投稿時間:2025-02-14 08:20:03 RSSフィード2025-02-14 08:00分まとめ(22件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… Microsoftの地図サービス「Bing マップ」はメキシコ湾派?? https://taisy0.com/2025/02/14/208519.html microsoft,apple,bing 2025-02-13 23:00:07
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、27インチのミニLED採用新型ディスプレイを今年後半に発売か https://taisy0.com/2025/02/14/208517.html apple,rossyoung,アナリスト 2025-02-13 22:22:50
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、国内でもM4チップ搭載「Mac mini」と「MacBook Pro」の整備済み品の販売開始 https://taisy0.com/2025/02/14/208515.html apple,macbookpro,macmini 2025-02-13 22:12:40
IT 気になる、記になる… 「iPhone SE 4」か ー Appleが現地時間2月19日に新製品を発表へ https://taisy0.com/2025/02/14/208510.html iphone,apple,iphonese 2025-02-13 22:02:26
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エンタープライズ] OpenSSLのRPK実装に重大な脆弱性 中間者攻撃を実行可能にするリスク https://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/2502/14/news090.html itmedia,openssl,tlsdtls 2025-02-14 07:30:00
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Migrate from Standard brokers to Express brokers in Amazon MSK using Amazon MSK Replicator https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/migrate-from-standard-brokers-to-express-brokers-in-amazon-msk-using-amazon-msk-replicator/ Creating a new cluster with Express brokers is straightforward as described in Amazon MSK Express brokers However if you have an existing MSK cluster you need to migrate to a new Express based cluster In this post we discuss how you should plan and perform the migration to Express brokers for your existing MSK workloads on Standard brokers Express brokers offer a different user experience and a different shared responsibility boundary so using them on an existing cluster is not possible However you can use Amazon MSK Replicator to copy all data and metadata from your existing MSK cluster to a new cluster comprising of Express brokers 2025-02-13 22:09:40
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Foundational blocks of Amazon SageMaker Unified Studio: An admin’s guide to implement unified access to all your data, analytics, and AI https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/foundational-blocks-of-amazon-sagemaker-unified-studio-an-admins-guide-to-implement-unified-access-to-all-your-data-analytics-and-ai/ In this post we discuss the foundational building blocks of SageMaker Unified Studio and how by abstracting complex technical implementations behind user friendly interfaces organizations can maintain standardized governance while enabling efficient resource management across business units This approach provides consistency in infrastructure deployment while providing the flexibility needed for diverse business requirements 2025-02-13 22:07:20
AWS AWS The Internet of Things Blog Transforming Kitchens: CHEF iQ’s AWS Powered IoT Journey https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/iot/transforming-kitchens-chef-iqs-aws-powered-iot-journey/ As Internet of Things IoT devices become increasingly pervasive in the home device owners often find the need to grant fine grained access to multiple users AWS IoT Core enables developers to build applications with fine grained access control across mobile apps web apps and devices For example IoT enables personalized experiences in smart spaces and hotels 2025-02-13 22:24:00
AWS AWS Amazon Cognito Passwordless Authentication | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0P1y8dIrBKk In this video we will discuss how Amazon Cognito allows you to secure user access to your applications with passwordless authentication including sign in with passkeys email and text message With passwordless authentication you can reduce the friction associated with traditional password based authentication and thus simplify the user log in experience for their applications Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing Cloud 2025-02-13 22:37:46
AWS AWS AWS for Software Companies, Customer Interview, CloudZero | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-sIxziA9bA This short video provides market trends and insights from AWS customer CloudZero Erik Peterson CTO shares how AWS helps CloudZero be more innovative and tackles the needs of the market Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices reinvent AWSforSoftwareCompanies CloudComputing 2025-02-13 22:17:57
AWS AWS AWS for Software Companies, Customer Interview, Darktrace | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-qMitWDXb4 This short video provides market trends and insights from AWS customer Darktrace Francesca Bowen Global VP shares how AWS helps Darktrace be more innovative and tackles the needs of the market Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices reinvent AWSforSoftwareCompanies CloudComputing 2025-02-13 22:17:54
AWS AWS AWS for Software Companies, Customer Interview, Verint Systems | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhYDquJtloY This short video provides market trends and insights from AWS customer Verint Systems Ian Beaver Chief Data Scientist shares how AWS helps Verint Systems be more innovative and tackles the needs of the market Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices reinvent AWSforSoftwareCompanies CloudComputing 2025-02-13 22:17:51
AWS AWS AWS for Software Companies, Customer Interview, Jit Security | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fS792eRDmI This short video provides market trends and insights from AWS customer Jit David Melamed CTO shares how AWS helps Jit be more innovative and tackles the needs of the market Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices reinvent AWSforSoftwareCompanies CloudComputing 2025-02-13 22:17:47
AWS AWS AWS for Software Companies, Customer Interview, Cohesity | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrfNLPWEECI This short video provides market trends and insights from AWS customer Cohesity Craig Martell CTO shares how AWS helps Cohesity be more innovative and tackles the needs of the market Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices reinvent AWSforSoftwareCompanies CloudComputing 2025-02-13 22:17:42
AWS AWS AWS for Software Companies, Customer Interview, PointFive | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKGU1-5MxuI This short video provides market trends and insights from AWS customer PointFive Alon Arvatz CEO shares how AWS helps PointFive be more innovative and tackles the needs of the market Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices reinvent AWSforSoftwareCompanies CloudComputing 2025-02-13 22:17:38
AWS AWS How to use AWS Compute Optimizers new features | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH0qCvMP7ms Here we discuss three main updates idle resource detection enhanced auto scaling group recommendations and Aurora database optimization Idle resource detection helps identify unused or underutilized resources across various AWS services The auto scaling group feature now supports mixed instance types and provides more accurate recommendations for cost savings and performance improvements Aurora database optimization offers tailored suggestions for MySQL and PostgreSQL engines considering multiple factors like CPU memory and database connections Learn more at Subscribe to AWS Sign up for AWS AWS free tier Explore more Contact AWS Next steps Explore on AWS in Analyst Research Discover deploy and manage software that runs on AWS Join the AWS Partner Network Learn more on how Amazon builds and operates software Do you have technical AWS questions Ask the community of experts on AWS re Post Why AWS Amazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud Millions of customersーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agenciesーuse AWS to be more agile lower costs and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing finops cfm cloud cloudeconomics finance billing amazon optimisation optimization OPTICS Cost Allocation ComputeOptimizer FinOps CostOptimization AutoScaling IdleResources 2025-02-13 22:17:33
海外TECH Engadget Gemini Advanced can now recall your past conversations to inform its responses https://www.engadget.com/ai/gemini-advanced-can-now-recall-your-past-conversations-to-inform-its-responses-222407226.html?src=rss Google is making Gemini just a bit better Starting today the company s chatbot will recall past conversations in an effort to provide more useful responses quot That means no more starting over from scratch or having to search for a previous conversation thread quot Google explains quot Plus you can build on top of previous conversations or projects you ve already started quot nbsp Google notes Gemini quot may quot indicate if it referenced a past conversation to formulate a response If the idea of a chatbot recalling information about you makes you feel uncomfortable Google says users can quot easily review delete or decide how long quot Gemini retains their chat history Additionally it s possible to disable this feature altogether from the My Activity panel Gemini is not the first chatbot to include a memory feature ChatGPT will quot remember quot things about you in certain contexts For example I recently asked OpenAI s chatbot a question about Jeff Buckley s vocal range to which it later asked me if I was a fan of his music When I said yes a notification appeared stating quot memory updated quot nbsp nbsp More broadly building chatbots with long reliable memories is part of the quot agentic quot AI future many companies including Google and OpenAI are building towards At I O for instance Google debuted Project Astra which featured a built in memory though it was limited to a relatively short window of time and could quot mis remember quot things nbsp Gemini s new memory feature has begun rolling out in English to Gemini Advanced subscribers It will become available in more languages over the coming weeks nbsp nbsp This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-13 22:24:08
科学 NYT > Science Abortion Provider Won’t Be Extradited to Louisiana, N.Y. Governor Says https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/13/nyregion/abortion-extradition-louisiana-doctor.html The case could lead to a battle in federal court over whether states that support abortion rights can protect doctors who provide abortion services 2025-02-13 22:57:20
科学 NYT > Science Texas Judge Fines New York Doctor and Orders Her to Stop Sending Abortion Pills to Texas https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/13/health/texas-new-york-abortion-pills-lawsuit.html It is the first ruling in a case challenging shield laws intended to protect doctors in states that support abortion rights who send abortion pills to states with bans 2025-02-13 22:47:57
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 容赦なさすぎ…高額療養費制度の見直しで「優遇されてきた70歳以上」も負担増、 1年間の医療費が2倍になるケースも! - 知らないと損する!医療費の裏ワザと落とし穴 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/359355 ポイント,落とし穴,高額療養費 2025-02-14 07:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 灘高→東大理三の医師が「医学部入試の面接官」に推薦する意外な顔ぶれ - ニュースな本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/358561 ニュース,和田秀樹,精神科医 2025-02-14 07:30:00
YouTube Channels TED #ICYMI: An update from Head of TED Chris Anderson on the future of TED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY-NteGiQP4 Chris Anderson head of TED has some big news to share after years of leading the organization he s issuing an open invitation to pass on its stewardship to someone new It could be anyone Maybe you In conversation with Jay Herratti CEO of TED and Anna Verghese executive director of The Audacious Project Anderson shares the big idea that s driven this decision ーand why he s convinced it will open the door to a truly exciting future for TED Watch the full video here 2025-02-13 22:20:54



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