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AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Enforce VPC rules for Amazon Comprehend jobs and CMK encryption for custom models https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/enforce-vpc-rules-for-amazon-comprehend-jobs-and-cmk-encryption-for-custom-models/ Enforce VPC rules for Amazon Comprehend jobs and CMK encryption for custom modelsYou can now control the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Amazon VPC and encryption settings for your Amazon Comprehend APIs using AWS Identity and Access Management IAM condition keys and encrypt your Amazon Comprehend custom models using customer managed keys CMK via AWS Key Management Service AWS KMS IAM condition keys enable you to further refine … 2021-04-19 23:44:20
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita なんということでしょう、匠の手によりandメソッドが導入され、テストのexampleが減ったではありませんか https://qiita.com/togo_mentor/items/645b335939a9403f4993 なんということでしょう、匠の手によりandメソッドが導入され、テストのexampleが減ったではありませんかformオブジェクトを用いてリクエストテスト、結合テストを行いリソースの保存を検証したいclassOutputincludeActiveModelModelattraccessorcontentuseridbookidawarenessactionplansdefsaveawarenessAwarenessnewcontentcontentbookidbookiduseriduseridawarenesssaveactionplanseachdoactionplanactionplanActionPlannewtimeofexecutionactionplantimeofexecutionwhattodoactionplanwhattodohowtodoactionplanhowtodobookidbookiduseriduseridawarenessidawarenessidactionplansaveBookActionPlancreatebookidbookidactionplanidactionplanidendendendこんな感じで一度に複数のモデルにデータを挿入するformオブジェクトを生成した。 2021-04-20 08:08:09
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [AWS] CloudShellで簡単にS3署名付きURLを発行する https://qiita.com/herohit-tool/items/f9675949654894b85855 この時、マネジメントコンソールからアップロードしてもよいですし、クライアントからAWSCliを叩いてもOKです。 2021-04-20 08:55:50
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Flaskを使用したTwitterログイン連携用API作成 メモ https://qiita.com/KWS_0901/items/a80d6e066106046b08ef oauthtokenrequesttokenを取得し、認可リクエストURLにクエリパラメータとして設定する。 2021-04-20 08:20:36
海外TECH Ars Technica Marvel drops first teaser for Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings https://arstechnica.com/?p=1757928 family 2021-04-19 23:28:55
海外TECH DEV Community Secure Your Azure DevOps Organization NOW! https://dev.to/n3wt0n/secure-your-azure-devops-organization-now-42l2 Secure Your Azure DevOps Organization NOW Securing on Organization in Azure DevOps is a pretty important thing to do Today I m gonna show you exactly how you can do it using tools like security policies multi factor authentication and much more IntroI ve decided to make this post because working with many companies and organizations I ve noticed that often the security of development tools and environments is not the priority But the question is how can you keep safe your production if you don t take care of all the previous stages and environments And anyway often tools like Azure DevOps and Azure Pipelines are accessing production in some form especially for deployment so better keep everything safe and secure right There are many tools we can use to secure our Azure DevOps organization I will try to cover most of them here but let me know in the comment section below if you have any other use case or scenario you would like me to cover or if you are using a tool or technique I haven t mentioned VideoAs usual if you are a visual learner or simply prefer to watch and listen instead of reading here you have the video with the whole explanation and demo which to be fair is much more complete than this post Link to the video If you rather prefer reading well let s just continue Connect to AADFirst thing you want to do in your Azure DevOps organization is connecting your Azure DevOps organization with your Azure AD tenant This as we will see brings so many advantages to the table Benefits like strong identity governance MFA Multi Factor Authentication access policies etc Watch the video to see how to connect AzDO to AADNote that you need to do that with an account that has the proper permissions in your Azure AD Also if you have already other users in your Azure DevOps organization that don t belong to the Azure AD tenant you have chosen they will temporarily loose access to the organization You can eventually map them back to other users or invite them to your Azure AD Alright now that your Azure DevOps organization is connected to Azure AD let s see what we can do with it Dynamic User AccessFirst cool thing is the Dynamic User Access Let s say you have some groups in Azure AD where all your developers are You can dynamically add access for azure DevOps project using the Azure AD group rule Just go to Users under your organization settings then click on Group Rules and Add a group rule Search for the group you have in Azure AD select the Access Level you want to Grant and the projects you want to grant it to That s it now every AD user in that group will be able to access the projects you ve selected with the access level you ve set You can always add or remove projects and the AD administrators can manage these accesses without using the Azure DevOps settings directly from Azure AD There is more to say about this we are just scratching the surface here so let me know in the comments section below if you want to see this explored more in depth Conditional Access PoliciesProbably the most useful thing you can do thanks to Azure Active Directory and I promise that after this one we will move to something that doesn t require AAD aside from a bonus one at the end is enabling the Conditional Access Policy Validation You can find this setting under the Policies menu inside Organization Settings When you enable it you ll be able to enforce all the policies you have in AAD Things like allowing the connection to Azure DevOps only from specific IP Addresses or authorized computers and so forth More PoliciesWe ve just seen the Policies page when enabling the conditional access from AAD but there s more to it As you can see the available policies you can enable vary whether you have your organization connected to AAD or not but there are some common ones The first one the Alternate Credentials for authentication shouldn t be actually there anymore Will go away very soon so disable it straight away and use Personal Access Tokens instead If you want to know how to create a PAT in Azure DevOps I have a post and a video that explains just that The second policy is to enable rd party Apps to connect to Azure DevOps using OAuth It s enabled by default but you can turn it off if you don t plan to use any third party application I wouldn t recommend it though because most like you will use applications that need OAuth Next one is similar but it cover SSH authentication Again this is enabled by default and as the name says it enables Azure DevOps to generate encryption keys for using with Linux macOS and Windows running Git for Windows I would not recommend turning this off either Finally here we have the Allow public projects policy As the name says when enabled it give the possibility to the users to create public projects It is disabled by default because public projects are visible to anyone who has a link to them Enable this only if you want to have your code publicly available Organization PermissionsFinal topic I want to talk about today is fine tuning your Organization permissions Azure DevOps has great and rich permission management system Watch the video to see this in actionGoing to the Permissions menu in the Organization settings you can fine tune all the permissions if they don t meet your company policies or they don t suit your needs In here you can manage the policies for Groups and Users separately Working on Groups you can set the permissions for each part of the service For example the Group that is supposed to work only on CI CD won t need access to the creation of Processes for Azure Boards so you can remove that You can add members to a group and change its general settings When working on Users instead you can really fine tune all their permissions Let s say you have a user that needs to be able to perform some additional operations either extemporary or as part of his duty You can easily access their profile and enable them on the permissions needed This will override the permissions the user has as part of the groups they are in Disable Organization CreationOk almost done But as promised a bonus policy for you Working with a lot of clients I ve noticed that there is a tendency where all the company departments create new organizations in Azure DevOps and IT department can t control the security settings and who has rights to access the source code Thanks to the Azure AD integration however we have a solution In the Azure Active Directory page under Organization Settings in fact we have this Restricting organization creation toggle When Enabled creation of new Organizations for users in your AAD will be disabled Only users in the Azure DevOps Administrator group and users you add to the Allow list will be able to create new orgs If you don t see the toggle in your settings make sure the user you have logged in into Azure DevOps with is added to the Azure DevOps administrators group in your Azure AD By default no user is ConclusionsAlright that s it for today Let me know in the comment section below if you ve found this guide useful if you use any other technique to secure Azure DevOps and if there is any area you would like for me to go deeper into You may also want to watch this video here where I explain how to create the Personal Access Tokens Like share and follow me for more content YouTube Buy me a coffeePatreonMerchFacebook page‍GitHubTwitterLinkedInPodcast 2021-04-19 23:17:52
海外TECH DEV Community Every Arch Linux User Ever - Satire https://dev.to/mbcrump/every-arch-linux-user-ever-satire-18g0 Every Arch Linux User Ever SatireHello everyone Do you love Arch Linux Are you someone who digs setting up Arch from scratch or spending hours getting Wifi to work If so then I have a funny video for you This is a parody just meant for a quick laugh Video mins ConclusionFeel free to checkout my future Twitch streams as we learn about security and app development or you can watch the condensed version of all of my streams by subscribing to my YouTube Stay connected with me on social platforms for daily software development news Twitter Twitch Instagram YouTube GitHub Website 2021-04-19 23:03:32
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マーケティング AdverTimes ヤマサ「生しょうゆ」新CM マツコ・デラックスが思ったことを“生”で伝える https://www.advertimes.com/20210420/article347348/ 鮮度 2021-04-20 00:00:14
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ニュース THE BRIDGE サイバーエージェント・キャピタルが3号ファンド、特徴づける「藤田ファンド」と「Monthly Pitch」の存在 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SdJapan/~3/DsRNPkTSjx4/ca-startups-internet-fund-3 サイバーエージェント・キャピタルが号ファンド、特徴づける「藤田ファンド」と「MonthlyPitch」の存在ニュースサマリサイバーエージェントの連結子会社でベンチャーキャピタル事業を手がけるサイバーエージェント・キャピタル以下、CACは月日、新たな投資ファンドとして「CAStartupsInternetFund号投資事業有限責任組合」の設立を公表している。 2021-04-19 23:14:13



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