blog AI, Security, and Your Learning Future at Cisco Live Amsterdam 2025 https://blogs.cisco.com/learning/ai-security-and-your-learning-future-at-cisco-live-amsterdam-2025 Get ready to immerse yourself in the heart of innovation with Learning Certifications at Cisco Live Amsterdam 2025-02-05 14:27:42
科学 NYT > Science Buffalo Bills Fans Have It Tough, Especially in Antarctica https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/04/business/buffalo-bills-afc-antarctica.html Research scientists in remote locations need to get creative in order to follow their favorite teams even when they don t like the outcomes 2025-02-05 14:53:57



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