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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Surface Duo」が発売当初の半額以下に https://taisy0.com/2021/05/14/140379.html android 2021-05-13 17:52:27
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog Improving pandemic response, citizen services, and assessing beehive health: The latest from AWS Cloud Innovation Centers https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/improving-pandemic-response-citizen-services-beehive-health-aws-cics/ Improving pandemic response citizen services and assessing beehive health The latest from AWS Cloud Innovation CentersCloud Innovation Centers CICs nbsp powered by Amazon Web Services AWS aim to empower public sector organizations to quickly create and test new ideas using Amazon s innovation methodology With the CIC program students and researchers along with AWS teams focus on solving real life societal challenges facing the public sector nbsp Learn more about some of the digital solutions on challenges the CIC team published over the last quarter such as working to prevent opioid overdose discovering new coronaviruses and using machine learning to monitor beehive health 2021-05-13 17:11:12
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel Automating Changes and Preventative Maintenance in an Enterprise Cloud Environment -Virtual Workshop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsa_UQr63qY Automating Changes and Preventative Maintenance in an Enterprise Cloud Environment Virtual WorkshopBalancing flexibility and time to market with control and stability to maximize availability while reducing cumbersome processes is critical to cloud operations In this episode you will learn how to use the services and processes to manage application and resource changes and patching across your cloud or hybrid cloud environment Learning Objectives Learn how to schedule and automate centralized patching operations across your AWS accounts and Regions and hybrid cloud environments Learn how to manage change approvals execution and reporting Learn how to report patching compliance status across your server fleet To learn more about the services featured in this workshop please visit 2021-05-13 17:48:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascript(gas)の配列の取り出し方がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/338195?rss=all javascriptgasの配列の取り出し方がわからないGASでdeeplのapiからJSONを取得し、そのJSONから変換したオブジェクトに入っているquottextquotを取得してセルに表示する関数を書いているのですが、様々なサイトに書いてある配列の取り出し方ではうまく目的の文字列が取り出せません。 2021-05-14 02:20:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) LaravelのVueのインポート方法についてになります https://teratail.com/questions/338194?rss=all LaravelのVueのインポート方法についてになりますLaravelの中でVuejsを利用しています。 2021-05-14 02:03:36
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Nuxt.js & RailsでGoogle OAuthをしてみる https://qiita.com/devgeeeen/items/9a1af5e88d9c49c7bfaa NuxtjsampRailsでGoogleOAuthをしてみる概要Nuxtjsをフロントエンド、Railsをバックエンドに使ったwebアプリにGoogleのOauthを実装します前提としてログイン認証はフロントエンドで行い、バックエンドにはトークンを送ってトークン認証を行います作業環境NuxtjsSPARubyonRailsAPIモード準備実装を始める前にGCPに新しくプロジェクトを作成しますAPIとサービスgt認証情報と進みOAuthクライアントIDを作成しますOAuthクライアントIDを作成しようとするとOAuth同意画面の作成を求められるので、こちらも作っちゃいますOAuth同意画面UserType外部Gsuiteを使わない内部Gsuiteを使うアプリケーション名なんでも良いサポートメールなんでも良いスコープemailprofileopenidOAuthクライアントID承認済みのJavaScript生成元httplocalhost承認済みのリダイレクトURIhttplocalhostloginhttplocalhostlogincallbackOAuthクライアントIDを作成するとクライアントIDが発行されるのでこれをメモっておきますGCPのプロジェクト作成はこれで完了ですNuxtjsへの実装次にフロントエンドの認証実装をします今回はNuxtのauthmoduleを使ってサクッと実装しますnuxtjsauthインストールauthmoduleですが、VがnuxtjsauthでVがnuxtjsauthnextとなっているので注意です公式のドキュメントもVを対象にしているみたいなので、最新のnuxtjsauthnextを導入しますyarnaddnuxtjsauthnextTypescriptの場合はtsconfigのtypesに追記tsconfigjsoncompilerOptionstypesnuxtjsauthnextnuxtjsauthセットアップnuxtconfigjsに設定を追記します注意して頂きたいのはnuxtjsauthnextの設定で、トークンはデフォルトではJWTトークンにはならないので、以下のような設定にする必要がありました細かい設定については公式の方に詳しく解説されていますnuxtconfigjs全てのページで認証を適用するroutermiddlewareauthmodulemodulesnuxtjsaxiosnuxtjsdotenvnuxtjsauthnextnuxtjsauthnextの設定authredirectloginloginlogoutlogincallbacklogincallbackhomestrategiesgoogleclientIdprocessenvGOOGLECLIENTIDresponseTypetokenidtokencodeChallengeMethodautoLogouttruetokenpropertyidtokentypeBearermaxAgeendpointsuserInfoundefined使い方すごいざっくり説明するとthisauthloginWithgoogleでログインthisauthlogoutでログアウトユーザーデータはstoreに入るですltscriptlangtsgtimportVuefromvueexportdefaultVueextend認証をなしにしたい場合はこのように記述authfalselayoutblankmethods認証フォームを開くloginvoidthisauthloginWithgoogleログアウトするlogoutvoidthisauthlogoutltscriptgtthisauthloginWithgoogleで以下のようなログインフォームに遷移しますログインが成功するとstoreのauthに以下のようなフォーマットで保存されますauthObjectloggedIntruestrategyuserObjectemailemailverifiedtruefamilynamegivennamehdlocalenamepicturesub通常のvuexと同じように参照できますstorestateauthloggedInこれでも可能authloggedInトークン管理cookieを確認してみるとしっかりトークンが入っているのが確認できますこちらが未ログイン時こちらがログイン時JWTトークンというのはそれぞれ有効期限があり、もちろん有効期限が切れてしまうとトークンでの認証ができなくなってしまいます有効期限がきたら自動で更新したいところなんですが、OauthのJWTトークンは更新ができない・・・みたいなので断念Nuxtの実装はこれで完了ですフロントだけのアプリであればこれだけで認証実装完了ですねRailsへの認証実装最後にバックエンドの実装をします初めにaxiosでapi通信をした際にトークン情報が送られてきているか確認してみますrailsでrequestのヘッダーを見てみますcookieにあった物と同じBearerトークンが送られてきているか確認しますrequestheadersAuthorizationJWTトークンをデコードしてくれるサービスがあるので、こちらも使ってトークンがしっかり送られてきているか確認すると良いですBearer部分は除いてくださいgoogleidtokenインストールtokenの認証にはgoogleidtokenというgemを使用しますbundleinstall以外に特にやる事はないですGemfilegemgoogleidtokenトークンを認証するauthenticateorrequestwithhttptokenはリクエストヘッダーからtokenを取り出す処理ですincludeActionControllerHttpAuthenticationTokenControllerMethodsの記述が必要になりますvalidatorchecktokenENVGOOGLECLIENTIDでtoken認証を行う事ができて、トークンのデコードデータが戻り値となっています。 2021-05-14 02:55:01
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Nuxt.js & RailsでGoogle OAuthをしてみる https://qiita.com/devgeeeen/items/9a1af5e88d9c49c7bfaa NuxtjsampRailsでGoogleOAuthをしてみる概要Nuxtjsをフロントエンド、Railsをバックエンドに使ったwebアプリにGoogleのOauthを実装します前提としてログイン認証はフロントエンドで行い、バックエンドにはトークンを送ってトークン認証を行います作業環境NuxtjsSPARubyonRailsAPIモード準備実装を始める前にGCPに新しくプロジェクトを作成しますAPIとサービスgt認証情報と進みOAuthクライアントIDを作成しますOAuthクライアントIDを作成しようとするとOAuth同意画面の作成を求められるので、こちらも作っちゃいますOAuth同意画面UserType外部Gsuiteを使わない内部Gsuiteを使うアプリケーション名なんでも良いサポートメールなんでも良いスコープemailprofileopenidOAuthクライアントID承認済みのJavaScript生成元httplocalhost承認済みのリダイレクトURIhttplocalhostloginhttplocalhostlogincallbackOAuthクライアントIDを作成するとクライアントIDが発行されるのでこれをメモっておきますGCPのプロジェクト作成はこれで完了ですNuxtjsへの実装次にフロントエンドの認証実装をします今回はNuxtのauthmoduleを使ってサクッと実装しますnuxtjsauthインストールauthmoduleですが、VがnuxtjsauthでVがnuxtjsauthnextとなっているので注意です公式のドキュメントもVを対象にしているみたいなので、最新のnuxtjsauthnextを導入しますyarnaddnuxtjsauthnextTypescriptの場合はtsconfigのtypesに追記tsconfigjsoncompilerOptionstypesnuxtjsauthnextnuxtjsauthセットアップnuxtconfigjsに設定を追記します注意して頂きたいのはnuxtjsauthnextの設定で、トークンはデフォルトではJWTトークンにはならないので、以下のような設定にする必要がありました細かい設定については公式の方に詳しく解説されていますnuxtconfigjs全てのページで認証を適用するroutermiddlewareauthmodulemodulesnuxtjsaxiosnuxtjsdotenvnuxtjsauthnextnuxtjsauthnextの設定authredirectloginloginlogoutlogincallbacklogincallbackhomestrategiesgoogleclientIdprocessenvGOOGLECLIENTIDresponseTypetokenidtokencodeChallengeMethodautoLogouttruetokenpropertyidtokentypeBearermaxAgeendpointsuserInfoundefined使い方すごいざっくり説明するとthisauthloginWithgoogleでログインthisauthlogoutでログアウトユーザーデータはstoreに入るですltscriptlangtsgtimportVuefromvueexportdefaultVueextend認証をなしにしたい場合はこのように記述authfalselayoutblankmethods認証フォームを開くloginvoidthisauthloginWithgoogleログアウトするlogoutvoidthisauthlogoutltscriptgtthisauthloginWithgoogleで以下のようなログインフォームに遷移しますログインが成功するとstoreのauthに以下のようなフォーマットで保存されますauthObjectloggedIntruestrategyuserObjectemailemailverifiedtruefamilynamegivennamehdlocalenamepicturesub通常のvuexと同じように参照できますstorestateauthloggedInこれでも可能authloggedInトークン管理cookieを確認してみるとしっかりトークンが入っているのが確認できますこちらが未ログイン時こちらがログイン時JWTトークンというのはそれぞれ有効期限があり、もちろん有効期限が切れてしまうとトークンでの認証ができなくなってしまいます有効期限がきたら自動で更新したいところなんですが、OauthのJWTトークンは更新ができない・・・みたいなので断念Nuxtの実装はこれで完了ですフロントだけのアプリであればこれだけで認証実装完了ですねRailsへの認証実装最後にバックエンドの実装をします初めにaxiosでapi通信をした際にトークン情報が送られてきているか確認してみますrailsでrequestのヘッダーを見てみますcookieにあった物と同じBearerトークンが送られてきているか確認しますrequestheadersAuthorizationJWTトークンをデコードしてくれるサービスがあるので、こちらも使ってトークンがしっかり送られてきているか確認すると良いですBearer部分は除いてくださいgoogleidtokenインストールtokenの認証にはgoogleidtokenというgemを使用しますbundleinstall以外に特にやる事はないですGemfilegemgoogleidtokenトークンを認証するauthenticateorrequestwithhttptokenはリクエストヘッダーからtokenを取り出す処理ですincludeActionControllerHttpAuthenticationTokenControllerMethodsの記述が必要になりますvalidatorchecktokenENVGOOGLECLIENTIDでtoken認証を行う事ができて、トークンのデコードデータが戻り値となっています。 2021-05-14 02:55:01
海外TECH DEV Community Why You Should Use SaaS Boilerplate & Starter-Kits To Speed Up Your App Development https://dev.to/aminebounizel/why-you-should-use-saas-boilerplate-starter-kits-to-speed-up-your-app-development-1p4h Why You Should Use SaaS Boilerplate amp Starter Kits To Speed Up Your App DevelopmentBeing a SaaS entrepreneur has its good and bad sides While it comes with the excitement of having new ideas and launching new projects there is one rather dull part of the process setting it up Setting up the basics and taking care of the technical aspects can be time consuming and to be honest no one likes to do it Since it requires a lot of motivation attention and many working hours it can delay your app development by several weeks even months So what can you do to make the process faster What Are SaaS Boilerplates What if you found out that a template could take care of all the boring complicated parts by starting with a boilerplate that has everything that is needed and you didn t have to do them yourself anymore Yes it s possible and that s exactly what a SaaS boilerplate is SaaS boilerplates involve functionalities that would otherwise cost entrepreneurs a lot of time and money to build There are things that are common across all SaaS Apps No matter what you are building your SaaS will most likely be needing Authentication feature which handles all the login logout forgot password Integration to payment and a way to charging the customer and manage subscriptions and plans Features to handle recurring payments cancelation charging credit cards Pre build permission and roles management to grant and restrict user permissions based on roles with full end user control Dashboard for your usersProfile page for your usersBuilt in component library etcThere are plenty of different types of boilerplates available on the market and all of them have a different set of features and facilities Based on your preferred programming language and the architecture you think your SaaS platform will require you can choose one boilerplate or a starter kit that could set the ground for all your future projects Boostack ioBoostack provide a proven starting point for new projects that save you months of time when launching your next SaaS Application it uses minimal dependencies implements idiomatic code and follows best practices Boostack comes with a clean project structure and clean architecture that you can easily extend or customize Built on MEVN stack the open source JavaScript Stack to build powerful and dynamic apps Boostack is Javascript with Node js on the backend and Vue js on the frontend so you don t need to write maintain or debug in multiple languages For makers bootstrapper or solo founder Boostack is the perfect SaaS Boilerplate Railskits comRailskits gets your new software as a service site off to a running start by providing you a well tested and proven recurring billing system with credit card payments Railskits is a Ruby on Rails framework for building membership based applications including account signups upgrades downgrades tiered pricing levels with customizable limits e g of users of projects etc multi tenant data security in a single database and more Innomatic ioInnomatic the open source platform for building multi tenant applications in PHPInnomatic reduces the time and the budget to build SaaS products by providing SaaS engineering service management and business management components in ready to use form Innomatic Platform is based on Symfony Innomatic also provides a Business Application Framework for creating multi tenant custom Enterprise applications with prebuilt features like ACL roles permissions site wide search engine dashboard widgets Saascoreframework com Saascoreframework the saas core framework a multi tenant framework that would support everything you would expect in a modern SaaS application including free trial setup a multi tenant database architecture and different user roles The SaaS Core Framework is a generic version of the underlying technology that supports PetSitClick which you can use to build your own SaaS application and save time We hoped this article helped you find the best SaaS Boilerplate to use Image by Garrhet Sampson on unsplash 2021-05-13 17:40:32
海外TECH DEV Community How to Maintain Your Skills as a Developer https://dev.to/ceeoreo/how-to-maintain-your-skills-as-a-developer-1e4e How to Maintain Your Skills as a DeveloperIt s no secret that the tech industry is always changing New frameworks are always emerging and new features are constantly being added to the languages and frameworks that already exist This can be exciting but sometimes it can be hard to keep up Some people work in environments that don t welcome change Not everyone s team is looking to implement the latest innovation Zachariah CEO and CTO of SquadCast had this experience In episode of the Version One podcast he talked about an experience he had early on in his career He was in a position that didn t allow for much growth So how was he able to keep his coding skills up to par So what I did was I used that time to contribute to open source projects research sharpen my skills to kind of stay sharp As Zachariah mentioned there are many things you can do to stay sharp This post will explain ways you can maintain and grow your coding skills Read other people s codeWhen it comes to getting better at a certain coding language or framework we usually think that we need to work on some fancy new project While that isn t a bad idea reading other people s code is another very helpful step Reading other people s code can often be overlooked but it s a great way to familiarize yourself with new and old syntax and to test your ability to understand unfamiliar codebases Where can you find projects to read through A great place to start is GitHub Check out your favorite open source projects and products Casually read through the code and see what you can learn Is there a feature that you re curious about Try to find out how it was implemented You can also search for projects by language If there is a language you want to brush up on you can check out some of the most popular Work on top of already existing codeWork on existing projects You can find your own projects and iterate on them adding new features or changing the structure of your code You can also search for open source projects on GitHub Find a project that s in a language you would like to brush up on and find an issue you can tackle If you re not quite comfortable with making open source contributions you can either stick to your own existing projects or read this helpful step by step guide Working on existing code is great because it presents new challenges You have to figure out code that may be deprecated or hard to understand even if it s your project By doing this you ll train yourself to navigate unfamiliar codebases This is a very valuable skill to gain since oftentimes in professional settings you ll have to add to code that already exists instead of starting something from scratch Watch other people codeWatch other people code on platforms like YouTube and Twitch Through videos and live streams you can see other developers code and problem solve out loud You can follow their thought pattern and see how they fix and tackle bugs and other problems in their code There s so much you can gain from watching this process You can learn new syntax learn how to approach and solve problems and learn how to implement new features Do coding challengesTry completing coding challenges and exercises There are tons of websites out there like HackerRank and CodeWars that present problems that you have to solve with your code stack of choice These challenges are made to be short and to the point while also forcing you to solve complex problems They re a great way to stay sharp and keep up with any language Read articles about codeThere are tons of developer blogs out there Developer blogs are full of gems There s so much you can learn from reading articles If there s a topic you want to learn more about do a quick Google search or search on sites like dev to for articles that can help Reading articles written by other developers is another way to see how other people think and problem solve As mentioned earlier this is invaluable and can add to your skills and knowledge So when you come across an article that covers a topic you re interested in take the time to read through it And make note of any points that stood out to you ConclusionTech moves fast but even so growth can sometimes feel stagnant If you feel like you re at a standstill try these tips By doing these things you ll be able to stay sharp and grow your skills There s still more you can learn from Zachariah and his journey to becoming a CEO and CTO of SquadCast Make sure to give his Version One episode a listen to find out more 2021-05-13 17:28:13
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Most Apple users agree with App Tracking Transparency, plan to buy AirTag https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/13/most-apple-users-agree-with-app-tracking-transparency-plan-to-buy-airtag?utm_medium=rss Most Apple users agree with App Tracking Transparency plan to buy AirTagApple s brand loyalty has increased to after the rollout of new products and features like AirTag and App Tracking Transparency with most users agreeing with the privacy change in iOS Credit AppleA total of of respondents in a new SellCell survey said they agree with Apple s privacy changes compared to who opposed it and who weren t sure Read more 2021-05-13 17:18:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News MacStadium, Teradici team up to provide high-performance remote Mac access https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/13/macstadium-teradici-team-up-to-provide-high-performance-remote-mac-access?utm_medium=rss MacStadium Teradici team up to provide high performance remote Mac accessMacStadium and software company Teradici have partnered to launch a new offering that will allow for high performance remote access to Mac devices over the cloud Credit MacStadiumTeradici is a company that creates remote access protocols and services while MacStadium is a hosting company that allows users to remotely control Mac hardware Read more 2021-05-13 17:36:56
海外TECH Engadget Itch.io won't take a cut of game sales on May 14th https://www.engadget.com/itch-io-creator-day-171447505.html creator 2021-05-13 17:14:47
海外TECH Engadget The Rock's 'Jungle Cruise' movie will hit Disney+ the same day as theaters https://www.engadget.com/the-rock-jungle-cruise-disney-plus-release-date-premier-access-170319455.html cruise 2021-05-13 17:03:19
海外科学 NYT > Science Spencer Silver, an Inventor of Post-it Notes, Is Dead at 80 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/13/business/spencer-silver-dead.html Spencer Silver an Inventor of Post it Notes Is Dead at He created the adhesive that lets the small square notes stick to surfaces They became one of the most ubiquitous office products ever conceived 2021-05-13 17:10:50
海外TECH WIRED AI Shows ExxonMobil Downplayed Its Role in Climate Change https://www.wired.com/story/ai-shows-exxonmobil-downplayed-role-climate-change public 2021-05-13 17:46:46
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles As Olympics near, Tokyo flagged as among most disaster-vulnerable cities https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/13/national/tokyo-osaka-disaster-risk-high/ As Olympics near Tokyo flagged as among most disaster vulnerable citiesWhen looking solely at natural disasters and the impact of earthquakes and typhoons on economies populations and infrastructure Tokyo and Osaka were listed as high risk 2021-05-14 03:21:11
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan to ban re-entry of foreign residents who visit India, Nepal and Pakistan https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/13/national/india-pakistan-nepal-japan-ban/ Japan to ban re entry of foreign residents who visit India Nepal and PakistanThe new rules will still allow Japanese nationals to re enter and will not bar many foreign residents who left before the measure takes effect 2021-05-14 02:50:51
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles B. League playoffs kick off with plenty of things to watch https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/13/basketball/b-league/b-league-playoffs-kick-off/ teams 2021-05-14 03:43:33
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Foreign sumo fans finding ways to make voices heard https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/13/sumo/international-sumo-fandom/ heardwhen 2021-05-14 03:40:24
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles UEFA begins disciplinary process against three Super League clubs https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/13/soccer/uefa-begins-disciplinary-process/ UEFA begins disciplinary process against three Super League clubsUEFA has appointed disciplinary inspectors to conduct an investigation into Real Madrid Barcelona and Juventus over their attempts to launch a breakaway Super League European 2021-05-14 02:21:25
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Unseen digital cash will stretch your money https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2021/05/13/commentary/world-commentary/cryptocurrencies-currencies-bitcoin-banks-money-electronic-banking/ everyday 2021-05-14 02:12:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Boris Johnson 'anxious' about Indian variant https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57102392 surge 2021-05-13 17:38:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Police release men from immigration van blocking Glasgow street https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-57100259 health 2021-05-13 17:27:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Sir Alex Ferguson grateful for extra years https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57098656 brain 2021-05-13 17:00:53
ニュース BBC News - Home Wales election: New health and education ministers in reshuffle https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-57070300 government 2021-05-13 17:45:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: The cloud gardener who has an 18th floor balcony oasis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-57106688 williams 2021-05-13 17:02:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Gal Gadot: Wonder Woman actress receives backlash over Middle East tweet https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-57098709 israel 2021-05-13 17:05:12
ニュース BBC News - Home County Championship: Jofra Archer makes wicket-taking return for Sussex against Kent https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/57087664 archer 2021-05-13 17:36:38
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 初心者でもわかるExcelマクロ入門! セルの内容が条件になる繰り返し処理をマスター - 4時間のエクセル仕事は20秒で終わる https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270955 初心者でもわかるExcelマクロ入門セルの内容が条件になる繰り返し処理をマスター時間のエクセル仕事は秒で終わるエクセルマクロの学び方、使い方を徹底解説マクロを仕事で使うための、ポイントのみを押さえた省力的で効率的な学び方を伝授します。 2021-05-14 02:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 はじめて上司になったときに読みたい、200万いいね! を集めたシンプルな言葉 - もっと人生は楽しくなる https://diamond.jp/articles/-/268206 はじめて上司になったときに読みたい、万いいねを集めたシンプルな言葉もっと人生は楽しくなる「人とうまく距離がとれない……」「気づかいしすぎて疲れてしまう……」「言いたいことがうまく言えない……」そんな人間関係の悩みを抱える人々たちに向けて、シンプルながらも心に深く突き刺さる言葉を日々発信し、万人以上のInstagramフォロワーから支持されているたぐちひさとさんをご存じでしょうか。 2021-05-14 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「何か質問はありませんか?」にどう答えればいいのか - オンライン・WEB面接 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270811 面接 2021-05-14 02:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 集中の超プロが「今すぐ部屋に観葉植物を置こう」とすすめるワケ - 深い集中を取り戻せ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270115 観葉植物 2021-05-14 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 大人から注意された「弱点」が武器としての「個性」に変わる瞬間 - SHOCK EYEの強運思考 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270932 2021-05-14 02:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 即答できますか?「あなたの髪の毛」はざっくり何本? - 世界の猫はざっくり何匹? https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270942 髪の毛 2021-05-14 02:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 何もかも嫌になったときは、自分に優しくしよう - 大丈夫じゃないのに大丈夫なふりをした https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270938 重版 2021-05-14 02:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 この本は、高校生だけに読ませておくのはもったいない! 奥野一成・土井英司スペシャル対談(1) - 先生、お金持ちになるにはどうしたらいいですか? https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270102 2021-05-14 02:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【FIREするなら小型株集中投資が最短コース】 ふつうの会社員でも 低リスクで1億円をつくれる たった1つの方法 - 10万円から始める! 小型株集中投資で1億円 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270089 2021-05-14 02:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 1000人の看取りに接した看護師が伝える、 人は「死に時」を自分で選んでいる、と思う訳 - 後悔しない死の迎え方 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/269934 身近 2021-05-14 02:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 イギリス料理が「マズい」と言われる本当の理由 - 経済は地理から学べ! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/270744 視点 2021-05-14 02:05:00
GCP Cloud Blog College admissions offices meet recruitment goals with Deloitte and Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/public-sector/college-admissions-offices-meet-recruitment-goals-deloitte-and-google-cloud/ College admissions offices meet recruitment goals with Deloitte and Google CloudGiven the May deadline for students to enroll colleges and universities have been carefully watching the numbers of students who put down deposits and commit to a school Like nearly every other sector in the U S colleges and universities have been hit hard by the pandemic and economic downturn making enrollment numbers more important than ever to maintain financial health and meet student body goals Technology and AI based models are providing a way for institutions to manage their admissions data efficiently and cost effectively For example an admissions officer may want to offset drops in international or out of state enrollment by attracting local talent so they can achieve their target class profile Additionally institutions have sought to increase the availability and access of higher ed and are intentionally recruiting more low income and underrepresented populations New technologies allow admissions officers to have a stronger grasp of the incoming class details With the press of a button users can switch between overall in state out of state and international enrollment figures The “How Do Regions Compare to Last Year tile lets users view the percentage of change and the total number of candidates by region comparing and side by side With access to data regional recruiters can focus on individual candidates and develop a plan to change the numbers An innovative enrollment strategy at MSUMichigan State University was looking to improve how they managed the recruiting process They implemented an enrollment strategy that saw their out of state enrollment increase by over and generate M in additional net tuition revenue in a single year “We knew we needed better real time and predictive insights about our enrollment pipeline and we understood the value of bringing in external data on prospects but we couldn t do that by ourselves  The solution really helped us be innovative with our analytics and improve our enrollment outcomes said someone close to the project at Michigan State University Data driven insights support informed enrollment decisionsStudent admissions and marketing groups are turning to Google Cloud and Deloitte to help support their enrollment decisions with predictive actionable insights across recruiting and admissions processes The partnership resulted in Candidate a solution that helps institutions process and analyze large amounts of data and develop meaningful insights to support their enrollment goals and mission Part of Google s Student Success Services offerings Candidate uses artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to help higher education institutions improve enrollment and matriculation as well as optimize financial aid decisions With nine AI ML models Candidate s capabilities help university leaders enrollment teams and recruiters do things like Identify regions with clusters of candidates or see dips in application numbersDeploy marketing resources and admissions staff to the right geographic areas Understand applicants needs in terms of academics safety and social activitiesMake intelligent financial aid decisions to recruit and retain talented students from underrepresented communitiesRespond faster to the students who are most likely to be accepted and then go on to enroll stay enrolled and graduateWork towards the ideal class composition and increase competitiveness with peer institutionsEnhancing the student experienceEnrollment is the first key touchpoint with incoming students and tools like Candidate can help institutions build a student preferences profile throughout the application process They can understand each student s prospective major areas of interest dream job and more allowing colleges and universities to personalize recommendations and advising for enrolled students With integrated toolsets Candidate and Google Cloud s Student Success Services can help colleges and universities emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever  To see a demonstration of Candidate in action  contact our sales team  Related ArticleIntroducing Student Success Services from Google CloudStudent Success Services is a set of tools services that aims to unlock student successes with personalized assistants real time insight Read Article 2021-05-13 17:24:00



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