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IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、折り畳み式iPhone用のディスプレイのサンプルをSamsungに要求か https://taisy0.com/2020/09/11/125192.html Apple、折り畳み式iPhone用のディスプレイのサンプルをSamsungに要求かリーカーのi冰宇宙IceUniverse氏が、AppleがSamsungDisplayに対し、折りたたみスマホ用ディスプレイのサンプルを大量に要求したようだと報告しています。 2020-09-10 23:50:53
IT 気になる、記になる… Microsoft、「Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20211」をDevチャネル向けにリリース https://taisy0.com/2020/09/11/125190.html 2020-09-10 23:31:44
TECH Engadget Japanese Apple Watch用Googleマップ、3年ぶりに配信再開。到着予定時間や道案内が便利に https://japanese.engadget.com/apple-watch-googlemaps-230028631.html applewatch 2020-09-10 23:00:28
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TECH Techable(テッカブル) Apple Watch含むデバイス4台同時充電できる新モバイルバッテリー、Satechiが来月発売 https://techable.jp/archives/137299 applewatch 2020-09-10 23:00:27
AWS AWS How do I set up an HTTP proxy for Docker and the Amazon ECS container agent in Amazon Linux 2? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJp61sa70uc How do I set up an HTTP proxy for Docker and the Amazon ECS container agent in Amazon Linux For more details see the Knowledge Center article with this video Pooja shows you how to set up an HTTP proxy for Docker and the Amazon ECS container agent in Amazon Linux 2020-09-10 23:33:54
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 同じ場所への処理はどちらが適用されるか https://teratail.com/questions/291052?rss=all backcolornbspnbspblue 2020-09-11 08:59:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WordPressのテーマ「Lightning」でメニューがサイトに表示されない。 https://teratail.com/questions/291051?rss=all WordPressのテーマ「Lightning」でメニューがサイトに表示されない。 2020-09-11 08:51:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 子・孫・ひ孫オブジェクトの非表示を一括表示 https://teratail.com/questions/291050?rss=all 子・孫・ひ孫オブジェクトの非表示を一括表示前提・実現したいこと親アセンブリにぶらさがっている、非表示になっている子・孫・ひ孫すべてを一括で表示させたいです。 2020-09-11 08:39:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ランダムフォレスト、決定木のアルゴリズムについて https://teratail.com/questions/291049?rss=all ランダムフォレスト、決定木のアルゴリズムについてこんにちは。 2020-09-11 08:20:06
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails アプリケーションの作成準備 https://qiita.com/braut/items/2a4d8d28a9baa6766633 データベースの作成configdatabaseymldefaultampdefaultadaptermysqlencodingutfpoolltENVfetchRAILSMAXTHREADSgtusernamerootpasswordsockettmpmysqlsock「utf」のようにエンコーディングの設定を行うことができます。 2020-09-11 08:56:05
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita privateメソッド https://qiita.com/kawashi23/items/d1bd699f519c1ebacfff privateメソッドはじめに、前投稿でゲッターで得た値をインスタンス名ゲッターメソッド名で出力可能ですと記述いたしましたが、誤りでした、申し訳ありません。 2020-09-11 08:28:03
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon EKS ExternalDNSでサービスを公開する https://qiita.com/Brutus/items/0fef45ff87811f1f0c5b AmazonEKSでクラスターを作成し、ドメインを取得してアプリケーションを外部に公開するためには、ドメインとAmazonEKSを紐付ける作業が必要になります。 2020-09-11 08:16:15
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【レポート】Transit Gateway, PrivateLink VPC アーキテクチャー deep dive #AWSSummit https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-summit-online-2020-sessions-2-45123/ transitgatewayprivatel 2020-09-10 23:33:53
海外TECH DEV Community Blue/Green Node.js Deploys with NGINX https://dev.to/justincy/blue-green-node-js-deploys-with-nginx-bkc Blue Green Node js Deploys with NGINXI recently faced a situation where I needed to deploy Node js apps to my own servers When I started this endeavor I tried to find helpful material so that I didn t have to figure it all out myself but all I could find was use NGINX and probably use pm Those were helpful recommendations but it still left a lot of details for me to figure out In this post I ll discuss the issues I faced and the solutions I chose so that maybe it helps someone else in the future who is facing similar problems We ll cover the following topics Verifying Host KeysRemotely Executing a Deploy Script on the VMsManaging the Node js Processes with PMBlue Green Deploys with NGINXParallel DeploysReusable Private GitHub ActionScrubbing Secrets in GitHub Action Logs RequirementsZero downtime deploys I could easily justify to management that it s too complicated and we must have a maintenance window but zero downtime deploys are expected these days especially for front end apps For my own sake my pride and my conscience I wanted to make this happen Automatically deploy whenever the master branch is updated I don t know how common this is but I ve been doing this for years with Heroku and I can t imagine any other way of developing Manually triggering deploys feels archaic Deploy to existing machines The deploy targets would be a set of production VMs that are currently in use I did not have the option of using new VMs and swapping out the old ones ImplementationWe already used GitHub Actions to run tests against all PRs so I figured we d also use them to trigger deploys when the master branch is updated Conceptually I imagined the process would look something like this A push to master triggers a deployConnect to all deploy targets servers and run a script that installs and runs the new codeDivert traffic from the old code to the new codeCleanup the old codeIt took me days to get from that high level outline to the final implementation I ll explain where I ended up and why I made certain choices Verifying Host Keys One of the first issues I ran into was verifying the host keys When you first ssh into a machine a prompt asks you whether you trust the remote server s key But I was running this in a script so I needed to avoid that prompt You can disable it but that s considered dangerous because of potential man in the middle attacks An alternative is to use ssh keyscan to automatically add the remote keys to your trusted list ssh keyscan IP gt gt ssh known hostsBut I don t see how that s any more secure Either way you re blindly trusting the IP What are the alternatives Perhaps you could manually run ssh keyscan once for each host and then store the result in a config that then get s added to known hosts Remotely Executing a Deploy Script on the VMs I had a list of IPs that were deploy targets and an SSH key Somehow I needed to run a set of commands on the VMs that would actually perform the deploy The set of commands started small so I began by using appleboy ssh action name SSH Commands uses appleboy ssh action v env GH TOKEN secrets GH TOKEN with host secrets DEPLOY IP username secrets DEPLOY USERNAME key secrets SSH KEY script stop true envs GH TOKEN script cd srv bg git clone depth https GH TOKEN github com Org Repo git cd bg web npm i npm run build npm run startBut my short list of commands quickly grew and I soon desired to maintain a bash script that would be remotely executed So I switched to something like this name Deploy run KEY FILE mktemp echo secrets SSH KEY gt KEY FILE ssh i KEY FILE ubuntu secrets DEPLOY IP lt deploy shThat worked well I particularly enjoyed having syntax highlighting while working on the deploy script But eventually I wanted more such as logging output of the deploy script to a temporary log file and passing env vars to the script I decided to just copy the deploy script onto the VM before executing I already had an SSH key available which made this easy with scp Transfer the deploy script onto the VM so that we can execute it later If we have previously deployed to the VM an older version of the script will be there and be overwritten with the latest version scp i KEY FILE scripts deploy sh ubuntu IP Execute the deploy script and save the logs to a temp file ssh i KEY FILE ubuntu IP tmpfile mktemp tmp deploy XXXX echo Deploy log for IP saved in tmpfile GH TOKEN GH TOKEN IP IP REPO REPO bash deploy sh gt tmpfile gt amp That s what I ended up The only thing I don t like about it is the list of environment variables the list is actually a lot longer in the version I m using If you know of a better way please let me know Managing the Node js Processes with PM Node js is single threaded which means you need to run multiple instances of the same process in order to use all available CPU cores Typically this is done with the Cluster API I ve used it before and I didn t want to use it again You have to setup a master file that spawns processes and manages their lifecycle handles errors respawns processes that die etc Instead of handling all that myself I chose to use pm Now clustering an app is as simple as pm start i max name PROCESS NAME START COMMANDLater when I need to cleanup the old code I can use pm list to find any processes which don t match the new PROCESS NAME and kill them with pm delete More on that in the next section Blue Green Deploys A blue green deployment is one way to achieve zero downtime deployments by spinning up a new server then routing traffic to it before retiring the old server However I didn t have the affordance of using a new server so I had to accomplish the same thing on an existing server Traffic would come in on port or Binding to those ports requires root privileges But you don t want your web app to have root privileges So you can either use iptables to redirect port to your app or you can use NGINX We chose NGINX because it offers much more in the way of HTTP configuration which we anticipate needing in the future SSL certificates headers etc We start off with a conf file in etc nginx site enabled that looks like this server listen server name domain com location proxy pass http localhost Later when we deploy a new script port is already used so we need to use a different port We could constantly swap back and forth between port and but keeping track of which port is currently being requires state and feels fragile So I opted with randomly generating a port each time then checking that it s not currently being used Picks a random number between and function random number floor range number while number le floor do number RANDOM let number range done echo number Pick a random port between and that isn t currently being used PORT random number while lsof i P n grep PORT do PORT random number doneecho Ready to deploy on port PORT I also used the port number in the directory where I installed the code to make sure there weren t any conflicts with previous installations and to identify the processes with registering them with pm Now we update the NGINX conf sudo cat lt lt EOF sudo tee etc nginx sites enabled site conf gt dev nullserver listen server name domain com location proxy pass http localhost PORT EOFThough the configuration file has changed NGINX isn t yet aware of it We can tell it to reload the file by sending the reload signal sudo nginx s reloadThe NGINX docs say that this is supposed to happen gracefully It starts new worker processes and sends messages to old worker processes requesting them to shut down gracefully Old worker processes close listen sockets and continue to service old clients After all clients are serviced old worker processes are shut down That s wonderful It takes care of gracefully transferring traffic so that we don t have to However it doesn t emit a signal when the transfer is done So how do we know when we can retire and cleanup the old code One way is by watching traffic to your processes But that sounds complicated to me There are multiple processes How do I know when traffic is done going to all of them If you have any ideas here I d love to hear But I went with a different solution I realized that NGINX had a fixed number of worker processes which appears to be tied to the number of CPU cores But the paragraph I quoted above about reloading says it starts new workers in parallel to the old so during the reload you have x the number of workers Therefore I figured I could count the number of worker processes before the reload and then wait until the number of workers returned to normal It worked function nginx workers echo ps ef grep nginx worker process grep v grep wc l Reload instead of restart should keep traffic going and gracefully transfer between the old server and the new server controlecho Reloading nginx numWorkerProcesses nginx workers sudo nginx s reload Wait for the old nginx workers to be retired before we kill the old server while nginx workers ne numWorkerProcesses do sleep done Ready to retire the old codeIt s not zero downtime I did load testing to confirm that there s about a second of down time I don t know whether that s because I m still killing the old processes too early or if it s because NGINX is refusing connections I tried adding more sleep after the loop to make sure all connections had drained and terminated but it didn t help at all I also noticed that the errors during the load test were about not being able to establish a connection as opposed to the connection being terminated early which leads me to believe it s due to NGINX reloads not being graceful But it s all good enough for now Now we re ready to cleanup the old code Delete old processes from PM We re assuming that traffic has ceased to the old server at this point These commands get the list of existing processes pair it down to a unique list of processes and then delete all but the new one pm list grep o P PROCESS NAME d uniq while IFS n read process do if process PROCESS NAME PORT then pm delete process fidone Delete old files from the server The only directory that needs to remain is the new directory for the new server So we loop through a list of all directories in the deploy location currently srv bg and delete all except for the new one echo Deleting old directories for olddir in ls d srv bg do if olddir srv bg PORT then echo Deleting olddir rm rf olddir else echo Saving olddir fidone Parallel Deploys I first got the blue green deploy working on one machine I figured it d be easy to change so that it works on multiple machines by looping over a list of IP addresses It probably would ve been easy if I had done the deploys serially but I wanted to do the deploys in parallel to reduce the time spent on the deploy I was hoping I could just background the ssh command ssh amp But I got some error message about how that was wrong Searching the internet revealed a host of alternatives that didn t work or that didn t easily provide a child process ID more later on why we need that I finally ended up just creating another bash script that had the scp and ssh commands Then I could easily background the execution of that bash script Turn the list of IPs into an arrayIPS DEPLOY IPS for IP in IPS do echo Preparing to connect to IP Here s that list of env vars again KEY FILE KEY FILE GH TOKEN GH TOKEN IP IP REPO GITHUB REPOSITORY bash scripts connect sh amp doneSo I ended up with this trio of scripts deploy manager sh gt connect sh gt deploy shBut how do I know when the deploys are done and how will I know if one of them fails I found a nice solution on the Unix amp Linux StackExchange website You just collect the child process IDs then wait on all of them to make sure their exit codes are What do you do if the deploy fails on one machine but succeeds on another I haven t addressed that problem yet Any ideas Reusable Private GitHub Action After I got this all working in one repo with multiple deploy targets I decided to move it into a private GitHub Action so that it could be shared across multiple Node js apps I expected this to be easy because I already had all the working code But as always I was wrong First GitHub doesn t officially support private actions but you can get around it with a handy solution GitHub offers two implementation choices for custom actions Node js or Docker I have written Node js actions before and I didn t enjoy the experience as much as I had hoped It requires you to commit bundled code to your repo because it doesn t install dependencies for you You can probably get away without using deps if you work hard at it but it s even more inconvenient to not use actions core It also feels wrong to write a node script that just executes a bash script So I decided to create a Docker action I assumed that all I needed was vanilla dockerfile that would execute the deploy manager sh script But I quickly ran into problems My scripts were developed to execute on the GitHub workflow runners I specified ubuntu latest and assumed it was a pretty vanilla install But it turns out they install tons of software and unfortunately do not have it available a docker container Luckily all I needed to install was openssh server Here s my final Dockerfile FROM ubuntu RUN apt update amp amp apt install y openssh serverCOPY scripts sh scripts ENTRYPOINT scripts deploy manager sh I ran into another problem Host key verification started failing when I switched to the Docker action It s because Docker GitHub Actions are run as root while I developed the scripts running as the user ubuntu Users have their own known hosts file located at ssh known hosts But for root I needed to modify the global file located at etc ssh ssh known hosts I was pleased to learn Docker but I might reevaluate the decision to use it Is it better to build a container every time an action runs or to commit bundled code to your action repo Scrubbing Secrets in GitHub Action Logs If you want have custom environment variables in GitHub Workflows your only option is to use Secrets One of my secrets stores the list of IPs for the deploy targets But it s not really something I need to keep private and is often useful in debug logs GitHub scrubs action logs to automatically redact secrets Since my IPs were in a list and I was only printing one I figured it wouldn t be redacted But it was They must be doing partial matching on the secrets I wonder what length of characters they use To get around this I used an UNSECRET IP variable that was IP with all the dots replaced with dashes Sure enough it wasn t redacted UNSECRET IP echo IP tr ConclusionThat s a lot of work and it doesn t even handle partial deploy failures roll backs or log management I imagine I ll spend quite a bit of time maintaining this creation It s cemented by belief in the value of PaaS providers I d much rather pay someone to do this for me and to do it much better than I can I prefer using PaaS providers like Heroku Netlify and Vercel so that I don t have to do everything discussed here 2020-09-10 23:10:59
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海外科学 NYT > Science A University Had a Great Coronavirus Plan, but Students Partied On https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/10/health/university-illinois-covid.html A University Had a Great Coronavirus Plan but Students Partied OnAn unexpected upswing in positive tests at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign showed how even the most comprehensive approaches to limiting the virus s spread can break down 2020-09-10 23:40:28
海外科学 NYT > Science Covid-19 Live Updates: G.O.P.’s Scaled-Back Stimulus Bill Fails in Senate https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/10/world/covid-19-coronavirus.html Covid Live Updates G O P s Scaled Back Stimulus Bill Fails in SenateThe Senate did not approve a Republican proposal and it looks increasingly unlikely that Washington will be able to reach a deal before the election for more virus aid 2020-09-10 23:51:45
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海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Citizen science taps into public's love of trees https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54106793 citizen 2020-09-10 23:41:57
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