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AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Generative AI in the Contact Center: Enabling Super Agents, Dynamic Supervisors, and Empowered Customers https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/generative-ai-in-the-contact-center-enabling-super-agents-dynamic-supervisors-and-empowered-customers/ Customer expectations are rising and delivering seamless AI enhanced support is now essential Discover how the Accenture AWS Business Group AABG is transforming contact center operations with their Connected Customer Experience CCE offering on AWS Learn how generative AI driven capabilities empower agents and enhance customer interactions driving efficiency and modernization for businesses 2025-03-20 21:09:32
Program AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Pixel のLinuxターミナルを使ってAWS Bedrock APIを実行する https://qiita.com/revsystem/items/7ccead3981cd7fd3c703 google,awsbedrockapi,linux 2025-03-21 06:40:49
海外TECH Ars Technica FCC chairman Brendan Carr starts granting telecom lobby’s wish list https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2025/03/fcc-chairman-brendan-carr-starts-granting-telecom-lobbys-wish-list/ Rule eliminations make it easier to replace copper networks with wireless 2025-03-20 21:44:19
海外TECH Ars Technica Apple loses $1B a year on prestigious, minimally viewed Apple TV+: report https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2025/03/apple-tv-reportedly-loses-1-billion-a-year-and-thats-okay-for-now/ The Information report claims notable losses for Apple s only service in the red 2025-03-20 21:32:11
海外TECH Ars Technica Hands-on with Frosthaven’s ambitious port from gigantic box to inviting PC game https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2025/03/frosthavens-weighty-tabletop-tactics-are-coming-to-pc-in-early-access-this-year/ Checking out an early version headed by X COM creator Julian Gollop 2025-03-20 21:18:44
海外TECH Engadget ‘FBC: Firebreak’ first look: Left 4 Dead but with Remedy’s silly, surreal touch https://www.engadget.com/gaming/fbc-firebreak-first-look-left-4-dead-but-with-remedys-silly-surreal-touch-214657219.html?src=rss There s something really exciting about FBC Firebreak Remedy s take on cooperative online first person shooters I ve been trying to pinpoint a specific wow factor since attending the game s developer led demonstration last week but I ve concluded it s a combination of multiple cool features blended perfectly together FBC Firebreak is set in the sterile headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Control and it features Remedy s trademark dark surrealism but it s also infused with a healthy dose of silliness and mechanical depth The result feels like a modern Left Dead in the best possible way just with Hiss instead of zombies and three players instead of four Left Dead anyone FBC Firebreak takes place six years after the end of Control The Oldest House which used to be the seat of power for the FBC has been sealed with the Hiss inside and it s now time to eradicate the invasion and lift the lockdown The agency is sending in the Firebreak team a unit composed of government volunteers with no extra combat training and little hope of making it out alive As a member of Firebreak you re handed some special equipment patted on the back and locked inside the headquarters with the Hiss and every unfortunate employee it s infested Good luck The game is broken down by Jobs which are essentially custom built missions in specific regions of The Oldest House All Jobs have three zones but otherwise each one has a unique objective crisis and environment After selecting a Job you get to customize your run by setting the Threat Level and Clearance Level ーThreat Level determines combat difficulty and the number of rewards up for grabs while Clearance Level sets the number of zones you have to clear and the type of rewards I will say we do have more than three clearance levels and you get into some pretty interesting stuff later such as corrupted items that appear during the job game director Mike Kayatta said Remedy EntertainmentBefore the match begins each player gets to select one of three Crisis Kits loadouts designed with specific playstyles in mind Crisis Kits come with a tool and an item each The Jump Kit is based around electricity and it has the Electro Kinectic Charge Impactor a portable jackhammer kind of device with a conductive metal plate on the end capable of slamming into enemies or propelling yourself into the air It also has the BOOMbox which plays music to attract enemies before exploding The Fix Kit gives you a big wrench that s able to repair machinery and stagger Hiss and it also includes a turret that you have to smack with the wrench to assemble The Splash Kit is for all the water signs out there ーit features the Crank Operated Fluidic Injector an industrial water cannon that can extinguish fires and soak enemies so they re primed for extra damage plus a Humidifier which sprays healing water in a wide area A good way to look at all of this is that you re going to kind of combine the threat level and the clearance level and the type of job you want to play to sort of create your own load your own experience exactly the session that you re looking for with whatever group you re playing with that night Kayatta said Members of the Firebreak squad have their own Research Perks or upgrade slots You purchase Perks with currency earned during Jobs and stacking upgrades of the same type strengthens their effect Equipping three Perks of the same type lends that ability to nearby teammates as well Remedy Entertainment For example one perk might give you the feature that each missed bullet has a chance to return to your clip or the ability to extinguish yourself by jumping up and down which is how that of course works community manager Julius Fondem said If you equip just one perk you get its effect Simple straightforward If you equip two of the same type you get a stronger version of that perk And if you equip three of the same perk type you can actually share its effect with your nearby crewmates As you increase your kit proficiency you ll increase the slots you have to play with giving you the opportunity to play with a lot of different builds and strategies Killing Hiss is all fine and dandy but collecting currency is a major goal of each run in FBC Firebreak too Currency is used to purchase new gear and cosmetics as well as Perks Ultimately Firebreak is about efficiency Fondem said You can t fail objectives but the longer you spend doing them the more and more Hiss will show up to stop you increasing the chance that your crew dies on the job That means the longer you spend exploring for currency the more risk you re inviting and the harder it will eventually become to make it back to headquarters in one piece Speaking of currency ーRemedy promises it won t charge for critical content post launch We want to keep all of our players united which means that all playable post launch content such as Jobs will be free for everyone who has the game Fondem said We ll support the game by offering paid cosmetic content as well The Job that Remedy showed off in the media briefing and featured in today s Future Games Show Spring Showcase was Paper Chase a mission filled with flying yellow sticky notes sticky note monsters and one hulking sticky note titan as the final boss It s set in a classic FBC office space concrete walls and blood orange carpet and players have to eradicate the rogue multiplying sticky notes as well as the rushing Hiss Little squares of paper swirl through the air and cling to the player s face covering the screen at times amid explosions flickering lights and showers of bullets At one point a player places a piggy bank in their melee weapon and smashes it on the Hiss screaming Stand back piggy s coming out It activates an AOE wind effect on nearby enemies There are environmental factors to mess with and a range of weapons to deploy ーshotguns machine guns rifles pistols water cannons turrets grenades electrified impact devices boomboxes ーand overall Paper Chase seems like a damn good time Remedy EntertainmentIt s taken plenty of iteration to get to this point And as it turns out FBC Firebreak isn t limited to three players just to differentiate itself from a slightly similar year old game with a four in its title The reason why we did three player squads really it was like an organic quirk of the development Kayatta said We actually started testing with four players I think it just didn t feel quite as good It was a little harder to understand where people were That s something that s like not required but definitely helpful in this game And it just felt like with all of the chaos and all of the fun systems going off three just felt right over time So that s it And yeah you can play solo or duo FBC Firebreak is due out this summer and it s heading to PlayStation Xbox Series X S and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store plus it ll be available day one on Game Pass and PlayStation Plus It ll support cross play Remedy is aiming for a lower minimum PC spec requirement and optimizing the game for Steam Deck Still FBC Firebreak will ship with full ray tracing support DLSS with Multi Frame Generation and NVIDIA Reflex capabilities This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-03-20 21:46:57
海外TECH Engadget Game companies will standardize accessibility labels on storefronts and product pages https://www.engadget.com/gaming/game-companies-will-standardize-accessibility-labels-on-storefronts-and-product-pages-211335539.html?src=rss Console makers and game developers like Microsoft Nintendo and Electronic Arts have created a new initiative managed by the Entertainment Software Association ESA that aims to make it easier to know what accessibility features games have nbsp The new Accessible Games Initiative has defined a set of accessibility tags that will appear in participating game storefronts and product pages so players can know what features a game has before they buy it The tags have easy to understand definitions and cover a range of accessibility features games offer like subtitles input remapping for controls text to speech and speech to text in chat and narrated menus All of the tags and definitions are available to view on the Accessible Games Initiative s website The ESA also says it will provide developers with criteria for the tags so they can develop accessibility features with them in mind The new tags are designed to co exist with existing accessibility information on product pages but some companies may choose to focus exclusively on the new quot cross industry quot standard For example Microsoft plans to quot replace existing Xbox Game Accessibility Feature tags with their equivalent Accessible Games Initiative tags quot to avoid duplication while keeping its own tags that aren t in the initiative s list The idea for the Accessible Games Initiative quot was first developed by Electronic Arts Google Microsoft Nintendo of America Sony Interactive Entertainment and Ubisoft quot according to the ESA and new companies have joined in time for launch like quot Amazon Games Riot Games Square Enix and Warner Bros Games quot nbsp Offering some kind of standardized way to know what accessibility features a game has is desperately needed While developers have gotten better at offering accessibility features in their games by default players interested in a specific feature have mostly had to rely on third party resources like Can I Play That to figure out how well they ve been interpreted and implemented These tags should start to fix that nbsp The only open question is when they ll be adopted The ESA told The Verge that quot the timeline for implementation of the tags is company dependent quot meaning there could be a wait ahead for players hoping to take advantage of the Accessible Games Initiative s work This article originally appeared on Engadget at 2025-03-20 21:13:35
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「PDCAバカ」が「つまらないP」を量産してしまう、経営理論的な裏付け【元BCG戦コンの反省と分析】 - 今週もナナメに考えた 鈴木貴博 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361492 pdca,アピール,コンサル 2025-03-21 06:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「夫婦ゲンカをしない人」と「すぐに爆発する人」のたった1つの違いとは? - ニュースな本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/360813 カウンセラー,ストレス,トラブル 2025-03-21 06:30:00
詳細記事 ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 欧州の再武装、カギ握るミサイル企業 - The Wall Street Journal発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/361507 thewallstreetjournal,ミサイル 2025-03-21 06:28:00
YouTube Channels google Mystery light on your dash? Open the Google app, tap Lens and snap a pic for an instant diagnosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG7EOVryl4o Subscribe to our Channel Find us on X Watch us on TikTok googleFollow us on Instagram Join us on Facebook 2025-03-20 21:13:30



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