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海外TECH DEV Community Clean code & programming principles – The ultimate beginner’s guide https://dev.to/sargalias/clean-code-programming-principles-the-ultimate-beginner-s-guide-5605 Clean code amp programming principles The ultimate beginner s guideThis article is the beginner s introductory guide to programming principles First we re going to examine what good code is The qualities of good code That s because those qualities come before programming principles Programming principles are just guidelines to help us apply those qualities to code Afterwards we ll examine the most important programming principles one by one at an introductory level Hopefully this article will feel less like have small functions and more like these are the qualities you want in code for reasons and So as you can see small functions help you achieve those in ways X Y and Z I believe that this kind of understanding is more beneficial than just knowing some arbitrary rules They re especially helpful if you ve been stuck on how to apply certain programming principles in the past Knowing how they help and what they re trying to achieve should help you apply them even in unfamiliar situations Target audienceI believe that this article is suitable for all audiences If you re a beginner developer some of the things mentioned in this article may be too abstract But some others should be useful immediately Nevertheless this article will give you an understanding that will help you very much in the future even if you don t understand all of it now If you re an intermediate level developer you ll probably gain the most benefit You are probably writing medium to large programs You ve got the hang of the basics Now you need to learn how to write code that scales in size This is what programming principles help you with If you re an advanced level developer you ll probably hopefully know most of these things already However you might enjoy this article nonetheless Qualities of good codeWhat is good code To answer that question first we need to examine the requirements of code Then the qualities that we people need for something to be easy to work with After that the qualities of good code become obvious If you want to skip the discussion here are the conclusions The requirements of code are that it should work as intended without bugsit should be built as quickly and efficiently as possible without sacrificing quality just like all products it should be easy and fast to work with and modify for the next time you need to work with it Some of our limitations are that we can t remember too much at any one time This means that we won t remember that modifying X will break Y and Z we find complicated things disproportionally more difficult than simple thingsmaking multiple similar changes is very error prone for uswe have bad days where we are bored can t focus and don t pay too much attentionwe always make mistakes no matter what This means that we need tests manual or automated and other error catching things From those two after a bit of reasoning we conclude that code should be simple because we re bad with complicated things be immediately understandable so we can understand it quickly and make changes faster Also so we don t misunderstand it and create bugs especially if we re not really focusing that day be organised so we can understand the project structure easier and find the files we need to modify faster be independent so we can make reasonable changes to X without breaking other things in the project have minimal duplication because we re bad with repetitive changes They re also slower More details and explanations are below If you re not interested please skip to the next section Requirements of codeSoftware is a product Businesses hire programmers to build software products It s not abstract art usually It s something built for a specific purpose From a business perspective products have to be fit for purpose and work as intendedshould be as cheap and efficient as possible to create without sacrificing quality The same applies to software But software has some unique aspects It needs constant modification That s because software is often never finished Companies may be requesting new features for decades after initial release Also there may be bugs that need fixing at any time Finally during development programmers constantly modify the code Therefore for the software product to be as efficient and cheap as possible to create and maintain the code needs to be easy and fast to work with and modify Not to mention that being easy to work with means less bugs due to changes So the requirements of code are that it should work as intended without bugsit should be built as quickly and efficiently as possible without sacrificing quality it should be easy and fast to work with and modify for the next time you need to work with it For even more detail on this please see the post requirements of software Human limitations and bad codeCode can be difficult to work with because of our limitations Here are some of our limitations and what we can do to counter them MemoryWe can t remember too much at any one time The quote about short term memory and the magical number plus or minus comes to mind To counter that we need code to be sufficiently independent decoupled and without hidden dependencies That way when we re modifying code we won t accidentally break it due to forgetting to also update a dependency that we didn t remember existed We like things simpleComplicated things are disproportionally more difficult for us This is partly because we need to keep in mind many things about them at once Therefore we should make code simple and easy to work with We are impatientWe get impatient skim things often have bad days and get bored To counter that we should make code simple easy to understand and easy to work with We are bad with repetitive workRepetition is error prone for us particularly if every repetition is slightly different Repetitive work means more chances to make an error Also probably due to impatience and lack of focus we re more likely to rush this type of work We don t usually provide the necessary care and attention to every single change To help we should minimise repetitive work We make mistakesWe make mistakes often and in all areas of life This includes programming mathematics engineering art design and everything else Therefore we always need to double check our work As a result we use practices like code reviews and automated testing We also use tools to statically analyse our code How we should work on softwareWe should work on software deliberately We should know and understand as much as possible about the code we re currently working on This means that we ll be as certain as possible that we re doing the right thing and that we won t break anything In comparison if we re just trying things at random we re not certain that they ll work Most of the things we try won t work except the last one at which point we ll stop Also we ll only know whether they work or not because of our tests We ll probably manually test everything we try This is problematic because since we re not really sure what we re doing we might have broken other things that we won t think to test So to minimize the chance of error it s important to understand as much as possible about what we re doing The best way to do that is to make code simple easy to understand and easy to work with How code should beEverything we ve examined so far points to a certain way for how code should be Code should be simple because we re bad with complicated things be immediately understandable so we can understand it quickly and make changes faster Also so we don t misunderstand it and create bugs especially if we re not really focusing that day be organised so we can understand the project structure easier and find the files we need to modify faster be independent so we can make reasonable changes to X without breaking other things in the project have minimal duplication because we re bad with repetitive changes They re also slower Next let s examine the programming principles Be pragmatic The most important principleNot just in programming but pretty much everything in life being pragmatic is essential It means to remember the true goal of what you re trying to accomplish maximise that and not get side tracked In programming your aims are to have code that works correctlymake your changes as quickly and efficiently as possiblemake the code easy and fast to work with for the next time someone works on itThe programming principles are guidelines to help you do that But your aims come first If a programming principle will be detrimental to your aims you shouldn t apply it Don t apply principles to the extremeFor example having code that s short is commonly considered a good thing It has many benefits which we ll examine later But you should never make your code shorter if it will make it more difficult to understand and work with Don t play code golf where you use complicated syntax and mathematical tricks to make the code as short as possible That makes the code more complicated and more difficult to understand In other words have code that s short the guideline but only if it makes the code simpler and easier to understand your aims Balance time spent refactoringAdditionally you need to make your changes in a reasonable timeframe You ve got to balance how much time you spend refactoring code against how much benefit it will provide For example if you have some code that s very difficult to understand you absolutely should refactor it It might take a few hours but it s probably worth it It will make your project easier to work with in the long term You ll reclaim the time you spent refactoring through higher efficiency in the future But if you have some code that s almost perfect don t spend days refactoring it only to make it slightly better You would have spent days for almost no benefit Instead you could have used that time in better ways You could have written a new feature or refactored a more suitable part of the codebase The point here is You need to prioritise based on value That usually means keeping code pretty clean and refactoring when needed But it probably doesn t mean spending an unreasonable amount of time refactoring for almost no benefit YAGNIAnother important thing to talk about is YAGNI It stands for you ain t gonna need it It warns you against coding things in anticipation of features you might need in the future For a simple contrived example you may create a function foo which has the parameter bar But you might think feature X might be added in the future which will need a parameter baz so let me add it to the function now In general you want to be wary of doing that Firstly that feature is probably never going to be needed Secondly you increase the complexity of the code today making it harder to work with Thirdly if that feature is needed in the future you might code it differently to how you anticipate today Instead code the simplest solution for what you need today Then make the changes needed for that feature when it s needed if ever This is optimal because you won t needlessly waste your time or make the codebase more complicated Even if you did predict a feature correctly it will be much faster to code it when you need it compared to all of the time you would have spent coding everything prematurely Personal recommendationsCreate a fairly simple solution for what you need today that is simple to understand and work with Write clean code and maintain your code so it s fairly clean Refactoring may take time upfront but it pays off in the long term because the code is easier to work with Only apply programming principles if they ll make your code better and easier to work with If you re newer to programming principles consider applying them more heavily than necessary when you practice You ll get practice applying them and you ll get a feel for when you ve taken them too far KISS keep it simple stupid and the principle of least astonishmentKISS keep it simple stupid is another principle that s universal to most things in life It means that your code should be simple and easy to understand The principle of least astonishment is also important It means that things should work exactly as you expect them to they shouldn t be surprising It s a cousin to KISS If you don t keep things simple and easy to understand then everything takes longer to understandsometimes you might not understand how things work even after spending a lot of time on themyou might misunderstand how things work Then if you modify the software you could easily create bugs How to apply KISS and the principle of least astonishmentHere are some guidelines for making your code simple and easy to understand Default to writing dumb code avoid writing clever codeDumb code is simple code Clever code is probably not simple code Really clever code is not simple it s difficult to understand and it s tricky People will misunderstand it and create bugs as a result Keep code short and conciseShorter code is more likely to be simple Short code means that units such as functions and classes do less things That means they re simpler and easier to understand Use good namesIf you have a well named function you can understand what it does from the name without reading the function body The same applies to all code This makes your work faster and easier The name also provides meaning which helps you decipher code faster For example if you see the code Math PI radius you may not understand what it s doing and why even after reading it You may look at it and be like what PI radius What is this But if you see const circleArea Math PI radius straight away you re like oh I get it It s calculating the area of the circle of courseeeee No wonder PI and radius are there Always consider the programmer reading the code for the first timeThis is the person you re trying to optimise the code for The colleague who has never worked on this code before or even yourself months from now when you ve forgotten what this code does and how it works Any code of your own that you haven t looked at for six or more months might as well have been written by someone else Eagleson s lawConsider that when you re writing the code you know what the code needs to do and you just code it But the person reading the code for the first time has to parse what the code is doing and also has to understand why it s doing it Consider immutability never reassigning the values of variables Immutability provides a guarantee that a value will never change This makes the code simpler to understand because you don t have to trace through the code for the history of the variable just in case it happened to change anywhere in your codebase Follow existing conventionsCode that follows existing conventions is unsurprising Code that breaks conventions can be very unexpected Someone who skims the code may not realise that it doesn t follow the convention so they may misunderstand how it works Try to follow conventions which already exist in your codebase Conventions which exist in your language or framework are less essential to follow but also recommended Separation of concernsSeparation of concerns means to organise functionality well in code Code should be separated into sensible units modules classes functions and methods Someone looking at the code should immediately understand what the particular unit does For example if you have a Circle class an Enumerable interface or a Math object or module you tend to have a pretty good idea of what each does and contains You would expect to find Math PI or Math pow base exponent these methods exist in the JavaScript Math object However you wouldn t expect to find Math printHelloToTheScreen or Math produceAccountingReport The methods in the latter example would be unexpected which would break the principles of KISS and least astonishment In addition units should be small and only do one thing also known as the single responsibility principle Another way of thinking about this is that different concerns should be separated at a granular level For example you shouldn t have a god class called Shape that has functionality for all possible shapes within it Instead you should have a small class for each shape This code is the bad version Bad god classclass Shape constructor typeOfShape length length null length is an optional parameter this type typeOfShape if this type circle this radius length else if this type square this width length else if this type rectangle this width length this length length And so on for many more shapes getArea if this type circle return Math PI this radius else if this type square return this width this width else if this type rectangle return this width this length And so on for many more shapes This is the good version Good small and simple classesclass Circle constructor radius this radius radius getArea return Math PI this radius class Rectangle constructor width length this width width this length length getArea return this width this length Here is another example This code is the bad version Function does too many thingsfunction sendData data const formattedData data map x gt x filter Boolean filter x gt x gt if formattedData every Number isInteger amp amp formattedData every isLessThan fetch foo com body JSON stringify formattedData else code to submit error This code is the better version Functionality is separated well over multiple functionsfunction sendData data const formattedData format data if isValid formattedData fetch foo com body JSON stringify formattedData else sendError function format data return data map square filter Boolean filter isGreaterThan function isValid data return data every Number isInteger amp amp data every isLessThan function sendError code to submit error The idea that you should have small specific units applies to all code Advantages of small unitsSmaller more specific units have multiple advantages Better code organisationTechnically with the god class Shape you know where to go to find the circle functionality so the organisation is not too bad But with the more specific units of Circle and Rectangle you can find functionality faster and easier It s less obvious with the sendData example but the same thing applies Say you want to find the functionality for validating the data You can find that instantly in the second version There is a function clearly named isValid sendData also calls isValid formattedData which labels where the data is validated However in the first version of sendData you ll have to spend more time reading through the details of sendData to find it Also the part where the data is validated isn t labelled You ll have to both parse the code and recognise the line which does the data validation If you re not familiar with the code this may be difficult In summary smaller units provide better organisation Simplicity and understandabilityIf you examine the Shape example you ll see that the code there is quite long and complex It s difficult to follow In comparison the classes Circle and Rectangle are super simple As a result they re much easier to understand In the sendData example understanding what sendData does is easier in the second version It almost reads like English Format dataIf the data is valid fetchElse sendErrorYou also don t have to read the implementation of the separate functions such as isValid because their names tell you what they do All of the smaller functions are simpler too They are clearly labelled which helps you understand them even if the implementation is complicated and they only do a small thing In general smaller units have less code and do less things This applies the KISS principle which makes code easier to read and understand Easier changesCode that does fewer things is easier to change than code which does many things At the very least the code you need to change isn t surrounded by other code that you need to carefully avoid changing Also you need to understand the code before changing it which is easier with small units Consider the god class Shape example The code for the functionality of all the shapes is entangled together If you try to change the code for the circle you could accidentally modify something else and create a bug Also the functionality for circle exists in multiple different methods inside Shape You ll have to jump around and change multiple different things On the other hand Circle and Rectangle are very easy to change Unrelated code is nowhere to be found You can t break any other shape by accident The same applies to the sendData example In the second version if you want to change the data validation you change the code in isValid and you re finished You can t break any unrelated code because there isn t any However in the first version since a lot of unrelated code is placed together you might accidentally change something else by accident Easier to testIn general if a unit does less stuff it s easier to test than if it does more stuff Easier to reuseIf a unit does one specific thing it s immediately reusable any time you need that one thing However if a unit does things or even things it s generally not reusable unless you need all of those things How to apply separation of concernsTo apply separation of concerns you extract functionality For example with Shape if you extract all of the relevant code for the circle functionality into its own class you end up with Circle Here is a more step by step process Here is Shape again for reference class Shape constructor typeOfShape length length null length is an optional parameter this type typeOfShape if this type circle this radius length else if this type square this width length else if this type rectangle this width length this length length And so on for many more shapes getArea if this type circle return Math PI this radius else if this type square return this width this width else if this type rectangle return this width this length And so on for many more shapes Let s define a class called Circle class Circle From Shape let s extract only the constructor functionality that s relevant to circle That s the part inside the constructor method and inside the if this type circle conditional class Circle constructor radius this radius radius Repeat for the getArea function class Circle constructor radius this radius radius getArea return Math PI this radius And so on for all the other methods which might be in Shape Afterwards repeat for the other shapes The same process applies for sendData although in this case we re not completely replacing sendData like we did with Shape and Circle Instead we re extracting functionality into separate functions and calling them inside sendData For example the code to format data was moved into the formatData function and the code to check if the data is valid was moved into the isValid function When to apply separation of concernsNow that you understand the why and how of separation of concerns when should you apply it Generally you want small specific units that only do one thing However the definition of one thing varies it depends on context If you were to show the god class Shape to someone they might rightfully say that it only does one thing It handles shapes Someone else may say that Shape does a lot of things It handles circles rectangles and so on That s multiple things Both claims are correct It all depends on what level of abstraction you consider In general it s good to consider small levels of abstraction You want units that do small specific things That s because as already examined smaller units have more benefits than larger units So here are some guidelines When code feels large and complicatedIf you feel that some code is difficult to understand or too large try extracting some units out of it Can you keep extracting Robert Martin has a technique that he calls extract till you drop In short you keep extracting functionality until there is no reasonable way of extracting any more As you write code consider Can I extract some more functionality from this unit into a separate unit If it s possible to extract further then consider doing so See Robert Martin s blog post on extract till you drop for more information on this technique Reasons to changeConsider what reasons does this code have to change Code which is placed together which has different reasons to change different parts may change at different times is bad as we ve already examined The solution is to move code with different reasons to change into separate units Consider the Shape example Shape will change when anything needs changing for circlesanything needs changing for rectanglesanything needs changing on any other shapea new shape needs to be added or removedIn the sendData example sendData could change if the formatting of the data needs to changethe validation of the data needs to changethe data in the error request needs to changethe endpoint URL of the error request needs to changethe data in the sendData request needs to changethe endpoint URL of the sendData request needs to changeAll of these reasons are indicators that you may want to separate that functionality Who which role in the company may want to change this codeThis is another flavour of what reasons does this code have to change It asks who which role in the company may want to change the code In the sendData example developers may want to change something about the URL endpoints of the requests or the bodies of the requestsaccountants may want to change the data validation in the futurea product owner who uses the submitted data to generate reports could want to format the data differently in the futureBoth of these questions what could change and who may want changes try to point out different concerns in the code that may benefit from separation Be pragmaticThe final point is to be pragmatic You don t have to separate everything to the extreme The goal is to have code that s easy to work with For example you don t need to enforce every function in your codebase to be at maximum lines long which is possible to do You would end up with hundreds of miniscule functions They may be harder to work with than more reasonably sized functions that are an average of to lines long Principle of least knowledgeIn software it s beneficial to minimise knowledge This includes the knowledge that code has of other code dependencies as well as the knowledge you need to work with particular areas of code In other words you want software to be decoupled and easy to work with Making changes shouldn t break seemingly unrelated code Knowledge in codeIn programming knowledge means dependencies If some code call it module A knows about some other code call it module B it means that it uses that other code It depends on it If some code is being used elsewhere that means that there are limitations on how you can change it otherwise you would break the code that uses it Without discipline and control this is where you can get into a chain reaction of propagating changes The situation where you just wanted to make a small change and had to modify every file in the system to do so You changed A which was used by B and C so you had to change both of those to accommodate your changes to A In turn B and C were used in other places which you also had to change And so on Every change is error prone multiple cascading changes are much worse Additionally you need to actually remember or know that these dependencies exist This is quite difficult to do especially when dependencies propagate far and wide throughout your code But if you don t remember you won t make all of the required changes and you ll immediately introduce bugs That s why you need to minimise knowledge in your code Modifications to codeHere are the possible changes you can make to already existing code No change to contractThe only change you can make with no propagating changes is a change that doesn t affect anything else in the codebase For example Originalfunction greet name return Hello name After changefunction greet name return Hello name These two functions are equivalent from a caller s point of view They have the same contract If you change from one version to the other nothing else in the codebase needs to change because nothing could possibly be affected by this change Changing the contract of a private functionThe next best case is when you change the contract of a private function Something that s not public to the majority of the codebase In this case if you change the contract the code that is affected is very small For example consider this Circle class Circle jsclass Circle constructor radius this radius radius getArea return privateCalculation this radius function privateCalculation radius return Math PI radius export default Circle Next consider that we want to delete privateCalculation Here is the code after the change Circle jsclass Circle constructor radius this radius radius getArea return Math PI this radius export default Circle When we deleted privateCalculation getArea was affected As a result we also had to modify getArea to accommodate the changes However since privateCalculation wasn t used anywhere else in the codebase and since getArea didn t change its contract we re finished Nothing else in the codebase needs to be modified Changing the contract of a public functionThe pattern continues in the same way If you change the contract of anything you ll have to modify everything that uses it to accommodate If you change more contracts as a result you ll have to modify even more things And so on For example if you delete getArea you ll have to update all of the code in the codebase that uses it Since getArea is a public function many things could be using it In general you want to prevent these situations The only real way to prevent them is to separate concerns properly You need to organise your code into sensible units that make sense for your project If done well that minimises the chance that you ll need to change the contract of those units in the future For example what is the chance that the Circle class needs to change its contract It s very low Other than that keep everything you can private so that very little is affected when you need to change code Now changes to public things are necessary sometimes That s life It could be due to new requirements or due to large refactors You ll deal with them when you need to but hopefully it won t be too often More tipsThe principle of least knowledge has many more applications They all deal with making code independent to changes and with minimizing the mental knowledge you need to work with code Other applications of this principle include the interface segregation principle This keeps interfaces small It means that code which uses an interface depends on less things It allows for easier future changes such as splitting a class based on its interfaces or creating a smaller separate class for an interface the law of Demeter This prevents functions methods from depending on long chains of object compositions immutability This eliminates changes to variables It means that you don t need to track how the variable has changed over time It reduces the knowledge you need to work only accessing things in the local scope or maybe instance scope Global things are accessible by many things in the codebase Changing them may break many things It s also difficult to track how they change over time because many things can change them However local things are more private This makes tracking changes easier Abstraction and don t repeat yourself DRY DRY don t repeat yourself is a core principle in programming It says that if you have multiple instances of similar code you should refactor them into a single abstraction That way you ll end up with just one instance of the code rather than multiple To accommodate the differences the resulting abstraction accepts arguments Motivation for DRYOne of the reasons for DRY is to cut down the time you need to write code If you already have an abstraction for X functionality then you can import it and use it rather than re code it from scratch every time you need it Another reason is to make changes easier As already mentioned we re bad with repetitive work If code is DRY then you only have to make a specific change in one place If code isn t DRY then you have to make a similar change in multiple places Making a single change is safer and faster than making multiple similar changes Additionally keeping code DRY applies separation of concerns The abstraction will have to be placed in a sensible place in the codebase good for code organisation Also the implementation of the abstraction is separated from the caller How to apply abstraction and DRYHere are some guidelines for applying DRY Combine similar code into a single abstractionWhenever you find multiple instances of the same or similar code combine them into a single abstraction If there are slight differences between the instances accept arguments to handle them You ve probably done this a vast number of times throughout your career To illustrate the point let s use the function map as an example map is a function that handles this common process Create a new empty arrayIterate over an array with a for loopRun some functionality on every valuePush the resulting value to the new arrayAfter the for loop ends return the new arrayThis process is very common It appears all the time in many codebases Here is what it normally looks like using a for loop function double x return x function doubleArray arr const result for let i i lt arr length i const element arr i const transformedElement double element result push transformedElement return result const arr const result doubleArray arr In addition to the function doubleArray there would be many other functions that are almost exactly the same except for the transformation they make on each element So take the common parts from those functions and put them into a separate function called map Accept an argument for the thing that s different every time the transformation to run on each element Here is the resulting code function map array transformationFn const result for let i i lt array length i const element arr i const transformedElement transformationFn element result push transformedElement return result Then in every function in your codebase similar to doubleArray use map instead function double x return x function doubleArray arr return map arr double const arr const result map arr double Of course arrays in JavaScript already have a built in method for map so you wouldn t need to create a standalone map function This was just for illustrative purposes You can do the same with any other code Any time you encounter similar code combine it into a single abstraction and accept arguments for any differences Rule of threeThe rule of three is a precaution against combining functionality too early It states that you should combine functionality into a single abstraction if there are three occurrences of it Don t combine if there are only two occurrences That s because the instances of code you might combine may diverge each may change differently in the future For example consider this code function validateUsername str return str length gt function validatePassword str return str length gt It would probably be a mistake to combine the duplicate functionality into its own abstraction like so combined too earlyfunction validateUsername str return validate str function validatePassword str return validate str function validate str return str length gt The problem is that in the future validateUsername and validatePassword may change differently It s not difficult to see how that may happen For example in the future validateUsername may need to check that there are no special characters while the password may require special characters Obviously you could make both scenarios work in the validate function using conditionals but it would be messier than if you had kept the functionality separate This is why we use the rule of three Waiting until the third occurrence makes it more likely that the similar functionality is significant rather than coincidental It means that things are less likely to diverge in the future It also makes it so that if one of the three instances of similar code diverges you can separate it and still keep the abstraction for the other two On the other hand if you combined functionality on the second occurrence then had to separate them out again you would have to revert both of them In summary refactoring on the second occurrence is more likely to be a waste of time Of course the rule of three is just a guideline Remember to be pragmatic and do what s best for your project Some similar instances of code may be changing in the same way every time Or maybe they are each quite complicated to change and you have to make a similar change to both every time In that case it may be more beneficial for your project to combine them into a single abstraction even if you have to ignore the rule of three Side effectsThe last thing we re going to look at is side effects These aren t a single principle but a combination of many principles being pragmatic And no they re not just the domain of functional programming It s essential for all code to handle side effects properly In programming the general definition of a side effect is anything that changes the state of the system This includes changing the value of a variablelogging to the consolemodifying the DOMmodifying the databaseany mutation whatsoeverIt also includes actions that may not be viewed as mutations such as sending data over the network I also say that accessing non local scope is a side effect It may not be in the official definition but it s as unsafe as other side effects especially if the variable you re trying to access is mutable After all if you access a global variable whose value isn t what you expect you have a bug even if the code in question doesn t modify it All code needs side effects to be useful For example you have to modify the database or the DOM at some point But side effects can be dangerous They need to be handled carefully The danger of side effectsSide effects are not directly harmful but they can be indirectly harmful For example code A and B might both depend on the value of a global variable You might change the value of the global variable because you want to influence code A But you don t remember that code B will be affected as well As a result you now have a bug These hidden dependencies where you change one thing and something else breaks can be very difficult to remember track and manage Another example is changing the DOM The DOM can be thought of as just a global object with state The problem is that if different pieces of code affect the DOM at different times in non compatible ways there can be bugs Maybe code A depends on element X to be there but code B deleted that entire section altogether just before code A ran Perhaps you ve encountered bugs like these in your work as well Additionally side effects break most of the principles we ve covered so far KISS and the principle of least astonishmentprinciple of least knowledge because code affects other seemingly unrelated code separation of concerns because concerns are not necessarily self contained or well organised One important thing to understand however is that side effects are not inherently harmful They only cause bugs if we code them incorrectly They are code we write which happens to be incompatible with other code we write We write code A and then we write code B which breaks code A under certain circumstances The main danger of side effects is that they re generally very difficult to track The reason for that is because tracking global state which anything can modify at any time is very difficult If uncontrolled how could you possibly track changes made to the DOM over time You may have to track so many things that it just wouldn t be feasible Asynchronicity and race conditions also add to the complexity and difficulty of tracking side effects Another downside of side effects is that code with side effects is generally harder to test Handling side effectsEven though side effects are dangerous they can be handled effectively Be pragmaticThe most important point as always is to be pragmatic You don t have to avoid all side effects to the extreme You are only required to be careful with potentially incompatible code For example immutability is a good way to avoid many types of side effects However immutability makes little difference in the local scope of functions For example here are two functions that do the same thing One uses immutability and the other doesn t function factorial n let result for let i i lt n i result i return result function factorial n if n lt return return n factorial n In the example factorial uses mutation The values of result and i both change during execution factorial uses immutability The values of the variables inside it never change during function execution But it makes no difference Other than some language limitations of recursion which we ll ignore for this example for all intents and purposes factorial and factorial are exactly the same from the perspective of the caller In fact people tend to be less comfortable with recursion so factorial could actually be the worse choice depending on your team So be pragmatic and do what s best for your project ImmutabilityHaving said that immutability is an easy way to avoid a large portion of side effects By never modifying variables in your code unnecessarily you remove a large problem You won t have things changing unexpectedly You also won t have to track the lifecycle of variables to know what values they contain When starting with immutability start simple Then over time try to make as many things immutable in your work as possible Instead of modifying a variable create a new variable for the new value Instead of modifying an object create a new object with the new values you want For example Example Don t do thisfunction doubleArray array for let i i lt array length i array i array i mutates the original array const arr doubleArray arr Example Do thisfunction double x return x function doubleArray array return array map double returns a new array without modifying the original const arr const result doubleArray arr In example the original array is modified In example the original array is not modified doubleArray creates and returns a new array with the doubled values Outside of the function we create the new variable result to hold the new array Immutability performance concernsImmutability may be slightly worse for performance However you probably shouldn t worry about that because you shouldn t do premature optimisation for performance Don t worry about performance except for the bottlenecks in your code in most cases immutability won t have a significant impact on performanceyou can use a performant immutable data structures library such as Immer for JavaScript It converts some operations from Big O n time such as copying an entire object to Big O time you can be pragmatic You don t have to apply immutability in places where it would bottleneck performance Also in some cases immutability can improve performance by making things easier to run in parallel Avoid non local scopeAvoid accessing or modifying things that are not exclusively in the local scope of your functions or methods This means that it s probably okay to modify variables that originated in your local scope but not variables which were passed in as arguments originated outside of the local scope If necessary it s alright to mutate things up to instance or module scope The further away from local scope you go the more dangerous it gets because things become more global This makes things harder to track and introduces far reaching dependencies in your code Wherever possible pass things in explicitly as argumentsstick as close to local scope as possibleFor example Example Don t do thisfunction doubleResult result Accesses and mutates a variable outside of the local scope let result doubleResult Example Do thisfunction double n return n Accesses parameter which is in local scope Doesn t mutate anything const initialValue const result double initialValue In example doubleResult accesses result which is a variable outside of its local scope It also mutates it changing its value Now if any other code in the codebase accesses result it will see the new value In example double only accesses its parameter which is part of its local scope It doesn t mutate any values outside of its local scope In a real codebase something resembling example could be very difficult to track The result variable may be defined much further away from both the doubleResult function as well as the function call This makes it harder to track the value of result Also if result isn t what you expect you have a bug For example you may have already called doubleResult times but you may not remember Overall in example you can t predict what a function that uses result will do unless you know the exact value of result at that time To do this you ll need to search and trace through the entire codebase to keep track of result at all times In the second example initialValue is always so there are never any surprises Also you can see what the function is doing immediately and can easily predict what will happen Be extremely carefulSometimes you can t just rely on immutability For example at some point you must mutate the DOM or the database or make a call to a third party API or run some sort of side effect As already mentioned asynchronicity only adds to the problem In this case you just have to be extremely careful Side effects are probably where the majority of the bugs in your codebase exist They re the hardest code to understand and track Regardless of what you do to try and manage them you must always invest the required time and attention to them Separate pure and impure functionalityFor the most part try to separate code with side effects and code without side effects Your functions shouldn t both perform side effects and have pure code They should do one or the other within reason This is also known as the command query separation principle It s also an application of separation of concerns For starters something like writing to the database is very different to calculating what to write to the database Those two concerns can change independently and for different reasons As we examined in separation of concerns they should be separated Further pure functions are generally easy to understand reuse and test Functions with side effects are not Therefore for your codebase to be easy to work with you probably want as many functions as possible to be pure This means that you should separate your pure functionality from your side effects For example instead of this function double x return x function doubleArrayAndDisplayInDOM array this function does a non trivial calculation operation and performs a side effect const doubled array map double pretend this is a non trivial calculation operation document querySelector foo textContent doubled writing to the DOM is a side effect function main doubleArrayAndDisplayInDOM Do this function double x return x function doubleArray array this function only does a calculation operation return array map double function displayInDom content this function only performs a side effect document querySelector foo textContent content function main const doubled doubleArray displayInDom doubled Clear areas of responsibilityAs much as possible you need to make sure that your code doesn t have conflicts Code which performs side effects shouldn t conflict with other code performing other side effects at different times A good way to do this is to have distinct areas of responsibility in your code For example if code A modifies element X in the DOM then it should ideally be the only code which modifies that part of the DOM All other code that needs to influence X should talk to code A to do so That way tracking changes to element X is as easy as possible Additionally try to organise code dependencies well For example code A shouldn t run if any other code runs which would conflict with it Also code A shouldn t run if the state that it depends on isn t there or isn t what code A expects Side effects in pairsFor side effects which come in pairs e g open close file the function that started the side effect should also finish it For example instead of this Note this is pseudocode function openFile fileName const file open fileName return file const file openFile foo txt Lots of other code in between doStuffToFile file close file Do this Note this is pseudocode function useFile fileName fn const file open fileName fn file close file useFile foo txt doStuffToFile Robert Martin calls this technique passing a block The function useFile both opens and closes the file so it doesn t leave an open file pointer in the system This ensures that the file will be closed when it s no longer needed As for the functionality to perform on the file that s passed into the function It s the parameter fn This ensures that you won t forget to finish the side effect later It also provides good code organisation and makes the code easy to understand and track The entire side effect is fully handled in one place Consider using a framework or functional programming languageAs with immutability the best option might be to avoid side effects as much as possible To help with this you can consider delegating some of them to a framework library or functional programming language For example for working with the DOM you can use a library such as React or one of the many alternatives Something like React handles all of the DOM related side effects Then in your application you just write pure functions You don t modify the DOM directly Instead your functions generate an object that represents what the DOM should look like This is good for you because working with pure functions is much easier than working with side effects As for actually modifying the DOM those side effects still occur but they re React s problem now Additionally the parent child hierarchy of React ensures that your DOM manipulations won t conflict with each other and cause problems For example React code involving element X won t run if element X won t actually exist This is an example of good organisation and structure in your code to prevent conflicts with other side effects Of course there are many more pros and cons to using something like this But it s just an option for you to consider Further readingThat was a high level overview of what I consider to be the most important concepts for writing good code I hope that this article helped you understand the reasoning motivation and overview behind clean code and programming principles Hopefully this knowledge will help you when you go on to learn more programming principles or find more practical examples of them For the next step I recommend learning clean code and programming principles more practically Use a resource that explains the concepts with many examples and applications in code I highly recommend looking into content created by Robert Martin For the quick free version I found his lectures Coding a better world together part and Coding a better world together part to be some of the best programming videos I ve ever watched For more detail you might want to check out his book Clean Code or his videos Clean Coders start with the fundamentals series and the SOLID principles I ve learned a lot from Robert Martin s resources I especially like that he explains the principles very practically giving many practical examples of each and a lot of information in general I also found the book The Pragmatic Programmer very good Some of the details are outdated but the concepts are not That book truly hammers in the concept of being pragmatic If anyone reads the th anniversary edition of The Pragmatic Programmer please let me know what you thought It s on my list but I haven t read it yet I m sure there are other amazing resources as well but these are the ones I m familiar with and can personally recommend Finally I recommend thinking about the programming principles yourself Challenge them consider where they might be useful or not be Spend time on your own and consider everything that this article discussed Alright if you have any comments feedback or even counter arguments to what this article discussed please let me know in the comments I m always happy for a discussion See you next time 2021-05-14 11:18:14
海外TECH DEV Community How to Setup a Minimal Node.js Server https://dev.to/bam92/how-to-setup-a-minimal-node-js-server-5479 How to Setup a Minimal Node js ServerNode js is a JavaScript engine that let us use JS language in the backend You can say goodbye to Apache Ngix servers or something similar for your backend needs Thanks to Node js your JS knowledge is enough to work in the backend TL DR Explore the example repository Goalsbootstrap a Node js serverserve up an HTML file Prerequisiteshave Node js installed in your local machine at least version have a basic knowledge of CLI command line interface To check your Node js installation open your terminal and typenode versionmine is v Check also the packet manager that comes with Node js npmnpm versionmine is In case you don t have Node js go here to download it The project initializationWe need a folder to locate our project Create one and name it as you want and move to it In this tutorial I m using the CLI mkdir node servercd node serverThe folder name is node server Once in our project folder from the CLI we can now initialize the npm project like this npm init yNothing tricky here we re initializing an npm project with default values y flag If you leave y flag you ll be answering questions interactively Maybe you should try it Did you notice it npm has created a file ls to see it called package jsonpackage json is an important file in any Node js project as it keeps all info values for the projet author licence packages If you want to see defaults info in package json use this command npm config listIn case you want to change defaults use npm set lt key gt lt value gt npm set init author name lt Your Name gt npm set init author email you example com npm set init author url example com npm set init license MIT There s much to say about the package json file but I think we can stop by there for now Now is the time to discuss the file organization The file structureThere are many file organizations out there You should feel free to go with one that works fine for you In this section I m showing you one of the ways I do Make sure you re in our initial project folder node server From there create an src folder and within it create server js and app js and views and public mkdir src amp amp cd srctouch server js app jsmkdir views publicI find it better to separate API declarations app js from network concerns server js but I see many friends using just one file either server js or app js The views folder is about the screen html files or template like pug In public folder I put images styles and scripts In final my file structure looks like thisNow we can start coding Bootstrapping a Node js server with Express jsTo create a Node js server it s easy and recommended to use a framework like Express js To add a JS package as a dependency in your project you use this syntax npm install save lt package name gt Let s install Express js package npm install save expressIf the installation is successful you ll see a node modules folder created in your project directory Also in the package json under dependencies property express is added with its version express Note If you re using git do add node modules in gitignore We can now make use of express Go to app js and add this code app jsconst express require express const app express module exports appNothing tricky here We require express we create an instance of it so that we can use it in the project and at the end we export the file We can now start the server in server jsconst app require app const port app listen port gt console log The server is listening on port port We use app listen function that binds and listens the connections on the specified host and port To see if everything is OK we can start the server like this node src server jsYou should get this message on the console The server is listening on port But if you go on localhost you ll get an error Cannot GET because we did not define any route yet We can add a simple route like this app js previous code here app get req res gt res send Hello For productivity purposes we can add color to our console messages and a logger to get the log on the console Install these packages npm install chalk morganOnce done we can configure them like this server jsconst color require chalk app listen port gt console log The server is listning on port color green port I m using chalk green color here You can use the one you want Check the doc app jsconst logger require morgan app use logger tiny morgan is a logger middleware You can log anything you want on the console You can log as much info as you want Here I only want some basic info so I use tiny Other options are combined dev common short Try them yourself and see the output or read the doc Run the server node src server js and see the result On the browser you have Hello on the console is in green color and some other info printed there Just one more thing before we jump to serving up an html file Instead of typing everytime node src server js we can add it to our package json so that we can use the automated tools out there like npm start So under scripts property add start node src server js Even better add src server js as the value of main property and modify the start script like so start node To start the server you simply have to do npm start To finish this section add the string world after after Hello and go to the browser to see the result Do you see world No sorry The reason is that the server did not restart to serve up new modifications Stop the server Ctrl C and restart it Now you can see Hello world on the browser To allow the automatic restart of the server we can use nodemon package Install it and modify the start script as so start nodemon Congratulations Your server is up and listening fine on port Now is the time to serve up HTML file Serving filesIn the views forlder create a file called index html and add this content lt views index html gt lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Node js Starter lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt h gt Hello lt h gt lt p gt If you can see this text your server is running properly lt p gt lt body gt lt html gt How can we see the content of the file above on the browser Let s learn how to Deal with files and directoriesTo work with files and directories in a Node js app we need these elements sendFile an Express js method available on the response object res that is used to render a file path a buit in module that gives us all of the tools we need to handle cross platform paths dirname a global object that return the absolute path of the directory containing the currently executing fileLet s put all into practice res sendFile path The path we want want send is this views index html We could just do this to define our path res sendFile dirname views index html The code above will just work fine if you are on a UNIX like system If you re developing in a Windows machine you ll encounter some problems as paths do not work the same on Windows OS and MacOSX or GNU Linux To avoid having troubles we can let Node js handle this for us Welcome path module app jsconst path require path app get req res gt res sendFile path join dirname views index html I include the path module in the project and use its join method to join concatenate all paths into a string The final path after I run the server will look like this home abelmbula Documents dev educative courses node starter src views index html Wrap upIn this lesson we learned how to create a simple Node js server with Express framework and how to render an html file You can find the full code here 2021-05-14 11:03:19
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「大人のランドセル」が世界的ブームの後も根強い人気を保つ理由 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/268529 newsampampanalysis 2021-05-14 20:30:00
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GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ Anthos で初日からマルチクラウドのニーズに対応するには https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/anthos/how-anthos-makes-multicloud-possible-today/ アプリケーションチームもしくはクラウドインフラストラクチャチームに複数のプラットフォームで運用するためのツールを構築してもらわなくても、Anthosにはそうした機能が初めから備わっています。 2021-05-14 12:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 観光列車の運行取りやめ JR北海道 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/543951/ 取りやめ 2021-05-14 20:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 中2自殺、いじめと学校が主因 東京・八王子、再調査報告 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/543950/ 東京都八王子市 2021-05-14 20:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 解放の北角裕樹さんが帰国 ミャンマーで収監、健康問題なし https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/543949/ 解放 2021-05-14 20:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日本ハム、新たな制限なし 広島、入場券は既に完売 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/543948/ 日本ハム 2021-05-14 20:05:00
ニュース Newsweek 捕獲のプロが巨大ニシキヘビに遭遇した意外な現場...「対処法知って」(オーストラリア) https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2021/05/post-96285.php すると、すごい勢いで飛び出してきて、『あそこにいる』と叫んだの」動画の最後でマッケンジーは、捕まえたカーペットニシキヘビを「茂み」に戻している。 2021-05-14 20:13:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』700万DL突破記念でジュエル1500個をプレゼント!本日より開催中の「タウラス杯」レポートもお届け https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/054/4054980/ cygames 2021-05-14 20:05:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA Anthos で初日からマルチクラウドのニーズに対応するには https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/anthos/how-anthos-makes-multicloud-possible-today/ アプリケーションチームもしくはクラウドインフラストラクチャチームに複数のプラットフォームで運用するためのツールを構築してもらわなくても、Anthosにはそうした機能が初めから備わっています。 2021-05-14 12:00:00



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