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IT 気になる、記になる… macOSの古いバージョンでMac App Storeに正常にアクセス出来ない問題が発生中 https://taisy0.com/2025/02/07/208374.html macos,macappstore,macrumors 2025-02-07 13:25:45
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] 「ディスプレイ」の売れ筋ランキング【2025年2月7日版】 自宅利用でもモバイルディスプレイが人気? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2502/07/news187.html itmediapcuser,amazoncojp,カテゴリー 2025-02-07 22:17:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ジークアクスの鶴巻和哉監督が25年前に初めて監督したOVA作品、YouTubeで期間限定無料公開 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2502/07/news186.html itmedia,news,youtube 2025-02-07 22:07:00
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS認定 AIF資格試験 受けてみた! https://qiita.com/buchi_org/items/d771857ea2e11e117d12 aifc,やっとこ,資格試験 2025-02-07 22:31:33
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple breaks the Mac App Store for macOS Sierra users https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/02/07/apple-breaks-the-mac-app-store-for-macos-sierra-users?utm_medium=rss A back end change to the Mac App Store appears to have shut out users of macOS Sierra and older versions blocking not just purchases but also downloads of software already bought Apple s macOS Sierra came out in While users of the current macOS Sequoia have recently benefited from Mac App Store changes it s being reported that users on s macOS Sierra are no longer able to use the store at all As first spotted by blogger Michael Tsai macOS Sierra users are now just getting an error message when the attempt to sign in It s not certain whether it is affecting all or only some macOS Sierra users but reports are spreading on Apple support forums and social media Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-02-07 13:58:48
海外TECH ReadWriteWeb Netflix has raised subscription prices in US, and now UK https://readwrite.com/netflix-raises-subscription-prices/ The UK becomes the latest to see a subscription hike by streaming service Netflix a month after the US Canada Continue reading Netflix has raised subscription prices in US and now UKThe post Netflix has raised subscription prices in US and now UK appeared first on ReadWrite 2025-02-07 13:48:00
海外TECH ReadWriteWeb A Game About Digging a Hole – hmm, wonder what this is about https://readwrite.com/a-game-about-digging-a-hole-hmm-wonder-what-this-is-about/ This is going to be one of those games isn t it A Game About Digging a Hole is already a Continue reading A Game About Digging a Hole hmm wonder what this is aboutThe post A Game About Digging a Hole hmm wonder what this is about appeared first on ReadWrite 2025-02-07 13:30:13
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: Apple’s Invite app and its less welcome third-party porn apps https://www.engadget.com/general/the-morning-after-engadget-newsletter-133509185.html?src=rss The week has been a mixed bag for Apple First it launched a new iPhone app for organizing events and being actually social then it had to contend with a third party app store offering a porn app in the European Union And there s nothing like an Apple pornography headline to draw the eye But first Apple Invites where you can host an unlimited number of events each one limited to participants It s also possible to invite non iPhone users What You can use your own photos or backgrounds in the app as an image for the invite and even arrange a communal playlist through Apple Music Of course there s some Apple Intelligence shoehorned in Image Playground is built into Invites to generate images for your events when there aren t any appropriate photos EngadgetWhat about the future for existing invite apps like Evite Partiful Luma and the rest Well all isn t lost Only paid iCloud subscribers can create invites in the app ーand prices start there at cents a month while rival apps offer free basic event invites Also the web experience for non iPhone people is pretty clunky and painful At least for now Meanwhile a third party app store called AltStore PAL announced a porn app called Hot Tub was now available to iOS users in the European Union The marketplace described it as the first Apple approved porn app ーwhich probably isn t entirely accurate It s seemingly the first time a porn app has been available natively for the iPhone Apple said it was deeply concerned about the safety risks that hardcore porn apps of this type create for EU users especially kids And just to add further corporate spice Longtime Apple App Store foe Epic gave the alternative app store a MegaGrant last year to help fund the core technology fees third party app stores are required to pay Apple Not that it s directly affiliated with this adult entertainment portal Epic CEO Tim Sweeney took to X to say the Epic Games Store doesn t carry this app doesn t carry any porn apps and has never carried porn apps ーMat SmithGet this delivered daily direct to your inbox Subscribe right here How to use Apple Invites to plan your next eventThe biggest tech stories you missedReddit temporarily bans r WhitePeopleTwitter after Elon Musk claimed it had broken the law Protecting the US from hackers apparently isn t in Trump s budgetSonos may release its long rumored streaming box this yearOura Ring long term reviewIt remains the smart ring to beat EngadgetDespite the appearance of rival smart rings from the likes of Samsung the Oura Ring remains the best option It tracks your sleep activity and stress levels is comfortable to wear and looks shock like a regular ring The battery life is admirable lasting up to seven days with new features including heart rate tracking and temperature monitoring However these features are only available if you pay for a monthly subscription ーand that may remain the biggest caveat for this ring Continue reading In IBM s Deep Blue beats Kasparov at chessThe first chess win for a computer against a world champion IBMThis week we go back years Back when we were barely saying artificial intelligence let alone AI on February IBM s Deep Blue chess computer defeated fleshbag world champion Garry Kasparov It marked the first time a computer beat a high level opponent However Kasparov won the series It wasn t until a year later that Deep Blue bested him in a rematch Ask Engadget AMA or AEA Ask Mat he s listening EngadgetShould I upload pictures of my children to the cloud Is it safe nbsp What s the most reliable EV brand nbsp Which streaming subscription should I drop and why is it Prime Video nbsp We re bringing back Ask Engadget with an entirely new email address askmat AT engadget com No personal questions please nbsp Ask Mat something This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-07 13:35:09
海外TECH Engadget Football Manager 25 has been cancelled https://www.engadget.com/gaming/football-manager-25-has-been-cancelled-133053048.html?src=rss Sports Interactive has officially cancelled Football Manager after its release was delayed by months from the series usual launch window In its announcement the developer said that it made the decision after an extensive discussion with Sega its publisher and that it s skipping this version to focus on the next installment instead Football Manager is a football or soccer management SIM game series that typically gets a yearly release The last one Football Manager came out in and this particular installment was supposed to be released in November last year before it was pushed back to March nbsp The developer explained that it truly believed it would be able to reach the level of quality it was aiming for when it announced the March release date but it encountered quot challenges quot that made it unable to reach its goal Sports Interactive previously said that things were moving slower than it predicted to be able to produce the game it wanted It was quot rushing too much and in danger of compromising its usual standards quot it added It sounds like the company got close to being able to release the game as quot many areas quot had hit its targets However the quot overarching player experience and interface quot are quot not where the company need it to be quot The developer promised quot the biggest technical and visual advancement in the series quot with Football Manager and it would not be able to deliver on that if it pushes through with its plan to launch the game this March It was also unwilling to move the release date again since the next version is already scheduled for launch later this year Those who ve already pre ordered the game will get a refund for their purchase nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-07 13:30:53
海外TECH Engadget Meta and UNESCO team up to improve translation AI https://www.engadget.com/ai/meta-and-unesco-team-up-to-improve-translation-ai-130050762.html?src=rss Meta has partnered with UNESCO on a new plan to improve translation and speech recognition AI Techcrunch reported As part of its Language Technology Partner Program Meta is seeking collaborators willing to donate at least hours of speech recordings with transcriptions large written texts plus sentences and sets of translated sentences The aim is to focus on quot underserved languages in support of UNESCO s work quot Meta wrote in a blog post nbsp So far Meta and UNESCO have signed on the government of Nunavut a northern Canadian territory The aim is to develop translation systems for the Intuit languages used there Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun quot Our efforts are especially focused on underserved languages in support of UNESCO s work as part of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages quot Meta said nbsp As part of the program Meta is releasing an open source translation benchmark called BOUQuET ーa standard test to evaluate performance of AI models that do translation It ll be composed of sentences quot carefully crafted by linguistic experts quot and is seeking contributions on a dedicated site nbsp Meta has taken a strong interest in AI translation for both text and speech a logical move for a company that connects users around the world Last year it showed off a tool that uses AI to automatically dub Reels into other languages complete with lip sync promising it would roll out to some creators videos in English and Spanish in the US first The company has gradually expanded its Meta AI assistant around the world and it s now available in countries and over a dozen languages nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-07 13:00:50



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