IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ローソンストア100、「Uber Eats」で食材デリバリー 8月末までに100店舗で |
itmedia |
2021-04-26 15:24:00 |
IT |
dnspeep - DNSの問い合わせをウォッチ |
dnspeepDNSの問い合わせをウォッチ一つのWebサイトにアクセスした際には、それ以外のドメインにも色々なところにアクセスが発生します。 |
2021-04-26 17:00:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
これで電気代の節約はバッチリ? エネルギー管理システムアプリ「ene-arch」とは |
enearch |
2021-04-26 06:00:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonで天気予報API叩いてみた |
Pythonで天気予報API叩いてみたはじめに住んでいる地域について天気予報を得るために、無料でAPIを提供しているOpenWeatherMapを使ってみる概要OpenWeatherMapはGUIで天気予報を取得することができるのですが、今回はAPIを使って天気や気温を取ってきます。 |
2021-04-26 15:05:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonについて |
pynbsp |
2021-04-26 16:00:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JSON形式の値の取得方法について |
JSON形式の値の取得方法について現在、APIにリクエストを送信し、戻ってきたJSON形式のデータを利用して行う処理をjqueryAjaxを利用して作成しております。 |
2021-04-26 15:58:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonの重複起動でリストの要素の上書き |
pythonの重複起動でリストの要素の上書きpythonとseleniumでスクレイピングするプログラムを作っています。 |
2021-04-26 15:56:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
prison architectというゲームでは、NPCに何が使われていますか |
prisonarchitect |
2021-04-26 15:50:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Android StudioにてKOTLINの簡単なプログラムが動かない |
AndroidStudioにてKOTLINの簡単なプログラムが動かない目的のプログラムにKotlin言語があり使い方が分からなかったので、Kotlin言語の簡単なプログラムをやってみようと以下のURLからサンプルソース実行したのですが、実機の方で以下のようなエラーが出てしまい上手く行きません。 |
2021-04-26 15:41:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
googleフォーム自動返信メールでファイルが開けない |
googleフォーム自動返信メールでファイルが開けない前提・実現したいことgoogleフォームでPDFファイルの提出を募集しています。 |
2021-04-26 15:33:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Djangoのフォーム 独自の処理によってエラーメッセージを変えたい |
Djangoのフォーム独自の処理によってエラーメッセージを変えたいDjangoのフォームで、バリデーションをカスタマイズしてフィールドを指定してエラーメッセージを出したいです。 |
2021-04-26 15:32:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PLC(FXシリーズ)のプログラムポートのプロトコルについて |
PLCFXシリーズのプログラムポートのプロトコルについて三菱シーケンサFXシリーズのプログラムポートmniDINPRSですが、このポートを使ったプロトコルは公開されていません。 |
2021-04-26 15:25:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Openpyxlでセルの表示形式を変更したい |
Openpyxlでセルの表示形式を変更したい前提・実現したいことOpenpyxlを使って、添付図のR列の表示形式を数値桁区切りありに変更したいと思っています。 |
2021-04-26 15:21:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
コンパイルエラーとその後のやり方 |
2021-04-26 15:15:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonのAttributeError解決方法を教えてください |
pythonのAttributeError解決方法を教えてください前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-04-26 15:13:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Android StudioでGitHubと連携したいが連携できない |
2021-04-26 15:08:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Xcode C言語 ファイルへの書き込みができない |
outtxtファイルに書き込みをしたいです。 |
2021-04-26 15:07:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
カード管理のUIをSafariの様なタブを重ねる表現で実装したい |
2021-04-26 15:02:50 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on rails 結合テスト |
it正しい情報を入力すればユーザー新規登録ができてトップページに移動するdoトップページに移動するvisitrootpathトップページにサインアップページへ遷移するボタンがあることを確認する新規登録ページへ移動するユーザー情報を入力するサインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認するトップページへ遷移したことを確認するカーソルを合わせるとログアウトボタンが表示されることを確認するサインアップページへ遷移するボタンや、ログインページへ遷移するボタンが表示されていないことを確認するendexpectpagetohavecontentXと記述すると、visitで訪れたpageの中に、Xという文字列があるかどうかを判断するit正しい情報を入力すればユーザー新規登録ができてトップページに移動するdoトップページに移動するvisitrootpathトップページにサインアップページへ遷移するボタンがあることを確認するexpectpagetohavecontent新規登録新規登録ページへ移動するユーザー情報を入力するサインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認するトップページへ遷移したことを確認するカーソルを合わせるとログアウトボタンが表示されることを確認するサインアップページへ遷移するボタンや、ログインページへ遷移するボタンが表示されていないことを確認するendfillinフォームの名前with入力する文字列のように記述することで、フォームへの入力を行うことができますフォームの名前は検証ツールで調べようit正しい情報を入力すればユーザー新規登録ができてトップページに移動するdoトップページに移動するvisitrootpathトップページにサインアップページへ遷移するボタンがあることを確認するexpectpagetohavecontent新規登録新規登録ページへ移動するvisitnewuserregistrationpathユーザー情報を入力するfillinNicknamewithusernicknamefillinEmailwithuseremailfillinPasswordwithuserpasswordfillinPasswordconfirmationwithuserpasswordconfirmationサインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認するトップページへ遷移したことを確認するカーソルを合わせるとログアウトボタンが表示されることを確認するサインアップページへ遷移するボタンや、ログインページへ遷移するボタンが表示されていないことを確認するend続いて、「サインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認する」へ取り組みます。 |
2021-04-26 15:47:34 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初学者向け】Rubyにおける@nameとself.nameの違い 〜なぜ@なしで puts"#{name}"としてもちゃんと出力されるの?〜 |
値を参照する時だけselfnameを使用する書き方classUserattrreadernameゲッターのみdefinitializenamenamenameenddefintroduceputsnameですselfを省略しているendenduserUsernew川上userintroduce謎が解けてスッキリただこの書き方をされている場合意図してこうされているわけではなく「をつけ忘れているけど他の目的でattrreadernameと書いてるから偶然参照できている」ケースが多いのかなと思いました【補足】nameとselfnameは全く異なるものとても極端でありえない例ですがattrreaderを使わずにnameメソッドを書くときメソッドの中がdefnamenameendではなく例えば以下のような値だった場合defnameendselfnameでnameメソッドを呼ぶとが戻り値として返ります。 |
2021-04-26 15:13:49 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure の権限周りについてそこそこ理解したのでまとめ |
主にできることユーザの登録、削除などユーザへのロールの設定、削除などあとなんでもちなみに、デフォルトのGAアカウントは、ADを作った時にログインしていたアカウントになります。 |
2021-04-26 15:49:06 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on rails 結合テスト |
it正しい情報を入力すればユーザー新規登録ができてトップページに移動するdoトップページに移動するvisitrootpathトップページにサインアップページへ遷移するボタンがあることを確認する新規登録ページへ移動するユーザー情報を入力するサインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認するトップページへ遷移したことを確認するカーソルを合わせるとログアウトボタンが表示されることを確認するサインアップページへ遷移するボタンや、ログインページへ遷移するボタンが表示されていないことを確認するendexpectpagetohavecontentXと記述すると、visitで訪れたpageの中に、Xという文字列があるかどうかを判断するit正しい情報を入力すればユーザー新規登録ができてトップページに移動するdoトップページに移動するvisitrootpathトップページにサインアップページへ遷移するボタンがあることを確認するexpectpagetohavecontent新規登録新規登録ページへ移動するユーザー情報を入力するサインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認するトップページへ遷移したことを確認するカーソルを合わせるとログアウトボタンが表示されることを確認するサインアップページへ遷移するボタンや、ログインページへ遷移するボタンが表示されていないことを確認するendfillinフォームの名前with入力する文字列のように記述することで、フォームへの入力を行うことができますフォームの名前は検証ツールで調べようit正しい情報を入力すればユーザー新規登録ができてトップページに移動するdoトップページに移動するvisitrootpathトップページにサインアップページへ遷移するボタンがあることを確認するexpectpagetohavecontent新規登録新規登録ページへ移動するvisitnewuserregistrationpathユーザー情報を入力するfillinNicknamewithusernicknamefillinEmailwithuseremailfillinPasswordwithuserpasswordfillinPasswordconfirmationwithuserpasswordconfirmationサインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認するトップページへ遷移したことを確認するカーソルを合わせるとログアウトボタンが表示されることを確認するサインアップページへ遷移するボタンや、ログインページへ遷移するボタンが表示されていないことを確認するend続いて、「サインアップボタンを押すとユーザーモデルのカウントが上がることを確認する」へ取り組みます。 |
2021-04-26 15:47:34 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails6】"A server is already running." |
killコマンド物騒は実行しているプロセスを終了させることができるコマンドです。 |
2021-04-26 15:30:29 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
TerraformのEKS Published Moduleでクラスターを作成した際にコンテキストファイルに接続情報を「追記」する |
terraformaws |
2021-04-26 06:41:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Get Better at English: Guide For Developers |
How to Get Better at English Guide For DevelopersI saw a post recently where a developer raised very valid points on why English isn t a skill they should be measured with My English is not perfect Why would you hire me I can empathize with the author but sadly the reality is different Like it or not fluency in English is a vital skill for a programmer Most folks especially in the developed world are very used to fluent English Bad grammar sounds off and diverts attention Even with the best intentions the listener has to make a conscious effort to ignore it In Facebook ignored multiple bug reports of a serious issue from a security researcher Why His English was poor and so the reports weren t taken seriously Additionally a plethora of opportunities open up when you re fluent You can communicate your ideas better You can reach out to people with confidence You can get better jobs You can write posts guides and tweets that others will find interesting In all poor English is a potential hurdle for your career And it s best to take care of it I used to find this concept shallow but with time I have made peace with it Humans after all are imperfect and this is just one of many biases that affect us Fortunately getting better at English isn t much different from learning a programming language It just takes practice I wasn t any good at English too and for a while I wondered if I ll ever improve Luckily the fear was pretty unfounded I believe that if you re constantly trying to level up progress is a natural outcome Looking back though there re obvious ways I could ve done it faster and there were important lessons I learned too late I mean to write this guide so you don t have to go through the same mistakes I hope that the things I learned will help developers who are going through the same struggle It s Not Just About GrammarWhen we talk about English as a skill our focus is usually on grammar It took me a while to understand that grammar is only a part of the equation and that memorizing the rules of English isn t that helpful English has tons of nuances in everything which can only be learned by practice and exposure Few examples Sentence A The new Software doesn t fulfill our requirements Sentence B The new Software doesn t have the things we need Technically both sentences are grammatically correct but fulfill our requirements is overly formal and awkward It s more suited for a business document than an everyday conversation Sentence B is simpler and closer to what a native speaker would say Another example Sentence A I have invariably loved you Sentence B I have always loved you If I look up invariably in the dictionary it d be defined as in every case or on every occasion always I might conclude that it can be used as a substitute for always However the word usually applies to processes and objects rarely people If you use the word in the wrong context it has the potential to sound very off Understanding where a word fits takes time and a lot of reading When in doubt use the simplest word Three Parts of FluencyBecoming fluent in English means getting better on three fronts Getting grammar right Perhaps the most important part People are much more forgiving about clumsy sentences but not that much towards getting tenses and verbs wrong Knowing words and their appropriate usage Unfortunately early learners often hold a terrible ideaーthat vocabulary is about knowing a lot of words And as I have frequently observed it creates room for using words poorly Good vocabulary as I wrote earlier is not just about learning fancy words and their meanings it s also knowing when to use them Composition If I had one word to describe good writing it ll be “effortless Good writing is a breeze to read and causes the fewest interruptions in the reader s mind To explain this look at these two examples Macbeth was very ambitious This led him to wish to become king of Scotland The witches told him that this wish of his would come true The king of Scotland at this time was Duncan Encouraged by his wife Macbeth murdered Duncan He was thus enabled to succeed Duncan as king words Encouraged by his wife Macbeth achieved his ambition and realized the prediction of the witches by murdering Duncan and becoming king of Scotland in his place words The first sentence has too many interruptions and gives a feeling of being written by a novice The latter is not just succinct it s far easier to readーit uses fewer pronouns and helps the reader avoid context switching Don t start with a grammar bookGrammar books are a waste of time I can write decent but if you asked me what is nd or rd form of some X verb or asked me to explain past participle I won t have a clue Think about it when you speak your native language do you ever think about what verb of what form you d be using Diving into all the theory like these x tense tables parts of a sentence active passive conversions has the potential to make you confused without any added value No speaker learns by memorizing the rules They just become a natural part of them This is not to say knowing the rules isn t important It would help you know the correct usage of certain prepositions or when to use have had will would but my beef is with using a grammar book as the starting point They are best suited as a reference Use them when you re in doubt This isn t much different from learning a programming language Setting out to learn the syntax and the APIーwithout writing any codeーwill inevitably become a boring grind with not much to show for it Coding consistently will lead to much better results How to actually get better There s no magic bullet here You learn by practice which here means reading and writing But here are a few pointers to help you out Read EverythingBecome a reading machine This is the single most important thing to do And I don t mean just books Read everything Read articles and essays Grab a respected online magazine and start reading their columns Follow your favorite community like Hacker News or Good subreddits and see the debates and discussions See how people communicate Everything adds to your knowledge of how words can be used and sentences can be formed It s okay if you don t understand everything Initially I could only understand of what I read But pushing yourself to do this every day it only gets better Watch Videos and PodcastsWatch talks documentaries live conversations podcasts tutorials they help you understand how people talk in real life Videos Podcasts also have an added advantage compared to reading people communicate as they do every day which means less fancy words Movies and TV shows might not be the best options here as the screenplay is often not written to mimic real life conversations Google ObsessisivelyConfused about something Google it Not a mighty new trick but few people do it I have resolved hundreds of word and grammar questions by searching for their usage “have vs had “always vs invariably “simple vs simplistic Usually you ll get a good article explaining the correct usage Use GrammarlyMuch better than grammar books is a tool that ll correct your grammar and help you avoid the most common errors I haven t explored all the available options but it s safe to say Grammarly is the best choice currentlyーwide support detects errors reliably well and offers a handy explanation in the tooltip I would even say that you should get a premium subscription no affiliate link which is totally worth it The suggestions made by the premium subscription will help you sound more natural Have people who will correct youI was fortunate that I had folks around who would correct me if I made a mistake Getting corrected might seem a little embarrassing or even annoying but trust me it s the best way to learn Encouraging people to correct you is a shortcut to finding out your mistakes Try to get more specific feedback Usually people pinpoint that your English has issues but not knowing where the problem is can leave you scratching your head Ask them what specific mistakes you ve made Where can you improve Write RegularlyWrite Write Write It can just be a small opinion or journal entry or a story if blogging is not your thing Writing helps you lay down the idea and communicate clearly Once you have a draft go to someone whose opinion in writing you can trust and ask them to correct it without restraint It could be your good friend a partner or a mentor Don t be disheartened if the mistakes are far more than you imagined it s only helping you improve Revisit what you wrote earlier Try to see the mistakes you made in your past write ups Don t Be CleverThis took me the longest to learn I tried way too hard to be clever Instead of writing he ignored the warning signs I wrote he snubbed the warning signs Instead of sounding smart I only ended up giving the impression that I am an amateur trying to pretend I know more than I do Most of the good writing I have seen doesn t use novel words frequently Write simply The biggest mistake you can make is to a assume you won t get better and b shy away from critical feedback I made both and it only hampered my progress The mind is surprisingly efficient at learning if you re constantly pushing yourself Good luck |
2021-04-26 06:43:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cannabis Delivery App: Development Cost and Features |
Cannabis Delivery App Development Cost and FeaturesOver half of the US country has legalized Cannabis for medical purposes that have led to the soaring growth of its industry With the innovations in technologies and the relaxation in regulations the sales of marijuana or cannabis are turned into the fastest growing business especially in the USA Cannabis that is being used in the healthcare industry for quite some has reached the mark of billion business in the market While it is predicted to reach billion by Why Develop Cannabis Delivery App As marijuana or cannabis plant finds its uses both in recreational and healthcare industries planning to develop a cannabis delivery app can prove to be one of the excellent investments yet With the statistics provided above we can practically expect much higher spending than what has been predicted over the upcoming years However there are some factors that you need to consider before developing a cannabis delivery app Research and Collect Information on Business Before developing a delivery app for cannabis it is a must to have in depth knowledge about its business When it comes to delivering marijuana or cannabis Blaze is one of the key market players To start your delivery app you need to know the states or locations where cannabis is legalised Not only that but finding the target audience is also crucial for the business To market the product it is important to build a good relationship with customers through sharing tips insights and recommendations Connect Licensed Cannabis Store with Legal Buyers The second factor that you need to consider while developing a cannabis delivery app is the integration of maps and filters that connects verified audiences to the licensed cannabis store To verify the customer you will have to check the prescription that the customer will upload in your web application Provide the latest updates on Marijuana As cannabis is still illegal in several countries and states you will have to share real time alerts on the latest updates and news regarding rules and regulations of marijuana via push notifications What To Recognize When Entering the Cannabis Market There are some crucial points that you need to pay attention to while developing a cannabis delivery app which is as follows Legality The most crucial aspect to consider while developing a delivery app for cannabis is legal formalities Marijuana delivery is a sensitive topic in almost every country and each country has certain rules and regulations for that which makes it a must to understand all the legal formalities that should be completed before launching the app for the global market Custom Solutions Another thing that you need to recognize is the type of development Now you can either go for white label ready made services or custom solutions The white label solution is the one that generally aims to simplify all the common problems of a business while custom solutions are specially designed to fit your business needs So it is advisable to go for custom or on demand development solutions instead of a white label Licensing For someone who is about to start selling cannabis online you will need permission or a license either of the retailer distributor testing labs microbusiness or cannabis event organizer from the government To get this license you will need to fill out the documents or apply online to save time Business Model With the ideal business model you can acquire maximum profit from the custom web application That s the reason why it is so important to opt for the business model that suits you the best Here is the list of the three best business models that you can exploit Delivery Specific It focuses on the delivery model that is you can work around the order delivery and shipment to earn profit from the products delivered Aggregate Startup With an aggregate approach you can work as a marketplace like Amazon that offers a platform for the different stores to connect with verified customers easily Here you will manage the platform while making it more customer friendly Single Store You can start a store and keep the delivery part under your control and earn profit from the item delivered and the delivery charges Development Team Last but not least hiring the right development team is a significant part of the development process Without a dedicated team it will be impossible to achieve success in the development process An experienced team with different skills from in house development experts will have all the solutions for the problems that might arise during the development Cannabis Delivery App Essential Features amp FunctionalitiesWhether it s a custom cannabis delivery app or any other kind of app features are essential for the ease of usability For instance if your web application has a great concept but the features aren t user friendly then your app will fail miserably in the market To avoid such issues it is a must to have brilliant features in your cannabis delivery app Here is the concluded list of the features that you need to integrate into the cannabis delivery application Customer PanelThe customer panel is the part of the application that is used by the end user It typically includes chat support login sign up in app payment quick search order tracking schedule delivery and reviews amp ratings It s where you can include every essential feature with the help of top developers to avoid bugs and errors Login SignUp The registration or login process of your app should be easy for a customer to follow up While they might not be asked to follow a lengthy process to use the web application they should also not be allowed inside the app without a proper identity and age check Search Apart from browsing the product your web app must include a smart search feature that enables users to easily search the required product through the filter product sorting and search bar In App Payment To make sure the customer can easily buy the product never forget to integrate in app payment functionality It should allow users to make payments by using different payment options like PayPal Credit Debit Card and more Order Tracking Another essential feature for the user panel of the web app is order tracking It enables users to track their order and know the exact delivery date Schedule Delivery There should be an option to select the delivery date of the cannabis depending on their convenience and availability for a better experience Reviews amp Ratings With the availability of reviews and rating features your customer will be able to leave feedback for the product and services which will increase the chances of improved sales in the future Delivery PanelIt is the part of your application that the delivery partner will use to provide continuous updates on the shipment of the order It should include profile registration GPS Tracking and monitoring orders Profile Registration Your cannabis delivery app must provide the provision to drivers to manage their profile and input their information like address name update identity proof and more GPS Tracking A GPS tracking system within the web application will allow the delivery partner to locate the route and address for the orders that are about to be delivered With a proper GPS system they will have a complete understanding of the place they have to pick and drop the delivery from Monitoring Orders Make sure that the delivery partners have the ability to update the delivery updates en route arrived the payment received and order delivered Admin PanelThis is that side of the cannabis web application that will be handled by the admin to monitor all customers orders listing feedback and reports Dashboard The centralized dashboard will help the admin to have access to all the important information related to the app and its statistics Manage Orders With this feature the admin can efficiently manage even the little detail of the order and locate if the order has been delivered to the customer or not Manage Customers Using this functionality administrators can manage every piece of information about the customer Manage Listing Manage listing is the feature that will help in maintaining the product list on the application Feedbacks and Reports This feature provides access to the admin for checking important reports and customer feedback to give better services Now that you have a clear understanding of all the features that need to be indulged in the cannabis delivery app it s time to answer the question that has to be answered how much its development will cost How Much Will It Cost There is a wide range of web app development companies that may answer you with the estimation of to for a cannabis delivery app But truth be told no one can give you the exact estimation of the application development without having a detailed discussion with the experts So to help you understand the factors affecting the cost of cannabis app development here is the list of key cost parameters UI UX Cost Designing a cannabis delivery app is not an easy task for that it is essential to hire a team of designers that have a good understanding of the business logic and can customize the app design App Testing Another factor that affects the development cost of the application is the mode of testing it However the cost of app testing can be minimized by hiring app development companies Customization Cost If you need some customization in your application it can be another factor that can increase the overall cost of the cannabis delivery app development Maintenance amp Support To keep the app running smoothly and hassle free it is crucial to update it every now and then So the maintenance and support cost of the cannabis delivery app can be around of the entire cost Overall while keeping all the facts in mind it would not be wrong to say that the cannabis delivery business is becoming a topmost industry in many countries including the US So if you are looking for getting started in the cannabis industry or expanding your cannabis business an on demand delivery app like Monarch is all that you need To get a quote from the experienced development team you can click here Source Decipher |
2021-04-26 06:22:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
React useState Hook in Action: What You Need to Know |
React useState Hook in Action What You Need to KnowThe React useState hook is one of the most popular hooks in React This hook makes it easy to manage state within your function components It is also very simple to use In this tutorial you will learn what useState hook is and how to use it in your React applications A brief introduction to React hooksReact hooks are feature introduced in React Under the hood hooks are functions These functions allow you to work with component state and lifecycle Both these things were previously possible only with classes The introduction of hooks changed this and made functional components much more powerful A quick introduction to React useState hookOne of these hooks that come with React is also the useState hook This hook focuses on one specific thing It allows you to add state to your function components This means that you no longer have to work with class components You also no longer have to convert function components to classes just so you can use state Getting started with React useStateThe first step to use useState hook is to declare it in your function component Well after you import it in your file where you want to use it When you declare it useState will return an array with two values The first value is the actual state Value allows you to read the current state The second value is a function This function allows you to update the state or its value Since it returns an array there are two ways to declare this hook First you can use array indices Second you can use array destructuring The second approach is much more popular and you will see it very often Create function component function App Declare useState hook with destructuring count the current state its value setCount function that allows update the state const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt div gt Create function component function App Declare useState hook with array indices const countArray useState const count countArray The state const setCount countArray The update function return lt div gt lt div gt You can use any name for the state and the update function you want In other words the count and setCount can be anything you want The only rule to remember is that it must be valid variable name It is a good practice to start the name for the update function with set This is a preferred naming convention and you will see it very often Creating state with initial valueThe useState hook allows you set an initial value for every state you create You can set this initial value by passing it as an argument to the useState hook when you declared it This initial value can be any valid data type in JavaScript You can also leave the argument empty and create state without any initial value Create function component function App Declare new state without initial value const count setCount useState Declare new state with string as initial value const word setWord useState Hello Declare new state with number as initial value const num setNum useState Declare new state with array as initial value const series setSeries useState Declare new state with object as initial value const person setPerson useState name Joe Doe email joe doe com return lt div gt lt div gt Lazy initializationThere might be situations where you will need to perform some expensive operation and use the result as a state value That said you may need to perform this operation only once on the initial render You can do this with the useState hook As you know when you declare new state you can provide it with some initial value There another option You can also pass in a function as an argument to useState hook The useState hook will execute this function but only on the initial render to get the initial state If you component re renders the function will not be executed again Some expensive operation function generateNumber return Math floor Math random Create function component function App Declare new state with lazy initialization const state setState useState gt generateNumber return lt div gt lt div gt Reading the stateWhen you want to read the state access its value you use the variable the hook returned Remember to use the state variable Don t try to use the update function to do this On the same token don t try to update the state by modifying the variable Instead use the update function for that specific state Create function component function App Declare states for name and age const name setName useState firstName Jack lastName Doer const age setAge useState return lt div gt Read from the name state lt p gt Hello my name is name firstName name lastName lt p gt Read from the age state lt p gt My age is age lt p gt lt div gt Updating state with update functionThe simplest way to update existing state is by using update function returned for that state This is important to remember If you have multiple states update specific state only with function associated with that state Don t try to use different functions for updating different states Create function component function App Declare state for name const name setName useState return lt div gt Read from the name state lt p gt Hello my name is name lt p gt Set name state is input value and update the state on input change lt input value name onChange event gt setName event target value gt lt div gt Alternative function App Declare state for name const name setName useState Create input handler that will update the state const onInputChange event setName event target value return lt div gt Read from the name state lt p gt Hello my name is name lt p gt Attach the input handler that updates name state lt input value name onChange onInputChange gt lt div gt Updating state with previous stateThis can be handy The update function accepts a callback function as an argument The update function also passes the previous state an argument to this callback This allows you to work with the latest state when you want to update it So if you need to know previous state pass a callback function instead of a value Then inside this callback function you can use the previous state to do whatever you want This previous state will be passed into the callback by the update function You just have to specify it as an argument Create function component function App Declare state for clicks const clicks setClicks useState Create button handler that will update the state const onButtonClick Use callback function and previous state to update the state Make sure to specify the argument for the previous state prevState for example setName prevState gt prevState return lt div gt Read from the name state lt p gt You clicked clicks lt p gt Attach the button handler that updates clicks state lt button type button onChange onButtonClick gt Click lt button gt lt div gt Alternative function App Declare state for clicks const clicks setClicks useState return lt div gt Read from the name state lt p gt You clicked clicks lt p gt Attach the button handler that updates clicks state lt button type button onChange gt setName prevState gt prevState gt Click lt button gt lt div gt Previous state and handling objects and arraysWorking with previous state in update function can be especially useful in two cases The first one is if your state is an array Second one is if your state is an object In both cases setting new state will overwrite the whole state In other words if you try to change one object property it will rewrite the whole object Similar thing will happen with arrays Trying to add new item to an array will result in rewriting the whole array Sure you can use the variable for current state However this doesn t guarantee that state will be the latest It can happen that state variable will be old due to how state works Previous state passed into the callback helps you avoid this because it will always know the latest state With state in the form of an object you can update individual properties and their values with the help of previous state and spread Spread will also help you insert new items to an array without rewriting Updating state with an array Create function component function App Declare state for clicks const names setNames useState Andrew Jill Create handler that will update the names state const addNameToState name New name will be passed as an argument We will insert the name along with current content of names state array and set it as a new state setNames prevState gt name prevState Hypothetical result some new name will be here Andrew Jill return lt div gt lt div gt Updating state with an object Create function component function App Declare state for clicks const person setPerson useState name Joshua Pink email joshua pink com age Create handler that will update the person state const addNameToState prop value The property to update and new value will be passed as an argument We will insert the name after the current content of person state object To ensure only new key value pair will be updated use spread with previous state first This will add all existing properties and the new one on top setNames prevState gt prevState Spread the previous state prop value Update only the relevant property Hypothetical result setNames prevState gt prevState age name Joshua Pink email joshua pink com age return lt div gt lt div gt Some limitationsHooks are great Nonetheless there are two important things to remember The first one is that you can t use hooks in class components Hooks work only with function components If you try to use hook in a class component React will complain This makes sense Hooks bring functionality available to classes to function components Why bring this functionality back to classes if it is already there To make your life and development easier use hooks only in function component The second thing is that hooks can be declared only in the root of your function component You can t declare them inside another functions that are inside your components That said the variables you declared for hooks are not restricted in scope You can use them anywhere in the component This also includes any inner functions of your function components You can read about this and other rules of hooks in official React documentation This will work function App Hook is declared in the root of function component const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt div gt This will not work function App function onButtonClick gt Hook must be declared in the root of function component It must be declared outside this function Then the count and setCount can be used here const count setCount useState return lt div gt lt div gt Conclusion React useState Hook in ActionThe React useState hook can be very useful for managing state of component and even the whole application It makes state management simple with only a small amount of code I hope that this tutorial helped you understand what the useState hook is about and how to use it in your React projects |
2021-04-26 06:17:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
ES6 Import And Export Cheatsheet |
ES Import And Export CheatsheetBefore ES came into play we used multiple script tags in a single HTML file to import different JavaScript files like this lt script type text javascript src home js gt lt script gt lt script type text javascript src profile js gt lt script gt lt script type text javascript src user js gt lt script gt So if we had a variable with the same name in different JavaScript files it would create a naming conflict and the value you were expecting would not be the actual value you got ES has fixed this issue with the concept of modules Every JavaScript file we write in ES is known as a module The variables and functions we declare in each file are not available to other files until we specifically export them from that file and import them into another file So the functions and variables defined in the file are private to each file and can t be accessed outside the file until we export them There are two types of exports Named Exports There can be multiple named exports in a single fileDefault Exports There can be only one default export in a single file Named Exports in JavaScriptTo export a single value as a named export we export it like this export const temp This is some dummy text If we have multiple things to export we can write an export statement on a separate line instead of in front of a variable declaration We specify the things to export in curly brackets const temp This is some dummy text const temp This is some dummy text export temp temp Note that the export syntax is not an object literal syntax So in ES to export something we can t use key value pairs like this This is invalid syntax of export in ESexport key value key value To import the things we exported as a named export we use the following syntax import temp temp from filename Note that while importing something from the file we don t need to add the js extension to the filename as it s considered by default import from functions js file from current directory import temp temp from functions import from functions js file from parent of current directoryimport temp from functions Here s a Code Sandbox demo One thing to note is that the name used while exporting has to match the name we use while importing So if you are exporting as constants jsexport const PI then while importing you have to use the same name used while exporting import PI from constants You can t use any other name like this import PiValue from constants This will throw an errorBut if you already have the variable with the same name as the exported variable you can use the renaming syntax while importing like this import PI as PIValue from constants Here we have renamed PI to PIValue and so we can t use the PI variable name now Instead we have to use the PIValue variable to get the exported value of PI We can also use the renaming syntax at the time of exporting constants jsconst PI export PI as PIValue then while importing we have to use PIValue like this import PIValue from constants To export something as a named export we have to declare it first export hello this will result in errorexport const greeting hello this will workexport name David This will result in errorexport const object name David This will workThe order in which we import the multiple named exports is not important Take a look at the below validations js file utils validations jsconst isValidEmail function email if test email return email is valid else return email is invalid const isValidPhone function phone if d s d d test phone return phone number is valid else return phone number is invalid function isEmpty value if s test value return string is empty or contains only spaces else return string is not empty and does not contain spaces export isValidEmail isValidPhone isEmpty and in index js we use these functions as shown below index jsimport isEmpty isValidEmail from utils validations console log isEmpty isEmpty abcd isEmpty string is not empty and does not contain spacesconsole log isValidEmail isValidEmail abc gmail com isValidEmail email is validconsole log isValidEmail isValidEmail ab c gmail com isValidEmail email is invalidHere s a Code Sandbox demo As you can see we can import only the required exported things and in any order so we don t need to check in what order we exported in another file That s the beauty of named exports Default Exports in JavaScriptAs I said earlier there can be at most one default export in a single file You can however combine multiple named exports and one default export in a single file To declare a default export we add the default keyword in front of the export keyword like this constants jsconst name David export default name To import the default export we don t add the curly brackets as we did in the named export like this import name from constants If we have multiple named exports and one default export like this constants jsexport const PI export const AGE const NAME David export default NAME then to import everything on a single line we need to use the default exported variable before the curly bracket only NAME is default export and PI and AGE are named exports hereimport NAME PI AGE from constants One specialty of default export is that we can change the name of the exported variable while importing constants jsconst AGE export default AGE And in another file we can use another name while importingimport myAge from constants console log myAge Here we have changed the name of the default exported variable from AGE to myAge This works because there can be only one default export so you can name it whatever you want Another thing to note about default export is that the export default keyword cannot come before variable declaration like this constants jsexport default const AGE This is an error and will not workso we have to use the export default keyword on a separate line like this constants js const AGE export default AGE We can however export default without declaring the variable like this constants jsexport default name Billy age and in another file use it like this import user from constants console log user name Billy console log user age There is another way of importing all the variables exported in a file using the following syntax import as constants from constants Here we are importing all the named and default exports we have in constants js and store in the constants variable So constants will become an object now constants jsexport const USERNAME David export default name Billy age And in another file we use it as below test jsimport as constants from constants console log constants USERNAME Davidconsole log constants default name Billy age console log constants default age Here s a Code Sandbox demo If you don t want to export on separate lines for default and named exports you can combine it as shown below constants jsconst PI const AGE const USERNAME David const USER name Billy age export PI AGE USERNAME USER as default Here we are exporting USER as the default export and others as named exports In another file you can use it like this import USER PI AGE USERNAME from constants Here s a Code Sandbox demo ConclusionIn ES data declared in one file is not accessible to another file until it is exported from that file and imported into another file If we have a single thing in a file to export like class declaration we use default export otherwise we use named export We can also combine default and named exports in a single file Thanks for readingStarting with ES there are many useful additions to JavaScript likeES DestructuringImport and Export SyntaxArrow functionsPromisesAsync awaitOptional chaining operatorand a lot more You can learn everything about all the ES features in detail in my Mastering Modern JavaScript book Check out free preview contents of the book here Also you can check out my free Introduction to React Router course to learn React Router from scratch Want to stay up to date with regular content regarding JavaScript React Node js Follow me on LinkedIn |
2021-04-26 06:08:28 |
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気になるセッションがある方は、ぜひ事前の登録をおすすめします。 |
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