投稿時間:2020-04-29 01:39:12 RSSフィード2020-04-29 01:00 分まとめ(43件)

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AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Level Up Your Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda Ready Partners https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/level-up-your-serverless-applications-with-aws-lambda-ready-partners/ Level Up Your Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda Ready PartnersThe AWS Lambda Ready Program part of the AWS Service Ready Program makes it easy for customers to find developer tools and integrations that are validated by AWS serverless experts to work with AWS Lambda Customers use AWS Lambda to focus on product innovation while enjoying faster time to market without thinking about server management With AWS Lambda you can simply upload and run code with high availability and fault tolerance built in paying only for the compute time you consume 2020-04-28 15:53:25
AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog How to Monitor Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics from Dynatrace https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/how-to-monitor-amazon-cloudwatch-synthetics-from-dynatrace/ How to Monitor Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics from DynatraceBy Philipp Kastner Technical Product Manager at Dynatrace By Shashiraj Jeripotula Sr Partner Solutions Architect at AWS shy Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics monitors your RESTful APIs URLs and website content endpoints via synthetic traffic canaries every minute times It alerts you when your application endpoints don t behave as expected CloudWatch Synthetics enables you to continually verify your … 2020-04-28 15:52:10
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pythonからsql https://qiita.com/montgomery_2017/items/6bb9a8d236d13f275f7e pythonからsqlwschoolsのチュートリアルを最初からやったほうがいいかもしれない。 2020-04-29 00:52:31
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Titanicデータを前処理ライブラリDataLinerで処理してみる(Drop編) https://qiita.com/shallowdf20/items/eb35a9cf3c24403debb1 Kaggleなどではそこから情報を抽出してグループ化するなどしてカーディナリティを下げに行きますtransdlDropHighCardinalitytransfittransformX必要であれば、どの列が消されたかは以下のように確認することもできます。 2020-04-29 00:04:27
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita プログラマラブルに動画制作ができるnpmパッケージのediltyでHelloWorld https://qiita.com/snamiki1212/items/97bb58c001afb49b7ee2 これで動画をコード管理することが出来るのでエンジニア的には使い勝手の良いツールだと思います。 2020-04-29 00:57:52
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita how to search by english https://qiita.com/zomggang/items/0e042dbe0887a889f8a8 child 2020-04-29 00:52:49
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ブラウザのXMLHttpRequest(xhr)でSlackとDiscordのWebhook URLにPOSTするサンプル https://qiita.com/n0bisuke/items/38cfc2cf5af5bda45e9a ブラウザのXMLHttpRequestxhrでSlackとDiscordのWebhookURLにPOSTするサンプル最近触っていて、それっぽい簡易サンプルがなかったのでメモしておきます。 2020-04-29 00:13:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) タグ付け、中間テーブル https://teratail.com/questions/257289?rss=all タグ付け、中間テーブル中間テーブルのひも付けを行いたいのですがpostgttagsgtattachtagsid「MethodnbspIlluminateHttpRequesttagsnbspdoesnbspnotnbspexist」↑の部分でエラーがでて困っています。 2020-04-29 00:44:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravel v6.15.0でbootstrapの導入 https://teratail.com/questions/257288?rss=all Laravelvでbootstrapの導入今まで雑にUI設計をしていたためある程度サイトは構築済みですが、laravelにbootstrapを導入しようと思いました。 2020-04-29 00:44:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) OneVsRest分類器に関して,各分類器の分類結果を知ることは可能ですか? https://teratail.com/questions/257287?rss=all 2020-04-29 00:28:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) PostgreSqlの外部キーについて https://teratail.com/questions/257286?rss=all PostgreSqlの外部キーについてPostgreSqlを現在使ってレコードの追加をしたいのですが、下記のやりたいことにまず目を通してもらえるとありがたいです。 2020-04-29 00:23:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Webディレクターやプロジェクトマネージャーという職種について https://teratail.com/questions/257285?rss=all Webディレクターやプロジェクトマネージャーという職種について現在大学休学中の大学生です。 2020-04-29 00:15:11
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【自分用】4/29にやったこと https://qiita.com/KONTA2019/items/665831015a44312d02ff docker 2020-04-29 00:15:36
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GoでSubversionからパッケージをgo getして実行する(自マシン内完結型) https://qiita.com/qt-luigi/items/a1840df1b3af2ee8dfd8 gogetinsecuresvngotrunksrccalcsvnmaingoファイルを実行すると、外部パッケージ「calc」のAddが実行されて、結果のが標準出力されますgorunmaingoメインパッケージのモジュール情報gosumファイルが作成されます。 2020-04-29 00:28:53
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsのja.ymlをディレクトリ分けて管理 https://qiita.com/nishi__/items/8fe9bcfb6b260bad6512 railsのjaymlをディレクトリ分けて管理jaymlをついに克服環境railsrubyjaymlで日本語訳するのにいつも苦労し、そして諦めてた。 2020-04-29 00:23:59
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon AppFlowでS3からSnowflakeへの連携を試してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-appflow-s3-to-snowflake/ amazonappflow 2020-04-28 15:50:31
海外TECH Ars Technica New York AG’s office questions Amazon over “inadequate” COVID-19 safety https://arstechnica.com/?p=1671536 officials 2020-04-28 15:56:44
海外TECH Ars Technica How Netflix’s Extraction engineered a 12-minute, one-shot action sequence https://arstechnica.com/?p=1671433 background 2020-04-28 15:32:26
海外TECH DEV Community Live Tonight: Build an Accessible React Component #2 https://dev.to/ashleemboyer/live-tonight-build-an-accessible-react-component-2-381e Live Tonight Build an Accessible React Component Last week we built an accessible Breadcrumb component The video is still on Twitch I m moving it to YouTube soon and I also wrote an article with everything we accomplished Build an Accessible React Component Part Breadcrumbs Ashlee Boyer・Apr ・ min read ay livecode webdev react Tonight at PM EDT we re building another random component We ll spin the widget wheel as stream starts and let fate decide which one for us The link you need is below and it s the same link you can go to in order to follow me if you want to be notified when I go live Twitch Link Hope to see you there 2020-04-28 15:26:46
海外TECH Engadget Zillow makes it easier to rent an apartment while social distancing https://www.engadget.com/zillow-apartment-rentals-social-distancing-154533517.html Zillow makes it easier to rent an apartment while social distancingFinding a new place to live could be a bigger problem than usual at the moment Due to social distancing orders many prospective renters are unable to tour apartments and may be hesitant to meet landlords or real estate agents in person Zillow hop 2020-04-28 15:45:33
海外TECH Engadget How NASA's new moon map will guide future manned missions https://www.engadget.com/nasa-detailed-moon-map-the-big-picture-143013904.html How NASA s new moon map will guide future manned missionsIf Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin didn t know the moon s topography cold the first human moon landing might have been aborted or worse Now that NASA is planning new missions to the Moon with project Artemis it needs the most detailed maps of our s 2020-04-28 15:30:13
海外TECH Engadget Google's brand new Pixel Buds are on sale for $125 at US Cellular https://www.engadget.com/google-pixel-buds-discount-us-cellular-151210647.html Google s brand new Pixel Buds are on sale for at US CellularThe latest version of Google s Pixel Buds just started shipping yesterday but US Cellular isn t waiting to offer a discount With the code ACCESSORY customers can snag a pair of the smart true wireless earbuds for percent off That drops the 2020-04-28 15:12:10
海外TECH Engadget Your monitor is lying to you https://www.engadget.com/your-monitor-is-lying-to-you-upscaled-150034698.html Your monitor is lying to youPicking the right monitor can be a real challenge If you re building a computer something like a hard drive is pretty easy to understand you have to worry about different interfaces or form factors but specs like storage space or transfer speed a 2020-04-28 15:00:34
Cisco Cisco Blog The Internet is more critical than ever. Now is the time to close the digital divide. https://blogs.cisco.com/news/the-internet-is-more-critical-than-ever-now-is-the-time-to-close-the-digital-divide The Internet is more critical than ever Now is the time to close the digital divide I ve always believed that universal broadband internet access is a human right just as important as food shelter and water that when fulfilled enables individuals to help themselves succeed in the information economy As the COVID pandemic moves us deeper into a digital world accessing education establishing and maintaining a livelihood and obtaining government and other critical services are being forced online The post The Internet is more critical than ever Now is the time to close the digital divide appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-04-28 15:07:38
Cisco Cisco Blog Cisco goes SONiC on Cisco 8000 https://blogs.cisco.com/sp/cisco-goes-sonic-on-cisco-8000 Cisco goes SONiC on Cisco Discover how we are leveraging Cisco unique capabilities to implement SONiC on modular routing platforms an industry first The post Cisco goes SONiC on Cisco appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-04-28 15:04:27
Cisco Cisco Blog Impact-First Microloans with Kiva support small businesses during economic downturn https://blogs.cisco.com/csr/impact-first-microloans-with-kiva-support-small-businesses-during-economic-downturn Impact First Microloans with Kiva support small businesses during economic downturnIn the current economic environment many small business owners are struggling and yet may not be able to access government support programs Kiva has launched expanded services to provide zero interest loans to small businesses in need The post Impact First Microloans with Kiva support small businesses during economic downturn appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-04-28 15:00:44
Cisco Cisco Blog Cisco Integrates Security to Save You Time https://blogs.cisco.com/security/cisco-integrates-security-to-save-you-time Cisco Integrates Security to Save You TimeCisco SecureX integrates security to eliminate complexity optimize your security experience and save you time The post Cisco Integrates Security to Save You Time appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-04-28 15:00:42
Cisco Cisco Blog Improving Partner Performance with Renewals https://blogs.cisco.com/partner/improving-partner-performance-with-renewals Improving Partner Performance with RenewalsLet s look at the four steps to creating more renewals The steps apply whether you have an existing lifecycle practice or are just getting started The post Improving Partner Performance with Renewals appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-04-28 15:00:30
Linux OMG! Ubuntu! Fedora 32 Released, Now Available to Download http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/fe04Gaulu14/fedora-32-released-now-available-to-download Fedora Released Now Available to DownloadFedora is now available to download much to the delight of distro hoppers everywhere Oh I know it says Ubuntu above the door but I like to keep an eye on what other Linux This post Fedora Released Now Available to Download is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission 2020-04-28 15:53:16
海外科学 NYT > Science Experts Say Trump’s Testing Plan Falls Short: Live Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/us/coronavirus-updates.html Experts Say Trump s Testing Plan Falls Short Live UpdatesAt least a dozen states forged ahead with strategies to ease restrictions The Treasury secretary warned companies not to apply for small business aid if they aren t eligible 2020-04-28 15:42:25
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「金融商品取引業等に関する内閣府令の一部を改正する内閣府令」(案)及び「金融商品取引業者等向けの総合的な監督指針」の一部改正(案)に関するパブリックコメントの結果等を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r1/shouken/20200428_1.html 内閣府令 2020-04-28 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 審判期日の予定を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/kachoukin/06.html 期日 2020-04-28 16:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles NPB shutdown robs fans of limited chances to see aging legends https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/04/28/baseball/japanese-baseball/npb-shutdown-robs-fans-limited-chances-see-aging-legends/ NPB shutdown robs fans of limited chances to see aging legendsWith the delayed season expected to start behind closed doors it s unclear when Japanese baseball s elder statesmen will receive cheers from packed stands again 2020-04-29 00:50:54
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles South Korean soccer snapped up by sports-deprived foreign broadcasters https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/04/28/soccer/south-korean-soccer-snapped-sports-deprived-foreign-broadcasters/ South Korean soccer snapped up by sports deprived foreign broadcastersBroadcasters in foreign territories have bought rights to air the upcoming South Korean soccer season the country s K League said with major sports on hold 2020-04-29 01:08:08
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Injured Kei Nishikori returns to court at virtual Madrid Open https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/04/28/tennis/injured-kei-nishikori-returns-court-virtual-madrid-open/ Injured Kei Nishikori returns to court at virtual Madrid OpenJapanese tennis star Kei Nishikori returned to action Monday while still on the road to recovery from elbow surgery joining a group of fellow top 2020-04-29 00:24:44
ニュース BBC News - Home McDonald’s trials UK branch reopening amid lockdown https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52458725 lockdownmcdonald 2020-04-28 15:25:58
ニュース BBC News - Home Police protecting Prague mayor after 'Russian murder plot' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52455223 local 2020-04-28 15:20:18
ニュース BBC News - Home Pentagon releases UFO videos for the record https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52457805 pentagon 2020-04-28 15:14:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Normal People: When book adaptations go right https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-52456148 reviews 2020-04-28 15:12:58
サブカルネタ ラーブロ セブンイレブン「中華蕎麦とみ田監修 ワシワシ食べる豚ラーメン」 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/rablo/~3/GgXRO-eSLv8/single_feed.php 「中華蕎麦とみ田監修豚ラーメン」です。 2020-04-28 16:00:20
北海道 北海道新聞 BTS、世界ツアー中止 日本含め再開「予測不能」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416719/ 防弾少年団 2020-04-29 00:40:00
北海道 北海道新聞 大型連休の国内線予約93%減少 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416714/ 国土交通省 2020-04-29 00:25:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY株、一時370ドル超高 マスク特需の3M好感 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416709/ 特需 2020-04-29 00:03:00



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