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海外TECH Engadget The 6 best Mint alternatives to replace the budgeting app that shut down https://www.engadget.com/apps/the-best-budgeting-apps-to-replace-mint-143047346.html?src=rss As a long time Mint user I was frustrated to say the least when news broke at the end of that Intuit would shut Mint down I like millions of others enjoyed how easily Mint allowed us to track all accounts in one place and monitor credit scores I also used it regularly to track spending set goals like pay my mortgage down faster and with general money management So I set out to find the best Mint alternatives in the wake of its disappointing demise I gave Credit Karma Intuit s other financial app a try but found it to be a poor Mint substitute The following guide lays out my experience testing some of the most popular Mint replacement apps available today in search of my next budgeting app Our pick for best Mint alternative remains Quicken Simplifi even months after the Mint shutting down thanks to its easy to use app good income and bill detection and its affordable price But there are plenty of other solid options out there for those with different needs If you re also on the hunt for a budgeting app to replace Mint we hope these details can help you decide which of the best budgeting apps out there will be right for you Table of contents Best Mint alternatives in What is Plaid and how does it work My top Mint alternative picks How to import your financial data from the Mint app How we tested Mint alternatives What about Rocket Money Best Mint alternatives in No pun intended but what I like about Quicken Simplifi is its simplicity Whereas other budgeting apps try to distinguish themselves with dark themes and customizable emoji Simplifi has a clean user interface with a landing page that you just keep scrolling through to get a detailed overview of all your stats These include your top line balances net worth recent spending upcoming recurring payments a snapshot of your spending plan top spending categories achievements and any watchlists you ve set up You can also set up savings goals elsewhere in the app I also appreciate how it offers neat almost playful visualizations without ever looking cluttered I felt at home in the mobile and web dashboards after a day or so which is faster than I adapted to some competing services I m looking at you YNAB and Monarch Getting set up with Simplifi was mostly painless I was particularly impressed at how easily it connected to Fidelity not all budget trackers do for whatever reason This is also one of the only services I tested that gives you the option of inviting a spouse or financial advisor to co manage your account One thing I would add to my initial assessment of the app having used it for a few months now I wish Simplifi offered Zillow integration for easily tracking your home value or at least a rough estimate of it Various competitors including Monarch Money and Copilot Money work with Zillow so clearly there s a Zillow API available for use As it stands Simplifi users must add real estate manually like any other asset Dana Wollman Engadget In practice Simplifi miscategorized some of my expenses but nothing out of the ordinary compared to any of these budget trackers As you re reviewing transactions you can also mark if you re expecting a refund which is a unique feature among the services I tested Simplifi also estimated my regular income better than some other apps I tested Most of all I appreciated the option of being able to categorize some but not all purchases from a merchant as recurring For instance I can add my two Amazon subscribe and saves as recurring payments without having to create a broad strokes rule for every Amazon purchase The budgeting feature is also self explanatory and can likely accommodate your preferred budgeting method Just check that your regular income is accurate and be sure to set up recurring payments making note of which are bills and which are subscriptions This is important because Simplifi shows you your total take home income as well as an income after bills figure That number includes well bills but not discretionary subscriptions From there you can add spending targets by category in the planned spending bucket Planned spending can also include one time expenditures not just monthly budgets When you create a budget Simplifi will suggest a number based on a six month average Not dealbreakers but two things to keep in mind as you get started Simplifi is notable in that you can t set up an account through Apple or Google There is also no option for a free trial though Quicken promises a day money back guarantee Monarch Money grew on me My first impression of the budgeting app which was founded by a former Mint product manager was that it s more difficult to use than others on this list including Simplifi NerdWallet and Copilot And it is Editing expense categories adding recurring transactions and creating rules for example is a little more complicated than it needs to be especially in the mobile app My advice Use the web app for fine tuning details Monarch also didn t get my income right I had to edit it Once you re set up though Monarch offers an impressive level of granularity In the budgets section you can see a bona fide balance sheet showing budgets and actuals for each category You ll also find a forecast for the year or by month And recurring expenses can be set not just by merchant but other parameters as well For instance while most Amazon purchases might be marked as shopping those for the amounts of or are definitely baby supplies and can be automatically marked as such each time not to mention programmed as recurring payments Weirdly though there s no way to mark certain recurring payments as bills specifically Dana Wollman Engadget Not long after I first published this story in December Monarch introduced a detailed reporting section where you can create on demand graphs based on things like accounts categories and tags That feature is available just on the web version of the app for now As part of this same update Monarch added support for an aggregator that makes it possible to automatically update the value of your car This combined with the existing Zillow integration for tracking your home value makes it easy to quickly add a non liquid asset like a vehicle or real estate and have it show up in your net worth graph The mobile app is mostly self explanatory The main dashboard shows your net worth your four most recent transactions a month over month spending comparison income month to date upcoming bills an investments snapshot a list of any goals you ve set and finally a link to your month in review That month in review is more detailed than most delving into cash flow top income and expense categories cash flow trends changes to your net worth assets and liabilities plus asset and liability breakdowns In February Monarch expanded on the net worth graph so that if you click on the Accounts tab you can see how your net worth changed over different periods of time including one month three months six months a year or all time On the main screen you ll also find tabs for accounts transactions cash flow budget and recurring Like many of the other apps featured here Monarch can auto detect recurring expenses and income even if it gets the category wrong They all do to an extent Expense categories are marked by emoji which you can customize if you re so inclined Monarch Money uses a combination of networks to connect with banks including Plaid MX and Finicity a competing network owned by Mastercard I have a quick explainer on Plaid the industry standard in this space toward the end of this guide As part of an update in late December Monarch has also made it easier to connect through those other two networks if for some reason Plaid fails Similar to NerdWallet I found myself completing two factor authentication every time I wanted to get past the Plaid screen to add another account Notably Monarch is the only other app I tested that allows you to grant access to someone else in your family ーlikely a spouse or financial advisor Monarch also has a Chrome extension for importing from Mint though really this is just a shortcut for downloading a CSV file which you ll have to do regardless of where you choose to take your Mint data Additionally Monarch just added the ability to track Apple Card Apple Cash and Savings accounts thanks to new functionality brought with the iOS update It s not the only one either currently Copilot and YNAB have also added similar functionality that will be available to anyone with the latest versions of their respective apps on a device running iOS Instead of manually uploading statements the new functionality allows apps like Monarch s to automatically pull in transactions and balance history That should make it easier to account for spending on Apple cards and accounts throughout the month Monarch also recently launched investment transactions in beta It also says bill tracking and an overhauled goals system are coming soon Monarch hasn t provided a timeline for that last one except to say that the improved goals feature is coming soon Copilot Money might be the best looking budgeting app I tested It also has the distinction of being exclusive to iOS and Macs ーat least for now Andres Ugarte the company s CEO has publicly promised that Android and web apps are coming soon But until it follows through I can t recommend Copilot for most people with so many good competitors out there Copilot Money for Web and Android Thanks to the support from our users and the overwhelming positive reception we re seeing from folks migrating from Mint we can now say that we ll be building copilotmoney for Web and Android with a goal to launch in We ll continue to ーAndres Ugarte chuga November There are other features that Copilot is missing which I ll get into But it is promising and one to keep an eye on It s just a fast efficient well designed app and Android users will be in for a treat when they ll finally be able to download it It makes good use of colors emoji and graphs to help you understand at a glance how you re doing on everything from your budgets to your investment performance to your credit card debt over time In particular Copilot does a better job than almost any other app of visualizing your recurring monthly expenses Behind those punchy colors and cutesy emoji though is some sophisticated performance Copilot s AI powered Intelligence gets smarter as you go at categorizing your expenses You can also add your own categories complete with your choice of emoji It s not perfect Copilot miscategorized some purchases they all do but it makes it easier to edit than most On top of that the internal search feature is very fast it starts whittling down results in your transaction history as soon as you begin typing Dana Wollman Engadget Copilot is also unique in offering Amazon and Venmo integrations allowing you to see transaction details With Amazon this requires just signing into your Amazon account via an in app browser For Venmo you have to set up fwd copilot money as a forwarding address and then create a filter wherein emails from venmo venmo com are automatically forwarded to fwd copilot money Like Monarch Money you can also add any property you own and track its value through Zillow which is integrated with the app While the app is heavily automated I still appreciate that Copilot marks new transactions for review It s a good way to both weed out fraudulent charges and also be somewhat intentional about your spending habits Like Monarch Money Copilot updated its app to make it easier to connect to banks through networks other than Plaid As part of the same update Copilot said it has improved its connections to both American Express and Fidelity which again can be a bugbear for some budget tracking apps In an even more recent update Copilot added a Mint import option which other budgeting apps have begun to offer as well Because the app is relatively new it launched in early the company is still catching up to the competition on some table stakes features Ugarte told me that his team is almost done building out a detailed cash flow section as well On its website Copilot also promises a raft of AI powered features that build on its current Intelligence platform the one that powers its smart expense categorization These include smart financial goals natural language search a chat interface forecasting and benchmarking That benchmarking Ugarte tells me is meant to give people a sense of how they re doing compared to other Copilot users on both spending and investment performance Most of these features should arrive in the new year Copilot does a couple interesting things for new customers that distinguish it from the competition There s a demo mode that feels like a game simulator no need to add your own accounts The company is also offering two free months with RIPMINT ーa more generous introductory offer than most When it finally does come time to pony up the monthly plan is cheaper than some competing apps although the a year option is in the same ballpark You may know NerdWallet as a site that offers a mix of personal finance news explainers and guides I see it often when I google a financial term I don t know and sure enough it s one of the sites I m most likely to click on As it happens NerdWallet also has the distinction of offering one of the only free budgeting apps I tested In fact there is no paid version nothing is locked behind a paywall The main catch There are ads everywhere To be fair the free version of Mint was like this too Even with the inescapable credit card offers NerdWallet has a clean easy to understand user interface which includes both a web and a mobile app The key metrics that it highlights most prominently are your cash flow net worth and credit score Of note although Mint itself offered credit score monitoring most of its rivals do not I particularly enjoyed the weekly insights which delve into things like where you spent the most money or how much you paid in fees ーand how that compares to the previous month Because this is NerdWallet an encyclopedia of financial info you get some particularly specific category options when setting up your accounts think a Roth or non Roth IRA Dana Wollman Engadget As a budgeting app NerdWallet is more than serviceable if a bit basic Like other apps I tested you can set up recurring bills Importantly it follows the popular budgeting rule which has you putting of your budget toward things you need toward things you want and the remaining into savings or debt repayments If this works for you great ーjust know that you can t customize your budget to the same degree as some competing apps You can t currently create custom spending categories though a note inside the dashboard section of the app says you ll be able to customize them in the future You also can t move items from the wants column to needs or vice versa but In the future you ll be able to move specific transactions to actively manage what falls into each group A NerdWallet spokesperson declined to provide an ETA though Lastly it s worth noting that NerdWallet had one of the most onerous setup processes of any app I tested I don t think this is a dealbreaker as you ll only have to do it once and hopefully you aren t setting up six or seven apps in tandem as I was What made NerdWallet s onboarding especially tedious is that every time I wanted to add an account I had to go through a two factor authentication process to even get past the Plaid splash screen and that s not including the FA I had set up at each of my banks This is a security policy on NerdWallet s end not Plaid s a Plaid spokesperson says Precisely because NerdWallet is one of the only budget trackers to offer credit score monitoring it also needs more of your personal info during setup including your birthday address phone number and the last four digits of your social security number It s the same with Credit Karma which also does credit score monitoring Related to the setup process I found that NerdWallet was less adept than other apps at automatically detecting my regular income In my case it counted a large one time wire transfer as income at which point my only other option was to enter my income manually which is slightly annoying because I would have needed my pay stub handy to double check my take home pay YNAB is by its own admission different from anything you ve tried before The app whose name is short for You Need a Budget promotes a so called zero based budgeting system which forces you to assign a purpose for every dollar you earn A frequently used analogy is to put each dollar in an envelope you can always move money from one envelope to another in a pinch These envelopes can include rent and utilities along with unforeseen expenses like holiday gifts and the inevitable car repair The idea is that if you budget a certain amount for the unknowns each month they won t feel like they re sneaking up on you Importantly YNAB is only concerned with the money you have in your accounts now The app does not ask you to provide your take home income or set up recurring income payments although there is a way to do this The money you will make later in the month through your salaried job is not relevant because YNAB does not engage in forecasting The app is harder to learn than any other here and it requires more ongoing effort from the user And YNAB knows that Inside both the mobile and web apps are links to videos and other tutorials Although I never quite got comfortable with the user interface I did come to appreciate YNAB s insistence on intentionality Forcing users to draft a new budget each month and to review each transaction is not necessarily a bad thing As YNAB says on its website Sure you ve got pie charts showing that you spent an obscene amount of money in restaurants ーbut you ve still spent an obscene amount of money in restaurants I can see this approach being useful for people who don t tend to have a lot of cash in reserve at a given time or who have spending habits they want to correct to riff off of YNAB s own example ordering Seamless four times a week My colleague Valentina Palladino knowing I was working on this guide penned a respectful rebuttal explaining why she s been using YNAB for years Perhaps like her you have major savings goals you want to achieve whether it s paying for a wedding or buying a house I suggest you give her column a read For me though YNAB s approach feels like overkill PocketGuard is one of the only reputable free budget trackers I found in my research Just know it s far more restricted at the free tier than NerdWallet or Mint In my testing I was prompted to pay after I attempted to link more than two bank accounts So much for free unless you keep things simple with one cash account and one credit card When it comes time to upgrade to PocketGuard Plus you have three options pay a month a year or for a one time lifetime license That lifetime option is actually one of the few unique selling points for me I m sure some people will appreciate paying once and never having to uh budget for it again From the main screen you ll see tabs for accounts insights transactions and the Plan which is where you see recurring payments stacked on top of what looks like a budget The main overview screen shows you your net worth total assets and debts net income and total spending for the month upcoming bills a handy reminder of when your next paycheck lands any debt payoff plan you have and any goals Dana Wollman Engadget Like some other apps including Quicken Simplifi PocketGuard promotes an after bills approach where you enter all of your recurring bills and then PocketGuard shows you what s left and that s what you re supposed to be budgeting your disposable income Obviously other apps have a different philosophy take into account all of your post tax income and use it to pay the bills purchase things you want and maybe even save a little But in PocketGuard it s the in your pocket number that s most prominent To PocketGuard s credit it does a good job visualizing which bills are upcoming and which ones you ve already paid PocketGuard has also publicly committed to adding some popular features These include rollover budgeting categorization rules and shared household access Dana Wollman Engadget Although PocketGuard s UI is easy enough to understand it lacks polish The accounts tab is a little busy and doesn t show totals for categories like cash or investments Seemingly small details like weirdly phrased or punctuated copy occasionally make the app feel janky More than once it prompted me to update the app when no updates were available The web version meanwhile feels like the mobile app blown up to a larger format and doesn t take advantage of the extra screen real estate Of note although PocketGuard does work with Plaid its primary bank connecting platform is actually Finicity Setting up my accounts through Finicity was mostly a straightforward process I did encounter one hiccup Finicity would not connect to my SoFi account I was able to do it through Plaid but PocketGuard doesn t make it easy to access Plaid in the app The only way as far as I can tell is to knowingly search for the name of a bank that isn t available through Finicity at which point you get the option to try Plaid instead Like I said the experience can be janky What is Plaid and how does it work Each of the apps I tested uses the same underlying network called Plaid to pull in financial data so it s worth explaining in its own section what it is and how it works Plaid was founded as a fintech startup in and is today the industry standard in connecting banks with third party apps Plaid works with over financial institutions across the US Canada and Europe Additionally more than third party apps and services rely on Plaid the company claims To be clear you don t need a dedicated Plaid app to use it the technology is baked into a wide array of apps including the budget trackers I tested for this guide Once you find the add an account option in whichever one you re using you ll see a menu of commonly used banks There s also a search field you can use to look yours up directly Once you find yours you ll be prompted to enter your login credentials If you have two factor authentication set up you ll need to enter a one time passcode as well As the middleman Plaid is a passthrough for information that may include your account balances transaction history account type and routing or account number Plaid uses encryption and says it has a policy of not selling or renting customer data to other companies However I would not be doing my job if I didn t note that in Plaid was forced to pay million to consumers in a class action suit for collecting more financial data than was needed As part of the settlement Plaid was compelled to change some of its business practices In a statement provided to Engadget a Plaid spokesperson said the company continues to deny the allegations underpinning the lawsuit and that the crux of the non financial terms in the settlement are focused on us accelerating workstreams already underway related to giving people more transparency into Plaid s role in connecting their accounts and ensuring that our workstreams around data minimization remain on track My top Mint alternative picks To conclude you might be wondering what app I decided on for myself after all of this research The answer is actually two apps Quicken Simplifi my overall top pick and Copilot Money For now I am actively using both apps and still deciding long term which I feel more comfortable with I tend to prefer Copilot s fast colorful user interface but as I explained above it s too lacking in table stakes features for me to go so far as to name it the best overall option How to import your financial data from the Mint app Mint users should consider getting their data ready to migrate to their new budgeting app of choice soon Unfortunately importing data from Mint is not as easy as entering your credentials from inside your new app and hitting import In fact any app that advertises the ability to port over your stats from Mint is just going to have you upload a CSV file of transactions and other data To download a CSV file from Mint do the following Sign into Mint com and hit Transactions in the menu on the left side of the screen Select an account or all accounts Scroll down and look for export number transactions in smaller print Your CSV file should begin downloading Note Downloading on a per account basis might seem more annoying but could help you get set up on the other side if the app you re using has you importing transactions one for one into their corresponding accounts How we tested Mint alternatives Before I dove into the world of budgeting apps I had to do some research To find a list of apps to test I consulted trusty ol Google and even trustier Reddit read reviews of popular apps on the App Store and also asked friends and colleagues what budget tracking apps they might be using Some of the apps I found were free just like Mint These of course show loads of ads excuse me offers to stay in business But most of the available apps require paid subscriptions with prices typically topping out around a year or a month Spoiler My top pick is cheaper than that Since this guide is meant to help Mint users find a permanent replacement any services I chose to test needed to do several things import all of your account data into one place offer budgeting tools and track your spending net worth and credit score Except where noted all of these apps are available for iOS Android and on the web Once I had my shortlist of six apps I got to work setting them up For the sake of thoroughly testing these apps and remember I really was looking for a Mint alternative myself I made a point of adding every account to every budgeting app no matter how small or immaterial the balance What ensued was a veritable Groundhog Day of two factor authentication Just hours of entering passwords and one time passcodes for the same banks half a dozen times over Hopefully you only have to do this once What about Rocket Money Rocket Money is another free financial app that tracks spending and supports things like balance alerts and account linking If you pay for the premium tier the service can also help you cancel unwanted subscriptions We did not test it for this guide but we ll consider it in future updates This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-12 10:01:27
科学 NYT > Science Trump’s W.H.O. Exit Throws Smallpox Defenses Into Upheaval https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/12/health/smallpox-who-cdc-bioweapons.html Health experts see his retreat from international cooperation as disrupting the safe keepers of one of the world s deadliest pathogens 2025-02-12 10:04:05



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