Engadget Japanese |
次期MacBook Pro用のミニLEDディスプレイ製造、歩留率が改善したとの噂 |
macbookpro |
2021-05-04 07:00:52 |
IT |
Squirrel Byte - JsonLogicを使ったデータエクスプローラ |
jsonlogic |
2021-05-04 17:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AtCoder Beginner Contest 178 C問題 |
AtCoderBeginnerContestC問題AtCoderを始めましたが、ABCのA・B問題はほぼ解ける、C問題は運が良ければ解けるというレベルです。 |
2021-05-04 16:49:09 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptの基礎を改めて Part2 |
例constarrayABCconsolelogarrayconstnewArrayarrayconcatDconcatメソッドは指定した配列をコピーしたものに引数を結合させるメソッドconsolelognewArraygtgtABCDconsolelogarraygtgtABC配列arrayに対して直接的な変更が入っていないJavaScriptにおける破壊的、非破壊的メソッドはメソッド名から区別できず、破壊的メソッドは意図しない動作副作用が起こりうる。 |
2021-05-04 16:16:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ajax: partial部分を更新したい |
ajaxpartial部分を更新したいpartial更新について質問させてください。 |
2021-05-04 16:43:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[nuxt.js][laravel]パラメーターの値に対する一覧表示 |
nuxtjslaravelパラメーターの値に対する一覧表示️実現したいことセレクトボックスの値を選択後、ページ遷移して一覧画面に遷移して、urlに渡したidに対するpostテーブルのcategoryidに一致するpostコントローラーの値を表示させたいのですが、表示方法がわかりません。 |
2021-05-04 16:36:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Unity】Jsonを用いたAndroidでのセーブとロード方法 |
【Unity】Jsonを用いたAndroidでのセーブとロード方法前提・実現したいことUnityにてゲームを作っています。 |
2021-05-04 16:34:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Wordpressにおける、Contact.phpの役割について |
Wordpressにおける、Contactphpの役割について分からないことWordpressでMWnbspWPnbspFormプラグインを使用した際、contactphpは不要なのではないかと思うのですが、なぜ必要なのでしょうかそれとも、MWnbspWPnbspFormのみでお問合せフォームを作成できる場合は、Contactphpは不要なのでしょうか調べても理解ができなかったので、お教え願いたいです。 |
2021-05-04 16:20:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPを使ってMySQLへCSVを取り込みたい |
PHPを使ってMySQLへCSVを取り込みたい昨日は様々な方にご助言頂きありがとうございました。 |
2021-05-04 16:13:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
visualstudioでエラーが出てしまいます。どなたかどうしたら直るかわかりませんか? |
visualstudioでエラーが出てしまいます。 |
2021-05-04 16:07:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vscodeのエラー"No module named typing"について |
vscodeのエラーquotNomodulenamedtypingquotについてpythonをmac版vscodeでを使っています。 |
2021-05-04 16:05:20 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails] Rspecでテストコードの実装④ |
allクラス名のように添字を加えることで指定版目のものを取得できますfindlinkclick個人的にはあまり使いませんが、、、a要素で表示されているリンクをクリックするために用います。 |
2021-05-04 16:32:30 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS IAMユーザーを作成する |
IAMを使用すると、AWSのユーザーとグループを作成および管理し、アクセス権を使用してAWSリソースへのアクセスを許可および拒否できます。 |
2021-05-04 16:15:47 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
go-gin + mysql + gorm + Dockerで開発用APIサーバーを立ててみた |
まとめairgingormgolangmigratemysqldelvedockerで開発用APIサーバーを立ち上げることができました。 |
2021-05-04 16:57:39 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
『ホットリロード x Go言語 x MySQL』なHTTPサーバのDocker環境構築手順 |
作業ディレクトリの作成と移動mkdirgodockerexampleampampcdgomodの作成gomodinitbasenamePWDファイルの確認lsDockerfiledockercomposeymlgomodmaingostartshバックグラウンドで起動dockercomposeupd接続の確認curllocalhostこんにちはデータベース接続設定を追加Go言語でデータベースMySQLに接続する方法で紹介した手順をもとにmaingoの修正と、データベース接続に関するパッケージの作成をします。 |
2021-05-04 16:43:38 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
go-gin + mysql + gorm + Dockerで開発用APIサーバーを立ててみた |
まとめairgingormgolangmigratemysqldelvedockerで開発用APIサーバーを立ち上げることができました。 |
2021-05-04 16:57:39 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
『ホットリロード x Go言語 x MySQL』なHTTPサーバのDocker環境構築手順 |
作業ディレクトリの作成と移動mkdirgodockerexampleampampcdgomodの作成gomodinitbasenamePWDファイルの確認lsDockerfiledockercomposeymlgomodmaingostartshバックグラウンドで起動dockercomposeupd接続の確認curllocalhostこんにちはデータベース接続設定を追加Go言語でデータベースMySQLに接続する方法で紹介した手順をもとにmaingoの修正と、データベース接続に関するパッケージの作成をします。 |
2021-05-04 16:43:38 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
分かったつもりで分かっていなかったGit、GitHub② |
マージすると、その二つの世界線があった上で一つの世界に合体するという感じですが、リベースはブランチの付け根を付け替えることができるので、元々一つの世界だったようにすることができます。 |
2021-05-04 16:26:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails] Rspecでテストコードの実装④ |
allクラス名のように添字を加えることで指定版目のものを取得できますfindlinkclick個人的にはあまり使いませんが、、、a要素で表示されているリンクをクリックするために用います。 |
2021-05-04 16:32:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Types Of Aircrafts In Aerospace Industry |
Types Of Aircrafts In Aerospace IndustryIntroductionThe future of aerospace engineering looks bright particularly as developments in space exploration and space flight become a reality Aerospace engineering is a profession that focuses on the construction and research of aircraft spacecraft and related technologies using engineering principles Classification Of AircraftWhen it comes to aircraft classifications we re talking about classes of planes that have identical flying characteristics The way they land as well as their propulsion and in flight handling Airman certificate categories are even more closely related to classifications than aircraft categories Lighter Than AirBalloons non rigid airships blimps and dirigibles are built to have a sufficient volume within their structure that when filled with a gas lighter than air they can fly heated air hydrogen or helium displaces the ambient air and floats similar to how a cork floats on water Heavier Than AirThis type of aircraft requires a power source to generate the thrust needed for lift Kites are a simple heavier than air craft Civil AircraftCivil flights are all nonmilitary planes Private and corporate jets as well as commercial airliners are among them Private planes are single engine monoplanes with non retractable landing gear that are used for pleasure flying Business AircraftThese flights are used to produce income for their owners and range from small single engine planes used for pilot training or transporting small parcels over short distances to four engine executive jets capable of crossing continents and oceans Classification Of SpacecraftSpacecraft are specially developed and built structures capable of operating in hostile environments Their capacities and sophistication differ greatly as do their purposes Flyby SpacecraftThe initial reconnaissance phase of solar system exploration was carried out by flyby spacecraft They maintain a constant solar orbit or escape trajectory never entering planetary orbit Orbiter SpacecraftA spacecraft designed to fly to a distant planet and enter into orbit around it must be able to decelerate quickly enough to achieve orbit insertion Atmospheric SpacecraftAtmospheric satellites are planned for a brief mission to collect data on a planet s or satellite s atmosphere A spacecraft s subsystem complement is usually reduced Lander SpacecraftLander spacecraft are intended to enter a planet s surface and stay long enough to transmit data back to Earth |
2021-05-04 07:50:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
EVOLUTION OF PLANESThe first successful powered flight took place in and it was a huge success On December th near Kitty Hawk North Carolina Wilbur and Orville Wright flew the first powered aeroplane The Wright brothers kept working on it and by their third plane the Wright Flyer III could fly for longer periods of time with greater control The notion of flying in the same domain as birds has occupied human minds since the dawn of intelligence All early ideas about human flight were based on bird mimicry Several Unknown ancient and mediaeval people fashioned wings and attempted to leap from towers or roofs flapping violently with often catastrophic and often futile results On November a balloon carrying Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d Arlandes soared into the air and drifted miles across Paris marking the beginning of human flight Hot air from an open fire burning in a big wicker basket underneath inflated and buoyed the balloon The Montgolfier s were ready for the big move after many public presentations of flight without human passengers including an minute journey in a balloon carrying a cage containing a pig a rooster and a duck The first flight with human passengers took to the air at p m on November and lasted minutes The real creator Of aircraft was SIR GEORGE CAYLEY George Cayley s blueprint for the modern aeroplane was first proposed in It was the first design to incorporate a fixed wing for lift a separate propulsion system Cayley envisioned paddles and a horizontal and vertical cruciform tail for stability Pre Wright Brother Era To Present Plane From the early Wright Flyer flown at Kittyhawk to today s supersonic SR Blackbird aircraft have evolved dramatically over the last century Aeronautical Aerospace engineering has progressed in many areas each of which has progressed at a different rate a aerodynamics b power plant engineering c control radios and navigation aids d airframe engineering hydraulic electrical systems internal fittings and so on and finally e structural design The design of aerospace structures on the other hand has only taken one fundamental step forward but this improvement was sufficient to change the entire design process as will be discussed in this section Hence As the aircraft industry passes the days development and design are rising considerably |
2021-05-04 07:50:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create CSS Gradient Animations Effortlessly 🌌 |
Create CSS Gradient Animations Effortlessly Here s a preview of what we ll make Create a gradientI ll save mine in a variable for easy reuse root main gradient linear gradient deg a a ac e Create a container div and add the backgroundWe use background size to zoom into the gradient container background var main gradient background size Create the animationThis is a basic animation that changes the background position Since we zoomed into the gradient it will look like it s moving keyframes gradient background position background position background position Add the animation to our container container background var main gradient background size animation gradient s ease infinite You can check the codepen hereAnd that s it Follow me on twitter for more |
2021-05-04 07:42:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Clean Your Code |
Clean Your Code So What Is It AboutJust chill and read So i was fixing some messy code as i dig deeper i noticed a set of code that could have been easily made better had the developer put a little effort into fixing it during the inception instead of leaving it “Latter Legacy code is mostly the result of developers not trying to “stay clean Small things that may seem little while you are doing them could easily pile up and haunt you or the next developer at later time you should have the habbit to keep it clean while you are coding If you dont follow the rules you ll end like this from yoyo code What about cleaning up the messy code that you wrote while waiting for the PR approval Ans Bad code is going to attract more bad code and force you to refactor it “later Do it yourself teach yourself the habit of clean coding instead of leaving it for “refactoring later Fell free to discuss about you refactoring methods Conclusion Keep Coding Share with your friends on Twitter |
2021-05-04 07:40:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
7 pieces of advice I wish I knew when I started as a Junior Software Engineer |
pieces of advice I wish I knew when I started as a Junior Software EngineerPhoto by Corina Rainer on UnsplashSomeone asked this question recently and this are my thoughts about it Write more amp take notesWriting is a really valuable skill for developers the sooner you start developing it the better Take notes so you have stuff you can write about later Teach what you learnThe best moment to teach something is when you just learned it Apply to do workshops with other developers write articles create videos Teach what you learned and you will solidify that knowledge Show your workYou ll feel imposter syndrome every time Publish articles create websites try to get people to use them You ll only find the things you can improve at when you see people reacting to your work Connect with peopleTry not to be just a lurker and participate in conversations about topics you re interested in Give your opinion and your thoughts Learn from others Ask more questions even the stupid onesSpecially the stupid ones Asking questions will start conversations that will make you learn times more than tutorials and books Asking good questions is a great skill and you develop it by asking stupid questions Chill you don t have to know everything by tomorrowLearn things as you need them Don t rush it or you ll burn out of tutorials books and making projects for the sake of learning technologies A healthy lifestyle will make you more productive hours of work a day exercise and healthy diet will get more done than hours of work a day If it s not sustainable don t do it Follow me on twitter for more |
2021-05-04 07:38:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 9 PHP Frameworks For Web Development In 2021 |
Top PHP Frameworks For Web Development In With an average global salary of k PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in the developer community It s the language behind the most popular CMS WordPress It is in use by of total websites globally including the most used social network Facebook the largest digital encyclopedia Wikipedia China s news giant Xinhuanet and Russia s social network VK com It would be unfair not to credit the rising number of PHP web development frameworks in popularising PHP Today we ve some really good web development frameworks in PHP like Laravel CodeIgniter CakePHP etc These development frameworks provide a set of libraries amp API functions to accelerate the web application development process securely Sadly despite all these glittery facts amp figures some dare say “PHP is a dead language In fact in a recent survey of respondents voted PHP as one of the most dreaded programming languages In the same study only desired to learn PHP But google trends for search keywords “php and “javascript narrate another story While the debates will continue be assured that PHP is not dying anytime soon Having said that check out the most popular PHP frameworks for web development best PHP frameworks for website development in LaravelLaravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks for web development with k stars on GitHub Though it ranks on PHP Benchmarks list of top performing web development PHP frameworks it tops our list given its huge community rich feature set and ease of use Why should you consider Laravel Open source huge community Extensive documentation Zero overheads for CFOs LTSLaravel is an open source web development framework Of course free It enjoys awe inspiring support from the PHP developer community And as a result Laravel wheels are always in motion Right from its launch in to the time of writing this insight there have been mega releases Laravel being the latest stable version The Laravel web framework community provides LTS versions too Laravel LTS is currently under support Versions before it are no longer maintained Performance Security amp Scalability faster time to marketYou can securely develop Laravel powered apps using MVC architecture Using an object oriented and functional programming approach you can develop highly modular code bases for your application This modularity and segmented architecture make the Laravel web framework highly extensible That means Laravel developers can leverage ready to use first party packages like Envoy Passport Horizon Cashier JetStream and Fortify This also saves significant development time and new products can be shipped with faster time to market In built authentication features can leverage encrypted storage of data for enhanced security Performance can be boosted by using session amp cached memory optimizing the garbage collection process would also mean improved task execution Rich off the shelf featuresBuilt in access management features for easy authentication amp user managementEasily integrate with popular email services like Amazon SES sendmail etc Delivering messages through SMS Slack is also possible In built Eloquent ORM to convert data between incompatible type systems Eloquent ORM is an API interface to easily interact with the database Developers don t need to write complex queries Advanced Eloquent ORM query example to select destinations use App Models Destination use App Models Flight return Destination addSelect last flight gt Flight select name gt whereColumn destination id destinations id gt orderByDesc arrived at gt limit gt get Bundle packaging system and composer dependency manager for integrating framework agnostic packages to your PHP web development project You may use Packalyst which is a huge collection of Laravel PHP packages in total “Reverse routing for linking and routes CLI interface “Blade templating engine for designing templates “RESTful controllers for request handling in built “PHUnit Testing “Lazy collection “Database seeding “Real Time event broadcasting “background processing are some other features that make development work with Laravel an easy peasy experience These are the reasons it is considered among the best PHP frameworks for website development Who uses the Laravel framework for their web applications MastercardRazorpayOlxWattpadTransferGoGAG and companiesWhy explore Laravel framework alternatives for web development No built in support is available in RoR or Django framework Easy to start complex to master Usual open source LTS issues i e migration issues and incompatibility of newer versions with older ones CodeIgniterCodeIgniter is a rapid web application development framework with a ridiculously small size CodeIgniter the latest version of CodeIgniter is a mere MB in size Like Laravel it s open source and boasts k stars on GitHub Just because of how bare bone it is we have included it in the second position Like several other frameworks CodeIgniter provides a set of libraries and an intuitive interface to accelerate PHP web app development Currently this is not tracked by PHPbenchmarks com but is considered among the best PHP frameworks for website development What are the features of CodeIgniter Server requirementsCodeigniter framework v requires PHP or above Supports MySQL PostgreSQL SQLiteIt is partly PSR compliant This means it follows PHP standard recommendations for class and file naming standards implements autoloading and logger interface but doesn t strictly follow caching or HTTP message interface Easy to get started You may directly download CodeIgniter or you can use composer to install it Consider it as the “create react app of PHP CodeIgniter All you need to do is execute the below command to get started with CodeIgniter composer create project codeigniter appstarter project rootCodeIgniter applications can be built using MVC architecture and adhere to object oriented programming practices It provides classes for FTP image manipulation email sending user agent unit testing security encryption caching driver throttling typography pagination form validation etc It also provides two tools i e Timer amp Iterator for benchmarking your PHP application You can carry out feature testing by extending FeatureTestCase or FeatureTestTrait class The template for writing test cases looks as below lt php namespace App use CodeIgniter Test FeatureTestCase class TestFoo extends FeatureTestCase public function setUp void parent setUp public function tearDown void parent tearDown Who uses CodeIgniter for their web applications Sprout SocialBufferGrindrMGeekyantsAccentureOlaRemitlyAmplifyBigBazaar and othersWhy explore alternative web development frameworks No templating engineNo official stand on LTS versionsNo in built authentication authorization featuresDevelopers have to write their modules from scratch while in other best PHP web frameworks like Laravel a rich set of in built ready to use modules are available SymfonyPHP Benchmarks rank Symfony at number in the list of PHP frameworks for web development With k GitHub stars Symfony is not just a PHP web development framework but also provides a set of stand alone reusable PHP components for faster web app development Using Symfony you can develop web applications microservices and APIs too With commercial support from SensioLabs Symfony stands ahead of many on the list What are the features of Symfony decoupled components easily installable using composer You ve Lock component for managing access to shared resources Routing for obviously implementing routes Guard for creating complex authentications MIME for manipulating MIME messages and creating advanced emails Security for advanced authorizations PHPUnit Bridge for test reporting Symfony uses open source Doctrine ORM for database operations It s a great alternative to writing repetitive SQL code Symfony supports a diverse set of databases MySql Oracle PostgreSQL SQLite SQL Server and SAP Sybase etc Though PHP itself is a templating language Symfony provides Twig a fast secure and flexible templating engine It makes templating concise through its template oriented syntax For example printing default value while looping over an empty array looks as compact as for player in players player score else No players data endfor This is why it is counted among the best PHP frameworks for website development Who uses Symfony for their web applications BlaBlaCarSpotifyMagentoStatistaPractoNaukri comWhy explore alternative web development frameworks For simpler projects Laravel would make more sense Laravel beats Symfony in performance Laminas ProjectLaminas Project is a continuation of one of the most popular PHP web development frameworks i e the Zend PHP framework Zend had k GitHub stars before transitioning into the Laminas Project Zend v still ranks th in PHPBenchmark Laminas has three major verticals Mezzio for building middleware applications in PHP Mezzio for building middleware applications in PHP API tools for creating RESTful APIs in PHP What are the features of Laminas It is indeed an enterprise ready PHP web development framework Laminas Project provides components for dependency injection caching form validations PubSubHubbub WebSub interactions logging routing pagination session managements diagnostic tests event dispatchers feed parsers etc Event driven flexible MVC framework for building scalable PHP applications Supported databases include MySQL MS SQL Server Oracle MariaDB IBMDB PostgreSQL etc Some noteworthy components of the Laminas framework apart from the usual ones Laminas log is a PSR compliant logger with support for filtering and formatting Laminas form for implementing complex forms casting them into business objects Laminas math for generating cryptographic numbers Laminas session for object oriented interface to session amp storage Laminas cache for caching implementations and codified caching storage strategies for callbacks Laminas db for database abstraction SQL operations Laminas xmljson for converting xml documents to JSON format Laminas SOAP for creating SOAP applications and interacting with them Who uses Laminas for their web applications According to LinuxFoundation the Zend framework now Laminas has been downloaded more than Mn times The prominent users include BNP Paribas BBC and Offers com Why explore alternative web development frameworks Laravel beats ZEND in terms of performance Documentation is not beginner friendly YiiThe Yii framework has a whopping Mn downloads from Packagist and k stars on GitHub Yii branded as YES it is is a fast secure flexible PHP framework for web development especially for building MVC architecture websites It ranks on the PHP Benchmarks list Yii is a strictly Object Oriented PHP framework and requires knowledge of inheritance polymorphism etc What are the features of Yii Thorough Documentation From installation to explaining web concepts to deploying applications and everything in between Yii has documented it all Robust Cache Component From server side caching to client side in browser caching Yii has easy to follow guides for implementing different sorts of caching i e data caching fragment caching page caching query caching HTTP caching etc For instance to fetch cached data data cache gt get key if data false data is unavailable Compute it from scratch data this gt computeFromScratch now store the static data to cache cache gt set key data data will be available for cache retrieval You can rapidly prototype an MVP using the GII code generator provided by Yii to implement CRUD operations for a database Security features Yii provides frameworks amp guidelines for implementing authentication authorization cryptographic features password handling trusted proxies and headers For example authentication can be implemented using the User component and implementing Yii s IdentityInterface interface Similarly Yii provides components and classes for handling requests working with databases displaying data fetching data debugging code and many more Who uses Yii for their web applications DeloitteFujitsuLenovoDiscoveryLuloUtripWhy explore alternative web development frameworks Strong object oriented programming prerequisite If performance is a priority then better alternatives are available CakePHPCakePHP is an open source web development PHP framework It s ranked th in PHP Benchmarks just above the Laravel web development framework The newly released v comes with a renovated skeleton design and provides APIs to enable developers for rapid application development On GitHub it has k stars and contributors For commercial support you have cakeDC CakeDC is the organization behind CakePHP You can build highly secure and scalable web applications including social networks eCommerce and online collaboration platforms using CakePHP What are the features of CakePHP It adheres to MVC architecture for PHP powered web application development Supports other popular design patterns like Associative Data Mapping Front Controller etc Supports other popular design patterns like Associative Data Mapping Front Controller etc You can leverage code generation and scaffolding features for faster prototype development Scaffolding refers to techniques to easily access databases or generate project code using certain high level tools Like many other web development frameworks in this list the CakePHP web development framework also gets shipped with all batteries included You have ready to use Caching authentication validation internationalization database APIs features Minimal configuration required No need for YAML or XML config files You get paid support if required You ve Namespace cake ORM with classes forEager loading EagerLoader registry factor tables TableRegistry Handling and loading of construction behavior objects BehaviorRegistry Converting array data into entities Marshaller This makes it count among the best PHP frameworks for website development Who uses CakePHP for their web applications HyundaiBMWBlendtecMITBillabongEdurekaHouse PartyWhy explore alternative web development frameworks Abrupt migrations If you re building performance critical applications It s not like CakePHP s performance is not good but if performance comparing websites have ranked other frameworks to be better performing you must consider their candidature SlimUnlike the other web development PHP frameworks mentioned above Slim as the name goes is a PHP micro framework for web development Are you aware of micro frameworks The ones listed above are full stack frameworks Slim with k stars on GitHub is a minimalistic web application and API development framework Basically this means you will only have the recipe and won t get any ready to consume functions In a full stack framework you get components classes interface for authorization authentication routing paging database operations etc In micro framework you get bare minimum support for HTTP requests and routing requests to appropriate controllers Then why choose a micro framework Because it gives you flexibility and high extensibility What are the features of Slim Efficient fast routers Slim ships with powerful ROUTER This maps routes to specific HTTP request handler methods and URLs Router natively supports different URL types including the ones with parameters and patterns Pattern based URLs are commonly implemented in e commerce apps PSR Support It s necessary to implement PSR implementation in your Slim project Extensible with first party PHP components and third party PHP components on packagist Who uses Slim for their web applications GamnedBootiqAgriTaskGreenBotHHEYWhy to explore alternative web development frameworks If you need a full stack framework Steep learning curve for complex projects For large projects microframeworks are not suited No point in reinventing the wheels PhalconPhalcon is a platform agnostic ridiculously fast web development PHP framework delivered as a C extension It provides high performance and low resource consumption On GitHub it has scored k stars and has contributors What are the features of Phalcon Low overheads for MVC architecture web applications It is compiled to the native platform and is not interpreted The C extensions classes and functions are loaded with PHP on the webserver as the daemon process starts You can build both single and multi module MVC applications as depicted in the image above You can leverage dependency injection features autoloader features phalcon ORM for playing with DB records It natively supports PostgreSQL MySQL and SQLite You have Phalcon query language for writing queries Phalcon transactions to ensure data integrity The Phalcon cache component supports backends like Redis Memcached Mongo etc for quick access to pre processed data Form builder flash messages VOLT templating engine translation components are other features worth noting These are the main reasons to consider Phalcon among the best PHP frameworks for website development Who uses Phalcon for their web applications SocialVeoKingHostProshoreUrban Sports ClubPlaceOnAirESCHERWhy explore alternative web development frameworks Not ideal for shared hosting No C know how is required but if a critical framework level issue arises you need to debug in C More Popular framework alternatives with huge communities are available LumenLumen is a micro framework for developing PHP powered web applications It is written in PHP and created by the Laravel team itself Lumen has k stars on GitHub and contributors What are the features of Lumen You can build lightning fast APIs and microservices for Laravel based applications using Lumen It is faster than Slim and Silex the other popular alternative PHP microframeworks You can use Laravel features like Eloquent ORM testing validation authorization caching queues views etc with minimal configurations Easily upgradable to full fledged Laravel application if need be Can leverage Laravel Homestead for meeting system requirements It works with PHP gt Can leverage Laravel Homestead for meeting system requirements It works with PHP gt Threat data scienceIndex coPublyPiioZenChefAgromPokketRooterCodepolitanWhy explore alternative web development frameworks If you don t like Laravel If you need a full stack and best PHP web framework More suited to microservices and APIs for large scale applications consider a full stack PHP web development framework Wrapping Up PHPixie FuelPHP Ubiquity Symlex are some other popular amp rising PHP web development frameworks If you re building a new web application we think you must be informed that multiple intuitive web development frameworks have evolved over the years AngularJs ReactJs not a framework but a library and Django are creating strong ripples in the web community So if you re just exploring web development do consider these PHP alternatives If you re already a PHP pro choose any PHP web development frameworks that best suit your needs Irrespective of the framework you chose for development LambdaTest is versatile enough to support all your web application testing requirements with out of the box features like responsive testing over devices parallel testing simulated network testing recording testing sessions etc Have you subscribed to the LambdaTest newsletter yet Ah I wouldn t have missed it Happy Testing |
2021-05-04 07:21:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source news and updates #66 |
AWS open source news and updates May th Instalment Newsletter This week we have a really outstanding collection of new open source projects including eventbridge atlas ecsk spotinfo pecos and more so make sure you spend some time checking those out Following on from CDK Day we have plenty of great posts for CDK fans As always there are lots of great community and AWS blog posts covering event driven architectures containers big data and so happy to see the AWS DeepRacer open source announcements last week Finally we have a couple of great videos a podcast and events you should check out and put in your diary Before you dive in make sure you are aware of the following important updates from last week NodeJSIf you are using NodeJS then last week we had an important post that you should read and check out the recommendations Trivikram Kamat writes in Announcing the end of support for Node js lt x in the AWS SDK for JavaScript v the timelines versions as well as the motivation behind this AWS NeuronAWS Neuron is the SDK for running machine learning inference using AWS Inferentia chips and last week we announced an important change in how you install and update this SDK To find out more read End of support for Neuron Conda packages in Deep Learning AMI Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Matt Hansen Eric Johnson Al MS Michele Sancricca Hari Rajaram Jeremy Ber Kumar Abhinav David Duncan Tracy Pierce Trivikram Kamat Zachary Whitford Richa Prajapati Aldo Piddiu Christian Weber Mark Richman Jason Gudalis Baichuan Sun Eden Duthie Charles Frenzel Thom Lane David Smith Camilo Buscaron Eddie Calleja Siddalingesha Devarmani Shivakumar Jayadev Vadakkanmarveettil Bob Wise Peder Ulander Willy Tarreau Jaana Dogan Jarrod Watts Jason Umiker Alexei Ledenev yukiarrr OlegA David Boyne Teadeveloper Hsiang Fu Yu Inderjit S Dhillon Chris Fife Eric Beard Rico Huijbers Sundeep Kumar Rahul Sonawane Jasper Wang and Van Vo Thanh Make sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest from open source projectseventbridge atlaseventbridge atlas this is a great open source project from David Boyne that allows you to document discover and share your EventBridge schemas Great documentation that shows you the motivation behind the project as well as how to get started David also put together this blog post Introducing EventBridge Atlas which is a must read this week ecskecsk this open source tool from yukiarrr is a CLI tool that you can interactively call Amazon ECS APIs run task execute command stop task copy files between ECS and local and view logs Clear documentation to help you install and get started check out this demo to see it in action spotinfospotinfo this open source project from Alexei Ledenev is a command line tool that helps you determine AWS Spot instance types with the least chance of interruption and provides the savings you get over on demand rates Awesome little tool pecospecos PECOS is a versatile and modular open source machine learning ML framework for fast learning and inference on problems with large output spaces such as extreme multi label ranking XMR and large scale retrieval PECOS design is intentionally agnostic to the specific nature of the inputs and outputs as it is envisioned to be a general purpose framework for multiple distinct applications You can read more about this project in the blog post Amazon open sources library for prediction over large output spaces from Hsiang Fu Yu and Inderjit S Dhillon aws mwaa local runneraws mwaa local runner this is a project I have been waiting to be released for a while and this provides you with a local environment that replicates an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow MWAA environment Check out the docs for details on how to get this up and running but I have been running it for a while and find it super useful for doing local development and testing aws ec dashboardaws ec dashboard this open source project from OlegA is a Node js JavaScript application that displays list of EC instances in a compact and simple way yakeyake Alexander Mancevice has put this open source project together that is a Rake like DSL for writing AWS Lambda handlers Rake is a software task management and build automation tool so this project might appeal to those Ruby developers looking to explore writing functions and deploying them on AWS Lambda awscloudexplorerawscloudexplorer this open source tool from Teadeveloper for TUI terminal user interface lovers to explore the resources in AWS Cloud using a TUI instead a GUI or AWS web console tmux and nc fans will love this tool currently checking it out Community open source postsDirektivDirektiv v deploying on AWS EKS or Docker and new UI I covered this project last week and Wilhelm Wonigkeit from Direktiv has a new post this time showing you how you can deploy this open source project an event driven container based workflow engine on AWS as well as covering some of the latest new features they have added This is a really interesting project so check it out if you missed this last week GraphQLGet Started With AWS Amplify Next JS amp Typescript Full Stack with GraphQL Authentication in minutes Jarrod Watts puts himself in the leaderboard for blog post with the longest title this week and what a great post it is minutes you will not regret Easy to follow with video backup incase you prefer that HAProxyHAProxy Forwards Over Million HTTP Requests per Second on a Single Arm based AWS Graviton Instance Willy Tarreau takes an in depth look at how HAProxy scales when running on AWS Graviton instance types This is a great post covering the methodology results and analysis As with all benchmark posts I don t want to spoil the conclusion so make sure you read this post to find out more I will leave you with this tantalising graph though Amazon EKSIf you are looking to expand upon the core Amazon EKS cluster perhaps been inspired or manually deploying a number of add ons that you might have seen as part of the Amazon EKS Workshop then this post from Jason Umiker Automating the provisioning of a production ready Kubernetes cluster with AWS EKS amp CDK will show you how to automate the configuration of those add ons Very nice indeed What is even better is that Jason has written his CDK app in Python and that makes me very happy Apache AirflowUsing AWS CDK to deploy your Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow environment to celebrate CDK Day last week I put together this post showing you how you can use AWS CDK to configure and deploy an Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow environment I hope it is useful and builds upon earlier posts where I showed you how you can do this via CloudFormation AWS open source postsAWS DeepRacerIt has been a while since I have done anything with AWS DeepRacer but the DeepRacer community are very close to my heart and they have some amazing folks doing some really great things I am very happy therefore that last week we published a couple of blog posts announcing the open sourcing of AWS DeepRacer First up we had my good friend and follower of DeepRacer cars David Smith who post AWS DeepRacer device software now open source dives into more details about this announcement including a look at some of the sample projects that have been compiled by the AWS DeepRacer team and members of that awesome DeepRacer community before walking you through some of those samples David also shares details about discounts you can get yourself which are not to be sniffed at so make sure you check this post out Following that we have a collaboration between Camilo Buscaron Eddie Calleja Siddalingesha Devarmani Shivakumar and Jayadev Vadakkanmarveettil on the post AWS DeepRacer is now open source and ready to hit the road with ROS looks at this announcement from the Robotics perspective taking a look at some of the ROS packages that are being open sourced and how you can use these to start building projects They also cover the sample projects taking a look at the Follow the Leader Off Road and Mapping projects Really excited as to the possibilities and look forward to sharing future projects in this newsletter ROSIf you are into Robotics this post from Matt Hansen AWS announces a new developer desktop feature within the AWS RoboMaker IDE will be right up your street showing you a really cool new way we are making it easier for roboticists to develop their robot applications by extending the developer tooling beyond the RoboMaker IDE to now include a full virtual Ubuntu desktop You can run your favourite ROS tools Gazebo RViz and other tools directly as if it were a local Ubuntu desktop I can see my Ubuntu machine next to me getting nervous StreamlitUsing Streamlit to build an interactive dashboard for data analysis on AWS Baichuan Sun Eden Duthie Charles Frenzel and Thom Lane collaborate on this tutorial that show how to stand up an Exploratory Data Analysis EDA dashboard for business users using Streamlit Streamlit is an open source framework for data scientists to efficiently create interactive web based data applications in pure Python This walkthrough will show you how you can easily deploy this into your AWS environment with the least effort always a good thing GrafanaUsing Amazon Managed Service for Grafana to troubleshoot a serverless application Mark Richman builds upon an earlier blog post to show you how you can integrate Amazon CloudWatch logs and metrics with Amazon Managed Service for Grafana AMG using it to see how you might troubleshoot a serverless application built using Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda The post covers how to visualise analyze alarm and notify on metrics and logs across multiple data sources all from within Grafana and Mark provides a link to the source code so you can try it yourself AWS CDKAs the dust settles after another amazing CDK Day event what better way to celebrate that to catch up on the latest AWS CDK news Christian Weber dropped his latest post in his regular CDK Corner April series Plenty of updates and news from around the world so make sure you check out this post As always love the community acknowledgements so well done folks who have successfully had their first PRs merged Jasper Wang and Van Vo Thanh put together this post Building and deploying Fargate with EKS in an enterprise context using the AWS Cloud Development Kit and cdks that shows you how you can deploy a sample Kubernetes workload on an Amazon EKS cluster running Kubernetes pods on AWS Fargate using cdks cdks an open source software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications a la CDK Announced the evening before CDK Day Eric Johnson s post Better together AWS SAM and AWS CDK announced the public preview of AWS Serverless Application Model CLI AWS SAM CLI support for local development and testing of AWS CDK projects If you are not familiar with AWS SAM SAM CLI it is a developer tool that makes it easier to build locally test package and deploy serverless applications This new capability extends the previous ability to test package using CloudFormation to now be able to build test with AWS CDK If you want to know more check out the videos from CDK Day I will post when they are uploaded in future newsletters where Eric showed you this in action This new capability generated a lot of love at CDK Day so make sure you check this post out Finally it was great to see AWS CDKv announced last week in the post Announcing AWS Cloud Development Kit v Developer Preview Chris Fife Eric Z Beard and Rico Huijbers talk you through the changes between CDK v and v They talk about the AWS Constructs Library the constructs compatibility layer the new lifecycle for experimental APIs and more RedHat LinuxAnnouncing availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with High Availability on Amazon EC this post from Kumar Abhinav and David Duncan provides a quick walk through of deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux with High Availability and combining this with the scale performance and elasticity of AWS to provide an operating system for your highly available compute clusters I was not aware of Corosync before reading this post so I am sure you will learn something new too Apache AirflowOrchestrate AWS Glue DataBrew jobs using Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow Sundeep Kumar and Rahul Sonawane show you how you can use to orchestrate and schedule DataBrew jobs with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow MWAA In this particular post they create a simple transformation logic pipeline using DataBrew jobs to join two datasets rename a column and add a new column and then use Amazon Athena to verify the results Apache FlinkEnrich your data stream asynchronously using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink from Hari Rajaram and Jeremy Ber show you how you can approach asynchronous enrichment of a data stream through the Apache Flink API for asynchronous I O with external data sources Why does this matter Well you might need this if you have use cases such as enriching a streaming payload with additional elements to passing data elements to an API for a machine learning ML prediction or loading data streams into a data lake for near real time analytics Read the post to find out more PrestoI have spent some time recently working with Presto on Amazon EMR so I enjoyed reading this new post Amazon EMR introduces EMR runtime for Presto providing a times speedup from Al MS and Michele Sancricca Running Presto on Amazon EMR is a popular choice because Amazon EMR provides the latest stable open source community Presto innovations and Amazon EMR platform level optimisations for Presto workloads and this posts takes a look at some of those optimisations Apache KafkaHow Goldman Sachs migrated from their on premises Apache Kafka cluster to Amazon MSK this guest post from Zachary Whitford Richa Prajapati and Aldo Piddiu from the Global Investment Research engineering team at Goldman Sachs takes a look at their migration journey as they moved from self hosted Apache Kakfa to using Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka or Amazon MSK The post covers the rational and thinking behind the move the options they considered as well as the lessons learned If you are using running Apache Kafka workloads make sure you read this post Performance DashboardNew Performance Dashboard on AWS makes delivering open responsive government simple Jason Gudalis writes about a newly open sourced solution that aims to help manage and showcase the data you have The post focuses specifically on doing this with data at the heart of how public services are working but you could adapt it to your own needs If you want to see it in action there is a very short video that shows you what you can expect Quick updatesNode xYou can now use the Node js x runtime to develop functions in AWS Lambda Edge This runtime is in addition to the currently supported Node js x and Node js x runtimes Node js x the current Long Term Support LTS version of Node js uses the new V engine and provides better performance than the previous LTS version x In addition Node js x supports new features such as nullish coalescing operator options chaining operator and diagnostic reportingApache KafkaAmazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka Amazon MSK now supports Apache Kafka version for new and existing clusters Apache Kafka includes several bug fixes and new features that improve performance Some of the key features include connection rate limiting to avoid problems with misconfigured clients KIP and topic identifiers which provides performance benefits KIP There is also an early access feature to replace zookeeper with a self managed metadata quorum KIP however this is not recommended for use in production For a complete list of improvements and bug fixes see the Apache Kafka release notes for KubernetesAWS Secrets Manager launched the AWS Secrets and Configuration Provider ASCP a plugin for the industry standard Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI driver ASCP enables applications running in Kubernetes pods to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager easily without the need for custom code Once installed ASCP ensures your applications always receive the most recent version of your secrets as these are rotated As a result you automatically benefit from the rotation and lifecycle management features that Secrets Manager provides without added coding effort ASCP also enables convenient and secure access to your configurations in AWS SSM Parameter Store You can read more about this in the blog post from Tracy Pierce How to use AWS Secrets amp Configuration Provider with your Kubernetes Secrets Store CSI driver Video of the weekROSAA couple of must view videos this week starting off with Bob Wise and Peder Ulander sharing some insights into how Red Hat OpenShift on AWS ROSA is helping enterprises simplify scale cloud projects as they move toward the edge This was recorded during the Red Hat Summit and is well worth watching as it covers more than just ROSA but open source at AWS too Check out the original coverage here or watch the video below from the Cube AWS CopilotThe final video is a recording from the Containers from the Couch crew of the Amazon ECS Workshop where you will learn how to deploy your application to Amazon ECS using AWS Copilot Podcast of the weekJaana Dogan rakyll explains which problems the industry and especially cloud vendors try to solve with their investment in open source standards such as OpenTelemetry and gives an update where OpenTelemetry is the next upcoming milestones and what a bright future with OpenTelemetry being widely adopted could bring The State of OpenTelemetry with Jaana Dogan Events for your diaryCloud Native Rust DayMay rdRust is a language empowering everyone to build secure reliable and efficient software Rust is becoming more widely used in cloud native powering everything from lightning fast service meshes and powerful developer tools to internet scale distributed databases Come explore what makes Rust a fantastic choice for new cloud native development and learn about how the community uses Rust today Find out more and register here Container DayMay AM PM CESTContainer Day x KubeCon is a fully live virtual day of sessions all about Amazon EKS and Kubernetes at AWS hosted by Brent Langston and Adam Keller of Containers from the Couch At this Day Zero KubeCon event the AWS Kubernetes team will be revealing new launches demoing products and features covering best practices and answering your questions live on Twitch If you have a question before the event you can email the team at awscontainerday amazon com and maybe get them answered Find out more and to register click here An Introduction to Amazon Managed Blockchainth MayAmazon Managed Blockchain AMB is a fully managed service that makes it easier to build scalable blockchain networks using popular open source frameworks including Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum AMB includes several features and enhancements beyond those provided by the open source projects on which it is based It supports public and private blockchain options each of which favors different use cases We review reference architectures outlining example applications on both Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum In this lecture you will also hear several customer success stories building solutions on Amazon Managed Blockchain Find out more and register via this link Building And Maintaining Your Own Secure Container OSMay th am PSTCurtis Rissi a Principal Partner SA at AWS will walk attendees through the Bottlerocket an open source Linux based operating system meant for hosting containers build process and provide some key use cases for customisation how to add new configuration options how to add new packages how to configure your own update repositories how to add security policy and other common customisations Find out more and to register click hereMobile and Front End LiveMay th PDTThis is a LIVE streamed event on Twitch focused on accelerating full stack mobile and web development Learn about AWS Amplify a set of purpose built tools and services for front end web and mobile developers that simplify app development Deep dive into GraphQL and AWS AppSync a fully managed GraphQL service that improves app performance and developer productivity You can read more about what you can expect in the blog post Mobile and Front End Live May and register via this link Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
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