投稿時間:2020-09-11 01:40:54 RSSフィード2020-09-11 01:00 分まとめ(55件)

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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Xbox Series X」のパッケージデザインが明らかに https://taisy0.com/2020/09/11/125166.html firstappearedon 2020-09-10 15:00:56
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 非線形な関係も扱える相関係数MICとヒルベルト・シュミット独立性検定HSIC https://qiita.com/maskot1977/items/7d5a6637e81a79bcaf74 DCfordinrangeXnplinspaceYXnprandomranddDappenddtestStatthreshhsicgamXreshapelenXYreshapelenYCappendtestStatthreshpltplotDCピアソンの相関係数が二次関数の関係性を検出できていないのに対して、MICもHSICも検出できていることがわかります。 2020-09-11 00:32:17
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 重回帰分析を具体例を使ってできるだけわかりやすく説明してみた https://qiita.com/ohenzi/items/5c8edd30fa15797f7a8d 重回帰分析を具体例を使ってできるだけわかりやすく説明してみた対象とする方単回帰分析・重回帰分析がいまいち分からなくて理解したい方はじめに重回帰分析をwikipediaで調べてみると以下のとおりでした。 2020-09-11 00:06:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in ObservationsController#edit Couldn't find Observation with 'id'=2 https://teratail.com/questions/291028?rss=all ActiveRecordRecordNotFoundinObservationsControllereditCouldnxtfindObservationwithxidx編集画面に遷移出来ていたが、他の機能を実装した後に上記エラーが出る様になった。 2020-09-11 00:55:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WordPress自作テーマのtitleタグにサイトのキャッチフレーズが表示できない https://teratail.com/questions/291027?rss=all 変更後、titleタグ内のサイトのキャッチフレーズを表示できずにいます。 2020-09-11 00:55:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Reactでnpm startができない。 https://teratail.com/questions/291026?rss=all React で npmstart が でき ない 。 2020-09-11 00:54:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 指定フォルダ内の指定拡張子ファイルを全て実行し、結果をログに残したい https://teratail.com/questions/291025?rss=all 指定フォルダ内の指定拡張子ファイルを全て実行し、結果をログに残したい背景大量のPCに複数の標準ソフトをインストールする機会があるため、可能であればそれらのソフトを自動インストールするような仕組みを作って作業を効率化したい。 2020-09-11 00:39:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Kotlin : エラーの原因がわからない。 https://teratail.com/questions/291024?rss=all Kotlinエラーの原因がわからない。 2020-09-11 00:37:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [HTML/CSS]画像の色が背景色で上書きされてしまう https://teratail.com/questions/291023?rss=all HTMLCSS画像の色が背景色で上書きされてしまう背景色が変わるCSSアニメーションをあてると、もともとあった画像の色が変わってしまいます。 2020-09-11 00:18:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) selenium 引数でセレクタなどを選択したい!! https://teratail.com/questions/291022?rss=all selenium引数でセレクタなどを選択したい前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 2020-09-11 00:09:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) dockerの中でsshキーを作成したのですがキーをコピーできません。 https://teratail.com/questions/291021?rss=all dockerの中でsshキーを作成したのですがキーをコピーできません。 2020-09-11 00:06:41
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Tips】TerraformでDynamoDBにそこそこの量のアイテムを初期構築でputしておく方法 https://qiita.com/neruneruo/items/50e58af6704fbb8a90c4 単純に連番にしたいのであれば、countindexで今のループ回数にアクセスできる。 2020-09-11 00:28:13
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】俺のための初期設定 + Gem導入 https://qiita.com/aiandrox/items/b9d2b1a5f8f02f863567 rspecrequirerailshelperformatdocumentationrailshelperでspechelperを読み込んでいる素のRubyファイルをテストすることはまずないという点から、requirerailshelperに変更しておく。 2020-09-11 00:24:27
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS提供のマネージドルールでDevelopersIOへの攻撃を検出してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-waf-devio-202009/ awswaf 2020-09-10 15:42:32
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【ハンズオン】VPCトラフィクミラーリングを使ってEC2にログインせずにパケットキャプチャする方法を学ぼう#AWSSummit https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/how-to-capture-packets-outside-ec2-with-vpc-traffic-mirroring/ awssummit 2020-09-10 15:20:16
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Groovy] Categoriesを使って既存クラスにメソッドを追加する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/using-categories/ categoryclass 2020-09-10 15:16:15
海外TECH Ars Technica Console options without disc drives could be GameStop’s final death knell https://arstechnica.com/?p=1704988 records 2020-09-10 15:50:45
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Bose QuietComfort Earbuds now available for preorder https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/09/10/bose-quietcomfort-earbuds-now-available-for-preorder Bose QuietComfort Earbuds now available for preorderTouted as an alternative to AirPods Pro Bose has officially opened preorders for their new QuietComfort Earbuds Bose QuietComfort Earbuds feature active noise canceling which Bose claims helps uncover often missed details in music such as like the singer breathing between words or the snapping of fingers from deep in the audience They also feature a soft ear nozzle which is designed to seal the ear canal to help with passive noise cancellation and make lower frequencies more prominent Read more 2020-09-10 15:50:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Card adoption and use benefitting from the coronavirus pandemic https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/09/10/apple-card-adoption-and-use-benefitting-from-the-coronavirus-pandemic Apple Card adoption and use benefitting from the coronavirus pandemicA new credit card analysis claims that the Apple Card has managed to weather COVID with most of its features holding up remarkably well one year since its launch Credit AppleCreditCards com analyst Ted Rossman claims that the global health crisis may well have improved the Apple Card s performance for a few distinct reasons For example contactless payments have been on the rise with a nearly jump in usage from March to July Read more 2020-09-10 15:27:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New Bluetooth flaw leaves devices vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/09/10/new-bluetooth-flaw-leaves-devices-vulnerable-to-man-in-the-middle-attacks New Bluetooth flaw leaves devices vulnerable to man in the middle attacksA new Bluetooth vulnerability could allow an attacker to downgrade or bypass Bluetooth encryption keys opening the door to man in the middle attacks or other types of malicious exploits New Bluetooth flaw leaves devices vulnerable to man in the middle attacksThe flaw dubbed BLURtooth resides in a component of the Cross Transport Key Derivation standard and leaves devices vulnerable to man in the middle attacks or other exploits It affects all dual mode devices running Bluetooth or which includes the iPad Pro to the iPhone Read more 2020-09-10 15:24:10
海外TECH Engadget NASA will pay private companies to collect Moon dirt samples https://www.engadget.com/nasa-moon-dirt-samples-151803461.html NASA will pay private companies to collect Moon dirt samplesAs part of its plan to send the first woman and next man to the Moon by NASA is looking to acquire some dirt Today the agency confirmed that it will pay private companies to “collect a small amount of Moon dirt or rocks from the lunar surfa 2020-09-10 15:18:03
海外TECH Engadget Galaxy Watch Active 2 gets some of the Galaxy Watch 3's best features https://www.engadget.com/samsung-galaxy-watch-active-2-update-galaxy-watch-3-features-151250291.html Galaxy Watch Active gets some of the Galaxy Watch x s best featuresA little over a month after it revealed the Galaxy Watch Samsung is bringing some of that wearable s most compelling features to an older device A Galaxy Watch Active update is rolling out now which adds features focused on health communicati 2020-09-10 15:12:50
海外TECH Engadget Facebook launches Campus to keep college kids connected (again) https://www.engadget.com/facebook-campus-college-only-social-network-again-150534405.html Facebook launches Campus to keep college kids connected again When you see Mark Zuckerberg being grilled by Congress or listening to people discuss his company s role in presidential elections it can be easy to forget Facebook s roots as a college only social network Now with a new school year upon us Faceb 2020-09-10 15:05:34
Cisco Cisco Blog Securing Remote and Mobile Workers the Webex Way https://blogs.cisco.com/collaboration/securing-remote-and-mobile-workers-the-webex-way Securing Remote and Mobile Workers the Webex WayWhether it s the ability to secure mobile devices so users can safely use Webex on the go or granular tools to prevent data leakage Cisco has unparalleled security to secure your remote work force The post Securing Remote and Mobile Workers the Webex Way appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-09-10 15:59:54
Cisco Cisco Blog Secure, Hybrid Learning with Webex https://blogs.cisco.com/collaboration/secure-hybrid-learning-with-webex Secure Hybrid Learning with WebexWebex is here to support hybrid learning as well as the transition to virtual learning with easy to use secure new tools and features to help families students and teachers get the best educational experience The post Secure Hybrid Learning with Webex appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-09-10 15:45:04
Cisco Cisco Blog Beyond Crisis: Building resilience in times of disruption https://blogs.cisco.com/datacenter/beyond-crisis-building-resilience-in-times-of-disruption Beyond Crisis Building resilience in times of disruptionOrganizations today need to equip their teams with technologies that allow them to work as one They also need to invest in modernized infrastructure that is capable of automating IT processes and providing actionable insights based on a common data set Those that do will tap into the ultimate superpower for business resiliency in the next new normal IT agility The post Beyond Crisis Building resilience in times of disruption appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-09-10 15:00:43
Cisco Cisco Blog Meet Caeli: People’s Choice Award Winner for India Impact and the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2020 https://blogs.cisco.com/csr/meet-caeli-peoples-choice-award-and-india-impact-peoples-choice-award-winner-of-the-cisco-global-problem-solver-challenge-2020dtidpblgblg001473oidpstoth022644 Meet Caeli People s Choice Award Winner for India Impact and the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge Caeli is the first anti pollution mask that is not only portable but can track the health of the patient as well as medication usage through an app They won both the Global Problem Solver Challenge People s Choice Award USD and India Impact People s Choice Award USD Learn more from their team The post Meet Caeli People s Choice Award Winner for India Impact and the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge appeared first on Cisco Blogs 2020-09-10 15:00:32
海外科学 NYT > Science Wildfires Are Worsening. The Way We Manage Them Isn’t Keeping Pace. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/10/climate/wildfires-climate-policy.html Wildfires Are Worsening The Way We Manage Them Isn t Keeping Pace The blazes scorching the West highlight the urgency of rethinking fire management policies as climate change threatens to make things worse 2020-09-10 15:28:52
海外科学 NYT > Science Covid-19 News: Live Updates https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/10/world/covid-19-coronavirus.html Covid News Live UpdatesThe Senate is set to vote on the Republicans “skinny stimulus bill but it s expected to fall short of the vote threshold The U S extradition hearing of Julian Assange in London was abruptly halted so a lawyer could be tested for the virus 2020-09-10 15:59:07
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 英文開示銘柄一覧 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shijyo/foreign/meigara.html 開示 2020-09-10 16:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 株券等貸借取引状況(週間) https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/kabu-taiw/index.html 貸借 2020-09-10 15:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ ファクタリングに関する注意喚起を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/user/factoring.html 注意喚起 2020-09-10 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融安定理事会による清算集中されない証券金融取引における最低ヘアカット基準の実施延期に関するプレス・リリースの公表について掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/inter/fsf/20200910/20200910.html 証券金融 2020-09-10 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 第44回金融審議会総会・第32回金融分科会合同会合議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kinyu/soukai/siryou/20200911.html 金融審議会 2020-09-10 17:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Tokyo logs 276 coronavirus cases, up more than 100 from day earlier https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/09/10/national/science-health/tokyo-logs-276-coronavirus-cases-100-day-earlier/ Tokyo logs coronavirus cases up more than from day earlierYangon Myanmar Tokyo reported new coronavirus cases on Thursday a day after posting just cases The Tokyo Metropolitan Government said in a statement 2020-09-11 01:29:53
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles IOC’s Thomas Bach warns vaccines no ‘silver bullet’ for Tokyo Olympics https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2020/09/10/olympics/summer-olympics/bach-vaccines-silver-bullet-tokyo-olympics/ IOC s Thomas Bach warns vaccines no silver bullet for Tokyo OlympicsBach said progress with vaccines and rapid testing for COVID would not be the complete answer for staging the rescheduled games 2020-09-11 00:27:17
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Hostel in Osaka lets guests fall asleep while counting cats https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2020/09/10/travel/cat-hostel-osaka/ coronavirus 2020-09-11 02:00:06
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Can Abe’s successor lead Japan to economic prosperity? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/09/10/commentary/japan-commentary/can-abes-successor-lead-japan-economic-prosperity/ creative 2020-09-11 00:11:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Brexit: EU threatens legal action over UK changes to divorce deal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-54097320 michael 2020-09-10 15:22:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Dame Diana Rigg: Avengers, Bond and Game of Thrones actress dies at 82 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-54106509 thrones 2020-09-10 15:20:21
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: New six people rule for 'no longer than we have to' - Hancock https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-54102872 gatherings 2020-09-10 15:31:48
ニュース BBC News - Home Winchester school bus bridge crash leaves children injured https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-54099591 winchester 2020-09-10 15:04:21
ニュース BBC News - Home Beirut fire: Large blaze erupts in port area, month after explosion https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-54100251 warehouse 2020-09-10 15:45:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Moria migrants: Greek ships to help shelter 13,000 after fire https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-54094683 squalid 2020-09-10 15:12:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Alan Minter: British boxing legend dies at 69 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/54107864 bronze 2020-09-10 15:57:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Switzerland's Hirschi wins his first Tour stage https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cycling/54108439 france 2020-09-10 15:49:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: How many people can attend a wedding? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52811509 coronavirus 2020-09-10 15:38:30
北海道 北海道新聞 眞子さまの「気持ち尊重」 紀子さま54歳 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/459108/ 宮内記者会 2020-09-11 00:36:40
北海道 北海道新聞 菅氏、消費税増税必要と明言 「人口減避けられず」と強調 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/459141/ 官房長官 2020-09-11 00:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 楽2―ソ9(10日) ソフトバンクが3連勝 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/459136/ 連勝 2020-09-11 00:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「一議員として役割」日ロ交渉で首相意向 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/459134/ 首相官邸 2020-09-11 00:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 アウェー戦で禁止行為 J2新潟のサポーター https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/459133/ 新型コロナウイルス 2020-09-11 00:03:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) 日本暗号資産ビジネス協会(JCBA)、2020 年度事業計画 重点テーマを発表 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_17_11949 事業計画 2020-09-11 00:15:10
ニュース THE BRIDGE PropTech特化VCのデジタルベースキャピタル、台湾に地元PropTechスタートアップのコミュニティ「PropTech Taiwan」を設立 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/9ctZQecbEQk/digital-base-capital-launches-proptech-taiwan PropTech特化VCのデジタルベースキャピタル、台湾に地元PropTechスタートアップのコミュニティ「PropTechTaiwan」を設立※この記事は英語で書かれた記事を日本語訳したものです。 2020-09-10 15:00:47
ニュース THE BRIDGE D2Cメンズスキンケア「BULK HOMME」運営、VCや丸井などから約15億円を資金調達——海外展開など強化へ http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/lHxoB6cORkg/bulk-homme-jpy1-5b-funding 2020-09-10 15:00:34



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