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IT 気になる、記になる… 今度は「iPhone 13 Pro Max」の図面が流出か − 「iPhone 13」シリーズの本体サイズが続々と明らかに https://taisy0.com/2021/04/16/139049.html iphone 2021-04-16 05:29:26
IT InfoQ アーティクル: Kubernetesはプラットフォームではなく、基盤に過ぎない https://www.infoq.com/jp/articles/kubernetes-successful-adoption-foundation/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global アーティクルKubernetesはプラットフォームではなく、基盤に過ぎないこの記事でManuelPais氏が論じるのは、多くの企業がKubernetesを社内プラットフォームの単なる技術的基盤ではなく、プラットフォームそのものだと見ていることです。 2021-04-16 05:12:00
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders 住友電工情報システム、クライアント管理ソフト「MCore Ver.7.5」、社内と社外でポリシーを切り替え可能に | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/21383 住友電工情報システム、クライアント管理ソフト「MCoreVer」、社内と社外でポリシーを切り替え可能にITLeaders住友電工情報システムは年月日、IT資産管理やセキュリティ対策などの機能群を一通り備えたクライアント管理ソフトウェアの新版「MCoreエムコアVer」の販売を開始した。 2021-04-16 14:50:00
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Vue.jsでSlackみたいなメンションと入力中の名前色付けを作った完成形コードとハマった話と解決法 https://qiita.com/GussieTech/items/867fb31fdda8053624f2 完成形忙しい人へ環境VuevxBootstrapvxvuementionハマった話と解決法もくじメンションポップアップTributeが期待した位置に表示されてくれないvuementionが表示されないvuementionの表示位置がおかしい全角で期待通りに動いてくれない入力中の名前色付けtextarea内の文字に色をつける方法がないスクロールバーの有無で色付け位置がズレるメンションポップアップTributeが期待した位置に表示されてくれないリリース当初よりTributeでメンションの動作を実装していました。 2021-04-16 14:56:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 復習 Javascript きほんの 「き」 初心者 算術演算子編 5 データ型 論理型 null型 undefined型 https://qiita.com/Hoshi10Lighthouse/items/142bdf660a3376d1d56f データ型は文字列型変数str・・・見た目は数字だけどシングルクォートダブルクォートで囲うと、文字列型になる次行きましょ数値型数値型がある加算か結合か注意sumnumnumdocumentwriteltpgtsumltpgt文字列型文字列型sumstrstrdocumentwriteltpgtsumltpgtブラウザ表示・数字型同士は加算・文字列同士は文字列結合私ここまで理解おっけじゃあ数値型と文字列型結合したらどうなるのか・・・数値型文字列型sumnumstrdocumentwriteltpgtsumltpgtブラウザ表示数値型文字列型異なる値にを使ったら数値型は文字列型扱いになって文字列結合が行われるのかぁ他にもあるよさわりだけ論理型varflagflagtrue真flagfalse偽truefalseの二つの値を持つ形式null型varnum数値型varstr文字列型varnothingnullnull型varnothingnullこれがnull型、値がない、データとしてなんもないことを表現。 2021-04-16 14:49:02
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita `preinstall: typesync`がgit clone直後にエラーになるのを防ぐ https://qiita.com/the_red/items/b09acfe6bd28572f5e73 スクリプト全体の終了ステータスがであればインストールが実行されるので、シェル芸でcommandtrueすればcommandが失敗してもインストールは続くわけです。 2021-04-16 14:26:53
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptのHoistingについてメモ https://qiita.com/yukicho/items/934416ac36af0573554b ③letやconstで宣言した変数②と同じコードをletで書くとexampleconsolelogcalcletcalcコンソール上の結果はこちらエラーになりますね。 2021-04-16 14:06:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) for文内でデータフレーム名に変数を適用したい https://teratail.com/questions/333566?rss=all for文内でデータフレーム名に変数を適用したい実現したいことpythonのpandasでアンケート集計をしています。 2021-04-16 14:59:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AWS ラムダ → S3のアップロードでAccess Deniedになる https://teratail.com/questions/333565?rss=all AWSラムダ→SのアップロードでAccessDeniedになるjavaでSへBaseでデコードした画像情報をアップロードしようとするとAccessDeniedになります。 2021-04-16 14:50:56
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html dotHTML5 HTML5/CSS3のニュースやTIPSなどのまとめ (2021年4月16日) http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/dotHTML5/~3/3xj7seBOH0I/20210416_clips.html 2021-04-16 15:00:00
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GCP】Cloud Identity / Workspace / Gmailアカウント の違いについて https://qiita.com/Mune_robo/items/604d57de1fde45435467 簡単に取得できますが、このアカウントでもGCPを利用開始することができるのです。 2021-04-16 14:53:30
海外TECH DEV Community React CRUD App Tutorial – Build a Book Management App in React from Scratch https://dev.to/myogeshchavan97/react-crud-app-tutorial-build-a-book-management-app-in-react-from-scratch-f7b React CRUD App Tutorial Build a Book Management App in React from ScratchIn this article you will build a Book Management App in React from scratch and learn how to perform CRUD Create Read Update and Delete operations By creating this app you will learnHow to perform CRUD operationsHow to use React Router for navigation between routesHow to use React Context API to pass data across routesHow to create a Custom Hook in ReactHow to store data in local storage to persist it even after page refreshHow to manage data stored in local storage using custom hookand much more We will be using React Hooks for building this application So if you re new to React Hooks check out my Introduction to React Hooks article to learn the basics of Hooks Want to learn Redux from the absolute beginning and build a food ordering app from scratch Check out the Mastering Redux course Initial SetupCreate a new project using create react app npx create react app book management appOnce the project is created delete all files from the src folder and create index js and styles scss files inside the src folder Also create components context hooks and router folders inside the src folder Install the necessary dependencies yarn add bootstrap lodash react bootstrap node sass react router dom uuid Open styles scss and add the contents from here inside it How to Create the Initial PagesCreate a new file Header js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react import NavLink from react router dom const Header gt return lt header gt lt h gt Book Management App lt h gt lt hr gt lt div className links gt lt NavLink to className link activeClassName active exact gt Books List lt NavLink gt lt NavLink to add className link activeClassName active gt Add Book lt NavLink gt lt div gt lt header gt export default Header Here we ve added two navigation links using the NavLink component of react router dom one to see a list of all the books and the other to add a new book We re using the NavLink component instead of the anchor tag lt a gt so the page will not refresh when clicked on any of the links Create a new file BooksList js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react const BooksList gt return lt h gt List of books lt h gt export default BooksList Create a new file AddBook js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react import BookForm from BookForm const AddBook gt const handleOnSubmit book gt console log book return lt React Fragment gt lt BookForm handleOnSubmit handleOnSubmit gt lt React Fragment gt export default AddBook In this file we re displaying a BookForm component which we re yet to create For the BookForm component we re passing the handleOnSubmit method so we can do some processing later once we submit the form Now create a new file BookForm js inside the components folder with the following content import React useState from react import Form Button from react bootstrap import v as uuidv from uuid const BookForm props gt const book setBook useState bookname props book props book bookname author props book props book author quantity props book props book quantity price props book props book price date props book props book date const errorMsg setErrorMsg useState const bookname author price quantity book const handleOnSubmit event gt event preventDefault const values bookname author price quantity let errorMsg const allFieldsFilled values every field gt const value field trim return value amp amp value if allFieldsFilled const book id uuidv bookname author price quantity date new Date props handleOnSubmit book else errorMsg Please fill out all the fields setErrorMsg errorMsg const handleInputChange event gt const name value event target switch name case quantity if value parseInt value value setBook prevState gt prevState name value break case price if value value match d d setBook prevState gt prevState name value break default setBook prevState gt prevState name value return lt div className main form gt errorMsg amp amp lt p className errorMsg gt errorMsg lt p gt lt Form onSubmit handleOnSubmit gt lt Form Group controlId name gt lt Form Label gt Book Name lt Form Label gt lt Form Control className input control type text name bookname value bookname placeholder Enter name of book onChange handleInputChange gt lt Form Group gt lt Form Group controlId author gt lt Form Label gt Book Author lt Form Label gt lt Form Control className input control type text name author value author placeholder Enter name of author onChange handleInputChange gt lt Form Group gt lt Form Group controlId quantity gt lt Form Label gt Quantity lt Form Label gt lt Form Control className input control type number name quantity value quantity placeholder Enter available quantity onChange handleInputChange gt lt Form Group gt lt Form Group controlId price gt lt Form Label gt Book Price lt Form Label gt lt Form Control className input control type text name price value price placeholder Enter price of book onChange handleInputChange gt lt Form Group gt lt Button variant primary type submit className submit btn gt Submit lt Button gt lt Form gt lt div gt export default BookForm Let s understand what we re doing here Initially we ve defined a state as an object using useState hook to store all the entered details like this const book setBook useState bookname props book props book bookname author props book props book author quantity props book props book quantity price props book props book price date props book props book date As we ll be using the same BookForm component to add and edit the book we re first checking if the book prop is passed or not using the ternary operator If the prop is passed we re setting it to the passed value otherwise an empty string Don t worry If it looks complicated now You will understand it better once we build some initial functionality Then we ve added a state for displaying an error message and used ES destructuring syntax to refer each of the property inside the state like this const errorMsg setErrorMsg useState const bookname author price quantity book From the BookForm component we re returning a Form where we enter book name book author quantity and price We re using react bootstrap framework to display the form in a nice format Each input field has added a onChange handler which calls the handleInputChange method Inside the handleInputChange method we ve added a switch statement to change the value of the state based on which input field is changed When we type anything in the quantity input field event target name will be quantity so the first switch case will match and inside that switch case we re checking If the entered value is an integer without a decimal point If yes then only we re updating the state as shown below if value parseInt value value setBook prevState gt prevState name value So the user is not able to enter any decimal value for the quantity input field For the price switch case we re checking for a decimal number with only two digits after the decimal point So we ve added a regular expression check value match d d If the price value matches with the regular expression then only we re updating the state Note For both the quantity and price switch case we re checking for empty value also like this value This is to allow the user to entirely delete the entered value if required Without that check the user will not be able to able to delete the entered value by pressing Ctrl A Delete For all other input fields the default switch case will be executed which will update the state based on entered value Next once we submit the form the handleOnSubmit method will be called Inside this method we re first checking If the user has entered all the details using the array every method const allFieldsFilled values every field gt const value field trim return value amp amp value Array every method is one of the most useful array methods in JavaScript Check out my this article to learn about the most useful JavaScript array methods along with their browser support If all the values are filled in then we re creating an object with all the filled in values and calling the handleOnSubmit method by passing the book as an argument otherwise we re setting an error message The handleOnSubmit method is passed as a prop from the AddBook component if allFieldsFilled const book id uuidv bookname author price quantity date new Date props handleOnSubmit book else errorMsg Please fill out all the fields Note that to create a unique id we re calling uuidv method from uuid npm package Now create a new file AppRouter js inside the router folder with the following content import React from react import BrowserRouter Switch Route from react router dom import Header from components Header import AddBook from components AddBook import BooksList from components BooksList const AppRouter gt return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div gt lt Header gt lt div className main content gt lt Switch gt lt Route component BooksList path exact true gt lt Route component AddBook path add gt lt Switch gt lt div gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default AppRouter Here we have set up routing for various components like BooksList and AddBook using react router dom library If you re new to React Router Check out my free React Router Introduction course Now open src index js file and add the following contents inside it import React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import AppRouter from router AppRouter import bootstrap dist css bootstrap min css import styles scss ReactDOM render lt AppRouter gt document getElementById root Now start the React App by running the following command from the terminal yarn startYou will see the following screen when you access the application at http localhost As you can see we re correctly able to add the book and display it on the console But Instead of logging into the console let s add it to local storage How to Create a Custom Hook for Local StorageLocal storage is amazing It allows us to easily store application data in the browser and is an alternative to cookies for storing data The advantage of using local storage is that the data will be saved permanently in the browser cache until we manually delete it so we can access it even after refreshing the page as you might be aware that data stored in the React state will be lost once we refresh the page There are many use cases of local storage one of them is to store shopping cart items so it will not be deleted even we refresh the page To add data to the local storage we use the setItem method by providing a key and value localStorage setItem key value Both the key and value have to be a string But we can store the JSON object also by using JSON stringify method To learn about local storage and its various applications in detail check out my this article Create a new file useLocalStorage js inside the hooks folder with the following content import useState useEffect from react const useLocalStorage key initialValue gt const value setValue useState gt try const localValue window localStorage getItem key return localValue JSON parse localValue initialValue catch error return initialValue useEffect gt window localStorage setItem key JSON stringify value key value return value setValue export default useLocalStorage Here we ve used a useLocalStorage hook that accepts a key and initialValue For declaring a state using the useState hook we re using lazy initialization So the code inside the function passed to the useState will be executed only once even If the useLocalStorage hook will be called multiple times on every re render of the application So initially we re checking If there is any value in local storage with the provided key and returning the value by parsing it using JSON parse methodtry const localValue window localStorage getItem key return localValue JSON parse localValue initialValue catch error return initialValue Then later If there is any change in the key or value we ll update the local storage useEffect gt window localStorage setItem key JSON stringify value key value return value setValue and then we re returning the value stored in local storage and setValue function which we will call to update the localStorage data How to Use the Local Storage HookNow let s use this useLocalStorage hook so we can add or remove data from local storage Open the AppRouter js file and use the useLocalStorage hook inside the component import useLocalStorage from hooks useLocalStorage const AppRouter gt const books setBooks useLocalStorage books return Now we need to pass the books and setBooks as a prop to the AddBook component so we can add the book to the local storage So change the route from this code lt Route component AddBook path add gt to the below code lt Route render props gt lt AddBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path add gt Here we re using the render props pattern to pass the default props passed by React router along with the books and setBooks Check out my free React Router Introduction course to better understand this render props pattern and the importance of using the render keyword instead of component Your entire AppRouter js file will look like this now import React from react import BrowserRouter Switch Route from react router dom import Header from components Header import AddBook from components AddBook import BooksList from components BooksList import useLocalStorage from hooks useLocalStorage const AppRouter gt const books setBooks useLocalStorage books return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div gt lt Header gt lt div className main content gt lt Switch gt lt Route component BooksList path exact true gt lt Route render props gt lt AddBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path add gt lt Switch gt lt div gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default AppRouter Now open AddBook js and replace its content with the following code import React from react import BookForm from BookForm const AddBook history books setBooks gt const handleOnSubmit book gt setBooks book books history push return lt React Fragment gt lt BookForm handleOnSubmit handleOnSubmit gt lt React Fragment gt export default AddBook First we re using ES destructuring syntax to access the history books and setBooks props into the component history prop is automatically passed by React Router to every component mentioned in the lt Route gt and we re passing books and setBooks props from the AppRouter js file We re storing all the added books in an array so inside the handleOnSubmit method we re calling the setBooks function by passing an array by adding a newly added book first and then spreading all the books already added in the books array as shown below setBooks book books Here I m adding the newly added book first and then spreading the already added books because I want the latest book to be displayed first when we display the list of books later But you can change the order If you want like this setBooks books book This will add the newly added book at the end of all already added books We re able to use spread operator because we know that books is an array as we have initialized it to an empty array in AppRouter js file as shown below const books setBooks useLocalStorage books Then once the book is added to local storage by calling the setBooks method inside the handleOnSubmit method we re redirecting the user to the Books List page using the history push method history push Now let s check If we re able to save the books to local storage or not As you can see the book is correctly getting added to the local storage as can be confirmed from the applications tab of chrome dev tools How to Display Added Books on the UINow let s display the added books on the UI under the Books List menu Open the AppRouter js file and pass the books and setBooks as a prop to the BooksList component Your AppRouter js file will look like this now import React from react import BrowserRouter Switch Route from react router dom import Header from components Header import AddBook from components AddBook import BooksList from components BooksList import useLocalStorage from hooks useLocalStorage const AppRouter gt const books setBooks useLocalStorage books return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div gt lt Header gt lt div className main content gt lt Switch gt lt Route render props gt lt BooksList props books books setBooks setBooks gt path exact true gt lt Route render props gt lt AddBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path add gt lt Switch gt lt div gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default AppRouter Here we ve just changed the first Route related to the BooksList component Now create a new file Book js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react import Button Card from react bootstrap const Book id bookname author price quantity date handleRemoveBook gt return lt Card style width rem className book gt lt Card Body gt lt Card Title className book title gt bookname lt Card Title gt lt div className book details gt lt div gt Author author lt div gt lt div gt Quantity quantity lt div gt lt div gt Price price lt div gt lt div gt Date new Date date toDateString lt div gt lt div gt lt Button variant primary gt Edit lt Button gt lt Button variant danger onClick gt handleRemoveBook id gt Delete lt Button gt lt Card Body gt lt Card gt export default Book Now open the BooksList js file and replace its contents with the following code import React from react import from lodash import Book from Book const BooksList books setBooks gt const handleRemoveBook id gt setBooks books filter book gt book id id return lt React Fragment gt lt div className book list gt isEmpty books books map book gt lt Book key book id book handleRemoveBook handleRemoveBook gt lt p className message gt No books available Please add some books lt p gt lt div gt lt React Fragment gt export default BooksList In this file we re looping over the books using the array map method and passing them as a prop to the Book component Note that we re also passing the handleRemoveBook function as a prop so we will be able to delete any of the books Inside the handleRemoveBook function we re calling the setBooks function by using the array filter method to keep only books that do not match with the provided book id const handleRemoveBook id gt setBooks books filter book gt book id id Now If you check the application by visiting http localhost you will be able to see the added book on the UI Let s add another book to verify the entire flow As you can see when we add a new book we re getting redirected to the list page where we re able to delete the book and instantly the book is deleted from UI as well as from the local storage Also when we refresh the page the data does not get lost That s the power of local storage How to Edit a BookNow we have add and delete functionality for the book let s add a way to edit the book Open Book js and change the below code lt Button variant primary gt Edit lt Button gt to this code lt Button variant primary onClick gt history push edit id gt Edit lt Button gt Here we ve added an onClick handler to redirect the user to the edit id of the book route when we click on the edit button But we don t have access to the history object in the Book component because history prop is passed only to the components which are mentioned in the lt Route gt We re rendering the Book component inside the BooksList component so we can get access to history only inside the BooksList component and then we can pass it as a prop to the Book component But instead of that React router provides an easy way using useHistory hook Add import for the useHistory hook at the top of the Book js file import useHistory from react router dom and inside the Book component call the useHistory hook const Book id bookname author price quantity date handleRemoveBook gt const history useHistory Now we got access to the history object inside the Book component Your entire Book js file looks like this now import React from react import Button Card from react bootstrap import useHistory from react router dom const Book id bookname author price quantity date handleRemoveBook gt const history useHistory return lt Card style width rem className book gt lt Card Body gt lt Card Title className book title gt bookname lt Card Title gt lt div className book details gt lt div gt Author author lt div gt lt div gt Quantity quantity lt div gt lt div gt Price price lt div gt lt div gt Date new Date date toDateString lt div gt lt div gt lt Button variant primary onClick gt history push edit id gt Edit lt Button gt lt Button variant danger onClick gt handleRemoveBook id gt Delete lt Button gt lt Card Body gt lt Card gt export default Book Create a new file EditBook js inside the components folder with the following content import React from react import BookForm from BookForm import useParams from react router dom const EditBook history books setBooks gt const id useParams const bookToEdit books find book gt book id id const handleOnSubmit book gt const filteredBooks books filter book gt book id id setBooks book filteredBooks history push return lt div gt lt BookForm book bookToEdit handleOnSubmit handleOnSubmit gt lt div gt export default EditBook Here for the onClick handler of the Edit button we re redirecting the user to the edit some id route but such route does not exist yet So let s create that first Open AppRouter js file and before the ending tag of Switch add two more routes lt Switch gt lt Route render props gt lt EditBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path edit id gt lt Route component gt lt Redirect to gt gt lt Switch gt The first Route is for the EditBook component Here the path is defined as edit id where id represents any random id The second Route is to handle all other routes that do not match with any of the routes mentioned So If we access any random route like help or contact then we ll redirect the user to the route which is the BooksList component Your entire AppRouter js file looks like this now import React from react import BrowserRouter Switch Route from react router dom import Header from components Header import AddBook from components AddBook import BooksList from components BooksList import useLocalStorage from hooks useLocalStorage const AppRouter gt const books setBooks useLocalStorage books return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div gt lt Header gt lt div className main content gt lt Switch gt lt Route render props gt lt BooksList props books books setBooks setBooks gt path exact true gt lt Route render props gt lt AddBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path add gt lt Route render props gt lt EditBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path edit id gt lt Route component gt lt Redirect to gt gt lt Switch gt lt div gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default AppRouter Now let s check the edit functionality of the app As you can see we re successfully able to edit the book Let s understand how this works First inside the AppRouter js file we ve route like this lt Route render props gt lt EditBook props books books setBooks setBooks gt path edit id gt and inside the Book js file we ve edit button like this lt Button variant primary onClick gt history push edit id gt Edit lt Button gt So whenever we re clicking on the Edit button for any of the books we re redirecting the user to the EditBook component using the history push method by passing the id of the book to be edited Then inside the EditBook component we re using the useParams hook provided by react router dom to access the props params idSo the below two lines are identical const id useParams the above line of code is the same as the below codeconst id props match params Once we got that id we re using the array find method to find out the particular book from the list of books with the matching provided id const bookToEdit books find book gt book id id and this particular book we re passing to the BookForm component as a book prop lt BookForm book bookToEdit handleOnSubmit handleOnSubmit gt And inside the BookForm component we ve defined the state as shown below const book setBook useState bookname props book props book bookname author props book props book author quantity props book props book quantity price props book props book price date props book props book date Here we re checking If the book prop exists If yes then we re using the details of the book passed as a prop otherwise we re initializing the state with an empty value for each property And each of the input element has provided a value prop which we re setting from the state like this lt Form Control value bookname gt But we can improve a bit on the useStatesyntax inside the BookForm component Instead of directly setting an object for the useState hook we can use lazy initialization as done in the useLocalStorage js file So change the below code const book setBook useState bookname props book props book bookname author props book props book author quantity props book props book quantity price props book props book price date props book props book date to this code const book setBook useState gt return bookname props book props book bookname author props book props book author quantity props book props book quantity price props book props book price date props book props book date Because of this change the code for setting state will not be executed on every re render of the application But it will be executed only once when the component is mounted Note that the re rendering of the component happens on every state or prop change If you check the application you will see that the application works exactly as before without any issue But we ve just improved the application performance by a little bit How to use React s Context APINow we re done with the entire application functionality But If you check the AppRouter js file you will see that each Route looks a bit complicated as we re passing the same books and setBooks props to each of the components by using the render props pattern So we can use the React Context API to simplify this code Note that this is an optional step You don t need to use Context API as we re passing the props only one level deep and the current code is working perfectly fine and we ve not used any wrong approach for passing the props But just to make the Router code simpler and to give you an idea about how to leverage the power of Context API we will use it in our application Create a new file BooksContext js inside the context folder with the following content import React from react const BooksContext React createContext export default BooksContext Now inside the AppRouter js file import the above exported context import BooksContext from context BooksContext and replace the AppRouter component with the below code const AppRouter gt const books setBooks useLocalStorage books return lt BrowserRouter gt lt div gt lt Header gt lt div className main content gt lt BooksContext Provider value books setBooks gt lt Switch gt lt Route component BooksList path exact true gt lt Route component AddBook path add gt lt Route component EditBook path edit id gt lt Route component gt lt Redirect to gt gt lt Switch gt lt BooksContext Provider gt lt div gt lt div gt lt BrowserRouter gt Here we ve converted the render props pattern back to the normal routes and added the entire Switch block inside the BooksContext Provider component like this lt BooksContext Provider value books setBooks gt lt Switch gt lt Switch gt lt BooksContext Provider gt Here for the BooksContext Provider component we ve provided a value prop by passing the data we want to access inside the components mentioned in the Route So now every component declared as a part of Route will be able to access the books and setBooks via context API Now open BooksList js file and remove the books and setBooks props which are destructured as we are no longer directly passing the props Add import for the BooksContext and useContext at the top of the file import React useContext from react import BooksContext from context BooksContext And above the handleRemoveBook function add the following code const books setBooks useContext BooksContext Here we re taking out the books and setBooks props from the BooksContext using the useContext hook Your entire BooksList js file will look like this import React useContext from react import from lodash import Book from Book import BooksContext from context BooksContext const BooksList gt const books setBooks useContext BooksContext const handleRemoveBook id gt setBooks books filter book gt book id id return lt React Fragment gt lt div className book list gt isEmpty books books map book gt lt Book key book id book handleRemoveBook handleRemoveBook gt lt p className message gt No books available Please add some books lt p gt lt div gt lt React Fragment gt export default BooksList Now make similar changes in the AddBook js file Your entire AddBook js file will look like this import React useContext from react import BookForm from BookForm import BooksContext from context BooksContext const AddBook history gt const books setBooks useContext BooksContext const handleOnSubmit book gt setBooks book books history push return lt React Fragment gt lt BookForm handleOnSubmit handleOnSubmit gt lt React Fragment gt export default AddBook Note that Here we re still using the destructuring for the history prop We ve only removed the books and setBooks from destructuring syntax Now make similar changes in the EditBook js file Your entire EditBook js file will look like this import React useContext from react import BookForm from BookForm import useParams from react router dom import BooksContext from context BooksContext const EditBook history gt const books setBooks useContext BooksContext const id useParams const bookToEdit books find book gt book id id const handleOnSubmit book gt const filteredBooks books filter book gt book id id setBooks book filteredBooks history push return lt div gt lt BookForm book bookToEdit handleOnSubmit handleOnSubmit gt lt div gt export default EditBook If you check the application you will see that it works exactly as before but we re now using React Context API If you want to understand the Context API in detail check out my this article Thanks for reading You can find the complete source code for this application in this repository Want to learn all ES features in detail including let and const promises various promise methods array and object destructuring arrow functions async await import and export and a whole lot more from scratch Check out my Mastering Modern JavaScript book This book covers all the pre requisites for learning React and helps you to become better at JavaScript and React Check out free preview contents of the book here Also you can check out my free Introduction to React Router course to learn React Router from scratch Want to stay up to date with regular content regarding JavaScript React Node js Follow me on LinkedIn 2021-04-16 05:44:28
海外TECH DEV Community Different ways to run schematics from another schematics https://dev.to/shhdharmen/different-ways-to-run-schematics-from-another-schematics-1jd1 Different ways to run schematics from another schematicsA schematic is a code generator which follows a set of instructions and transforms your project by adding or modifying the code The schematic collection can be a powerful tool for creating modifying and maintaining any angular project You might use schematics for example to generate commonly used UI patterns or specific components using predefined templates or layouts You can use schematics to enforce architectural rules and conventions making your projects consistent and inter operative Sometimes we need to run other existing schematics from the same or external collection Let s see when you might need this Use CasesFollowing are some of use cases when running other schematics are required Repeated pattern across files based on existing boiler plateThis can be specific to your team s project where you want everyone to follow the same boilerplate And you want to create boiler plate on top of existing ones maciej wwojcik has written great article about it Extend Angular Schematics to customize your development process Angular inDepth Need to execute the same instructions available in other schematicsLet s say with your schematic you also want to pack some other schematic s features For example you want to create a generic library generator which works with both Angular and NX for that utilizing Angular s and Nx s library generator schematics becomes handy Decouple set of instructions for better usabilityThis can be helpful when you have many tasks going on with a single schematic but you also want users to run only specific ones For example you have a main schematic which runs task and task Now to give users the option to run only task you can create one more schematic just to run task and refactor your main schematic For above use cases we just have to figure out how to give our schematics an instruction to run another schematic Let s see Provide instructions to the schematicThere are mainly ways we can execute other schematic code from inside the current schematic Create a rule A Rule object defines a function that takes a Tree applies transformations and returns a new Tree The main file for a schematic index ts defines a set of rules that implement the schematic s logic Add task in context Each schematic runs in a context represented by a SchematicContext object Adding tasks in context is useful when you want to perform operations on tree generated through current execution like installing packages performing linting formatting etc And there can be types of schematics which can be run Schematic from our collectionSchematic from external collectionSo basically there are combinations we ll explore in this article Create a rule to run Schematic from our collectionCreate a rule to run Schematic from external collectionAdd task in context to run Schematic from our collectionAdd task in context to run Schematic from external collection Create schematicsLet s first create a schematics project named run schematics npm install g angular devkit schematics clischematics blank name run schematicscd run schematicsThe command above created a schematics collection named run schematics It also created a blank schematic named run schematics You will see below project structure created for you Let s add one more schematic in the same collection schematics blank name child schematicAbove command will add a schematic named child schematic in the collection Let s modify child schematic src child schematic index tsimport Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics export function childSchematic options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt context logger info Hi from child schematic return tree Next let s build run schematics collection npm run buildYou will need to run build each time when you make changes in the schematics To use run schematics in any project we will also link it npm linkAt this point our project folder looks like below Now go to your angular project link the schematics and run it cd path to angular projectnpm link run schematicsng g run schematics run schematics Nothing to be doneng g run schematics child schematic Hi from child schematic Nothing to be done Create rulesWe will use schematic and externalSchematic functions from angular devkit schematics to create rules Create a rule to run schematics from same collectionLet s modify run schematics src run schematics index tsexport function runSchematics options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt const rule schematic child schematic options return rule We are using schematic function which returns a Rule and it takes arguments schematicName The name of the schematic to runoptions The options to pass as input to the RuleFactoryLet s now run the schematics ng g run schematics run schematics Hi from child schematic Nothing to be done Create a rule to run schematics from external collection src run schematics index tsexport function runSchematics options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt const rule schematic child schematic options const rule externalSchematic schematics angular component options return chain rule rule We are using the externalSchematic function it returns a Rule It takes arguments collectionName The name of the collection that contains the schematic to runRest are same as schematic functionLet s try to run the schematics ng g run schematics run schematics Hi from child schematic What name would you like to use for the component heroCREATE src app hero hero component ts bytes UPDATE src app app module ts bytes Add tasks in contextTo add tasks in SchematicContext we will use its addTask method addTask method takes an argument of type TaskConfigurationGenerator There are total task classes which implements TaskConfigurationGenerator NodePackageInstallTaskNodePackageLinkTaskRepositoryInitializerTaskRunSchematicTaskFor our use case we will use RunSchematicTask It has constructor overrides constructor schemaName string options T Runs schematic from the same collectionconstructor collectionName string schemaName string options T Runs schematic from the external collectionOur goal is to create a sub application and perform linting on the newly created application For above goal we will do as below Create lint schematic This will perform linting on the newly created sub appCreate lint caller schematic This will create a sub app and call lint schematic through context s taskLet s create lint schematic first schematics blank name lint schematicNext replace it s content with below src lint schematic index tsimport Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics import execSync from child process export function lintSchematic options name string Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt context logger info Executing npm run lint fix options name execSync npm run lint fix options name Let s create lint caller schematic schematics blank name lint caller schematicModify it s content with below src lint caller schematic index tsimport externalSchematic Rule SchematicContext Tree from angular devkit schematics import RunSchematicTask from angular devkit schematics tasks export function lintCallerSchematic options any Rule return tree Tree context SchematicContext gt const rule externalSchematic schematics angular application options context addTask new RunSchematicTask lint schematic options return rule Let s now run the schematic ng g run schematics lint caller schematic name sub app defaultsAbove schematic will create a sub app application in your angular workspace and it will also run npm run lint fix sub app once the project is created To add schematic from external collection in context you will have to use same class RunSchematicTask but provide one more argument for collection name context addTask new RunSchematicTask schematics angular service options SummaryWe learned various use cases when running a schematic from our schematic can be helpful I am sure this will help you create much more advanced library schematics Let s quickly revise all the ways To run schematic from same collection Create a rulerule schematic schemaName options Add task in contextcontext addTask new RunSchematicTask schemaName options To run schematic from external collection Create a rulerule externalSchematic collectionName schemaName options Add task in contextcontext addTask new RunSchematicTask collectionName schemaName options Above schematics are available on GitHub Thanks for reading CreditsI would like to thanks kasparovairina for creating great banner for this article 2021-04-16 05:29:48
海外TECH DEV Community Explaining Stack in Detail https://dev.to/dhhruv/explaining-stack-in-detail-4ohm Explaining Stack in Detail StackStacks are the result of approaching a LIFO Last in First out ordering with list node connection behavior This means that element inside the stack are connected like a list but are added and extracted approaching LIFO Lifo stack Lifo stack pngBased on that the to methods that a stack should have to be called that way are pop which remove the top element from the stack and returns it and push which adds a new element on top of the stack Minimal methods to work with Stacks PopJava implementation of the pop method in an array based stackpublic Object pop if isEmpty Object object array top array top null return object else return null As you see after obtaining the element in top of the stack it is immediately removed from it PushJava implementation of the push method in an array based stackpublic boolean push Object object if top lt size try array top object return true catch Exception e System out println e return false else return false PeekIn some circumstances the user may want to check the value stored in the top of the stack without removing it In this scenarios is where peek method is useful since it return the value without removing it from the stack This way and extra push is not necessary Java implementation of peek in a Array based stackpublic Object peek return isEmpty array top null Array and List based stacksExample of an array based stack of four elements It will only receive four elements if it reach it s max length incoming values were not be added Stack data structure LIFO Stack data structure LIFO svgThe mayor difference between an array based stack and one implemented using lists is that the first one is usually implemented with a static size this means that it will only accept a specific number of element the other one will allow the user to add elements until memory is full ReferencesIdentifierAuthorSourceMaxtremus Lifo stack pngOriginal uploader FibiDerivative work Marek M Stack data structure LIFO svg 2021-04-16 05:06:50
海外TECH DEV Community Introduction to Containers with AWS https://dev.to/aws-builders/introduction-to-containers-with-aws-og4 Introduction to Containers with AWSContainerizationーa virtualization method used to deploy and run distributed applications without the need to launch an entire virtual machine for each applicationーis changing the way businesses develop and deploy applications in cloud environments Containers decompose applications into small manageable packages containing everything the application needs to run code core data configuration files interfaces and dependencies The container approach allows developers to focus on applications and not be concerned with deployment and infrastructure management From a development perspective there are numerous benefits to the container approach Accelerate the development pipeline including testing and debugging Facilitate continuous integration CI and continuous deployment CD workflows automatically rebuilding whenever a new code revision is committed Containers run locally on desktop or laptop and are easily uploaded directly to the Cloud Consistent results when moving code from development to test to production systems No need to rewrite code for each OS and cloud platform making it easy to move containers from one cloud provider to another The advantages of containers extend beyond the development cycle Containers utilize compute resources more efficiently by eliminating the need for a hypervisor They simply share OS kernel without impacting the performance of applications running inside the container With a smaller footprint more containers can run on a single host resulting in better utilization of compute resources and lower costs Additionally containers can be configured with only the desired binaries and components eliminating potential vulnerabilities that might be found in a full fledged OS Containers that can run on Amazon EC Spot Instances can obtain up to a discount compared to On Demand prices My Background I am Cloud DevOps amp Big Data Enthusiast x AWS Certified x OCI Certified x Azure Certified There are a bunch of different ways to run your containerized workloads on AWS This blog post compares the three most important ways to run Docker on AWS Amazon Elastic Container Service ECS with AWS Fargate Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes EKS AWS Elastic Beanstalk EB with Single Container Docker ECS with FargateFirst let s have a look at ECS a fully managed container orchestration service ECS is a proprietary but free of charge solution offered by AWS It is important to mention that ECS provides a high level of integration with the AWS infrastructure For example containers are st class citizens of the VPC with their network interface ENI and security groups ECS offers service discovery via a load balancer or DNS Cloud Map Aside from that ECS is the only option to run Docker containers without running EC instances on AWS Fargate is the compute engine for ECS All the heavy lifting of scaling the number of EC instances and containers rolling out updates to EC instances without affecting containers and many more is gone ECS is free of charge Fargate is billed per second based on CPU and memory allocated for your containers A container with vCPU and GB is about USD per month Keep in mind the following limitations of Fargate General purpose compute capacity only Fargate does not support GPU CPU memory optimized configurations at the moment Persistent volumes are not supported out of the box e g Docker volume driver No discounts for reserved capacity available EKS Kubernetes The nd option to run Docker containers on AWS is Kubernetes Ks In summary Ks is an open source container orchestration solution AWS offers the Ks master layer as a service The master layer is responsible for storing the state of the container cluster and deciding on which machines new containers should be placed On top of that you are responsible for managing a fleet of EC instances used to run the containers The main selling point for Ks it is open source and runs on AWS Azure Google Cloud on premises or even on your local machine The resulting disadvantage is that Kubernetes is not that well integrated with the AWS infrastructure Kubernetes is designed for microservice architectures For example a built in service discovery allows containers to talk to each other easily by using a local proxy EKS is about USD per month for the master layer Besides you are paying for the EC instances powering your containers A t medium instance provides CPUs with GiB of memory and costs around USD USD per month You should not underestimate the complexity of operating EKS and EC For example the way EKS integrates with the VPC comes with a few unexpected limitations see EKS vs ECS orchestrating containers on AWS for more details Elastic BeanstalkAnother option to run Docker containers on AWS is Elastic Beanstalk Some say Elastic Beanstalk is the PaaS Platform as a Service offering from AWS Nevertheless Elastic Beanstalk is very easy to use There are a bunch of environments to deploy your web application with Elastic Beanstalk One of them is called Single Container Docker This environment deploys a single Docker container to one or multiple EC instances Elastic Beanstalk is not only deploying your application it is also creating the needed infrastructure consisting of a database a load balancer and EC instances Important to note Elastic Beanstalk creates EC instances automatically But you are still responsible for these virtual machines they are not fully managed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a proprietary but free of charge solution offered by AWS You are only paying for the underlying infrastructure For example a t medium instance provides CPUs with GiB of memory and costs around USD USD per month When Is Elastic Beanstalk The Best Method For Managing Docker Containers On AWS For businesses new to AWS or new to the containerization concept just getting started with Docker or developing new applications Elastic Beanstalk may be the best approach to support Docker containers Elastic Beanstalk offers a simple interface allows Docker images to be pulled from public or private registries and coordinates the deployment of multiple Docker containers to Amazon ECS clusters Elastic Beanstalk gives you less control over application scaling and capacity but makes deploying Docker containers on AWS ever so straightforward When Is Elastic Container Service The Best Method For Managing Docker Containers On AWS In comparison to Elastic Beanstalk Elastic Container Service provides greater control over application architectures and orchestration of Docker containers You specify the size and number of cluster nodes and determine if auto scaling should be used Elastic Container Service uses tasks to launch Docker containers A task includes the container definition providing the ability to group containers in sets that launch together then terminate simultaneously ECS provides significantly greater flexibility and customization in scheduling and CPU and memory utilization In addition ECS does not require special integration efforts to work with many other AWS services Elastic Container Service is appropriate when you need to run microservices that require integration with other AWS services or use custom or managed schedulers to run batch workloads on EC On Demand Reserved or Spot Instances Businesses wanting to containerize legacy code and migrate it to AWS without needing to rewrite code should take the ECS option Applications or workflows comprised of loosely coupled distributed services running on various platforms or accessing widely distributed data source can also benefit by using Elastic Container Service When Is Elastic Kubernetes Service The Best Method For Managing Docker Containers On AWS If you want the flexibility to integrate externally with the open source Kubernetes community spending the additional effort on setting up EKS may be the better option Kubernetes is preferred for legacy workloads It allows you to build a dev test production environment on premises and then move it to the cloud if and when required Kubernetes is best known for its true enterprise level cluster and container management It is extremely valuable when your containerized workloads begin to scale If you are already running workloads on Kubernetes EKS is going to be a familiar and simple route to moving to an AWS environment Hope this guide helps you understand containers on aws feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn You can view my badges here If you are interested in learning more about AWS then follow me on github If you liked this content then do clap and share it Thank You 2021-04-16 05:01:37
海外TECH The Apache Software Foundation Blog The Apache News Round-up: week ending 16 April 2021 https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the-apache-news-round-up222 The Apache News Round up week ending April It s Friday already the week has zipped by Let s take a look at what the Apache community has been up to The Apache Software Foundation nbsp the all volunteer developers stewards and incubators of more than Open Source projects and initiatives nbsp The Apache Software Foundation Welcomes New Members Sponsor Success at Apache the blog series that focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot featuring insights and experiences from the perspective of select ASF Sponsors nbsp quot The Fork quot by Wei Zhou nbsp ASF Board nbsp management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation s bylaws nbsp Next Board Meeting April Board calendar and minutes ApacheCon the ASF s official global conference series bringing Tomorrow s Technology Today since nbsp Registration for both ApacheCons are open ApacheCon Asia August and ApacheCon Home September nbsp CFP open for both events deadline May nbsp Sponsorships available for both events ASF Infrastructure nbsp our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF s infrastructure running around the clock nbsp M weekly checks yield uptime at Performance checks across different service components spread over more than machines in data centers around the world nbsp Apache Code Snapshot nbsp Over the past week Apache Committers changed lines of code over commits nbsp Top contributors in order are Andrea Cosentino Stephen Mallette Nick Vatamaniuc Andi Huber and Jarek Potiuk nbsp nbsp Apache Project Announcements nbsp the latest updates by category Apache Attic nbsp provides process and solutions when an Apache project has reached its end of life nbsp nbsp Apache Tajo has retired nbsp Apache PredictionIO has retired nbsp Apache Lens has retired nbsp Apache Labs has retired nbsp Apache DRAT has retired nbsp Apache Crunch has retired nbsp Apache Twill has retired nbsp Apache Chukwa has retired nbsp Apache Sentry has retired nbsp Apache Metron has retired nbsp Apache Eagle has retired nbsp Apache Marmotta has retired nbsp Apache Open Climate Workbench has retired APIs nbsp Apache APISIX Ingress Controller released https apisix apache org Big Data nbsp Apache Parquet Format released https parquet apache org Content nbsp Apache Jackrabbit and Oak released nbsp Apache OpenOffice CVE Code execution via non http s schemes in Hyperlinks Identity Management nbsp Apache Syncope released https syncope apache org Messaging nbsp Apache Qpid Proton and JMS released http qpid apache org Observability nbsp Apache SkyWalking released https skywalking apache org Orchestration nbsp Apache Hop incubating released Search nbsp Apache Solr released nbsp Apache Solr CVE Unprivileged users may be able to perform unauthorized read write to collections nbsp nbsp CVE Misapplied Zookeeper ACLs can result in leakage of configured authentication and authorization settings nbsp nbsp and CVE SSRF vulnerability with the Replication handler Servers nbsp Apache Tomcat Native released https tomcat apache org Did You Know Did you know that ApacheTika s OpenNLP language detector supports languages nbsp Did you know that Ignite Summit will be held online May nbsp nbsp Did you know that the Robinhood financial services app is powered by Apache Airflow Hadoop YARN Hive Hudi and Spark nbsp big dataApache Community Notices The Apache Month in Review March and video highlights The ApacheSoftware Foundation Celebrates Years of Open Source Leadership world s largest Open Source foundation advances community led innovation quot The Apache Way quot The Apache Software Foundation Operations Summary Q FY November January Video highlights Apache in By The Digits nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp ASF Security Report Video highlights ASF FY Annual Report quot Trillions and Trillions Served quot documentary on the ASF full feature nbsp nbsp quot Apache Everywhere quot nbsp nbsp quot Why Apache quot nbsp nbsp nbsp “Apache Innovation nbsp nbsp nbsp The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success nbsp Foundation Reports and Statements nbsp nbsp All presentations from ApacheCon Home are available at nbsp nbsp quot Success at Apache quot focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp nbsp Inside Infra the new interview series with members of the ASF infrastructure team meet nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Thistlethwaite nbsp nbsp nbsp Drew Foulks nbsp nbsp nbsp Greg Stein Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Part II nbsp nbsp and Part III nbsp nbsp nbsp Daniel Gruno Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Gavin McDonald Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Andrew Wetmore Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Lambertus Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp ASF Targeted Sponsor Manning Publications is offering special deals on the latest books on Apache Airflow Pulsar Spark and Thrift among other titles and eBooks nbsp nbsp Follow the ASF on social media TheASF on Twitter and on LinkedIn at nbsp nbsp Follow the Apache Community on Facebook nbsp and Twitter nbsp Are your software solutions Powered by Apache Download amp use our quot Powered By quot logos nbsp poweredby For real time updates sign up for Apache related news by sending mail to announce subscribe apache org and follow TheASF on Twitter For a broader spectrum from the Apache community nbsp nbsp provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers 2021-04-16 05:42:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Scottish election: How independence could be key to how people vote https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56748634 scotland 2021-04-16 05:11:39
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マーケティング AdverTimes いま、人の心を動かすものとは~ 岡本欣也×原野守弘×チャイ子ちゃん® https://www.advertimes.com/20210416/article347081/ 岡本欣也 2021-04-16 05:15:12
ニュース THE BRIDGE 沖縄発・インド人研究者の2人が創業したEF POLYMER 、4,000万円をシード調達——生ゴミ由来素材で水不足農地の生産性を向上 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/vawL-2TQlHs/efpolymer-seed-round-funding 沖縄発・インド人研究者の人が創業したEFPOLYMER、万円をシード調達ー生ゴミ由来素材で水不足農地の生産性を向上沖縄発のポリマー高分子吸収体技術スタートアップEFPOLYMERはシードラウンドで万円を調達したと発表した。 2021-04-16 05:01:13



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