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海外TECH Engadget The best laptop power banks for 2025 https://www.engadget.com/computing/accessories/best-laptop-power-bank-120040388.html?src=rss There s nothing worse than trying to get work done offsite and realizing your laptop is nearly dead OK there are plenty of worse things but running out of battery when you re not near an outlet can be seriously inconvenient Laptop power banks are similar to other rechargeable banks you may have used to top off a smartphone but with larger capacities and more ports There s no standard rating to qualify a battery as a laptop grade brick but here we only considered versions with at least a mAh capacity so they can deliver enough charge but under mAh Wh so the TSA will let you fly with them in your carry on luggage After testing a slew of popular options over the past couple of years we think these are the best laptop power banks you can buy Table of contents Best laptop power banks for What to look for in a laptop power bank How we test portable laptop chargers Laptop power bank FAQs Best laptop power banks for What to look for in a laptop power bank Capacity If you just need to keep a smartphone from dying before you can make it home just about any power bank will do But if you need to revive multiple devices or the substantial battery of a laptop you ll want something with a high milliamp hour mAh capacity A power bank capable of delivering enough power to a laptop will have a capacity between and mAh Go higher than mAh and you likely won t be able to take it on an airplane which is why most portable chargers top out around that number Since the voltage for most portable power banks is around volts a mAh battery translates to watt hours ーwhich is the maximum capacity the TSA will allow for carry on luggage And note that these batteries can t be checked regardless of size If you want something even bigger than a laptop power bank and don t need to fly with it you ll likely want to look into portable power stations These can be the size of a car battery or larger and can potentially fuel an entire weekend away Another thing to keep in mind is that the capacity listed in a power bank s specs is not what will be delivered to your devices As I mentioned the capacity of these banks is around mAh Even the huge battery on a inch MacBook Pro or a Dell XPS has a mAh rating of around mAh so you might think you d get five full charges but in reality you only get about a single percent charge The voltage is different typically V for the power bank and V for a laptop which makes the watt hours or the amount of energy each battery can hold different working out to Wh for the battery and Wh for the built in laptop batteries On top of that in order to feed a charge from a power bank to a laptop a voltage conversion takes place and that dissipates a decent amount of energy Without turning this into a physics lesson this all means that a power bank with a mAh or Wh capacity will typically fill a mAh or Wh laptop battery to about percent In my tests I averaged about a percent efficiency rate between a power bank s listed capacity and the actual charge delivered Ports Every large power bank I ve tested has at least three USB ports with a mix of USB C and USB A which should cover nearly any portable device you need to recharge ーearbuds phones tablets laptops you name it In addition to the different plug formats some ports supply power at different wattages For example one USB C port might be rated for watts while the one next to it is rated for watts So if you ve got a device that s capable of W fast charging such as the new MacBook Air you d want to opt for the W port to get the best charging speeds possible Note that devices with a smaller wattage draw won t be negatively affected by connecting to ports with high ratings For example a Galaxy S Ultra capable of W super fast charging can happily plug into the W port A device will only draw what it can take regardless of what a port can supply Just remember that the port device and cable need to be at or above the desired wattage rating to achieve maximum charging rates Some of these larger batteries also have AC ports It might seem like a natural fit to plug in your laptop s power adapter for a recharge But really the AC port should only be for devices that can t use USB ーsuch as a lamp or a printer Plugging a power adapter into the AC port only wastes energy through conversion First the battery converts its DC power to supply the port with AC power then the power adapter converts that AC power back to DC so your laptop can take it in And as you ll remember from physics class each time energy is converted some is lost to heat and other dissipations Better to cut out the middleman and just send that DC power straight from the battery to the device Also you can use more than one port at a time with these devices just remember that the speed of whatever you re charging will likely go down and of course the battery is going to drain proportionally to what you re refilling Wireless charging Just in the last year and a half that I ve been testing portable power banks wireless charging capabilities have noticeably improved The first few I tried were painfully slow and not worth recommending Now the wireless pads built into power banks are impressively fast ーparticularly in my experience when charging Samsung Galaxy phones though the lack of a stabilizing magnetic connection like Apple s MagSafe means they only work when rested flat on a pad Most wireless charging connections can be used while other ports are also being employed making them convenient for some mobile battlestation setups Of course wireless charging is always less efficient than wired and recharging from an external battery is less efficient in general If you want to waste as little energy as possible you re better off sticking to wired connections Design All power banks are designed to be portable but there s a big difference between a pocket friendly mAh battery and one of these laptop compatible bruisers Most of the latter weigh between a pound and a half to two pounds which is a considerable addition to a backpack Many of the options listed here have a display to tell you how much charge remains in the battery which is helpful when you re trying to judiciously meet out charges to your devices If a bank has a wireless connection the pad is usually on the flat top and any available AC connection is usually at one end Both may require you to engage those charging methods Don t be like me and grumble loudly that you got a bum unit without pressing and sometimes double pressing all the buttons first How we test portable laptop chargers For the past year and a half I ve been testing and using dozens of portable batteries for our other battery guide Some of those batteries include the higher capacity power banks you see here I also got a hold of a few extra banks just for this guide to make sure we covered what s available I went for brands I m already familiar with as well as battery packs from well received manufacturers I hadn t tried before like UGREEN and Lion Energy I only considered banks with at least a mAh capacity and mostly stuck with those that rated mAh and higher Here s everything we tested Zendure Supertank Pro Mophie Powerstation Pro XL Mophie Powerstation Pro AC Lion Energy Eclipse Mag Lion Energy Trek Baseus Blade Laptop Anker Prime mAh Goal Zero Sherpa AC Due to shipping and travel issues I wasn t able to test two of the batteries I had slated the HyperJuice W and the UGREEN Power Bank mAh Once I ve had a chance to see how these two perform ーas well as any new worthy contenders that hit the market ーI ll update this guide accordingly I tested each power bank with an iPhone a Galaxy S Ultra an iPad Air M and a inch MacBook Pro with the M Pro chip Even though these banks can charge multiple devices at once I refilled one at a time to make side by side comparisons more straightforward I drained the batteries of the phones and tablets to between zero and five percent and then didn t use any device as it refilled For the MacBook I let it run down to percent before plugging in the power bank That s when most laptops give display a connect to power warning as draining any battery to empty will compromise the battery life I then used it as one might in a mobile office with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse while connected to Wi Fi and a VPN For each test I noted how long a completely charged battery took to get a device back to full and how much of the battery s capacity was used up in one charge I also noted things like portability apparent durability helpful features and overall design For reference here are the battery capacities of the devices I used iPhone mAh Galaxy S Ultra mAh iPad Air th gen mAh inch M Pro MacBook Pro mAh Laptop power bank FAQs How do laptop power banks differ from phone power banks The main difference is size Phone power banks tend to have a capacity ranging from mAh to mAh and laptop powerbanks are typically rated between mAh and mAh There s no official definition however Laptop batteries are simply larger and need a bigger supply of power to give them a meaningful charge How do you fast charge a power bank You can charge a power bank exactly as fast as the power bank s internal mechanisms will allow Most batteries are limited in how quickly they can accept and deliver a charge to avoid dangerously overheating But to make sure you re charging a bank as quickly as possible make sure the wall adapter and the USB C cable you are using have a high wattage rating ーusing a W power brick and a W cable will take a lot longer to refill your bank than a W wall charger and a W cord What size power bank do I need for a laptop Look for a power bank with a rating of at least mAh Slightly smaller batteries may work but they won t deliver a significant charge to your laptop How many mAh to charge a laptop A milliamp hour mAh is how much a battery can hold and most portable batteries list their capacity using mAh If you get a battery rated at mAh or above it should be able to charge your laptop Using mAh to discuss laptop batteries can be confusing Due to differing voltages you can t directly compare the mAh ratings of a power bank battery to a laptop battery Using watt hours is a better gauge as that calculation takes voltage into account This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-02-17 20:01:26
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