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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… Fitbitの新型アクティビティトラッカー「Luxe」の製品画像が流出 − 上品なデザインが特徴に https://taisy0.com/2021/04/16/139072.html fitbit 2021-04-16 13:59:00
IT 気になる、記になる… 【セール】Kindleストア、「語学・教育関連本キャンペーン」のセールを開催中 − 1,000冊以上が最大50%オフに https://taisy0.com/2021/04/16/139069.html amazon 2021-04-16 13:21:46
IT 気になる、記になる… 新型「Apple Pencil」の実機映像?? https://taisy0.com/2021/04/16/139066.html apple 2021-04-16 13:15:58
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 混同行列のF値を眺めてみる https://qiita.com/kyoro1/items/a2137ac2366cab94e321 実務で言えば、適合率、再現率の両者ともに良くないと使い物にならないよね、っていう場合に使ったらいいってことですかね。 2021-04-16 22:23:30
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 状態空間モデルとカルマンフィルタのpython実装 https://qiita.com/suepiiin/items/02165efa03a3b8400954 状態空間モデルとカルマンフィルタのpython実装はじめに本稿では線形ガウス状態空間モデルを扱います以下書籍・記事を参考にしています予測にいかす統計モデリングの基本ーベイズ統計入門から応用まで樋口知之pcmdopenampfilenagaopdfampreferATTA線形ガウス状態空間モデル線形ガウス状態空間モデルを以下のように定義する。 2021-04-16 22:00:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ClickonceのFTPでの発行でファイルがコピーされない https://teratail.com/questions/333625?rss=all ClickonceのFTPでの発行でファイルがコピーされないVisualStudioで開発したデスクトップアプリケーションでClickonceをftpで発行しようとするとフォルダは作成されますが、下記のようなエラーが大量発生しファイルがウェブサーバー上にコピーされず困っています。 2021-04-16 22:36:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) c言語 配列での出力がわかりません。 https://teratail.com/questions/333624?rss=all c言語配列での出力がわかりません。 2021-04-16 22:19:43
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Photon2でPhotonView.Destroyを使うとエラーが出る。 https://teratail.com/questions/333623?rss=all PhotonでPhotonViewDestroyを使うとエラーが出る。 2021-04-16 22:16:07
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuでデプロイする手順 https://qiita.com/danburudoa/items/32c5086edf76e3724b8f Herokuでデプロイする手順手順HerokuCLIをインストールbrewtapherokubrewampampbrewinstallherokuその後、完了を確認するためherokuversionherokudarwinxnodevこのようにバージョンが表示されていると良いHerokuにログインherokulogininteractiveHeroku上にアプリ作成herokucreateアプリ名その後、確認のためgitconfiglistgrepherokuHeroku上でMySQLを使えるようにするherokuaddonsaddcleardbClearDBアドオンを追加その後、ClearDBデータベースのURLを変数herokucleardbに格納するherokucleardbherokuconfiggetCLEARDBDATABASEURLHeroku上で環境変数を設定するherokuconfigsetRAILSMASTERKEYcatconfigmasterkey環境変数一覧を表示するherokuconfigRAILSMASTERKEYが設定されていれば良い動作環境を変更するherokustacksetherokuaHerokuで利用するStackを指定Herokuへアプリを追加gitpushherokumasterその後、Heroku上でマイグレーションファイルを実行herokurunrailsdbmigrateコマンド一覧herokuappsinfo→公開されたアプリの詳細をみるherokulogstailappアプリ名→ログを表示する補足情報Herokuでは、定期的に画像のデータなどがリセットされるため、出品から一定時間経過した商品画像は適切に表示されなくなる。 2021-04-16 22:17:53
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ecscheduleでECSクラスタにタスクのスケジューリングを設定する https://qiita.com/mokichi/items/c0c79e3f2df6632a286e タスク定義は別途行う必要がありますが、ecspressoで作成したタスク定義のJSONファイルを流用し、awscliで登録するという方法があります。 2021-04-16 22:33:34
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita React + RailsのSPAでdestroyアクションを実装する https://qiita.com/tanutanu/items/445c7c5134b58ca4d5dc トークンの上の行にある、こちらの記載は詳しく調べきれていないのですが、XRequestedWithXMLHttpRequestこちらの記事によると、また、クロスドメインの場合、headerにXRequestedWithXMLHttpRequestを入れて送信しなければ、api側でAjaxであることが伝わらない引用クロスドメインでXRequestedWithの設定とのことだったので、RailsにAjaxのリクエストであることを伝えるコードなのだと今は理解しておきます。 2021-04-16 22:20:57
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuでデプロイする手順 https://qiita.com/danburudoa/items/32c5086edf76e3724b8f Herokuでデプロイする手順手順HerokuCLIをインストールbrewtapherokubrewampampbrewinstallherokuその後、完了を確認するためherokuversionherokudarwinxnodevこのようにバージョンが表示されていると良いHerokuにログインherokulogininteractiveHeroku上にアプリ作成herokucreateアプリ名その後、確認のためgitconfiglistgrepherokuHeroku上でMySQLを使えるようにするherokuaddonsaddcleardbClearDBアドオンを追加その後、ClearDBデータベースのURLを変数herokucleardbに格納するherokucleardbherokuconfiggetCLEARDBDATABASEURLHeroku上で環境変数を設定するherokuconfigsetRAILSMASTERKEYcatconfigmasterkey環境変数一覧を表示するherokuconfigRAILSMASTERKEYが設定されていれば良い動作環境を変更するherokustacksetherokuaHerokuで利用するStackを指定Herokuへアプリを追加gitpushherokumasterその後、Heroku上でマイグレーションファイルを実行herokurunrailsdbmigrateコマンド一覧herokuappsinfo→公開されたアプリの詳細をみるherokulogstailappアプリ名→ログを表示する補足情報Herokuでは、定期的に画像のデータなどがリセットされるため、出品から一定時間経過した商品画像は適切に表示されなくなる。 2021-04-16 22:17:53
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【アップデート】AWS Security Hub の自動修復ソリューションが『基礎セキュリティのベストプラクティス』に対応!新たに 11の修復が追加されました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-security-hub-auto-remediation-asfbp/ awssecurityhub 2021-04-16 13:46:25
技術ブログ Developers.IO BigQuey の SQL チューニングや Slot 利用状況確認に BQ Visualizer を使ったら便利でした。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/sql-tuning-slot-usage-with-bq-visualizer/ bigquery 2021-04-16 13:11:11
海外TECH DEV Community 🚀10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 16th April 2021 https://dev.to/iainfreestone/10-trending-projects-on-github-for-web-developers-16th-april-2021-k0k 2021-04-16 13:54:14
海外TECH DEV Community 5 More Python Projects That Can Be Built in Under 5 Minutes https://dev.to/theinsightfulcoder/5-more-python-projects-that-can-be-built-in-under-5-minutes-1jb7 More Python Projects That Can Be Built in Under MinutesWhile learning a new programing language people tend to be confused about which project to start with Or they re often excited to start building some cool projects but realise that they spent weeks learning concepts but have no hands on experience Continuing the success of my previous article with the same title I present to youー More Python Projects That Can Be Built in Under Minutes What Are We Going to Build IP address fetcher BMI Calculator Wallpaper Changer Zip and Unzip Files Text Translator What Are We Going to Learn Today How to effectively use modules in our python programs Basics of Python Functions Project IP Address FetcherAs the name suggests we are going to build a Python program that would fetch the name and IP address of our device Module Used For this build we ll use the socket module A socket acts as a node a point of connection is used to messages across a network You can access the documentation of the socket module from here Time to Code The first step is to import the module into our Python environment import socketWe can get the hostname of our device using the gethostname method We ll store the result obtained in a variable called hostname hostname socket gethostname To get the IP address of our device we have to pass the hostname through gethostbyname method IP socket gethostbyname hostname We ve the hostname We ve the IP address All that s left is to display it print Computer Name hostname print IP address IP Final Source Code for IP Address Fetcher Output for IP Address Fetcher You can directly download the source code for IP Address Fetcher from my Github Repository Project BMI CalculatorBMI or Body mass index is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women In this project we are going to calculate the BMI using height in centimetres and weight in kilograms We don t require any modules for this build Time to Code The first step is to ask the height and weight of the person as specified height float input Enter your height in cm weight float input Enter your weight in kg Calculate the BMI of the person using the formula BMI height in m weight in kg BMI weight height We divide the height by to convert centimetres to meters and square the weight by using the exponential operator We use String interpolation to display the BMI of the person Interpolation or interpolate means insert something of a different nature into something else That is inserting replacing the value of the variables inside the statement of the string we are going to display We use this as print f You BMI is BMI As per the chart obtained in U S Department of Health amp Human Services the BMI Categories are as follows Underweight lt Normal weight Overweight Obesity BMI of or greater We ll use conditional statements if else to compare the above construct if BMI lt print You are underweight elif BMI lt print You are healthy elif BMI lt print You are over weight else print You are obese Final Source Code for BMI Calculator is Output for BMI Calculator You can directly download the source code for BMI Calculator from my GitHub Repository Project Map Generator from LocationIn this project we ll generate a map from the location coordinates using Python Module Required For this build we require the Folium module Folium is a Python library used for visualizing geospatial data You can access the official documentation of Folium from here To install folium visit your terminal and type pip install folium Time to Code The first step is to include the module in our Python Environment We do that using the import statement import foliumWe accept the latitude and longitude coordinates of any place we want to visualise I want to visualise my city Mumbai I enter the coordinates as map folium Map location Finally we save the build as an HTML file as map save My Location html Final Source Code for Map Generator from Location Generated HTML Map File You can directly download the source code for Map Generator from Location from my GitHub Repository Project Zip amp Unzip FileWe often require to zip files for sharing multiple files via email or unzip files when downloading files from the internet In this build we ll build a program that does this task for us You can even further modify the code to automate the process and unzip multiple files at once Module Used For this build we ll be using the patool module of Python According to its official documentation various archive formats can be created extracted tested listed searched compared and repacked by patool The advantage of patool is its simplicity in handling archive files without having to remember a myriad of programs and options To install Patol into your system go to the terminal and type pip install patool Time to Code The first step as always is to import the required libraries You can do it as import patoolibWe ll define functions The first one named Zip to zip our files and the other named Unzip to unzip our files To zip our files we ve to provide the paths for our files to be zipped Note If you have the image in the same location as the Python file you do not have to provide the full path If you wish to use an image stored in other directories copy the path with the name and extension and replace it with Test Image png In Windows the path will look something like this D Photos Test Image png Add an extra so that Python doesn t treat it as an escape character The final path looks like D Photos Test Image png For Linux and MAC you can use the path directly as it appears on the address bar def Zip patoolib create archive file zip path to file path to file def Unzip patoolib extract archive path to file to be extracted outdir extract We use the create archive method to zip the files As per the above code the function will zip both the files and save them as file zip Similarly we use the extract archive function with the link to the zipped file to be extracted We specify the function to store our files in a directory called extract All that s left to do is to invoke the functions as per the user s choice We ask the user to input to Zip and for Unzip We convert the value obtained to an integer using the int function as by default Python accepts values in string format if name main choice int input Enter for Zip amp for Unzip Using the conditional statement if else we invoke the respective functions if choice Zip else Unzip Final Source Code for Zipping amp Unzipping File You can directly download the source code for Zipping amp Unzipping File from my GitHub Repository Project Text TranslatorLast but not the least we ll build a Text Translator using the text translator you can translate any sentence from one language to another Module Used For this build we use the translate module As per its official documentation this is a simple yet powerful command line translator with google translate behind it Time to Code The first step is to import the class Translator from the module translator We do it as from translate import TranslatorWe need to specify the language we want to convert from and to in the translator function We save the answer obtained in a variable called translator translator Translator from lang english to lang chinese We pass the message to be translated into the translate function translation translator translate Good Morning Finally we display the translated message as print translation Final Source Code for Text Translator Text Translator in Action You can directly download the source code for Map Generator from Location from my GitHub Repository That s it folks We have successfully learnt short yet interesting builds that can be implemented in under minutes These builds are a very good stepping step for any beginner in Python If you find my content valuable and want to support my efforts consider buying me a coffee Bonus Insights by The Insightful Coder Interested in Building Your Own Artificial Intelligence Projects using Python Check out the Python AI SeriesWanna Discover Some Valuable Tech Hacks Check out the Tech Hacks for Everybody SeriesI m also dropping useful dev resources interactive quizzes and Interview preparation on my Instagram Page Make sure to follow me up Find and Download All My Project Source Codes at My Github Repository 2021-04-16 13:23:07
海外TECH DEV Community Recreate Flexible Content with Netlify CMS & Gatsby https://dev.to/mrkaluzny/recreate-flexible-content-with-netlify-cms-gatsby-174k Recreate Flexible Content with Netlify CMS amp GatsbyIf you re a WordPress developer then you must have heard about a plugin called Advanced Custom Fields and a Flexible Content field that allows editors to generate new pages easily When I started to move more into JAMStack I wanted to recreate ACF s Flexible Content field in Gatsby It s possible to use WordPress as a headless CMS and some headless CMS have implemented some sort of an alternative Prismic has Slices unfortunately you can t create multiple repeatable fields within fields For smaller projects WordPress or Prismic may be too complex In such cases I usually go with my favorite flat file CMS Netlify CMS Netlify CMS offers everything you need it s open source and free to use The only thing missing Flexible Content field Fortunately with beta features Manual Initialization and Variable Types for List fields we can easily create a solution that copies ACF s Flexible Content Why using flexible content is a great idea Advanced Custom Fields Flexible Content allows editors to quickly make significant changes without engaging developers Creating new pages is a breeze and optimizing for conversions is easier Using a singular template may not be the best way to organize your content especially if you want to quickly test new changes That s why component based modular design gives you much more flexibility It lowers development and maintenance costs Websites are tools that have to generate business value The better system you build the longer it ll last without any code changes Flexible Content with Netlify CMS configurationCode examples assume usage of Manual Initialization check out this article on DRY Netlify CMS configuration to learn more about that I strongly encourage using that instead of standard configuration for optimal developer experience Manual Initialization leverages javascript files instead of YAML which makes it easier to maintain in the long run You can check out my Gatsby started called Henlo to check out an example of that configuration and use it as a starter point For each Flexible Content item I ll call them sections in the article we need files A JSX file to render the section I tend to place them src Sections folder and a configuration file for the CMS src cms sections folder Prepare Netlify CMS configurationFirst we ll have to set up a configuration for the collection that we ll use to create pages with sections import seo from cms partials seo import hero from cms sections hero const services name pages label Pages editor preview false folder content pages slug slug create true fields label Layout name layout widget hidden default page label Title name title widget string required true label Slug name slug widget string required true label Sections name sections widget list types hero seo export default servicesIn this example I m using a javascript file to generate a collection for Netlify CMS Check this article about Netlify CMS configuration to learn why it s better than YAML files The most important field to use is layout I use them as a way to pass the name of the template file used to render that content type As you can see I ve added partials SEO partial that handles SEO content and Hero section Separating these fields into different files makes it easier to maintain components and reuse them across the project Here s the example configuration of the Hero section const hero label Hero name hero widget object collapsed false fields label Title name title widget string required false label Subtitle name subtitle widget string required false label Content name content widget markdown required false export default heroNow that we have an initial configuration for Netlify CMS we can go into generating pages from our collection Generating pages using Flexible Content with Gatsby amp NetlifyAnother good practice to follow is to utilize a parent component that manages our sections This way you can add sections to other templates or pages Create SectionsGenerator componentThe idea for the component is pretty simple I was inspired by a recent project I worked on with Prismic this component is modeled after SliceZone component Adding a new section is as easy as importing and matching components to section type name of the object in Netlify CMS config import React from react import graphql from gatsby import Hero from Sections Hero export default function SectionsGenerator sections const sectionsComponents hero Hero const sectionsContent sections map section key gt const Section sectionsComponents section type if Section return lt Section key key data section gt return lt div gt section type lt div gt return lt gt sectionsContent lt gt export const query graphql fragment Sections on MarkdownRemarkFrontmatter sections id type title subtitle content Additionally I recommend creating a graphql fragment within the same file With a single import we can pass data to query and render sections to any template page in the project see in next code example Prepare a template to render pagesOur template has to do thing fetch sections data and pass them as a prop to the SectionsGenerator component With this approach it s also possible to use a single layout for every page Using the useStaticQuery hook it s possible to add additional data to each section import React from react import graphql from gatsby import Layout from components Layout import SectionsGenerator from components SectionsGenerator import SEO from components SEO Seo const SectionPageTemplate data gt const sections data frontmatter sections return lt gt lt SectionsGenerator sections sections gt lt gt const LandingPage data gt return lt Layout hideNav true gt lt SEO data data page frontmatter seo gt lt SectionPageTemplate data data page gt lt Layout gt export default SectionPageexport const sectionsPageQuery graphql query SectionPage id String page markdownRemark id eq id id fields slug html frontmatter title Sections SEO By writing a fragment our query stays extremely short regardless of the number of sections the project supports Configure Gatsby node to work with Netlify CMS with Flexible ContentWith all of the components ready we can proceed to the gatsby node configuration exports createPages actions graphql gt const createPage actions return graphql allMarkdownRemark limit edges node id fields slug frontmatter layout title slug then result gt if result errors result errors forEach e gt console error e toString return Promise reject result errors Filter out the footer navbar and meetups so we don t create pages for those const postOrPage result data allMarkdownRemark edges filter edge gt let layout edge node frontmatter layout return layout null layout hidden postOrPage forEach edge gt const id edge node id let component path resolve src templates String edge node frontmatter layout js if fs existsSync component switch edge node frontmatter layout case page createPage path Helper slugify edge node frontmatter slug component context id break To generate correct slugs we have to leverage the slug field added to each page in the collection This way editors can update the URLs to create lots of pages even with hierarchy although it won t be reflected in the UI of Netlify CMS In my project I tend to use a trailing slash in URLs this helps to avoid some SEO optimization issues with Gatsby and Netlify I m using a helper to clean up pages URLs and make sure it won t cause any issues Watch out for these issuesThere s one problem if we try to create a page and call a non existent element page generation will fail Why Gatsby infers the type of field based on the content we provide If content doesn t exist for that field the build process fails To avoid that issue we have to let Gatsby know what to expect We do that but defining types in the gatsby node js file Here s an example that I wrote when working on new landing pages for Clean Commit s website exports createSchemaCustomization actions gt actions createTypes type Button text String link String type List title String content String type Form provider String title String formid Int redirect String button String type FAQ question String answer String type MarkdownRemarkFrontmatterSections infer id String type String subheader String title String subtitle String background String content String variant String video String bulletpoints String secondarycontent String button Button list List form Form faqs FAQ We ve prepared different sections that our team can use to create new landing pages and services With defined types we can safely deploy the website without any issues during the build process Sections fields namingCreating a Flexible Content experience with Netlify CMS is different than in any other Headless CMS At this point there s no way to query content only for one section That s why the naming convention for fields has to be consistent or you ll spend a lot of time writing custom types definition That s why it s important to reuse the same names and be as consistent as possible across multiple sections With Clean Commit s landing pages almost every section uses title content subheader and button fields So keep that in mind when working on your project If you want to check out how this solution is working and what you can create take a look at Clean Commit service pages like website development app development or front end development Along with my team we created and actively maintaining our own Gatsby Starter for Netlify CMS called Henlo check it out and show us some love How to create Flexible Content field in Netlify CMSUse manual initialization to make configuration file management easier Leverage List widget and use types optionCreate a component that will render each section componentAdd that component to templates where you want to use itDefine types of fields used in sections to avoid build errors with type inference in Gatsby 2021-04-16 13:20:04
海外TECH DEV Community Page Management in Headless CMS https://dev.to/krofax/page-management-in-headless-cms-3b39 Page Management in Headless CMS Introduction Almost ten years ago National Public Radio s NPR Daniel Jacobson guest blogged at programmableweb com about their approach summed up in the acronym COPE which stands for Create Once Publish Everywhere This article would introduce you to a content management system providing content to multiple digital interfaces through an API ーnot through an HTML rendering machine ーas most CMSs at the time and arguably now did The main benefit of headless CMS is that it provides a much more flexible and efficient way to maintain a sophisticated content architecture across multiple digital properties This paradigm is a significant factor in why folks choose headless CMS to send content to mobile apps websites smartwatches AR VR etc However most headless platforms eschew the concept of page management because they claim that the separation of content from its presentation disallows the management of pages as they are only intended for a single output which the concerned website While this is true it also ignores that the main anchor for online content is your website and it needs a particular case In this article I ll introduce you to the dynamics of page management the benefits and why you should look out for a page management feature in any headless CMS vendor you decide to use Why Page Management One of the main benefits of a headless CMS is that it enables companies to build a modern content architecture across different digital platforms and devices Headless CMSs allow content teams to compose once and then publish everywhere sending content to every platform and device customers are using However while headless CMSs give you robust functionalities some vendors claim that the separation of content and presentation that characterizes the headless architecture makes the concept of page management obsolete Websites are pretty much the anchor for every business and ought to be special care for the contents architecture Amongst others avoiding duplicate content is a clear advantage because it increases reliability and decreases administrative burden you don t have to cope with duplicated content across multiple channels Benefits of Page ManagementWith Page Management you can create and manage pages for your digital solutions using reusable building blocks i e modules amp page templates You can manage the site s page tree page level SEO properties and determine what content and functionality will be on each page The following are the benefits of page management It empowers editors who can do more without a developer Happier developers who can focus on new functionality and enhancements and less time responding to new content requirementsIncreased productivityFewer resources expenses are required The Elements of Page ManagementWhile checking out Headless CMS vendors the following are some elements you should consider However in this article we would be using Agility CMS as a reference because they do have robust support for page management There are three things to consider during development there are Page templates module definitions and digital channels and sitemaps Let s take a look at these three elements Page Templates Templates allow developers to determine a name and a set of modules where content editors can add content Developers can also write code to render this template into an HTML document Modules Modules are reusable fields from a header to more complex UI elements such as a sliding image carousel In short modules are the building blocks that enable complex websites Digital Channels and Sitemaps A sitemap is a content structure that developers use to render the website In Agility CMS websites have one or more sitemaps defined each in its channel enabling multi site management and granular control over each digital property These three things are the bedrock of potential page management headless CMS In the next section we would look at how Agility CMS handles pages How Agility CMS Handles PagesAs mentioned in the previous section let s look at how Agility CMS cares for pages or content in this section Agility CMS allows you to define three things that make working with pages accessible for both content editors and developers to work Developers set up the templates and definitions while content editors determine how and where they want to use those templates and definitions This part of the content architecture is fundamental to the success of any CMS solution that includes a website Page TemplatesIt allows a developer to determine a template name and a set of module zones that content editors can drop content into using modules The developer can then write code in the website to render this template into HTML Module DefinitionsModules are the building blocks that enable a content editor to create a complex website structure with tools the developer has set up to succeed It allows a developer to define a set of fields to render a reusable item inside a template module zone It could be a header with a description generated as an lt H gt and an lt P gt element It could be a complex user interface component such as a slider carousel contact form or blog posts listing The developer has the choice of what properties the content editor will have to work These can be simple text number or date fields they can add image or file attachment fields or link to other content defined elsewhere such as shared content What s more those shared content items or lists can then link to other shared content as well Fantastic isn t it Digital Channels amp SitemapsEach Agility CMS website can have one or more sitemaps defined each in its digital channel It can use each digital channel to control a separate digital property It could for example be for a contest or a completely different branded site Essentially a sitemap is a nested content structure which the developer will use to render on the website Giving the content editor the control to manage multiple page content channels is a compelling and cost effective way to manage content Shared Content is VitalAgility believes in a content first approach to designing your content architecture and that starts with the shared content section in their suite It is where all your main lists and items will live and this is where you ll create most of your content that is reused across multiple destinations or endpoints such as your app social networks etc However the pages section is often the first place to find the content they are working on Your content teams primary responsibility is the website itself and seeing what page something on makes sense to people ConclusionIn this article we took a brief dive into the benefits and elements of page management and why one a developer or editor should be interested in such a feature as an avenue to create and dynamic content without stress No matter how sophisticated a headless CMS vendor package appears it s essential to know if page management is among their feature they take seriously especially if you desire to have the pages and contents of your website dynamically structured You can also try Agility CMS for FREE and spin a new instance with our Gatsby starter Let me know what you feel in the comment section below about using page management in a Headless CMS Resources How to Design A Content First Strategy using Agility CMS Agility CMS Strategies For Headless Projects With Structured Content Management Systems Knut Melvær 2021-04-16 13:09:20
海外TECH DEV Community The definition and path to becoming a freelancer https://dev.to/lvtdeveloper/the-definition-and-path-to-becoming-a-freelancer-32p0 The definition and path to becoming a freelancerHi everyone today I would like to talk about a topic you can relate to which is the freelancer s journey Let s start with the following questionIs being a freelancer a lifestyle and at what point do you stop being a freelancer If we look up the definition of freelancer it tells us that it is a person who works on his or her own account to provide services and get paid for it Under that definition I have this couple of questions that come to my mind How profitable is it to be a freelancer all your life What is the motivation that drives you to become a freelancer Many colleagues have the vision of the freelancer as the person who travels the world programming others simply don´t want to have a boss who is giving them orders and others just want to earn more because they don´t have a company that takes a percentage of their profit the reasons can be endless I personally know people who have high earnings as freelancers but I also know others who earn on average the same as they would earn in a company being this group the largest What is the biggest disadvantage of being a freelancer I think the main disadvantage of being a freelancer is that by depending on yourself if something happens to you you stop producing money that is you don´t have a backup team to support you and that sometimes tends to become a burden especially when there are people who depend on you economically That would explain why most freelancers statistically are young and single people So the question isIs being a freelancer a lifestyle or is it just a stepping stone to building your own business I think it depends a lot on the perspective motivation and situation of each programmer maybe there are some who would not change their freelancer status for more money or who look for a way to produce a lot of money and there are others who dare to take that step to the next level by forming a working group or company which leads to more management responsibility and less code In your case what is your experience I read you Thanks for reading Have a nice day coders 2021-04-16 13:02:53
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Glossy 'Apple Pencil 3' on display in video by new leaker https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/16/glossy-apple-pencil-3-on-display-in-video-by-new-leaker?utm_medium=rss Glossy x Apple Pencil x on display in video by new leakerA new leaker claiming to have information from inside Chinese factories shared a short video of a glossy Apple Pencil The Apple Pencil may combine design elements of the previous modelsLeaks surrounding a new Apple Pencil have been sparse so far but a new video shows a glossy design with a flat side for inductive charging This leaker known as ileakeer on Twitter doesn t have much of a history or following so it is difficult to determine if the video is real Read more 2021-04-16 13:40:00
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Linux OMG! Ubuntu! Ubuntu 21.04 ‘Hirsute Hippo’ T-Shirt Now Available to Order http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/rLoR9kczTh4/ubuntu-hippo-t-shirt Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo T Shirt Now Available to OrderWant the world your Zoom colleagues to know how excited you about Ubuntu which is released on April If so check out a hip new t shirt from the French speaking Ubuntu community They produce This post Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo T Shirt Now Available to Order is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission 2021-04-16 13:16:07
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海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Yuzuru Hanyu finishes second in short program at World Team Trophy; Japan in third place https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/04/16/figure-skating/yuzuru-hanyu-finishes-second/ Yuzuru Hanyu finishes second in short program at World Team Trophy Japan in third placeRussia finished the first night atop the standings with points after finishing first in the rhythm dance and taking the top two spots in 2021-04-16 23:11:13
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GCP Cloud Blog JA 新ホワイトペーパー: Certificate Authority Service による証明書管理のスケーリング https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/identity-security/how-to-scale-certificate-management-with-google-cas-whitepaper/ エンジニアリングを柱とする小規模組織でも、従来のCAより簡単に証明書を管理できるようにするのがCASです。 2021-04-16 14:00:00



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