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IT 気になる、記になる… Niantic、「ポケモンGO」「ピクミンブルーム」「モンハンNOW」などのゲーム事業をScopelyに売却へ ー 事業移管後もサービスは継続 https://taisy0.com/2025/03/12/209569.html niantic,scopely,サービス 2025-03-12 14:19:26
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 米Nianticが「ポケGO」など売却 サービスは継続 「モンハンNow」「ピクミンブルーム」も https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2503/12/news207.html itmedia,news,niantic 2025-03-12 23:46:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] Nianticが「ポケモンGO」事業をScopelyに売却 ゲームは継続、今後も「最高のプレイヤー体験を」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2503/12/news206.html itmediamobileniantic,niantic,pokemon 2025-03-12 23:36:00
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to use robotic vacuums with Apple Home & Siri https://appleinsider.com/inside/apple-home/tips/how-to-use-robotic-vacuums-with-apple-home-siri?utm_medium=rss With iOS you can now use robotic vacuum cleaners inside of the Apple Home app and with Siri It s still problematic but here s what you can do so far and what the benefits are Robotic vacuums had been an oft requested feature for what was previously known as HomeKit for ages and is now called Apple Home It s still a work in progress chiefly because there are no there are no robotic vacuum cleaners on the market that fully support Apple Home There are however certain robotic vacuums with limited support that are now readily available Subscribe to AppleInsider on YouTube Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-03-12 14:59:17
海外TECH AppleInsider - Frontpage News Morgan Stanley slashes AAPL price target to $252 on lower iPhone upgrade rate fears https://appleinsider.com/articles/25/03/12/morgan-stanley-slashes-aapl-price-target-to-252-on-lower-iphone-upgrade-rate-fears?utm_medium=rss A noted analyst has slashed his expectation for Apple stock by about given what he sees to be slower iPhone upgrade rates because of tariffs and a delayed Siri with Apple Intelligence rollout Improved Siri s late arrival will weigh on Apple stock says Morgan StanleyIn a note to investors written by Morgan Stanley s Erik Woodring Apple s headwinds have been re evaluated The most recent fears for Apple s bottom line appear to be the postponement of Siri upgrades higher product import costs because of Trump administration tariffs with both leading to lower earnings per share While Woodring remains bullish on what may be a redesigned iPhone driving sales he s less certain about other avenues of success He s decreased calendar year iPhone shipments a bit with sales in being flat year over year as opposed to an increase Continue Reading on AppleInsider Discuss on our Forums 2025-03-12 14:32:39
海外TECH ReadWriteWeb We-Ko-Pa Casino announces partnership with San Francisco Giants https://readwrite.com/we-ko-pa-casino-announces-partnership-with-san-francisco-giants/ We Ko Pa Casino Resort has confirmed a partnership with the San Francisco Giants for the spring training program The link up will Continue reading We Ko Pa Casino announces partnership with San Francisco GiantsThe post We Ko Pa Casino announces partnership with San Francisco Giants appeared first on ReadWrite 2025-03-12 14:20:20
海外TECH Engadget A four-pack of AirTags is back on sale for a record-low price https://www.engadget.com/deals/a-four-pack-of-airtags-is-back-on-sale-for-a-record-low-price-144735100.html?src=rss The recent wave of good deals on Apple gear doesn t stop at iPad MacBook Air or Apple Watch models A four pack of Apple AirTags has dropped back down to a record low price of That s percent off the regular price of The AirTag is our pick for the best Bluetooth tracker for iPhone users AirTags are deeply integrated into Apple s ecosystem making them a cinch to set up using an iPhone They re easy to use as well as they work with Apple s Find My app In large part thanks to the many many iPhones that are out in the wild AirTags can help you find misplaced items Whenever someone with an iPhone is close enough to such an item with an AirTag attached it will appear in your Find My app nbsp In addition if you happen to accidentally leave something with an AirTag somewhere you ll likely receive a left behind alert once you re a certain distance away from it feet or so based on our testing It s possible to disable these alerts for certain trackers and set up exceptions for such notifications when your AirTags are at say your home or place of work If you have an iPhone or later not including an iPhone SE or iPhone e your phone s ultra wide band chip can point you in the direction of an AirTag using arrows and a distance meter once you re within feet of it One major reason that this is useful is because the AirTag has the quietest ring of any tracker we ve tested It also comes in handy when the AirTag is out of sight The AirTag has a replaceable battery and it has an IP rating for water and dust resistance However the device s audible ring only lasts for seven seconds so you might end up having to trigger it a few times to find your AirTag There s no attachment point built in either so if you d like to affix an AirTag to a set of keys for instance you ll probably need to buy an AirTag accessory Check out our coverage of the best Apple deals for more discounts and follow EngadgetDeals on X for the latest tech deals and buying advice This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-03-12 14:47:37
科学 NYT > Science Videos Show Narwhals Using Their Tusks to Play With Their Food https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/12/science/narwhals-tusks-video.html Researchers observed a number of surprising behaviors by the ivory sporting whales during an expedition with drones in the Canadian High Arctic 2025-03-12 14:22:54
科学 NYT > Science Why Older People May Not Need to Watch Blood Sugar So Closely https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/10/health/diabetes-blood-sugar-age.html Intensive management of diabetes pays fewer dividends as patients age and raises the chances of hypoglycemia But many people have not gotten the message 2025-03-12 14:13:36



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