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AWS AWS Compute Blog Getting started with serverless for developers: Part 2 – The business logic https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/getting-started-with-serverless-for-developers-part-2-the-business-logic/ Getting started with serverless for developers Part The business logicThis blog is part of “Getting started with serverless for developers“ helping developers start building serverless applications from their IDE In part you learn why developers need serverless technologies and which challenges serverless technologies help to solve You are introduced to an example serverless application Deploying this application to your AWS account in … 2021-04-19 14:04:14
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog Now available: AWS Training course on compliance in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/now-available-aws-training-course-compliance-aws-govcloud-us-regions/ Now available AWS Training course on compliance in AWS GovCloud US RegionsAWS Training and Certification is now offering a new foundational training course on AWS GovCloud US as part of their no cost training webinar series Introduction to Governance and Compliance in AWS GovCloud US Regions is a training workshop for those looking for a solution to host sensitive data and regulated workloads or IT professionals just looking to learn more about AWS GovCloud US This new live training webinar dives into the basics of how AWS and AWS GovCloud US Regions address these stringent security compliance and governance requirements 2021-04-19 14:09:19
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita スクショなどのファイル名のスペースやカッコなどをPythonで一括置換した https://qiita.com/bolte/items/9e741618182f97c799fb スクショなどのファイル名のスペースやカッコなどをPythonで一括置換したモチベーションmacOSやLinuxでスクリーンショットを撮ると、スクリーンショット××pngやScreenshotfrompngなどのようにスペースが含まれてしまう。 2021-04-19 23:43:15
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Colab環境でMeCabを使う https://qiita.com/Ninagawa_Izumi/items/c90cccb453e2a6fc4466 MeCabを試すpythonimportMeCabprintMeCabTaggerchasenparseすもももももももものうちすもも名詞一般すももスモモスモモも助詞係助詞もモモもも名詞一般ももモモモモも助詞係助詞もモモもも名詞一般ももモモモモの助詞連体化のノノうち名詞非自立副詞可能うちウチウチEOSと結果を出力します。 2021-04-19 23:29:27
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GiNZA を HTTP Server 化する https://qiita.com/oyahiroki/items/9ded9204551dbcea1a70 GiNZAをHTTPServer化する目的ObjectiveOSやランタイムプラットフォームにできるだけ依存しない分散自然言語処理システムを作るためです。 2021-04-19 23:23:40
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita socket通信とmultiprocessingのpipeを比較する https://qiita.com/sinsen9000/items/9cb954ff4f441409ccbd socket通信とmultiprocessingのpipeを比較する並行処理できて、なおかつ情報をまとめて受信したい時にパッと思いついたのがsocket通信でしたが、試行錯誤した結果、multiprocessingのPipeで実装を行いました。 2021-04-19 23:20:49
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python IDE乗り換え https://qiita.com/kirin123kirin/items/50aa6655099f511f965e Vimの設定修正の方が気になりだし本末転倒PyCharmlt軽い、Spyder以上に使いやすいがたまにクラッシュする、有料結論VisualStudioCodePyCharmを買おうかと思っていたが、Microsoft製ということで食わず嫌いしてたが、VSCodeをインストールし日環境設定に励んだところ、かなりイイ。 2021-04-19 23:14:14
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【rails】Ratyを使った星評価(評価の保存・表示・再評価) https://qiita.com/Miyayan/items/dd9cf2a4bec89808c68b 【rails】Ratyを使った星評価評価の保存・表示・再評価こんばんは。 2021-04-19 23:40:09
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Denoの開発環境をVSCodeで作る【2021.4月版】 https://qiita.com/SuzuTomo2001/items/3d85eb92fcfff255ce46 vscode内にlaunchjsonを作成し、以下のJSONをコピペしてください。 2021-04-19 23:32:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Xcode Face ID認証失敗時のパスワード入力画面 https://teratail.com/questions/334119?rss=all XcodeFaceID認証失敗時のパスワード入力画面前提・実現したいことXcodeでFaceIDまたはTouchIDを使用したログインを実装しようとしているのですが、通常複数回認証失敗した際にパスワードを入力する画面が表示されると思うのですが、そのボタンを押しても反応することなく終わってしまうのですがどう記述し直せばパスコードを入力でiPhoneのパスコード入力画面を表示できるのでしょうか。 2021-04-19 23:42:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) EditorConfigを使用し、インデント数を2に変更したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/334118?rss=all EditorConfigを使用し、インデント数をに変更したい。 2021-04-19 23:36:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ACCESSのクエリのフィールドにReplace関数を使用して別のテーブルのデータと差し替えたい https://teratail.com/questions/334117?rss=all ACCESSのクエリのフィールドにReplace関数を使用して別のテーブルのデータと差し替えたいACCESSのクエリのフィールドにReplace関数を使ってテーブルにある特定の文字を、別のテーブルで計測しているデータの数値と入れ替えたいです。 2021-04-19 23:08:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Sheetのcopyで新たなBookを作る場合の新たなBookとSheetを扱う方法について https://teratail.com/questions/334116?rss=all Sheetのcopyで新たなBookを作る場合の新たなBookとSheetを扱う方法について前提・実現したいことSheetのcopyで新たなBookを作る場合、copyメソッドには戻り値がないため新たなBookやSheetを取得するための良い手法を知りたいです。 2021-04-19 23:06:51
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【rails】Ratyを使った星評価(評価の保存・表示・再評価) https://qiita.com/Miyayan/items/dd9cf2a4bec89808c68b 【rails】Ratyを使った星評価評価の保存・表示・再評価こんばんは。 2021-04-19 23:40:09
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 初心者でもDockerでWordPressの環境構築ができた! https://qiita.com/it1221/items/ab2273b9f6b8e7c68381 コンテナにnginxのイメージを追加すればいいのかそれともnginxのサーバーを立ち上げてそこにWordPressのイメージを追加したほうがいいのかApacheじゃなきゃダメなのかと考えて参考になるものがないかネットを漁ってみたが、学んだことをもう一度調べ直すのにもここまでそれなりの時間を要していたため、早くWordPressの勉強に取り掛かりたかったので結局最後は先輩方の知恵をお借りすることに。 2021-04-19 23:17:55
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【github】remote: Invalid username or password.の解決方法 https://qiita.com/mumucochimu/items/da6b392568b0d8d21d7d gitremoteseturlorigingitgithubcom×××testgit上記のコマンドを実行すると下記のようにSSHでの認証方式に変更されます。 2021-04-19 23:42:22
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【超初心者必見】gitの使い方をマスターする① https://qiita.com/ryu110/items/c8c6deecddd66dad6b11 ここでは作成したいファイルを入力します。 2021-04-19 23:36:56
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【rails】Ratyを使った星評価(評価の保存・表示・再評価) https://qiita.com/Miyayan/items/dd9cf2a4bec89808c68b 【rails】Ratyを使った星評価評価の保存・表示・再評価こんばんは。 2021-04-19 23:40:09
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita seed_fu使ってシードデータを作ったのにrspecのテストを回すとシードデータが消えている https://qiita.com/WallyNegima/items/47a0ce6d84815d4401bb 2021-04-19 23:34:18
技術ブログ Developers.IO markdown-itでレンダリングした要素にディープセレクタでスタイルを適用してみる https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/markdown-it-with-deep-selector/ developersio 2021-04-19 14:18:34
海外TECH DEV Community How I got a full-time development job as a self-taught developer at 18 years old https://dev.to/jackrkelly/how-i-got-a-full-time-development-job-as-a-self-taught-developer-at-18-years-old-4iph How I got a full time development job as a self taught developer at years oldMy name is Jack Kelly I am an year old self taught developer based out of Kansas Since years ago my primary goal has been to get a full time job as a self taught developer with no college degree I was told by countless people that I would have no chance without a degree and that it wouldn t be possible My web development journey all started once I got to high school there is a multi media program at my school and there are different strands one of those being web design Web design really sparked my interest in web development but this class was more for content management systems and UI I was more interested in the development side of things so my awesome web teacher allowed me to take my own path I started down my own path I was following many curriculums such as FreeCodeCamp or some courses on Scrimba to learn about certain technologies I spent most of my weekends learning and I think I forgot what friends and fun were This is one thing I will say though my situation worked out from my hard work Make sure you still enjoy life don t let the process take over your life In my sophomore year of high school I told my web design teacher that my goal was to get a job out of high school Now we look back and laugh at this but he probably thought I had ambitious goals but regardless he supported me and my goals In my junior year of high school I was at a hackathon for my school and there were some engineers from Cerner who told me I would need a college degree if I wanted to work there This was really demotivating and it turned out to be true this company did not accept self taught developers with no degree but it didn t matter Then an opportunity came up through my school for my senior year that there was a Software Engineering internship at Cerner I saw this opportunity and went ahead and applied for it with my fingers crossed as this would be a huge opportunity for me I went into the interview super nervous and actually the interview was more difficult than I expected I got asked questions about data structures and projects I had worked on Bear in mind this is a high school level internship It ended up working out I got the internship I was super excited to get this opportunity this is around the time covid started so I didn t get to work in the awesome office they had See the image below of where I didn t get to work in person haha The internship started then I got to work with some pretty fun technologies and this experience introduced me to some enterprise tools such as JIRA and Jenkins This is one thing that self taught developers are missing when it comes to getting a job a lot of companies are expecting you have experience with CI CD tools and task management tools I also worked with tools I already had experience with such as React Jest and Javascript I got to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails Groovy and a couple of other technologies which was a great experience This internship was great but it was still an internship I got in contact with my team lead and asked if it was possible to get a full time position at Cerner with no degree And the engineers at Cerner which I met at the hackathon were right you need a degree to work there full time I started applying to jobs and was interviewing like crazy Interviewing is definitely a skill you re not going to start interviewing and be a pro your first one I bombed a couple of interviews but started to understand the game I had interviews one week it was getting tiring But at last I finally got an offer from Yellow as a Web Developer I The director thought my journey as a self taught developer was cool and didn t care that I didn t have a computer science degree Since I joined Yellow I have been interviewing candidates Including senior candidates as well which has been a great but crazy experience I wouldn t have expected to be the interviewer so quickly after being the interviewee I have been learning so much in my new position and while interviewing candidates I have a running list of things I don t know This list has been ever growing and it has been great I think my experience interviewing will be so much better having been on the other side and after I have learned so much more Overall things worked out My hard work paid off and I got a full time job before graduating high school I had to trudge through the mud a bit with school my internship coding in my free time and applying to jobs But it was all worth it and I couldn t be happier My first closing piece of advice is very cliche but it couldn t be more true People will tell you that you can t do something which is hard But there are some things that just haven t been done often and no one is familiar with it My parents were quite nervous about the path I was taking and there was a lot of uncertainty And even once you land that job or reach your goal people may be jealous and that could bring a lot of negativity You just have to be there for yourself and understand what you have done and how impressive that is My second closing piece of advice is to not give up again very cliche But just before I got the job offer from Yellow I was on the verge of giving up I felt like I had worked so hard and it had amounted to nothing so far the feeling of relief when I got that offer started my first day and got the first paycheck It finally felt real just imagine if I gave up weeks before Thanks for reading this article hopefully it was helpful for some of you If any self taught developers or any aspiring self taught developers have any questions or would like some advice I would be more than happy to help out Feel free to reach out on discord JackRKelly or somewhere else 2021-04-19 14:33:33
海外TECH DEV Community The React Router Cheatsheet: Everything You Should Know https://dev.to/reedbarger/the-react-router-cheatsheet-everything-you-should-know-23h5 The React Router Cheatsheet Everything You Should KnowIf you re building React applications for the web you re going to need to use a dedicated router to display pages and navigate your user around them That s why today we re going to go over the most popular and most powerful router for React applications React Router We re going to go over of the essential features you need to know if you re using React Router in your projects today specifically for the web using the package react router dom Want Your Own Copy ‬ Click here to download the cheatsheet in PDF format it takes seconds It includes all of the essential information here as a convenient PDF guide Install React RouterThe very first step to using React Router is to install the appropriate package They are technically three different packages React Router React Router DOM and React Router Native The primary difference between them lies in their usage React Router DOM is for web applications and React Router Native is for mobile applications made with React Native The first thing that you ll need to do is install React Router DOM using npm or yarn npm install react router dom Basic Router SetupOnce it s installed we can bring in our first component which is required to use React router and this is called BrowserRouter There are multiple types of routers that react router dom provides aside from BrowserRouter which we won t go into It s a common practice to alias rename BrowserRoute as simply Router when it is imported If we want to provide routes within our entire application it needs to be wrapped around our entire component tree That s why you will usually see it wrapped around or within the main app component import BrowserRouter as Router from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt routes go here as children lt Router gt This is the primary function of the BrowserRouter to be able to declare individual routes within our application Note that any router specific data cannot be accessed outside of the Router component For example we cannot access history data outside of the router i e with the useHistory hook and we cannot create a Route outside of a Router component Route ComponentThe next component is the Route component We declare routes within the Router component as children We can declare as many routes as we like and we need to provide at least two props to each route path and component or render import BrowserRouter as Router Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Router gt function About return lt gt about lt gt The path prop specifies on what path of our app a given route is located For an about page for example we might want that route to be accessible on the path about The render or component prop are used to display a specific component for our path The component props can only receives a reference to a given component whereas render is more typically used for applying some conditional logic to render one route one component or another For render you can either use a reference to a component or use a function import BrowserRouter as Router Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Route path render gt lt Home gt gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Router gt function Home return lt gt home lt gt function About return lt gt about lt gt It s worth noting that you can potentially drop the render or component prop entirely and use the component that you want to associate with a given route as a child of Route import BrowserRouter as Router Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Route path about gt lt About gt lt Route gt lt Router gt Finally if want a component such as a navbar to be visible on every page put it still within the browser router but above or below the declared routes import BrowserRouter as Router Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Navbar gt lt Route path component Home gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Router gt function Navbar visible on every page return lt gt navbar lt gt function Home return lt gt home lt gt function About return lt gt about lt gt Switch ComponentWhen we get begin to add multiple routes we ll notice something strange Let s say we have a route for the home page and about page Even though we specify two different paths and about when I visit the about page we ll see both the home and the about components We can fix this with the exact prop on the home route to make sure that our router matches exactly the path instead of about import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Navbar gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt When it comes to switching between different routes that our router should show there is in fact a dedicated component that you should be using if you have multiple routes within your router and that is the Switch component The switch component should be included within the router and we can place all of our routes within it import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Navbar gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt The switch component looks through all of its child routes and it displays the first one whose path matches the current url This component is what we want to use in most cases for most applications because we have multiple routes and multiple plate pages in our app but we only want to show one page at a time If for some reason you do want multiple pages to be displayed at the same time you might consider not using the switch component RouteIf we attempt to go to a path that doesn t exist in our application what are we going to see We re not going to see anything if we don t have a route corresponding to that How do we make a catch all route If a user attempts to go to a page for which we don t have a defined route we can create a route and then set the path to an asterisk import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Navbar gt lt Switch gt lt Route path component Home gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Route path component NotFound gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt function NotFound return lt gt You have landed on a page that doesn t exist lt gt This will match any attempt to visit a page that doesn t exist and we can connect it to a not found component to tell our users have landed on a page that doesn t exist Link ComponentLet s say that within our NavBar we actually want to create some links so we can move around our application more easily instead of having to change the url manually in the browser We can do so with another special component from React Router DOM called the Link component It accepts the to prop which specifies where we want the link to navigate our user to In our case we might have a home and about link import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route Link from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Navbar gt lt Switch gt lt Route path component Home gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt function Navbar return lt nav gt lt Link to gt Home lt Link gt lt Link to about gt About lt Link gt lt nav gt The link component allows us to provide some inline styles just like any standard React component It also gives us a helpful component prop so we can set our link as our own custom component for even easier styling NavLink ComponentAdditionally React Router DOM gives us a NavLink component which is helpful in the event that we want to apply some special styles If we are on the current path that the link points to this allows us to create some active link styles to tell our users by looking at our link what page they re on For example if our users are on the homepage we could tell them as much by using the activeStyle prop to make our link bold and red when they re on the homepage import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route NavLink from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Navbar gt lt Switch gt lt Route path component Home gt lt Route path about component About gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt function Navbar return lt nav gt lt NavLink activeStyle fontWeight bold color red to gt Home lt NavLink gt lt NavLink activeClassName active to about gt About lt NavLink gt lt nav gt There is also an activeClassName prop which can be set as well if you do not want to include inline styles or want more reusable styles to perform the same function as activeStyle Redirect ComponentAnother very helpful component that React Router DOM gives us is the redirect component This may seem strange to have a component that performs a function of redirecting our user when it s displayed but this is very functional Whenever we re using something like a private route and we have a condition in which the user is not authenticated we want to redirect them back to the login page Here is an example of an implementation of a private route component that ensures that a user is authenticated to show them a particular route has been declared with this component Otherwise if they re not authenticated they will be redirected to a public route presumably a route to login once the redirect component is displayed import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route Redirect from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt PrivateRoute path hidden component Hidden gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt function PrivateRoute component Component rest useAuth is some custom hook to get the current user s auth state const isAuth useAuth return lt Route rest render props gt isAuth lt Component props gt lt Redirect to gt gt function Home return lt gt home lt gt function Hidden return lt gt hidden lt gt The redirect component is very simple to use very declarative and allows us to see the great benefit of React Router DOM being component based just like everything in React useHistory HookOn top of all of these powerful components we have some very useful hooks that React Router DOM gives us They are mainly helpful by supplying additional information that we can use within our components They can be called as normal React hooks for which we can use their values exactly as we like Perhaps the most powerful hook is the useHistory hook We can call it up at the top of any component that is declared within our router component and get back history data which includes information such as the location associated with our component This tells us all about where the user currently is such as the pathname that they re on as well as any query parameters that might be appended to our url All of the location data is accessible from history location import useHistory from react router dom function About const history useHistory console log history location pathname about return lt gt lt h gt The about page is on history location pathname lt h gt lt gt Additionally the history object directly includes helpful methods that allows us to programmatically direct our user to different pages in our app This is very helpful in for example for redirecting our user after logging in or in any situation where we need to take a user from one page to another We can push users from one page to another using history push When we use the push method we just need to supply the path that we want to take our users to using this method adds this new page on to the stack so to speak of our history import useHistory from react router dom function About const history useHistory console log history location pathname about return lt gt lt h gt The about page is on history location pathname lt h gt lt button onClick gt history push gt Go to home page lt button gt lt gt We can also redirect our users with history replace which also accepts a path value but clears out everything in history after the navigation is performed This is helpful for situations where going back in history is no longer needed such as after users have been logged out useLocation HookThe useLocation hook includes all of the same information that the useHistory hook does This is important to note that if you need both location data and to use history to programmatically navigate your user make sure to useHistory However if you only want location data all you need to do is call useLocation or get back all of the location data on an object that is identical to the data provided on history location import useLocation from react router dom function About const location useLocation console log location pathname about return lt gt lt h gt The about page is on location pathname lt h gt lt gt useParams Hook Dynamic RoutesOne thing that we didn t cover when it comes to routes is that we can naturally create dynamic routes meaning routes that are not fixed and determined but can be any number of characters Dynamic routes are helpful in situations where we have let s say a blog post with a unique slug How do we make sure that we display the appropriate data and appropriate components given that our blog post slug can be completely different To declare a route parameter on a given route it must be prefixed with a colon If I wanted to create a dynamic route blog postSlug for a blog post component it might look like the following import React from react import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path blog postSlug component BlogPost gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt function Home return lt gt home lt gt function BlogPost return lt gt blog post lt gt We re now matching the appropriate component or whatever the slug is but within our BlogPost component how do we receive that post slug data We can access any route params of a declared route with its associated component using the useParams hook useParams will return an object which will contain properties that match our route params in this case postSlug We can use object destructuring to immediately access and declare as a variable with the name postSlug import React from react import BrowserRouter as Router Switch Route useParams from react router dom export default function App return lt Router gt lt Switch gt lt Route exact path component Home gt lt Route path blog postSlug component BlogPost gt lt Switch gt lt Router gt function Home return lt gt home lt gt function BlogPost const post setPost React useState null const postSlug useParams React useEffect gt fetch postSlug then res gt res json then data gt setPost data postSlug if post return null return lt gt lt h gt post title lt h gt lt p gt post description lt p gt lt gt If we go to the route blog my blog post I can access the string my blog post on the postSlug variable and fetch that post s associated data within useEffect useRouteMatch HookIf we want to know whether the given component is on a certain page we can use the useRouteMatch hook For example within our blog post to see the page that we re on matches the route blog postSlug can get back a boolean value that will tell us if the route that we re on matches the pattern that we specified import useRouteMatch from react router dom function BlogPost const isBlogPostRoute useRouteMatch blog postSlug display hide content or do something else This is helpful in conditions in which we want to show something specific based off of whether we re on a certain route or not Want to keep this guide for future reference ‬ Click here to download the cheatsheet as a helpful PDF Here are quick wins you get when you grab the downloadable version You ll get tons of copyable code snippets for easy reuse in your own projects It is a great reference guide to strengthen your skills as a React developer and for job interviews You can take use print read and re read this guide literally anywhere that you like 2021-04-19 14:30:14
海外TECH DEV Community Social Media Button Hover Using HTML & CSS https://dev.to/nikhil27b/social-media-button-hover-using-html-css-49b5 Social Media Button Hover Using HTML amp CSSHello today I created an Amazing social media hover button Using HTML amp CSS when you hover on this button this shows as a sort profile card I hope you like this also comments about your thoughts For more content follow me on Instagram developer nikhil If you want to more support me then buy me a coffee Thank you 2021-04-19 14:28:44
海外TECH DEV Community #8 of 100DaysOfCode https://dev.to/icecoffee/8-of-100daysofcode-24ng of DaysOfCodeEighth Day Today I am revisiting react states in greater detail And here is what I have learned so far Eight ways to handle state in a React application URLCurrent app location settings Enables support for deep linking Avoids redundantly storage of data in your beautiful app rd Party Enhancement React router Web StorageTo persist states between reloads CookiesLocaleIndexedDBWatchout Tied to a single browser i e If the same app will be accessed from a different browser then you have to again store all the data we all are familiar with cookies right Avoid storing sensitive data Use CasesItems in a shopping cart Partially filled form data Local StateStore state inside a React component used when a component needs it Use CasesFormsTogglesLocal lists Lifted StateIt s literally what its name says When a state is used by multiple components then we just lift a state to common parent and pass em down via props Derived StateDerive state from existing states props Example Like using Array length rather than assigning a length of the list to a new state variable That was a simple example but what derived states Not because it makes code slick but to simplify code and avoid sync bugs RefsThe DOM reference For uncontrolled elements like inputs and other components where React don t control their propertiesInterfacing with non react libraries State that isn t displayedLike to track if a component is mounted or not Hold timers Store previous state values Helps in making features like undo and redo Context of DaysOfCode atulit・Apr ・ min read react daysofcode nextjs javascript Yep the same thing that I mentioned the day before Global broadly used state and functions Avoids prop drillingUse Cases Login key of the user Authorization settings ThemingInternationalization settings Third Parth StatesHandling state via third parties to make life chill General Options ReduxMotexRecoilRemote State SWRRelay Both of them goes well with GraphQLApollo Yep and that s all for today I wasn t able to do enough today but I am working on it I m sure most of you guys have used them before and this is just a general classification of possible use cases but since we are developers innovation is in our middle name You know what I m saying If anyone wants to suggest some more use cases or any add on s or if there are some mistakes in the post please let me know I ll really appreciate that Thanks for reading it Have a beautiful day 2021-04-19 14:28:32
海外TECH DEV Community Codesphere vs. GitHub Codespaces: What's the Difference? https://dev.to/codesphere/codesphere-vs-github-codespaces-what-s-the-difference-2p1 Codesphere vs GitHub Codespaces What x s the Difference As we were recently asked how Codesphere differentiates itself from Codespaces an online editor for Github we thought we could help clear some things up If you were ever wondering what makes Codesphere unique continue reading to find out Codespaces is an online code editor powered by VSCode specifically designed for Github With the click of a button directly in your GitHub repository it starts a remote VM downloads the code and lets users edit it with a special version of VSCode which can be used from the browser This is really useful for making quick changes in some repo without the entire setup on your laptop but it is still limited by the resources of the remote VM and does not solve the complexity of getting a user s app live Codesphere on the other hand aims to provide a much simpler experience compared to today s cloud providers while giving the opportunity to ad hoc code in your browser The idea behind Codesphere builds on a paradigm shift Instead of creating apps on your computer and deploying them to a totally different infrastructure e g AWS you can now create the apps using Codesphere s web IDE in the same environment in which you will run them in production Combined with our new distributed architecture you can now use the power of the full cloud even while you are still coding e g to run builds on hundreds of VM s or seamlessly switch between dev and prod Development is always tested and online alongside production Neither deployment nor git is needed and the application scales automatically Starting up with Codesphere is effortless as it provides you with everything needed to change the deployment or even take out the code without any lock in On the other hand if you prefer your local VSCode you can just mount the remote file system and work with that getting the best of both worlds We make scalable infrastructure easy to deploy and make starting up projects a lot faster regardless if you are a single developer or a team Codesphere grows with you from your very first experiments to building the next Spotify or Youtube While there are really great tools out there we felt there is a gap in the market when it comes to creating scalable apps and this is why we created Codesphere 2021-04-19 14:28:10
海外TECH DEV Community All you need is NAND, NAND, NAND; NAND is all you need! https://dev.to/kallmanation/all-you-need-is-nand-nand-nand-nand-is-all-you-need-1cho All you need is NAND NAND NAND NAND is all you need All animations courtesy of my Wireworld built in SvelteIf you ve spent any time programming you may recognize the big three boolean operators AND OR and NOT often written amp amp in many programming languages Together these operators are functionally complete meaning they can be used to build any boolean logic Combined with some sort of memory functionally complete operators can be used to build a turing complete system What if I told you we need only one operator to be functionally complete That s right All you need is NAND short for Not AND x amp amp y But don t trust me let me show you Proving NAND is all you need NAND is NOTYou ve seen the animation of a NAND in a Wireworld above NAND imation anyone What would happen if instead of two inputs we tied them both together as one input Notice how this new operator constantly outputs until an input is received and then it stops aka NOT logic In JavaScript if we had a nand x y function we could make not like this const not x gt nand x x Look at NAND s truth table where both inputs are the same XY Ofalsefalse truetruetrue falseLooks a lot like NOT to me NAND is NOT NAND is ANDLook at NAND s full truth table compared to AND XY NANDANDfalsefalse truefalsefalsetrue truefalsetruefalse truefalsetruetrue falsetrueIt s perfectly inverse that is the definition of Not AND after all If only we could NOT the output of our NAND we would have AND if you read the last section that s exactly what we have Just put the output of a NAND as both inputs to another NAND and viola an AND appears Again to relate this to code it might look something like this const and x y gt nand nand x y nand x y NAND is ORPerhaps the trickiest one yet AND and NOT were fairly obvious looking at their truth tables But OR XY NANDORfalsefalse truefalsefalsetrue truetruetruefalse truetruetruetrue falsetrueOR is tantalizingly close to NAND They both have three outputs of true and only one case of false But the tables are backwards What are we supposed to do with this What if I showed you a table with the opposite inputs NOT XNOT Y ORtruetrue truetruefalse truefalsetrue truefalsefalse falseDoes that pattern look familiar If we NOT our inputs first using the same NAND as NOT trick and put those as the inputs to our NAND we ll get an OR We ll finish out our code examples const or x y gt nand nand x x nand y y We just did DeMorgan s Theorem a very cool trick for making boolean code more readable but we ll talk more about that later NAND is all you needIf you accept that AND OR and NOT are functionally complete since NAND can build each of those three things NAND all by itself is functionally complete So yes NAND is all you need but please don t write all your booleans using only NANDs This is for your edification and education Why should I care Problem Transformations Solve ProblemsWhat is the difference between a Bubble Sort and a Quick Sort They will both give an equally sorted output after all The importance comes in performance Because while they are logically equivalent they are not operationally equivalent one of them will finish faster when a physical computer executes the sort Many many things in the business of software development see drastic improvements from transforming the physical operations while keeping logical equivalence The better we become at this skill the better programmers we become One way to become better is seeing examples like this NAND Runs the WorldIt just so happens that in real world computer chips NAND is one of the easiest things to build If you ve ever heard of D NAND you now know what that NAND stands for And when your code works the first time around thank a NAND gate It s Just Cool Who would have thought that just one operator can run the whole world 2021-04-19 14:21:32
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Best Buy gains Apple Business Chat support for customer services https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/19/best-buy-gains-apple-business-chat-support-for-customer-services?utm_medium=rss Best Buy gains Apple Business Chat support for customer servicesBest Buy has become the latest major retailer to support Apple Business Chat allowing customers to ask questions with stores in a similar way to standard iMessage conversations Apple Business Chat is Apple s service that allows businesses to handle communications with customers through iMessages apps On Monday electronics retailer Best Buy became the latest company to join the roster of firms that can talk to customers via Apple s chat platform First reported by Appleosophy customers can initiate Apple Business Chat for Best Buy via Apple Maps by searching for their nearest retail outlet and tapping the Message icon The iPhone or iPad will then open up iMessage and start a conversation up between the customer and a Best Buy representative Read more 2021-04-19 14:42:40
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Flash deals: save up to $280 on Apple's iPhone 12, plus free gifts ahead of Apple Event https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/19/flash-deals-save-up-to-280-on-apples-iphone-12-plus-free-gifts-ahead-of-apple-event?utm_medium=rss Flash deals save up to on Apple x s iPhone plus free gifts ahead of Apple EventFor two days only Verizon owned Visible is knocking up to off Apple s iPhone with a free gift card offer and free next day shipping for new users that switch iPhone flash dealIn celebration of tomorrow s Apple Event Visible is dropping the price on the iPhone in its latest flash promotion Read more 2021-04-19 14:17:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News New hardware, app updates, and the demise of Logitech Harmony on HomeKit Insider https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/19/new-hardware-app-updates-and-the-demise-of-logitech-harmony-on-homekit-insider?utm_medium=rss New hardware app updates and the demise of Logitech Harmony on HomeKit InsiderOn the latest HomeKit Insider podcast we discuss the demise of the Logitech Harmony line a new air purifier the rollout of the new Roku gear and of course answer several listener questions HomeKit Insider A new AppleInsider podcastThere was quite a bit of news to parse this week starting with Logitech s late Friday announcement that the Harmony line was no more They ve discontinued the product line and while they plan to offer continued software support eventually that will end Read more 2021-04-19 14:02:20
海外TECH Engadget Xbox Cloud Gaming beta arrives on iOS and Windows PCs https://www.engadget.com/xbox-cloud-gaming-beta-iphone-ipad-windows-pc-144418232.html windows 2021-04-19 14:44:18
海外TECH Engadget Union says Amazon interfered with Alabama warehouse vote https://www.engadget.com/amazon-retail-union-rwdsu-23-objections-election-tampering-allegation-143104913.html Union says Amazon interfered with Alabama warehouse voteAmazon beat back a push to unionize in its Bessemer Alabama fulfillment center thanks to a surprisingly one sided vote ーnearly two thirds of the facility s workers chose not to join the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union on April th According to a list of objections filed with the National Labor Relations Board late Friday however the union argues Amazon won the vote because it “interfered with the rights of its employees “to vote in a free and fair election a right protected under Section of the National Labor Relations Act 2021-04-19 14:31:04
海外科学 NYT > Science NASA Mars Helicopter Achieves First Flight on Red Planet https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/science/nasa-mars-helicopter.html planet 2021-04-19 14:20:36
海外科学 All Top News -- ScienceDaily NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter succeeds in historic first flight http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_science/~3/7NMcAbRBkA8/210419100103.htm NASA x s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter succeeds in historic first flightThe small rotorcraft made history hovering above Jezero Crater demonstrating that powered controlled flight on another planet is possible 2021-04-19 14:01:03
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 J-IRISS https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/j-iriss/index.html iriss 2021-04-19 14:35:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Fears grow of spike in Tokyo COVID-19 variant cases https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/04/19/national/coronavirus-variants-tokyo-spike/ Fears grow of spike in Tokyo COVID variant casesThe National Institute of Infectious Diseases believes that infections with the variant strains may make up to of all coronavirus cases in the 2021-04-20 00:45:36
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan considers letting dentists administer COVID-19 vaccines https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/04/19/national/dentists-coronavirus-vaccine/ administer 2021-04-20 00:33:47
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Beijing huddles with friends as it seeks to fracture U.S.-led ‘clique’ https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/04/19/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/china-allies-bloc-us/ Beijing huddles with friends as it seeks to fracture U S led clique China is shoring up ties with autocratic partners like Russia and Iran while using sanctions and threats to try to fracture the alliances the United 2021-04-19 23:05:18
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Three Japanese wrestlers claim gold at Asian championships https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/04/19/more-sports/japanese-wrestlers-asian-championships/ Three Japanese wrestlers claim gold at Asian championshipsThe Asian Wrestling Championships wrapped up in Kazakhstan on Sunday with three Japanese athletes topping the podium during the six day tournament The competition at Almaty s Baluan 2021-04-19 23:41:52
ニュース BBC News - Home India added to coronavirus ‘red list’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56806103 hancock 2021-04-19 14:53:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Super League: Why are football's biggest clubs starting a new tournament? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56768728 financial 2021-04-19 14:44:11
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: More than 10m people fully vaccinated in UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56794047 health 2021-04-19 14:28:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Fishmongers' Hall inquest: Witness thought terrorist Usman Khan was 'play-fighting' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-56802888 london 2021-04-19 14:20:47
ニュース BBC News - Home 'A spit in the face of football lovers' - Uefa condemns ESL plans https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56800351 disgraceful 2021-04-19 14:48:27
ニュース BBC News - Home England's 'big six' agree to join new European Super League https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/56795811 England x s x big six x agree to join new European Super LeagueArsenal Chelsea Liverpool Manchester City Manchester United and Tottenham are among clubs who agree to join a new European Super League 2021-04-19 14:50:16
ニュース BBC News - Home What are the Indian, Brazil, South Africa and UK variants? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-55659820 africa 2021-04-19 14:47:05



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