投稿時間:2020-04-29 02:42:33 RSSフィード2020-04-29 02:00 分まとめ(52件)

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AWS AWS Architecture Blog The Journey to Cloud Networking https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/the-journey-to-cloud-networking/ The Journey to Cloud NetworkingIP networking is often seen as a means to an end an abstract aspect of your business You don t say “I really want a fast network…just to have a fast network Quite the contrary As a business you set out to accomplish your mission and goals and then find you need applications to get there … 2020-04-28 16:04:44
AWS AWS Solving with AWS Solutions: Auto Check In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNzpgEPrwaA Solving with AWS Solutions Auto Check InSolution Link The Auto Check In Solution automatically provisions the products and services necessary to configure facial comparison and search for event check in As part of your event check in process you take a picture of event attendees and the solution sends them to Amazon Rekognition where the images are verified against a pre registered attendee face collection Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos AWS 2020-04-28 16:10:15
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【SlackBot】明日は休みだよBotを作ってみた https://qiita.com/ozaki25/items/30a1d161931fa1fb4278 2020-04-29 01:20:38
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Python] multiprocessで起動した子プロセスを別プロセスから簡単に落とす方法 https://qiita.com/taittide/items/b4abb25f0866be96ec7f Pythonmultiprocessで起動した子プロセスを別プロセスから簡単に落とす方法デーモンとして走るプログラムのテストを書いていたときに、一定時間後に強制終了する必要が出てきました。 2020-04-29 01:45:29
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Reactを使ってWebサービスを作るための基礎1 https://qiita.com/kLASSI/items/577f125264cf955544f3 2020-04-29 01:28:08
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita TypeScript は import か export が無いと module として扱ってくれない https://qiita.com/umenosuke/items/b7c7621c7a38565baa0c 2020-04-29 01:27:30
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ブラウザのXMLHttpRequest(xhr)で今日の東京の天気を取得する https://qiita.com/n0bisuke/items/a8609eb7c926e98b61ca ブラウザのXMLHttpRequestxhrで今日の東京の天気を取得するOpenWeatherMapを試してみます。 2020-04-29 01:22:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) シェルスクリプト qsubのjobが終わってから次に進みたい時 https://teratail.com/questions/257297?rss=all シェルスクリプトqsubのjobが終わってから次に進みたい時シェルスクリプトnbspnbspqsubのjobが終わってから次に進みたい時例えばbinshnbspxnbspSnbspbinshnbspcwdqsubnbsponbsptesttxtnbspscriptshcatnbsptesttxtqsubnbsponbsptesttxtnbspholdjidnbspscriptshnbspscriptshechonbspfinishというスクリプトがありscriptshの中身がbinshnbspxnbspSnbspbinshnbspcwddatesleepnbspdateだとします。 2020-04-29 01:47:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google app scriptで作られたwebページを特定の人に見せる方法がわかりません 教えていただきたいです https://teratail.com/questions/257296?rss=all Googleappscriptで作られたwebページを特定の人に見せる方法がわかりません教えていただきたいです【概要】GASを使って、特定の人しか閲覧できないWebページの作り方についてアドバイスください。 2020-04-29 01:38:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Arduinoタイマーで計算がされない https://teratail.com/questions/257295?rss=all Arduinoタイマーで計算がされない前提・実現したいことArduinoMEGAでタイマレジスタを勉強中なのですがTOP値の計算をしてくれません。 2020-04-29 01:33:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Addforceなどを使わずに、減速しながら停止させたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/257294?rss=all Addforceなどを使わずに、減速しながら停止させたい。 2020-04-29 01:31:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Appium/AndroidでChormeオプションを使って起動させたい https://teratail.com/questions/257293?rss=all AppiumAndroidでChormeオプションを使って起動させたいAppiumAndroidでChromeを操作する際に、Chromeオプションを使いたいと考えています。 2020-04-29 01:27:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) numpyでのサイズの違う2つの行列の加算 https://teratail.com/questions/257292?rss=all numpyでのサイズの違うつの行列の加算Pythonでnumpyを用いて計算したいと思っております。 2020-04-29 01:18:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) phpをやっていてカプセル化がわかりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/257291?rss=all 変更 2020-04-29 01:05:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) windows cmd のバッチファイルの処理が止まってしまう https://teratail.com/questions/257290?rss=all windowscmdのバッチファイルの処理が止まってしまう今windowsのバッチファイルでセキュリティソフト停止させるぷろぐらむをつくっています。 2020-04-29 01:01:44
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Bundlerのグループのメモ https://qiita.com/kure/items/60167c21214abe9e2699 Bundlerのグループのメモメモ環境RubyBundler以下のようにGemfileを用意するrspecはgグループrubocopはgとgグループpryはdefaultグループ何も記載しない場合はdefaultというグループに入るGemfilefrozenstringliteraltruesourcegitsourcegithubreponamereponamegemprygroupgdogemrspecendgroupggdogemrubocopend特定のつのグループを除外するまず、gグループを除外する設定を入れて、インストールしてみる※bundleinstall時のwithoutオプションとpathオプションは非推奨となっていたため、bundleconfigで指定するbundleconfigsetpathvendorbundlebundleconfigsetwithoutgbundleそうするとrspecはインストールされない。 2020-04-29 01:48:38
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 今さらながら、Rubyで順列・組み合わせを実装してみた https://qiita.com/y_catch/items/fb02b1521f1fa965c89d 順番が違っても、同じパターンと考えるnCrnnrrr同じ要素で順番が異なるパターンで割る例ABCDから個取り出す組み合わせgtABACADBCBDCD組み合わせの列挙再帰defcombinationarraynumbertempresultreturnresultltlttempiftempsizegtnumberarrayeachwithindexdotopisubarrayarrayiarraysizeptemptopsubarraycombinationsubarraynumbertemptopresultendreturnresultendresultcombinationABCDEpresultsizepresult重複組み合わせrepeatedcombination異なるn種類のものから重複を許してr個取る組合せ総数は、nrCr例たとえば、赤・白・黒の種類の玉から、重複を許して個をとる組み合わせは赤赤赤、赤赤白、赤白白、赤白黒、赤赤黒、赤黒黒、白白黒、白黒黒、白白白、黒黒黒玉個と境個について、〇〇〇を使った、同じものを含む順列と考える〇が玉の位置、が境界の位置。 2020-04-29 01:19:33
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DockerでC++開発環境構築(ubuntu版) https://qiita.com/yuzutarogo/items/8898377739b5c674743f targetボリュームがマウントされるコンテナー内のパスを指定する。 2020-04-29 01:58:49
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Deviseで元々追加されているpasswordカラムにバリデーションをかける方法 https://qiita.com/rurukasan0212/items/b51d50a6ae42d8499916 Deviseで元々追加されているpasswordカラムにバリデーションをかける方法元々追加されているカラムの確認Sequelproで確認してみました。 2020-04-29 01:03:01
海外TECH DEV Community What is a network socket? https://dev.to/jeremy/what-is-a-network-socket-1dik learning 2020-04-28 16:36:45
海外TECH DEV Community Covid-19 India Amazon Alexa Skill https://dev.to/infernocoder11/covid-19-india-amazon-alexa-skill-4l50 Covid India Amazon Alexa Skill What I builtI built an Amazon Alexa skill to get information about coronavirus cases in India You can ask it questions like How many cases are there What s the current status in Maharashtra What s the current number of cases in Uttar Pradesh To get more details you can ask Give me additional information for India Tell me more details about Rajasthan Twilio APII m using Twilio s SMS API Users may choose to receive an SMS containing links to resources on Covid by giving the required permissions to the skill in their Alexa app settings and saying something like Send me information about coronavirus Send me an SMS Send additional resources to me Category Submission Exciting X Factors Screenshots Demo LinkYou can enable this skill on your Alexa device through this beta testing link Please note that there is a problem in fetching phone numbers during beta testing To test the SMS feature you ll have to build the skill yourself using the instructions given in the project s repository Link to CodeCheck out this project s repo The JourneyFor a long time I couldn t decide on what to make for the hackathon I would get an idea then immediately discard it thinking it was too easy too complicated Finally I decided that I would make whatever I thought of next As they say The hardest part is starting I thought of making an Alexa skill that would give users information about the coronavirus pandemic and send emails related to it Motivated by finally deciding what to make I set out planning to use the SendGrid API Unfortunately my account got blocked right after registration and so I had to drop the idea ‍ ️ Even though the issue was later resolved I didn t want to lose any momentum so I tweaked my idea to use Twilio s SMS API It would send users a message containing links to trusted websites like WHO and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare having information about the pandemic Getting Twilio s SMS API up and running was surprisingly easy I was all geared up to spend countless hours trying to get it to work as I felt that sending emails SMS through code would be an intricate process I was pleasantly surprised to find it working in the first attempt itself Nothing ever works for me in the first attempt On the flip side using Amazon s Alexa documentation proved to be a nightmare as there was little to no documentation for Python unlike for Javascript Trying to apply the JS docs to Python was not working Though I felt that I made a mistake choosing Python to make the skill I took it as a challenge I was able to figure out stuff and in the end I was happy with the results I m glad I participated in this hackathon since I learnt a lot of things I otherwise might have never learnt The knowledge I gained through this project will surely come in handy for me 2020-04-28 16:30:55
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Cellebrite pitching iPhone hacking tools as a way to stop COVID-19 https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/04/28/cellebrite-pitching-iphone-hacking-tools-as-a-way-to-stop-covid-19 Cellebrite pitching iPhone hacking tools as a way to stop COVID Multiple smartphone surveillance and data extraction companies including iPhone hacking firm Cellebrite are pitching their products to governments as an alternative method of tracking the spread of COVID 2020-04-28 16:53:38
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple dominating India's premium smartphone market https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/04/28/apple-dominating-indias-premium-smartphone-market Apple dominating India s premium smartphone market Apple s attempts to grow market share in India is continuing to bear fruit with iPhones seeing year on year growth in the first quarter as well as being the leading brand in the ultra premium smartphone segment 2020-04-28 16:04:08
海外TECH Engadget 'Deadly Premonition 2' comes to Switch on July 10th https://www.engadget.com/deadly-premonition-2-nintendo-switch-july-10-163206722.html Deadly Premonition comes to Switch on July thThe sequel to Hidetaka quot Swery quot Suehiro s cult hit Deadly Premonition finally has an exact release date Developer Toybox and publisher Rising Star Games announced today Deadly Premonition A Blessing in Disguise will hit the Nintendo Switch eS 2020-04-28 16:32:06
海外TECH Engadget Senator asks for criminal investigation into Amazon's alleged data abuse https://www.engadget.com/amazon-antitrust-investigation-senator-josh-hawley-161621113.html Senator asks for criminal investigation into Amazon s alleged data abuseFollowing the Wall Street Journal s report alleging that Amazon uses sellers data to make competing products Senator Josh Hawley is asking for a criminal antitrust investigation into the claims Hawley formally requested the investigation in a lett 2020-04-28 16:16:21
海外TECH Engadget Joué Play is a cheap, simple and customizable MIDI controller https://www.engadget.com/joue-play-customizable-mpe-midi-controller-cheap-simple-kickstarter-160143343.html JouéPlay is a cheap simple and customizable MIDI controllerIn a little French company called Jouélaunched a Kickstarter campaign for a shapeshifting instrument it simply called the JouéBoard It was one of a rash of new and experimental types of MIDI controllers that embraced emerging technologies lik 2020-04-28 16:01:43
海外TECH Engadget 'PUBG' is the latest free Stadia Pro game https://www.engadget.com/pubg-google-stadia-star-wars-jedi-fallen-order-fifa-madden-160050379.html PUBG is the latest free Stadia Pro gameGoogle announced a bunch more titles for Stadia in its latest Connect including PlayerUnknown s Battlegrounds which is available now Stadia Pro members can snag the Pioneer Edition for free It includes the Cold Front season pass which opens up e 2020-04-28 16:00:59
海外科学 NYT > Science Birds That Eat Fire, Pet Food and Sugar Packets to Live Another Day https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/science/birds-diets-survival.html foods 2020-04-28 16:00:23
海外科学 NYT > Science A Nest of Alien Asteroids Orbits Our Sun https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/science/alien-asteroids-orbits.html outer 2020-04-28 16:26:57
海外科学 NYT > Science Coronavirus Live News Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/us/coronavirus-updates.html washington 2020-04-28 16:56:39
海外科学 NYT > Science Live Tracker: World Coronavirus Coverage https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/world/coronavirus-news.html Live Tracker World Coronavirus CoverageA spokesman accused U S politicians of “lying through their teeth about the origins of the virus Japan s plan to host the Olympics in may be overly optimistic 2020-04-28 16:42:31
海外TECH WIRED The Covid-19 Pandemic Reveals Ransomware's Long Game https://www.wired.com/story/covid-19-pandemic-ransomware-long-game groundwork 2020-04-28 16:02:57
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「金融商品取引業等に関する内閣府令の一部を改正する内閣府令」(案)及び「金融商品取引業者等向けの総合的な監督指針」の一部改正(案)に関するパブリックコメントの結果等を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r1/shouken/20200428_1.html 内閣府令 2020-04-28 17:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Dead, incapacitated or healthy, Kim Jong Un speculation serves as useful thought exercise https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/04/28/asia-pacific/kim-health-north-korea/ Dead incapacitated or healthy Kim Jong Un speculation serves as useful thought exerciseWhatever Kim Jong Un s fate speculation over his condition brings into focus important considerations for Asia including how it might grapple with a scenario involving 2020-04-29 02:36:05
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Tokyo confirms 112 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/04/28/national/science-health/tokyo-confirms-112-tuesday/ couple 2020-04-29 02:07:55
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles South Korean soccer snapped up by sports-deprived foreign broadcasters https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/04/28/soccer/south-korean-soccer-snapped-sports-deprived-foreign-broadcasters/ South Korean soccer snapped up by sports deprived foreign broadcastersBroadcasters in foreign territories have bought rights to air the upcoming South Korean soccer season the country s K League said with major sports on hold 2020-04-29 01:08:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: Care home deaths up as hospital cases fall https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52455072 fatalities 2020-04-28 16:45:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: Tests to be rolled to care homes, more workers and over-65s https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52462928 health 2020-04-28 16:52:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: British Airways to cut up to 12,000 jobs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52462660 means 2020-04-28 16:54:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: The hospice staff working through a pandemic https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52447451 patients 2020-04-28 16:11:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: RAF flypast for Captain Tom's 100th birthday https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52453194 grant 2020-04-28 16:53:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Pentagon releases UFO videos for the record https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52457805 pentagon 2020-04-28 16:32:56
ニュース BBC News - Home Don't restart season but be ready for new campaign - Fifa medical chief https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52462233 Don t restart season but be ready for new campaign Fifa medical chiefFifa s chief doctor warns against restarting the interrupted campaign and suggests governing bodies prepare for action next season 2020-04-28 16:08:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Ligue 1 & 2: France's top two divisions will not resume this season https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52460468 Ligue France s top two divisions will not resume this seasonThe Ligue and Ligue seasons will not resume after France bans all sporting events including behind closed doors until September 2020-04-28 16:30:48
北海道 北海道新聞 札幌市の検査センター ドライブスルー、来月1日に開設 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416667/ 新型コロナウイルス 2020-04-29 01:40:35
北海道 北海道新聞 休校「一斉休校延長必要」 知事、札幌市長 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416679/ 札幌市長 2020-04-29 01:33:41
北海道 北海道新聞 コロナで解雇、道内403人 54事業所、新卒94人自宅待機 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416676/ 北海道労働局 2020-04-29 01:30:53
北海道 北海道新聞 HKT48元メンバーを釈放 大麻所持容疑で逮捕後、福岡地検 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/416680/ 元メンバー 2020-04-29 01:04:42
Azure Azure の更新情報 Managed identity support in AKS is now available https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/managed-identity-support-in-aks-is-now-available/ credentials 2020-04-28 16:30:50
Azure Azure の更新情報 Azure Advisor integration with AKS now generally available https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/azure-advisor-integration-with-aks-now-generally-available/ Azure Advisor integration with AKS now generally availableBy analyzing your AKS configuration and usage telemetry Azure Advisor can recommend solutions that help improve the performance high availability and security of your AKS cluster 2020-04-28 16:30:50
Azure Azure の更新情報 Azure Private Link for AKS is now generally available https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/azure-private-link-for-aks-is-now-generally-available/ Azure Private Link for AKS is now generally availableAzure Kubernetes Service AKS Private Link is now generally available Use it to isolate your Kubernetes API server within your Azure virtual network enabling fully private communication with the managed Kubernetes control plane hosted by AKS 2020-04-28 16:30:49
Azure Azure の更新情報 Windows Server containers in AKS now generally available https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/windows-server-containers-in-aks-now-generally-available/ server 2020-04-28 16:30:38



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