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TECH Engadget Japanese 「血も滴る偽肉」のImpossible Foods、肉味再現の決め手成分認可への異議申立てを下す https://japanese.engadget.com/impossible-foods-wins-legal-battle-080025641.html 申し立て 2021-05-04 08:00:25
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Streamlit Docker on Heroku https://qiita.com/iusami/items/5dbf08e8fe0820ee78b0 データをコンテナに込めてしまっているが、ほんとはどこかからダウンロードするようにしたい。 2021-05-04 17:52:56
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python | range() vs np.arange() https://qiita.com/tzhong518/items/9ee00b907d25f9708666 Python range vs np arange range start stop step gt range object gt gt gt range range gt gt gt c i for i in range gt gt gt c arange start stop step dtype None gt ndarray gt gt gt np arange array 2021-05-04 17:42:05
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita tf-idfの計算結果が合わない https://qiita.com/yuichi0625/items/75823e96c72e086ed974 すべての文に出現するlàはになったつの文にしか出現しないchịは、idfが大きくなるため値が最大になったkhôngは番目の文に度出現するが、番目の文にも現れるため、結局値が抑制されたscikitlearnで計算同じことを、scikitlearnのTfidfVectorizerを用いて行います。 2021-05-04 17:21:07
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【QNAP】QNAPのNASにPython環境を構築 https://qiita.com/kazu_kr/items/96bbb934692a3b9afefc 【QNAP】QNAPのNASにPython環境を構築はじめに自宅でQNAPを使用しているのですが、勉強がてらPythonを常時動かす環境が欲しいと思い構築してみました。 2021-05-04 17:20:52
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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScript 文字列を反転させたい。結合文字とサロゲートペア対応。 https://qiita.com/standard-software/items/24a8cc99171f988e4523 JavaScript文字列を反転させたい。 2021-05-04 17:13:24
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Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python、文字列の分割、split()メソッドについて https://teratail.com/questions/336564?rss=all Python、文字列の分割、splitメソッドについてPythonで文字列nbspnbspを、splitメソッドを使用して年月日nbsp時分秒に変換して表示するためのプログラムを作っているのですが、sassplitbssplitcssplitprinta年a月b日c時c分c秒上記のプログラムでは、年月日nbsp時分秒と表示されます。 2021-05-04 17:50:37
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Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita WSL2のapt installエラー発生時にやったこと https://qiita.com/TomokiRyo/items/5245e89c2a188f774a9c 解決までにやったこと下記のブログを参照させていただき、aptgetの利用リポジトリを日本サーバーへ変更しました。 2021-05-04 17:05:09
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Streamlit Docker on Heroku https://qiita.com/iusami/items/5dbf08e8fe0820ee78b0 データをコンテナに込めてしまっているが、ほんとはどこかからダウンロードするようにしたい。 2021-05-04 17:52:56
Linux CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CentOS7 でユーザー追加から、sudo設定、SSHのrootログイン禁止までの手順 https://qiita.com/0to9/items/719fa146be092f0cc27c CentOSでユーザー追加から、sudo設定、SSHのrootログイン禁止までの手順外部公開サーバーでは、sudo設定、SSHのrootログイン禁止はセキュリティ上、必須な設定だと思われます。 2021-05-04 17:10:40
海外TECH DEV Community How To Make A SlideShow Using OpenCV https://dev.to/siddharth2016/how-to-make-a-slideshow-using-opencv-5ge7 How To Make A SlideShow Using OpenCVWe have been making slideshows for most of our college office presentations to look great while presenting using Microsoft PowerPoint let s take this as an image processing activity and see how we can achieve slide show utility using Python s OpenCV library in this article It could be a pass time activity or something new to learn or just to show off your friends or juniors so without any further ado let s get started Note If you do not have OpenCV installed I suggest you visit here and check Prerequisites steps on the process of installation Necessary ImportsFirst create a python file name it whatever you like for this article let s say slideshow py Now add the following imports to the file created slideshow pyimport cvimport numpy as npfrom math import ceilimport osWe import cv for all image processing tasks numpy with alias np to create an initial window for display all things in OpenCV works with numpy under the hood ceil from math to satisfy a future condition how do I know if need it or not well you don t during the process of making an app there would be times when you will have to continuously improve your program and it s fine but for this article I want to keep everything at one place from starting so don t worry just know that we will need this import and lastly we import os to extract all image files that we need in a slideshow Note You also need a set of images you would want to view as a slideshow Collect them and keep them in the images folder and don t worry about the size of images Variables Image Window and Alpha BetaAdd the following code to the same file dst images Images destinationimages os listdir dst Get their names in a listlength len images result np zeros np uint Image window of size i a alphab betaimg cv imread dst images i img cv resize img First lines find out the image name of all the images present in the images folder We use the os listdir method to list all the contents of a directory and then keep them in the images variable and also we keep the length as a measure for total available images Next we create an image window of size which is a channel image Initially it will all be black filled with zeros Then we define some more constants i to be used to loop over images a to keep initial alpha value and b for initial beta value we will see how these are used for image transition that ultimately will give the slideshow effect At last we take the first image from the list of images resize it to fit the window this will be the first image to appear on the slideshow SlideShow LoopLet s create our slideshow add the following code to the same file Slide Show Loopwhile True if ceil a a b i i length Getting new image from directory img cv imread dst images i img cv resize img a b Image Transition from one to another result cv addWeighted result a img b cv imshow Slide Show result key cv waitKey amp xff if key ord q breakcv destroyAllWindows Now we create a while infinite loop Inside it there is a conditional that checks for ceil a if it reaches zero then we reset the a and b values update i in a circular fashion using modulus operator on the length of the list of images to get the index of next image and update img variable to contain a new image and resize it Outside of the conditional we use a and b to decrease and increase alpha and beta values respectively This variation will give us the transition effect that seems to be smooth We will use these with the cv addWeighted method that just overlaps one image over another depending on the weight of the given images result stores the new updated image that we will display using the cv imshow method of the OpenCV At last we wait for a key event and breaks out of the while loop if it happens and destroy all windows created during execution using the cv destroyAllWindow method cv addWeighted method is what helps us to achieve the slideshow effect that we wanted Here the alpha a value is the weight for the resulting image that was initially a black window and the beta b value is for a new image that will overlap the result window Make sure that sum of a and b remains equal to one For more information on this please visit here Demo How It LooksThe images I took are logos of my favourite programming languages Python Scala and ReactJS currently learning For complete script visit here What Next Well that s it from me If you followed this you might be seeing a wonderful slideshow of your collection of images As for the next steps you can enhance this application by adding the following Add buttons to change the type of slideshow Currently it is only doing a smooth transition try to implement a different animated transition Add a utility to select a number of images and not all as we did we just took every image Also you can try to handle exception like what if a non image comes from the folder Just starting your Open Source Journey Don t forget to check Hello Open SourceWant to showcase your Python project or just out there to explore Check Awesome Python ReposWant to make a simple and awesome game from scratch Check out PongPongWant to your GitHub Profile README Check out Quote READMETill next time Namaste 2021-05-04 08:03:59
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ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 30代でも起こる「孤独死」の過酷な実態【動画】 男8割、女2割、現役世代も多い切実な問題だ | 災害・事件・裁判 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/426490?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2021-05-04 17:10:00



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