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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LINEbotで勤怠管理 業務効率化 https://qiita.com/kokou2727/items/10683fc56ad2c281f918 LINEbotで勤怠管理業務効率化今回はLINEbotを使って勤怠管理をしていきます具体的には、LINEで「出勤」「退勤」と入力すると、指定のGoogleスプレッドシートに自動でその時の時刻が書き込まれるようにします。 2021-04-25 23:55:22
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AtCoder Heuristic Contest 002 参戦記 https://qiita.com/c-yan/items/cbba8249e248cc63736c 2021-04-25 23:46:22
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】Djangoのクラスベース汎用ビュー【ListView】 https://qiita.com/grv2688/items/bfd98c5bb4ce892c9202 【Python】Djangoのクラスベース汎用ビュー【ListView】はじめにDjangoは「クラスベース汎用ビュー」というクラスを使ったビューが用意されていて、少ないコードで豊富な機能を実装することができます。 2021-04-25 23:34:24
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 言語ごとの週番号の扱いについて[Python,JavaScript,MySQL] https://qiita.com/papi_tokei/items/5a16111b9700ff323046 MySQLで日付から週番号を取得する場合SELECTWEEKresultSELECTWEEKresult上記の結果を見ると分かりますが、Pythonと同じく月日が月曜日かどうかで結果が変わります。 2021-04-25 23:00:47
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】transition ラッパーは単一要素/コンポーネントで使うと言う話とか https://qiita.com/shin_moto/items/fb4d6e9c53fbe6dcaa80 【Vuejs】transitionラッパーは単一要素コンポーネントで使うと言う話とかVuejsのtransitionについて。 2021-04-25 23:52:21
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Jest の watch モードで Visual Studio Code のデバッガーを一瞬で再起動させる方法 https://qiita.com/Takakiri/items/3c1d785ccafb499d0939 JestのwatchモードでVisualStudioCodeのデバッガーを一瞬で再起動させる方法デバッガーを起動するのに時間がかかる問題Jestを速くするwatchモードとデバッガーに接続するしくみ起動が早いJestTypeScriptのテストコードのプロジェクトを作ってみるNodejsをインストールしますVisualStudioCodeをインストールしますプロジェクトを新規作成しますVisualStudioCodeで新しいフォルダーtryjestを開きますProjectpackagejsonファイルを作ります必要なNodeモジュールをインストールしますProjecttsconfigjsonファイルを作りますProjectsrclibtsファイルを作りますProjectsrclibtesttsファイルを作りますJestのウォッチモードを起動してVisualStudioCodeと接続しますデバッガーに接続して失敗したテストをデバッグしますテストを再起動しますプログラムがブレーク中のときプログラムが実行中で終わらないときつのテストのみ実行しますテストする関数を限定しますテストするファイルを限定します感想デバッガーを起動するのに時間がかかる問題Jestを使ったJavaScriptやTypeScriptのテストコードをデバッグするとき、VisualStudioCodeのJestの拡張機能Extensionを使うと、テストコードにRunDebugボタンが表示されて便利なのですが、デバッガーの起動に約秒かかってしまいます。 2021-04-25 23:06:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 言語ごとの週番号の扱いについて[Python,JavaScript,MySQL] https://qiita.com/papi_tokei/items/5a16111b9700ff323046 MySQLで日付から週番号を取得する場合SELECTWEEKresultSELECTWEEKresult上記の結果を見ると分かりますが、Pythonと同じく月日が月曜日かどうかで結果が変わります。 2021-04-25 23:00:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) googlemapのinfowindowの内容を、マーカー上で無く他の固定場所に表示したい。(画面のサイドエリアなり、ボトムエリアなり) https://teratail.com/questions/335156?rss=all googlemap 2021-04-25 23:57:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Visual studio C# 関数名を入力したあとにタブキーを2回押すと、(); が自動で入るようにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/335155?rss=all VisualstudioC関数名を入力したあとにタブキーを回押すと、が自動で入るようにしたい関数名がTestnbspという関数があったとします。 2021-04-25 23:49:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unity Shaderの調べても解決できないエラーを解消したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/335154?rss=all UnityShaderの調べても解決できないエラーを解消したい。 2021-04-25 23:41:38
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 特定の文字のすべてパターンに対応 https://teratail.com/questions/335153?rss=all apple 2021-04-25 23:34:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) キャラクターを操作して移動が終わるとz軸方向に勝手に回転してしまう https://teratail.com/questions/335152?rss=all キャラクターを操作して移動が終わるとz軸方向に勝手に回転してしまう前提・実現したいことUnityJapan様のCinemachineTIPSの動画を参考に、キャラクターをCinemachineやNavMeshなどを用いて三人称視点で操作できるようにしたいです。 2021-04-25 23:33:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C# TCP通信プログラム 処理時間の計測方法 https://teratail.com/questions/335151?rss=all 以下のコードは、クライアント側のデータ送受信プログラムです。 2021-04-25 23:28:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonで答えが0になることについて https://teratail.com/questions/335150?rss=all Pythonで答えがになることについて前提・実現したいことinput関数を利用して計算したいのですが、xとxの値がと出てきます。 2021-04-25 23:25:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【python+mysql】select文のwhere句に、動的に変化する単語を挿入する書き方を教えてください。 https://teratail.com/questions/335149?rss=all Pythonコードは項番に記載しておきますが、下記の様に、チェックされた項目国名は、namesと言う変数で取得しております。 2021-04-25 23:17:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) DataFrameの特定列から要素を取得する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/335148?rss=all DataFrameの特定列から要素を取得する方法元のデータセットuser代男性代女性Nan男性前提・実現したいことpandasのlambdaを使うところはイメージできているのですが、その後のif、findを使う場合の具体的なイメージがわかず、ご教示いただきたいです。 2021-04-25 23:17:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) railsにおいて、サービスクラスを使うときincludeはいらないのか?なぜ? https://teratail.com/questions/335147?rss=all railsにおいて、サービスクラスを使うときincludeはいらないのかなぜ元々Java開発をしていましたが、現在はrails開発をしております。 2021-04-25 23:11:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) c言語 テストの点数をヒストグラムにする方法 https://teratail.com/questions/335146?rss=all c言語テストの点数をヒストグラムにする方法前提・実現したいこと人が点満点のテストを受けて、キーボードから人分の点数を打ち込み、そのヒストグラムを表示するプログラムという問題のヒストグラムの部分がわかりません。 2021-04-25 23:11:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) スクレイピングのstart_urlsで存在しないURLが来たときの対処法 https://teratail.com/questions/335145?rss=all スクレイピングのstarturlsで存在しないURLが来たときの対処法やりたいことスクレイピングを行う際、starturlsを以下のコードで設定しています。 2021-04-25 23:02:40
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Atcoder 緑になりました https://qiita.com/superrino130/items/38607198508cbda34db3 Atcoder緑になりましたはじめに桜も散り若葉が輝く季節、皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。 2021-04-25 23:46:18
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita お名前.comとAWSでドメインとHTTPS設定 https://qiita.com/goodhills/items/91626f916c782bab8796 certificatemanager 2021-04-25 23:38:53
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初心者】Amazon Neptune を使ってみる https://qiita.com/mksamba/items/c3fffca815da97600287 NeptuneDBの作成、JupyterNotebookからの接続アンパンマンのキャラクターの関係をデータ入力し、検索してみる。 2021-04-25 23:26:30
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CLIでのCloudWatchアラーム作成方法 https://qiita.com/muramasa2/items/22004680b124af87ef4d CloudWatchのアラーム作成基本的には、公式ドキュメントにしたがってGUI上で必要項目をアラーム毎に設定していく。 2021-04-25 23:18:04
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DXにおける開発 https://qiita.com/masarusan00/items/76c6a993a60dc947e4ab ソフトウェアアーキテクチャコンテナOS上のアプリケーションの動作環境を仮想的に複数に区切った単位。 2021-04-25 23:02:03
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita テーブルのデータをビューに表示させる方法(Ruby on Rails) https://qiita.com/pensuke628/items/ac0bfa80a91d3ef31d49 ターミナルrailsgcontrollerdividendsindexテーブルに保存されたデータをビューに表示しよう以下のステップを踏むことで、テーブルに保存されたデータをビューに表示することができる。 2021-04-25 23:05:07
海外TECH DEV Community Clean up your HTML with ES6 Modules. https://dev.to/muhammedmoussa/clean-up-your-html-with-es6-modules-4857 Clean up your HTML with ES Modules if you are that person who is working with the web regardless of the role how you doing it maybe for your WordPress site a simple static website or you are a backend or full stack developer and working with Javascript inside HTML files with code in tags so this post for you Modularity is one of the main factors of any solid software to make it more efficient reusable and maintainable if you are coming from any programming language you probably know about modules or classes sharing ways import module use include etc But when it comes to JavaScript this language that written inside a lt script gt tag in HTML file bunch of people thinking about just doing the job making some animation or add a third party plugin to the website with zero modularity consideration and crowdy HTML files so let s get started How HTML file looks lt body gt lt script gt function doAnimationForMe function doScrollToTopForMe lt script gt lt script gt function doFirebaseIntegrationForMe function danceWithMe lt script gt lt body gt let s focus on lt body gt content only and imaging DRY some of these little functions on multiple HTML files and think about HTML file length one last imaging if you want to update something or doing another dance so yeah here we go and will work through all HTML pages again over and over Creating Javascript moduleYes that s possible js will not fight you with newly introduced ES keywords import and export you can encapsulate the module regardless of the other benefits of working with modules so now we are just focused on making the HTML file more cleaner As example lets grap doAnimationForMe from the HTML file and create animation jsconst time function start function end function doAnimationForMe start setTimeOut function end time same code from the HTML file but in an isolated manipulated and reusable zone Modules Export and ImportGreat its a time to making our pretty code modular ready there are variant ways of export default named and aggregation let s find out another feature of the module if we planning to use this doAnimationForMe at another js files or only include this module to the HTML page that we can export all functions in the file or just doAnimationForMe function only let s start with the Named exportexport const time export function start export function end export function doAnimationForMe start setTimeOut function end time in this way all animation staff exported can be imported later another tip if you plan to export multiple stuff from one module const time function start function end function doAnimationForMe start setTimeOut function end time export start end doAnimationForMe shorthand for start start end end doAnimationForMe also can export only doAnimationForMe function and make the module more logical just flag desired part by export or follow the export object tip Code export doAnimationForMe Another tip since we are talking about the named export we can also cast names till now if we will import doAnimationForMe we have to use the same name doAnimationForMe or will cause an error for rename exported part export doAnimationForMe as useAnimation let s create another pseudo module sample that gets data from API then applying some animation for the whole picture drawing creating an api js file const url api item export function getAllItems return new Promise function resolve reject fetch url then function response resolve response catch function error reject error Module import and reuseYeah let s have some fun and put it all together creating an app js file import doAnimationForMe from animation js The relative path import getAllItems from api js The relative path Another Code function renderUi items Render items in the ui function handleError err Handle the error console error err getAllItems then function data renderUi data doAnimationForMe catch function err handleError err window addEventListener load getAllItems Adding Module into HTML pageit s the time to cleanup the HTML file and include only our encapsulated module with only one line consider relative paths also lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt Code gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Code gt lt script src app js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt The difference is clear now how clean it our HTML but for the first time properly you will get a nice error Uncaught SyntaxError Cannot use import statement outside a moduleActually no it s the trick not kidding but we have to include one last attribute to our script tag which is the type module so after a little update the code will look like this lt script src app js gt lt script gt the error will go and now we can confirm that our modules all loaded into the HTML page by checking the network tab for further reading and it s very important also to check the browser compatibility for this feature with your project or the client devices JavaScript Modules MDNanother way to doing the same job is default exportthere is no much difference but just in case you don t care about names and want to export some functionality from the module without a specific name in import it also s good to avoid naming errors let s see the same example but in default export animation jsconst time function start function end export default function doAnimationForMe start setTimeOut function end time api jsconst url api item function getAllItems return new Promise function resolve reject fetch url then function response resolve response catch function error reject error export default getAllItems same but in another way the most interesting part here at import in app js import doAnimation from animation js import kofta from api js Another Code function renderUi items Render items in the ui function handleError err Handle the error console error err kofta then function data renderUi data doAnimation catch function err handleError err window addEventListener load getAllItems that s will do the same job but in a simplified way ConsolusionThe goal of this post is to simplify working with modules also encouraging you to write clean HTML pages focused only on markup and keep JavaScript files isolated too like CSS with the benefit of modularity at the functionality code on your website ES import and export also have a bunch of tips and tricks that s can make life easier also the third way mentioned before aggregation export I just mentioned some basics 2021-04-25 14:46:44
海外TECH DEV Community Interaction between Vue JS Webview and native Apps https://dev.to/alexiey91/interaction-between-vue-js-webview-and-native-apps-15e2 Interaction between Vue JS Webview and native AppsHi everybody I want to show you how to implement a simple interaction between VueJs webview and native Apps and vice versa IntroductionDuring my job I need to create some webview and make some interaction with native Android and iOS App I did it with some javascript function to send some message and manage it to make some operation During this article we develop an interaction to open native Camera and comeback from native app to webview The javascript function that we develop is it openCamerapictureAcquiredSo let s start Web view Vue JsBefore we start you need to install Vue Js on your environment I advise seeing the documentation at this site VueJs After that we can create our project with this command vue create webviewNow we can start to create our application Here an example of the MyWebview component lt template gt lt div class hello gt lt h gt My Webview lt h gt lt p gt Response app lt p gt lt h gt msg lt h gt lt button type button class btn btn expand btn primary click next gt Open Camera lt button gt lt div gt lt template gt lt script gt import as appService from appService js export default name MyWebview props msg data return msg methods pictureAcquired msg console log msg msg this msg msg next appService openCamera mounted watch msg function msgNew msgOld console log new s old s msgNew msgOld beforeMount Create interface between Webview and Native application window MyWebview components this pictureAcquired msg gt this pictureAcquired msg lt script gt lt Add scoped attribute to limit CSS to this component only gt lt style scoped gt h margin px ul list style type none padding li display inline block margin px a color b lt style gt The first operation is add this method that native app Android or IOS can invoked to send some data beforeMount window MyWebview components this pictureAcquired msg gt this pictureAcquired msg It s important to create a page inside a javascript window with the name of the component that you want to link with a native app and add the function for the interaction Note that it s important to add this event during beforeMount VueJs lifecycle because it is necessary to expose it before the creation of components inside the webview This operation is not enough we need to create an interface inside a javascript file and import it inside the index html file We call it native js var nativeApp function pictureAcquired msg window MyWebview pictureAcquired msg lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt link rel icon href lt BASE URL gt favicon ico gt lt title gt lt htmlWebpackPlugin options title gt lt title gt lt script type text javascript src lt BASE URL gt external resource native js gt lt script gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id app gt lt div gt lt built files will be auto injected gt lt body gt lt html gt After that i you want to create an interaction from webview to native app you need to define a method inside the VueJs component that invoked a method inside appService js file like that export function openCamera console log openCamera Call to Android App if window nativeApp window nativeApp funnelReady Call to IOS App else if window webkit amp amp window webkit messageHandlers amp amp window webkit messageHandlers nativeApp window webkit messageHandlers nativeApp postMessage openCamera openCamera define two types of interaction with Android and IOS native device because these two Operating Systems have a different interaction with webview Everybody had the same connection point the name of javascript interface that defines the interaction point between webview and native app This interface in this example is nativeApp but it should be named as you want but it must be the same inside the native Application TestingNow we can test our application and enjoy it So we can start the application with simple npm command on the projects main root npm run serveAfter that inside the browser console we can see console log openCamera So our application calls the native app javascript and function Now we can emulate the response of the native application typing inside the browser console this pictureAcquired pictureAcquired After that our application print on the browser console the changes of watcher new Picture acquired old I hope you can enjoy this article Special credits to my job mates for some bits of advice For extra code information here are the link to the repository with the VueJS project and an example of an Android application to test it What are your opinions advice 2021-04-25 14:07:33
海外TECH DEV Community 8 Amazing API For Your Project https://dev.to/nikhil27b/8-amazing-api-for-your-project-21ph Amazing API For Your ProjectHello How are you all Today I have written this post about the amazing API every developer know there are in this many APIs are free amp easy to use also you will behave fun when you are using this APIs I hope you like this also comments about your thoughts Chuck Norris JOKE API Pokemon API For Fun Food API Marvel API Github API Openweather API Google Map API Covid API The last one is very important also For more content follow me on Instagram developer nikhil If you want to more support me then buy me a coffee Thank you 2021-04-25 14:02:14
海外TECH DEV Community Why Svelte is different - and awesome! https://dev.to/jannikwempe/why-svelte-is-different-and-awesome-4381 Why Svelte is different and awesome Just to get this out of the way in the beginning This is not meant to be bashing other frameworks like React Vue or Angular I used all of them and React using NextJS is mostly still my go to What is Svelte Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app TLDR its like React or Vue but with the main difference that it is a compiler There is a quote in the blog article linked above Wait this new framework has a runtime Ugh Thanks I ll pass front end developers in Even though this didn t happen in I think we ll get to that mindset at some point What does Svelte is a compiler mean It essentially means that Svelte specific code gets compiled think about transformed to JavaScript which is executable by the browser Another compiler you might know is the TypeScript compiler tsc which compiles TypeScript to JavaScript It s the same concept So what is the deal You can also write React code an js and ship it That is true BUT that JavaScript code does not work in the browser without shipping the React runtime system as well A runtime system refers to the collection of software and hardware resources that enable a software program to be executed on a computer system Note Even though I a lot of people are talking about no runtime it should more accuratly be no runtime system Read the great React as a UI Runtime blog post from Dan Abramov It explains React being a runtime system in depth There is also another benefit besides not required a runtime Svelte could extend and change the JavaScript syntax because the Compiler compiles it the JavaScript in the end Therefore Svelte could get rid of some limitations provided by JavaScript syntax This could also be a downside because if Svelte would strongly deviate from JavaScript syntax it would essentially become another language to learn No worries Svelte tries to stick to the JavaScript Syntax Benefits resulting from Svelte being a compilerSince Svelte is a compiler and therefore does not require a runtime system to be loaded into the client there are several advantages These are what make Svelte special The most important advantages that came to my mind are shown in the next sections PerformanceThis one should be obvious No runtime to load for the client results in faster load times The following image shows an excerpt of a JS framework benchmark see this GitHub repo It s based on a large table with randomized entries and measures the time for various operations including rendering duration The app using Svelte ships the lowest amout of code Somehow Svelte seems to require less code than vanilla JS I have no clue how that could happen But it not only ships less code to the client but also executes faster One of the reasons for this is that Svelte does not use a virtual DOM vDOM Svelte does not rely on the diff between vDOM and DOM to update the DOM The other mentioned frameworks like React Vue and Angular do use the vDOM You can rad details about this in the Sveltes blog post Virtual DOM is pure overhead A quick quote from that post Svelte is a compiler that knows at build time how things could change in your app rather than waiting to do the work at run time Svelte in a Micro Frontend ArchitectureMicro Frontends MFEs are a topic in itself read about it in this article proved by Martin Fowler But the concept is basically that different teams can separately develop distinct parts of the frontend Teams can also choose the tech stack they want to use Therefore the client could end up loading different versions of Angular Vue React etc Some micro frontend implementations can lead to duplication of dependencies increasing the number of bytes our users must download from Martin Fowler article linked above But what about Svelte Svelte also using different versions of it does not come with the downside of increasing the kbs a client has to load Svelte is an awesome choice for MFE Architecture Other benefitsThese benefits do not result from Svelte being a compiler but they make Svelte stand out anyways REPLSvelte has an awesome REPL You can start playing around and try out things without any effort This is awesome Try it out You can also see the compiled JS and outputted CSS it can be written in the same svelte file by clicking on JS Output or CSS Output respectively Is this evidence enough that Svelte is a compiler The REPL is used in their awesome tutorial as well You can learn Svelte hands on Svelte tutorial Builtin featuresSvelte has some features built in that you need in almost any app anyways at least larger ones like transitions animations and a store No need for an additional dependency or the decision between various choices in the first place A store is simply an object with a subscribe method that allows interested parties to be notified whenever the store value changes import writable from svelte store export const count writable export const increment gt count update n gt n That s it You can import count and increment accross your app Simple Try out Svelte store tutorialAnimations and transitions in Svelte are easy to use Can you guess what the following code is doing if visible lt p in fly y duration out fade gt Flies in fades out lt p gt if Try out Svelte transitions tutorialBut they can also be used for more complex things like the following Have fun building this in React Try out Svelte animations tutorial SvelteKitSvelteKit is a topic of its own But it is one of the main reasons why I am so excited Think of SvelteKit being for Svelte what NextJS is for React But why is it awesome SvelteKit fully embraces the serverless paradigm and will launch with support for all the major serverless providers with an adapter API for targeting any platforms that we don t officially cater to Read about it in What s the deal with SvelteKit As I am writing this SvelteKit is currently in beta Can t wait for the release ConclusionI could go on and on and on have I mentioned Svelte is written in TypeScript But this wraps it up You can see that I am excited right Svelte is something I would place my bet on Learning Svelte and the differences to runtime system based frameworks is definetly not a waste of time I am looking forward to Sveltes evolution in the future I hope that it will soon be more widely used and I can start client projects using Svelte 2021-04-25 14:00:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple seeks 'Clinical Producer' to help develop healthcare products https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/04/25/apple-seeks-clinical-producer-to-help-develop-healthcare-products?utm_medium=rss Apple seeks x Clinical Producer x to help develop healthcare productsApple is continuing to push its health related initiatives further with a job posting for a Clinical Producer potentially helping Apple fine tune products and services intended for the medical industry The job listing which was posted to the Jobs at Apple board on Friday and first spotted by MyHealthyApple seeks a Clinical Producer Health to be based in Cupertino According to the listing the individual will guide overall development of health products in collaboration with cross functional teams Working with clinicians they will also identify key areas of focus with consideration for Apple s products technologies and potential for customer impact Read more 2021-04-25 14:52:04
海外TECH Engadget Why Elon Musk's first Loop is, and isn't, as silly as you think https://www.engadget.com/boring-company-lvcc-loop-project-140045106.html problem 2021-04-25 14:00:45
海外科学 NYT > Science Millions Are Skipping Their Second Doses of Covid-19 Vaccines https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/25/business/covid-vaccines-second-doses.html Millions Are Skipping Their Second Doses of Covid VaccinesNearly percent of those who got initial Pfizer or Moderna shots missed their second doses State officials want to prevent the numbers from rising 2021-04-25 14:32:27
金融 ◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) 保険デイリーニュース(04/26) http://www.yanaharu.com/ins/?p=4552 一時払い 2021-04-25 15:00:14
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Governments want you to buy green. Ignore them at your peril. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/04/25/business/climate-green-investing/ Governments want you to buy green Ignore them at your peril Nations have pledged massive cuts on greenhouse gas emissions paving the way for a torrent of regulation set to benefit green stocks and bonds 2021-04-26 00:54:24
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Tom Hovasse’s Akatsuki Five focusing on small ball ahead of Olympics https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/04/25/basketball/womens-akatsuki-five-small-ball-olympics/ Tom Hovasse s Akatsuki Five focusing on small ball ahead of OlympicsWith star forward Ramu Tokashiki still rehabbing from an ACL injury Japan will need to find ways to make up for its height disadvantage against 2021-04-26 00:40:16
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Olympics a chance for Mexico international Matt Clark to repay Japan https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/04/25/baseball/matt-clark-mexico-baseball-olympics/ Olympics a chance for Mexico international Matt Clark to repay JapanThe former Dragons and Buffaloes player has become a fixture in Mexican baseball helping the country qualify for the Tokyo Games by winning bronze at 2021-04-26 00:36:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Ashley Cain's daughter Azaylia dies aged 8 months https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-56880177 aggressive 2021-04-25 14:47:52
ニュース BBC News - Home M62: Motorcyclist dies after crash with car on motorway https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-56878151 condition 2021-04-25 14:01:43
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北海道 北海道新聞 利尻町議再選挙、佐藤氏が初当選 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/537294/ 町議 2021-04-25 23:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 落選の保野氏「私の不徳」 利尻町長選 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/537293/ 落選 2021-04-25 23:08:00
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北海道 北海道新聞 日航、春秋航空日本を子会社に コロナ収束後の観光需要狙う https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/537291/ 日本航空 2021-04-25 23:04:00



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